17 research outputs found

    Pea Seedling Histaminase as a Novel Therapeutic Approach to Anaphylactic and Inflammatory Disorders

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    Amine oxidases (AOs) are ubiquitous enzymes involved in the metabolism of biogenic amines. Copper AOs (Cu-AOs) catalyze the oxidative deamination of primary amine groups of several biogenic amines, such as putrescine, cadaverine, and histamine. In the present review, the effects of a plant amine oxidase (Cu-AO, histaminase, EC1.4.3.6) purified from pea seedlings in the modulation of IgE-mediated allergic reactions, and in the prevention of cardiac and splachnic postischemic reperfusion damage are reported

    Club drugs : Cosa sono e cosa fanno

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    Club drugs is aimed not only at sector specialists but also at a broader public. It addresses the highly topical issue of the drugs and substances of abuse commonly used in social venues and clubs for recreational or socialising purposes. Garbed in a discursive and communicative language, albeit thoroughly supported by scientific evidence, the results of the research on the most widespread "recreational" drugs - ecstasy, GHB, Rohypnol, crack, cannabis and cocaine - are presented. The book takes its place within the debate on a social phenomenon in continual growth, replacing the Manicheism of prohibitionist and anti-prohibitionist positions with the most up-to-date results of scientific research.Club drugs si rivolge, oltre che agli specialisti del settore, a un pubblico pi\uf9 ampio, affrontando il fenomeno di stringente attualit\ue0 di quei farmaci e di quelle sostanze d\u27abuso comunemente utilizzate in luoghi di aggregazione o club a fini ricreativi o socializzanti. Con prosa divulgativa ma rigorosamente supportata da evidenze scientifiche, vengono presentati i risultati della ricerca sulle droghe \u27ricreative\u27 pi\uf9 diffuse: ecstasi, GHB, Roipnol, crack, cannabis, cocaina. Il volume si inserisce nel dibattito su un fenomeno sociale in continua crescita sostituendo ai manicheismi delle posizioni proibizioniste e anti-proibizioniste i risultati pi\uf9 aggiornati della ricerca scientifica. Notizie collegate: Notizia sul sito del CESDA (Centro Studi Ricerca e Documentazione su Dipendenze e Aids Ilsole24ore.com: Test antidroga a Verona: positivo il 45% dei controllati. Giovanardi: "Presto in tutta Italia" (30 agosto 2008)</a

    Effects of Relaxin on Mast Cells In Vitro and In Vivo Studies in Rats and Guinea Pigs

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    Abstract The results of the current study demonstrate that relaxin inhibits histamine release by mast cells. This effect is related to the peptide concentrations, and could be observed in both isolated rat serosal mast cells stimulated with compound 48/ 80 or calcium ionophore A 23187, and in serosal mast cells isolated from sensitized guinea pigs and challenged with the antigen. The morphological findings agree with the functional data, revealing that relaxin attenuates calcium ionophore-induced granule exocytosis by isolated rat serosal mast cells. Similar effects of relaxin have also been recognized in vivo by light microscopic and densitometric analysis of the mesenteric mast cells of rats which received the hormone intraperitoneally 20 min before local treatment of the mesentery with calcium ionophore. Moreover, evidence is provided that relaxin stimulates endogenous production of nitric oxide and attenuates the rise of intracellular Ca2&quot; concentration induced by calcium ionophore. The experiments with drugs capable of influencing nitric oxide production also provide indirect evidence that the inhibiting effect of relaxin on mast cell histamine release is related to an increased generation of nitric oxide. It is suggested that relaxin may have a physiological role in modulating mast cell function through the L-arginine-nitric oxide pathway. (J