6,566 research outputs found
Modified Korteweg-de Vries Hierachies in Multiple-Times Variables and the Solutions of Modified Boussinesq Equations
We study solitary-wave and kink-wave solutions of a modified Boussinesq
equation through a multiple-time reductive perturbation method. We use
appropriated modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchies to eliminate secular
producing terms in each order of the perturbative scheme. We show that the
multiple-time variables needed to obtain a regular perturbative series are
completely determined by the associated linear theory in the case of a
solitary-wave solution, but requires the knowledge of each order of the
perturbative series in the case of a kink-wave solution. These appropriate
multiple-time variables allow us to show that the solitary-wave as well as the
kink-wave solutions of the modified Botussinesq equation are actually
respectively a solitary-wave and a kink-wave satisfying all the equations of
suitable modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchies.Comment: RevTex file, submitted to Proc. Roy. Soc. London
A flexible one-pot route to metal/metal oxide nanocomposites
We report a one-pot route to Au/CeO2 nanocomposites. A readily-available biopolymer, sodium alginate, is exploited for controlled formation and stabilisation of gold nanoparticles followed by in situ growth of a sponge-like network of CeO2 nanoparticles. The flexible nature of this method as a general route to mixed metal/metal oxide nanocomposites is also demonstrated
Sandpile model on an optimized scale-free network on Euclidean space
Deterministic sandpile models are studied on a cost optimized
Barab\'asi-Albert (BA) scale-free network whose nodes are the sites of a square
lattice. For the optimized BA network, the sandpile model has the same critical
behaviour as the BTW sandpile, whereas for the un-optimized BA network the
critical behaviour is mean-field like.Comment: Five pages, four figure
Analisis Biaya Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat Dan Asuransi Kesehatan Pada Pasien Stroke Non-hemoragik Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Sleman
Background: Non-hemorrhagic stroke causes many deaths.Its treatment requires long-term care, resulting in very highcost. Controlinging costs and quality are very important in maintainingsustainability, however, in reality there are cost sharingby patients and hospitals outside the insurance coverage.Aim: This study aims to identify the difference in cost thatmust be shared to the patient and the hospital for inpatientnon-hemorrhagic stroke of the Jamkesmas and Askes patientsin Sleman Hospital.Method: This study used a cross ssectional design. Datawere retrieved retrospectively with a primary diagnosis ofnon-hemorrhagic stroke hospitalizations for patients admittedto the hospital during the period of January 2011 to May 2012.Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate correlation,and multivariate.Result: The average cost of inpatient care non-hemorrhagicstroke Jamkesmas patients was Rp3.541.021,00 +Rp2.609.488,00 and for Askes patients Rp4.678.509,00 +3.257.816,00. The average cost sharing in Askes patients isRp.1.851.536,00 + 1.968.757,00 and Jamkesmas isRp405.976,00 +Rp2.303.903,00. Percentage the greatest costcomponent in Askes patients is drugs (47%) and accomodation(44%), while in Jamkesmas is drug (52%) and accommodation(36%). Components of the cost sharing in Askes patients wasdrug (87%). The difference in the cost of hospital rates wasgreater than INA-CBGs respectively Rp3.541.021,00 +Rp2.609.488,00 and Rp3.135.045,00 + Rp727.710,00.Conclusion: The proportion of costs covered by the insuranceand shared by patient/hospital is 87:13 for Jamkesmaspatient, 55:45 for Askes patients (January 2011-May 2011),and 59:41 for the Askes patients (June 2011-May 2012). Theproportion of cost sharing of inpatient care non-hemorrhagicstroke by Askes patients outside the program is greater thanthe proportion of costs sharing by the hospital on Jamkesmasprogram
Actuator disc methods for open propellers: assessments of numerical methods
The paper describes the assessment of two different actuator disc models as applied to the flow around open propellers. The first method is based on a semi-analytical approach returning the solution for the nonlinear differential equation governing the axisymmetric, steady, inviscid and incompressible flow around an actuator disc. Despite its low computational cost, the method does not require simplifying assumptions regarding the shape of the slipstream, e.g. the wake contraction is not disregarded or prescribed in advance. Moreover, the presence of a tangential velocity in the wake as well as the spanwise variation of the load are taken into account. The second one is a commonly used procedure based on CFD techniques in which the effects of the propeller are synthetically described through a set of body forces distributed over the disc surface. Both methods avoid the difficulties and the computational costs associated with the resolution of the propeller blades geometrical details. The comparison is based on an in-depth error analysis of the two procedures which results in a set of reference data with controlled accuracy. An excellent agreement has been documented between the two methods while the computational complexity is obviously very different. Among other things the comparison is also aimed at verifying the accuracy of the semi-analytical approach at each point of the computational domain and at quantifying the effect of the errors embodied in the two methods on the quality of the solution, both in terms of global and local performance parameters. Furthermore, the paper provides a set of reference solutions with controlled accuracy that could be used for the verification of new and existing computational methods. Finally, the computational cost of the semi-analytical model is quantified, thus providing a valuable information to designers who need to select a cost effective and reliable analysis tool
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