42 research outputs found

    Misdiagnosis of anomalous pulmonary venous connections in a patient with lung cancer and a review of the literature

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    A partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection (PAPVC) is a rare congenital defect in which at least one pulmonary vein doesn't drain into the left atrium but into a systemic vein or even into the right atrium, causing a left-to right shunt. PAPVC with a small amount of shunt are usually asymptomatic, and can not be detected during lifetime. Nevertheless, if those patients undergo a major lung resection, the surgical procedure could precipitate right heart failure if this anomalous shunt remains uncorrected. Therefore, it is considered to be very important preoperative diagnosis. In case report, we present a case of a 54-year-old woman with a right upper lobe non-small cell lung cancer and previous history of left lung resection for tuberculosis. During surgery, an anomalous pulmonary vein branch draining into the superior vena cava was incidentally detected. The abnormality was diagnosed as a PAPVC. A right upper open lobectomy was performed. The anomaly was corrected and the surgery was successful without postoperative complications. Surgeons should be aware of this rare anomaly and carefully evaluate preoperative images CT scans of the pulmonary veins

    Inflammatory Microenvironment in Early Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Exploring the Predictive Value of Radiomics

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    Patient prognosis is a critical consideration in the treatment decision-making process. Conventionally, patient outcome is related to tumor characteristics, the cancer spread, and the patients’ conditions. However, unexplained differences in survival time are often observed, even among patients with similar clinical and molecular tumor traits. This study investigated how inflammatory radiomic features can correlate with evidence-based biological analyses to provide translated value in assessing clinical outcomes in patients with NSCLC. We analyzed a group of 15 patients with stage I NSCLC who showed extremely different OS outcomes despite apparently harboring the same tumor characteristics. We thus analyzed the inflammatory levels in their tumor microenvironment (TME) either biologically or radiologically, focusing our attention on the NLRP3 cancer-dependent inflammasome pathway. We determined an NLRP3-dependent peritumoral inflammatory status correlated with the outcome of NSCLC patients, with markedly increased OS in those patients with a low rate of NLRP3 activation. We consistently extracted specific radiomic signatures that perfectly discriminated patients’ inflammatory levels and, therefore, their clinical outcomes. We developed and validated a radiomic model unleashing quantitative inflammatory features from CT images with an excellent performance to predict the evolution pattern of NSCLC tumors for a personalized and accelerated patient management in a non-invasive way

    Allergy in adolescent population (14-18 years) living in campania region (southern Italy). a multicenter study

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    Adolescents (Ad) constitute a difficult to manage population among individuals suffering from asthma. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence, clinical characteristics and age of onset of allergic sensitization and clinical symptoms in a sample of atopic Ad living in the Campania region (Southern Italy). Sixteen Allergy units or Centers belonging to the Italian Association of Hospital and Territorial Allergologists (AAIITO, Campania region) participated in this cross-sectional study. A case report form (CRF) was specifically designed for this study and commercial allergen extracts used for screening SPTs were provided by ALK-AbellĂł Group (Milan, Italy). A total of 443 patients were examined (females, f 220, 49.6 %; males, m 223, 50.3%). Dust mites represent the most common sensitizing agents in allergic Ad living in Campania region (Dermatoph. pteronyssinus 67.4% and Dermatoph. farinae 66.5%), followed by Parietaria (58.9%), grasses (45.8%), Artemisia vulgaris (16.7%), Olea Europaea (32.2%), dog dander (17.1%), cat dander (20.0%), Alternaria alternata (8.1%), Cupressus sempervirens (4.9%), Betula pendula (4.7%), other allergens (19.4%). An interesting comparison has been made between clinical data of our Ad with data of elderly patients (E). The role of allergic sensitization is significantly higher in Ad compared to E. Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus is the first sensitizing allergen in Ad and the last in E. Parietaria constitutes the first sensitizing pollen both in Ad and E, the percentage of sensitization is higher in Ad. Another important difference is the higher prevalence of As, as only symptom, in E compared to Ad (19.7% versus 7.6%). In conclusion, our findings confirm the high prevalence and clinical significance of airway allergic sensitization in the adolescents living in Campania region

    Allergic sensitization to common pets (cats/dogs) according to different possible modalities of exposure: an Italian Multicenter Study

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    Background: The query "are there animals at home?" is usually administered for collecting information on anamnesis. This modality to consider exposure to pet allergens constitutes a potential bias in epidemiological studies and in clinical practice. The aim of our study was to evaluate/quantify different modalities of exposure to cat/dog in inducing allergic sensitization. Methods: Thirty Italian Allergy units participated in this study. Each centre was required to collect the data of at least 20 consecutive outpatients sensitized to cat/dog allergens. A standardized form reported all demographic data and a particular attention was paid in relieving possible modalities of exposure to cat/dog. Results: A total 723 patients sensitized to cat/dog were recorded, 359 (49.65%) reported direct pet contact, 213 patients (29.46%) were pet owners, and 146 subjects (20.19%) were exposed to pets in other settings. Other patients were sensitized by previous pet ownership (150-20.75%) or indirect contact (103-14.25%), in 111 subjects (15.35%) any contact was reported. Conclusions: Only 213 patients (29.46%) would be classified as "exposed to animals" and 510 (70.54%) as "not exposed" according to usual query. Our classification has shown that many "not-exposed" subjects (399-55.19%) were "really exposed". The magnitude of exposure to pet allergens at home is not related exclusively to pet ownership. These considerations should be taken into account during the planning of epidemiological studies and in clinical practice for the management of pet allergic individuals

    Erratum to nodal management and upstaging of disease. Initial results from the Italian VATS Lobectomy Registry

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.21037/jtd.2017.06.12.]

    Gastrointestinal bleeding in lung leiomyosarcoma history: Report of a case

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    The paper presents an unusual case of single small bowel metastasis from primary lung leiomyosarcoma (PLL) presenting with abdominal pain and gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding successfully treated by surgery with radical aim

    A rare case of intralobar pulmonary sequestration: combined endovascular and video-assisted thoracoscopic approach

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    Pulmonary sequestration is a congenital malformation characterized by cystic, non-functioning embryonic lung tissue supplied by an abnormal systemic artery. It's a rare disease widely variable in clinical presentation and severity, depending mostly on the degree of lung involvement and location in the thoracic cavity. Most patients have recurrent infections and inflammatory conditions in the affected lobe. Surgical resection continues to be the gold standard of therapy and in this context anatomical resection is the procedure of choice and yields excellent long-term results. There are few studies reporting the use of combined endovascular and thoracoscopic approaches for pulmonary sequestration. We describe a case of intralobar pulmonary sequestration located in the lower lobe of the right lung, which was treated with video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) after endovascular embolization of systemic artery arising from celiac trunk

    Capsaicin patch for persistent postoperative pain after thoracoscopic surgery, report of two cases

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    Effective postoperative pain control after thoracic surgery is a significant clinical issue because it reduces pulmonary complications and accelerates the pace of recovery. Persistent postoperative pain syndrome is a recognized and frequent complication after thoracoscopic surgery. The capsaicin 8% patch contains a high concentration of synthetic capsaicin approved for treatment of peripheral neuropathic pain in adults. Little clinical data exist on the use of capsaicin patch in thoracic persistent postoperative pain syndrome. This report included two patients who were evaluated after receiving capsaicin for thoracic surgery. Satisfactory pain relief was achieved in both cases without side effects