86 research outputs found

    Review of Sale and Purchase Agreement According to Indonesian Legal System

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    Agreement of the parties. Agreement means there is a free will agreement between the parties regarding the main things that are desired in the agreement. In this case, the parties must have a free will (voluntary) to bind themselves, where the agreement can be stated explicitly or secretly. Free here means free from errors (dwaling, mistake), coercion (dwang, dures), and fraud (bedrog, fraud). In a contrario, based on article 1321 of the Indonesian Criminal Code, the agreement becomes invalid, if the agreement occurs because of the elements of an error, coercion, or fraud. Whereas in land buying and selling parties who have made land purchases to the seller can be sued by those who feel entitled to the land rights, therefore it is necessary to require a legal protection for buyers, usually this land ownership dispute is submitted by the plaintiff in the District Court for selling buy the land there is a certificate that has been carried out based on the process that has been passed starting from the making of the sale and purchase certificate to the issuance of the certificate. But all of that is not likely to be sued by a third party


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    Organ perseroan lainnya, selain Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS), dan Direksi, ialah dewan Komisaris. Organ tersebut, telah memiliki fungsi dan tugasnya masing-masing sesuai dengan apa yang diatur didalam Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas. Tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai dewan Komisaris selaku organ perseroan yang berfungsi, dan bertugas untuk melakukan pengawasan sesuai dengan anggaran dasar serta memberi nasihat kepada Direksi. Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa dewan Komisaris yang tidak melaksanakan fungsi pengawasannya dengan baik, akan bertentangan dengan pasal 108 undang-undang perseroan terbatas. Dewan Komisaris yang tidak melaksanakan fungsi pengawasannya dengan baik akan dibebani tanggungjawab hukum atas tindakan maupun kegiatan yang mereka lakukan.

    Salmonella in Wastewater: Identification, Antibiotic Resistance and the Impact on the Marine Environment

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    Many coastal cities around the world discharge their wastewaters into the marine environment. These wastewaters contain a high variety of pathogenic microorganisms that would have a role in the contamination of this ecosystem and may have potential risks for public health and environment. Using an environmental approach, we investigate the presence of Salmonella in wastewater treatment plants and its presence after the treatment in its receiving marine environment. In this environmental approach, we provide information about the inefficiency of wastewater treatment to remove Salmonella, especially that wastewater is considered as a good tank of high diversity of Salmonella serotypes. The identified Salmonella serotypes in the receiving marine environment almost coincide with those identified in wastewater. This characterization of Salmonella strains from wastewater and marine environment involves the direct impact of municipal wastewater discharges on this environment. Antibiotic susceptibility tests reveal generally the presence of multiresistant Salmonella strains in wastewater, which usually end up in the marine environment and may have a significant risk on the public health

    Variation In Weddell Seal Pup Mass: Maternal Investment In Offspring

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    Life history theory predicts that individuals face physiological tradeoffs between current and future reproduction. These tradeoffs ultimately lead to reproductive costs which can affect survival, fecundity, condition of the female and offspring survival. Reproduction itself is costly and involves a number of sequential physiological processes that require different levels of energetic investment. In mammalian species gestation and lactation require the most energy and energy expenditure during these times is a characteristic of females and can vary among individuals. Mass measurements, used to quantify pre- and post-partum maternal investment, were collected from 887 Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups at parturition and throughout lactation in Erebus Bay, Antarctica during the 2002 through 2010 field seasons. Preliminary analysis demonstrated high individual variation in pup mass within a season and modest variation among seasons suggesting that pup mass may be affected more by individual animal attributes than annual variation in environmental conditions. This variation in maternal investment was investigated using maternal traits taken from the long term database. We found that maternal traits have different affects on pup mass at different stages of investment. Maternal age and birth date were found to be influential on pre- and post-partum investment along with age at first reproduction on pre-natal investment and breeding status the previous year on post-natal investment. The variation in the influence of maternal traits on maternal investment may be due to the increased energy requirement of lactation and reproductive costs that females accrue throughout their lifetime

    Study of the Hydroponic Barley Effect on the Performance of Feedlot of Calves in the Region Souss Massa (Southern Morocco)

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    The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of the introduction of hydroponic barley; produced as feed supplement in the ration, on the performance of feedlot calves. This study was performed in the Taroudant region (South of Morocco), during a trial period between July and October 2017). A total of 100 calves were used in a feeding trial, which were divided into two groups. The calves of the first group received a total mixed ration (control), while the calves of the second group received a similar ration with the addition of hydroponic barley.Similar growth performance is observed for the two groups, which is easily explained by the equivalent rationing. In the finishing phase, however, a higher average daily gain is observed for the group fed with an enriched diet in hydroponic green fodder. In fact, the average daily gain for this group amounts to 1.48 Kg/Day compared to 1.42 Kg/Day for the control group.The slaughter results confirm those noted in terms of growth performance, with a relatively similar carcass yield for the two groups.However, since hydroponic fodder reveals a positive impact especially at the level of the finishing phase, it seems judicious to introduce it in the key phases of fattening and finishing in order to perfect the weight gain of the species benefiting from this contribution.The test results suggest that hydroponic barley based rationing is to deepen, and that it would be desirable to repeat the experiment by testing different levels of hydroponic barley intake, adjusting both the type and the level of complementation, with a more accurate monitoring of feeding. Keywords: Feedlot calves; Growth, Hydroponic barley, Performance, DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/11-14-05 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Occurrence of <em>Vibrio</em> and <em>Salmonella</em> species in mussels (<em>Mytilus</em> <em>galloprovincialis</em>) collected along the Moroccan Atlantic coast

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    This study reports the occurrence of different Vibrio and Salmonella species in 52 samples of Mytilus galloprovincialis collected from four sites along the Atlantic coast between Agadir and Essaouira (Anza, Cap Ghir, Imssouane and Essaouira). The level of Escherichia coli (E. coli) was also determined to evaluate the degree of microbial pollution in the investigated areas. In this study three methods were used : AFNOR NF EN ISO 6579 V08-013 for Salmonella spp., the provisional method routinely used by several laboratories (Institut Pasteur, Paris,…) for Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the seafood, and the most probable number method (MPN) using Norm ISO/TS 16649–3 (2005) for E. coli. The most frequently isolated Vibrios were Vibrio alginolyticus (90.4% of samples), followed by V. cholerae non O1 non O139 (15.4%) and V. parahaemolyticus (7.7%). Salmonella spp. was found in 15% of the samples. The number of E. coli ranged between 0.2/100 g and 1.8 10(3) /100 g of mussel soft tissues. This study indicates the potential sanitary risk associated with the presence of pathogenic bacteria in cultivated mussels in the two populous regions of southern Morocco, where shellfish production and maritime tourism are important to the local economy
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