851 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative effects in semi-leptonic B_c decays

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    We discuss the impact of the soft degrees of freedom inside the B_c meson on its rate in the semi-leptonic decay B_c -> X l nu_l where X denotes light hadrons below the D^0 threshold. In particular we identify contributions involving soft hadrons which are non-vanishing in the limit of massless leptons. These contributions become relevant for a measurement of the purely leptonic B_c decay rate, which due to helicity suppression involves a factor m_l^2 and thus is much smaller than the contributions involving soft hadrons.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 1 figur

    Two body non-leptonic Λb\Lambda_b decays in quark model with factorization ansatz

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    The two body non-leptonic Λb\Lambda_b decays are analyzed in factorization approximation, using quark model, ξ=1/Nc\xi = 1 / N_c as a free parameter. It is shown that the experimental branching ratio for ΛbΛJ/ψ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda {J/\psi} restricts ξ\xi and this ratio can be understood for a value of ξ\xi which lies in the range 0ξ0.5 0 \leq \xi \leq 0.5 suggested by two body B meson decays. The branching ratios for ΛbΛcDs(Ds)\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda_{c} D^*_s(D_s) are predicted to be larger than the previous estimates. Finally it is pointed that CKM-Wolfenstein parameter ρ2+η2\rho^2 + \eta^2, where η\eta is CP phase, can be determined from the ratio of widths of ΛbΛDˉ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda \bar{D} and ΛbΛJ/ψ\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda {J/\psi} or that of ΛbpDs\Lambda_b \longrightarrow p D_s and ΛbΛcDs\Lambda_b \longrightarrow \Lambda_c D_s independent of the parameter ξ\xi.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 1 figure available on request, please send any questions or comments to [email protected]

    Renormalizabilty of TH Heavy Quark Effective Theory

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    We show that the Heavy Quark Effective Theory is renormalizable perturbatively. We also show that there exist renormalization schemes in which the infinite quark mass limit of any QCD Green function is exactly given by the corresponding Green function of the Heavy Quark Effective Theory. All this is accomplished while preserving BRS invariance.Comment: LATEX/10 pages/ UAB-FT-314/ (References have been added.) figures (PS) available on request. Unfortunately some mails asking for copies by conventional mail were lost. Please resend request

    Higher Order 1/m1/m Corrections at Zero Recoil

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    The general structure of the 1/m1/m corrections at zero recoil is studied. The relevant matrix elements are forward matrix elements of local higher dimensional operators and their time ordered products with higher order terms from the Lagrangian. These matrix elements may be classified in a simple way and the analysis at the non recoil point for the form factor of heavy quark currents simplifies drastically. The second order recoil corrections to the form factor hA1h_{A1} of the axial vector current, relevant for the Vcb|V_{cb}| determination from BDB \to D^* decays, are estimated to be 5%<hA11<0-5\% < h_{A1} - 1 < 0.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, one figure, appended after \end{document} as uu-encoded and compressed eps file, uses epsf, CERN-TH.7162/9

    Loop-Less Electric Dipole Moment of the Nucleon in the Standard Model

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    We point out that the electric dipole moment of the neutron in the Standard Model is generated already at tree level to the second order in the weak interactions due to bound-state effects, without short-distance Penguin loops. The related contribution has a regular nonvanishing chiral limit and does not depend on the mass splitting between s and d quarks. We estimate it to be roughly 10^(-31)e*cm and expect a more accurate evaluation in the future. We comment on the connection between d_n and the direct CP-violation in D decays.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    QCD-based description of one-particle inclusive B decays

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    We discuss one-particle inclusive B decays in the limit of heavy b and c quarks. Using the large-N_C limit we factorize the non-leptonic matrix elements, and we employ a short distance expansion. Modeling the remaining nonperturbative matrix elements we obtain predictions for various decay channels and compare them with existing data.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 6 figures (eps); analytical and numerical results unchanged, misrepresentation of experimental data in Fig. 5 corrected, final published versio

    One-particle inclusive CP asymmetries

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    One-particle inclusive CP asymmetries in the decays of the type B -> D(*) X are considered in the framework of a QCD based method to calculate the rates for one-particle inclusive decays.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, 6 figures (eps). Analytical and numerical results unchanged, extended discussion of model assumptions and systematic uncertainties. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D 62, 0960xx. Additional transparencies are available via the WWW at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Slides

    A heavy quark effective field lagrangian keeping particle and antiparticle mixed sectors

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    We derive a tree-level heavy quark effective Lagrangian keeping particle-antiparticle mixed sectors allowing for heavy quark-antiquark pair annihilation and creation. However, when removing the unwanted degrees of freedom from the effective Lagrangian one has to be careful in using the classical equations of motion obeyed by the effective fields in order to get a convergent expansion on the reciprocal of the heavy quark mass. Then the application of the effective theory to such hard processes should be sensible for special kinematic regimes as for example heavy quark pair production near threshold.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 1 EPS figure

    Large NcN_c Universality of The Baryon Isgur--Wise Form Factor: The Group Theoretical Approach

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    In a previous article, it has been proved under the framework of chiral soliton model that the same Isgur--Wise form factor describes the semileptonic ΛbΛc\Lambda_b\to\Lambda_c and Σb()Σc()\Sigma^{(*)}_b\to\Sigma^{(*)}_c decays in the large NcN_c limit. It is shown here that this result is in fact independent of the chiral soliton model and is solely the consequence of the spin-flavor SU(4) symmetry which arises in the baryon sector in the large NcN_c limit.Comment: 10 pages in REVTeX, no figure

    Model independent determination of the shape function for inclusive B decays and of the structure functions in DIS

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    We present a method to compute, by numerical simulations of lattice QCD, the inclusive semileptonic differential decay rates of heavy hadrons and the structure functions which occur in deep inelastic scattering. The method is based on first principles and does not require any model assumption. It allows the prediction of the differential rate in B semileptonic decays for values of the recoiling hadronic mass W ~ sqrt(M_B Lambda_QCD), which is in the relevant region to extract |V_ub| from the end-point of the lepton spectrum in inclusive decays.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX fil