4 research outputs found

    Transition Pathway Toward Agroecology in Agroforestry Systems: Case of Kesra

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    The mountain of Kesra is located at an altitude of 1245 m with a very uneven relief. It belongs to the upper semi-arid bioclimatic stage. The range of soils is very diverse due to the extreme variability of substrates, climates, and plant species. Despite the richness of natural resources and heritage, and the ancestral know-how of local populations, the region of Kesra, continues to suffer from economic and social underdevelopment. Standard applications, which do not take into account the specificities of each area, often do not achieve the objectives of ecodevelopment and sustainability. The application of a holistic agroecological transition approach in this rural mountain area requires an inclusive co-design which takes into consideration the socio-ecological context (Natural resources use, agricultural practices, agroforestry, etc.). So, the main objective was to define and build context-specific agroecological transition pathways throw a solid methodology which combines literature review, consultation, and focus group discussions. The visioning approach was conducted with 12 farmers from the community to reflect on the state of agriculture in Kesra and to identify a desirable future of agriculture in 10 years (2022-2032) from their own perspective. This vision was discussed and debated referred to the 13 principals of agroecology. The AE transition pathway identified in Kesra suggests an emphasis on the diversification of local and natural based products to insure synergies between system components as a basis of a swift transition. The resulting impact pathway promotes increasing resilience to market and climate change, economic autonomy, diversifying market, and promotion of local products. Based on this approach and other research activities a set of actions will be executed during 2023 and 2024 to monitor the co-designed transition pathways and to scaling-up the agroecological transition in the mountainous areas like Kesra

    COVID-19 Severity in Patients With Apical Periodontitis: A Case Control Study

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    Objectives: Apical periodontitis (AP) has been associated with systemic inflammatory biomarkers that have also been associated with COVID-19 severity. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the presence of apical periodontitis could be associated with increased risk of COVID-19 complications. Methods: A case control study (N = 949) was performed using the medical and dental records of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the State of Qatar between March 2020 and February 2021. Cases comprised COVID-19 patients (n = 63) who experienced complications (death, intensive care unit admissions, mechanical ventilation), and controls were COVID-19 patients (n = 886) who recovered without such complications. The presence of periapical apical periodontitis was assessed on the radiographic records taken prior to COVID-19 infection. Associations between apical periodontitis and COVID 19 complications were analysed using logistic regression models adjusted for demographic and medical factors. Blood biomarkers were assessed in both groups and compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: COVID-19 complications were found to be associated with the presence of apical periodontitis (adjusted odds ratio = 2.72; 95% CI, 1.30-5.68; P = .008). Blood analyses revealed that COVID-19 patients with apical periodontitis had higher levels of white blood cells and haemoglobin A1c than the patients without apical periodontitis. Conclusions: The presence of apical periodontitis could be associated with increased risk of COVID-19 complications.The authors acknowledge the support of the Business Intelligence Unit of Hamad Medical Corporation, especially Anvar Hassan and Chris Choda. We also acknowledge the support of Hamad Dental Center, Qatar University College of Dental Medicine, and McGill University Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences.Scopu

    Dynamiques des zones humides littorales et enjeux de gestion en Méditerranée

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    Ce numéro de Méditerranée interroge la diversité des relations actuelles entre les sociétés méditerranéennes et les différents milieux humides qui occupent un grand nombre d’espaces littoraux. Cette réflexion apparaît comme opportune à un moment où les enjeux de gestion entourant les zones humides littorales se trouvent à la croisée de changements écologiques, hydro-climatiques et géomorphologiques rapides et inédits liés aux activités anthropiques et de bouleversements géopolitiques régionaux récents. L’importance de ces écosystèmes est écologique, économique mais également historique et scientifique. Si les lagunes ont une forte valeur économique et tiennent une place notable dans l’histoire des rivages méditerranéens, les marais maritimes ont eux un intérêt pour la reconstitution des paléo-milieux grâce aux indicateurs qu’ils peuvent offrir pour la connaissance de l’évolution récente des rivages ainsi que pour les approches prospectives dans une conjoncture d’élévation du niveau marin. Les contributions rassemblées concernent principalement les pays du Maghreb, mais également une région plus rarement étudiée telle que le littoral Albanais. Les thèmes abordés sont relatifs à l’évolution des paléopaysages côtiers ainsi qu’aux impacts anthropiques actuels que subissent les zones humides littorales mais ils mettent aussi en évidence le rôle que peuvent jouer ces milieux dans les économies locales