142 research outputs found

    Percutaneous Venous Angioplasty in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis And Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency: A Randomized Wait List Control Study

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    Objectives: Venous percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (vPTA) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) have shown contradictory results. Aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of the procedure in a randomized wait list control study. Materials: 66 adults with neurologist-confirmed diagnosis of MS and sonographic diagnosis of CCSVI were allocated in to vPTA-yes group (n=31) or vPTA-not group (n=35, control group). Venous PTA was performed immediately 15 days after randomization in PTA-yes group and 6 months later in the control group. Methods: Evoked potentials (EPs), clinical-functional measures (CFM) and upper limb kinematic measures (ULKM) were measured at baseline (T0) and six months after in both groups, just before the venous angioplasty in vPTA-not group (T1). Results: Comparing vPTA-yes and vPTA-not group, the CFM derived composite functional outcome showed 11(37%) versus 7(20%) improved, 1(3%) versus 3(8%) stable, 0 versus 7(20%) worsened and 19(61%) versus 18(51%) mixed patients (\u3c72=8.71, df=3, p=0.03). Unadjusted and adjusted (for baseline confounding variables) OR at 95% confident interval (95%CI) were respectively 1.93(1.3-2.8) P-value 0.0007 and 1.85(1.2-1.7) P-value 0.002. EPs and ULKM derived composite functional outcome showed no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions: Venous angioplasty can positively impact a few CFM especially for the quality of life, but achieving disability improvement is unlikel

    Waiting for other people: a psychoanalytic interpretation of the time for action

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    Typical responses to a confrontation with failures in authority, or what Lacanians term ‘the lack in the Other’, involve attempts to shore it up. A patient undergoing psychoanalysis eventually faces the impossibility of doing this successfully; the Other will always be lacking. This creates a space through which she can reimagine how she might intervene in her suffering. Similarly, when coronavirus forces us to confront the brute fact of the lack in the Other at the socio-political level, we have the opportunity to discover a space for acting rather than continuing symptomatic behaviour that increasingly fails to work

    Language and intercultural communication

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    This study intends to highlight the role that Foreign Language Education (FLE), particularly in the Higher Education context, can play so as to contribute to the rapprochement of two distant and still mutually unknown countries such as Portugal and Turkey. In this sense, it ultimately aims at supporting the training of intercultural speakers, capable of promoting an effective Intercultural Dialogue between the two countries. A diagnosis is presented of the reciprocal images of Portuguese and Turkish students learning each other’s language and culture. Conclusions are drawn on how their self- and hetero-images may pertain on the construction of their identities, on their awareness about and attitudes towards each other, on their motivation to learn each other’s language, and on intercultural communication itself. Allying the study of Images of Languages and Cultures and the concept of Intercultural Competence in the study of students’ representations within the FLE research tradition, a content analysis was carried out of the responses given to an inquiry by questionnaire. Conative implications of the students’ images as revealed in the results were pointed out. Some important distinctions are highlighted in the reciprocal images of both groups. On this basis, recommendations for FLE are made focusing on the positive reconstruction of students’ reciprocal images.Este estudo pretende destacar o papel do Ensino de Línguas Estrangeiras (ELE), no contexto do Ensino Superior, na aproximação de dois países distantes e ainda mutuamente desconhecidos como são Portugal e a Turquia. Visa-se, em última instância, fomentar a formação de falantes interculturais capazes de promover um efetivo Diálogo Intercultural entre os dois países. É feito um diagnóstico das imagens recíprocas de dois grupos de estudantes portugueses e turcos a estudarem a língua e a cultura um do outro. São tiradas conclusões sobre as implicações das respetivas auto- e hetero-imagens na sua construção identitária, conscientização e atitudes relativamente ao Outro, na sua motivação para o estudo da língua da sua contraparte e na própria comunicação intercultural. Com base na conjugação do conceito de Imagens de Línguas e Culturas com o conceito de Competência Intercultural no estudo das representações dos alunos na tradição investigativa em ELE, realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo das respostas a um inquérito por questionário, sendo apontadas as implicações conativas das imagens recíprocas dos participantes tal como as revelam os resultados. Com base nas diferenças observadas nas imagens recíprocas de ambos os grupos, são feitas recomendações relativamente à ELE com enfoque na reconstrução positiva destas imagens