59 research outputs found

    The neural correlates of developmental prosopagnosia : twenty-five years on

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    Faces play a crucial role in social interactions. Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) refers to the lifelong difficulty in recognizing faces despite the absence of obvious signs of brain lesions. In recent decades, the neural substrate of this condition has been extensively investigated. While early neuroimaging studies did not reveal significant functional and structural abnormalities in the brains of individuals with developmental prosopagnosia (DPs), recent evidence identifies abnormalities at multiple levels within DPs’ face-processing networks. The current work aims to provide an overview of the convergent and contrasting findings by examining twenty-five years of neuroimaging literature on the anatomo-functional correlates of DP. We included 55 original papers, including 63 studies that compared the brain structure (MRI) and activity (fMRI, EEG, MEG) of healthy control participants and DPs. Despite variations in methods, procedures, outcomes, sample selection, and study design, this scoping review suggests that morphological, functional, and electrophysiological features characterize DPs’ brains, primarily within the ventral visual stream. Particularly, the functional and anatomical connectivity between the Fusiform Face Area and the other face-sensitive regions seems strongly impaired. The cognitive and clinical implications as well as the limitations of these findings are discussed in light of the available knowledge and challenges in the context of DP

    Side Biases in Euro Banknotes Recognition: The Horizontal Mapping of Monetary Value

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    Money is a special stimulus for humans, because of its relevance in everyday life. However, the basic mechanisms underlying money representation have not yet been fully investigated. Left-right asymmetries in the visual perception and evaluation of monetary value offer such a possibility. The pattern of these asymmetries can contribute to disentangle between numerical and emotional processes possibly involved in banknotes perception. In the present experiment, we tested the recognition of 5€and 100€ banknotes presented in the left and right visual fields. Results show that the 100€ banknote is recognized faster than the 5€ banknote in the Right Visual Field (RVF), while there is no difference in the Left Visual Field (LVF). Our interpretation is that this effect is due to the matching between the positive valence conveyed by the 100€ banknote and the side in which it is mapped (right-positive). We consider this result as evidence of a valence-based recognition of banknotes

    Food Insecurity Is Associated with Increased Risk of Obesity in US College Students

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    Background Food insecurity affects millions of Americans and college students are especially vulnerable. Little is known about the relation of food insecurity with weight status and dietary intake during this critical phase of emerging adulthood. Objectives We aimed to examine the sex-specific associations of food insecurity with obesity and dietary intake among college students. The study also explored these associations by meal plan (MP) enrollment. Methods This cross-sectional study included 683 second-year students at 8 universities in the United States. Food security status and dietary intake were assessed using the USDA Adult Food Security Survey and the Dietary Screener Questionnaire, respectively. On-site anthropometrics were measured by researchers. Results The prevalence of food insecurity at the universities ranged from 19.0% to 34.1% with a mean of 25.4% for the entire sample. Compared with high food security, marginal food security and food insecurity were associated with 3.16 (95% CI: 1.55, 6.46) and 5.13 (95% CI: 2.63, 10.00) times increased odds of obesity, respectively, exhibiting a dose–response relation. Food insecurity remained a significant predictor of obesity among both sexes after adjusting for sociodemographic variables. Food-insecure (FI) students had a significantly lower intake of fruits and vegetables and higher intake of added sugars than food-secure (FS) students. Obesity rate and added sugars consumption were higher among FI students with MPs than among FI students lacking MPs and FS students regardless of MP status. Among students with MPs, FS students had a higher intake of fruits and vegetables than FI students. Conclusions Food insecurity was associated with obesity and poor dietary intake among both sexes. Although MP subsidies may be a reasoned approach to combat food insecurity, it should be coupled with efforts to assist students in making healthy food choices. Registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT02941497

    Neuroscienze del comportamento alimentare

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    La relazione tra alimentazione e cervello è un argomento la cui storia scientifica ha prodotto evidenze estremamente consolidate in diversi settori della biologia e della medicina. In quest’opera, tuttavia, la centralità di quello che è un comportamento naturale cui dobbiamo la nostra sopravvivenza, fa soltanto da premessa ad una narrazione più articolata. Il comportamento alimentare è infatti un ambito in cui gli aspetti psicologici, dipendenti dalla strutturazione della nostra mente e dalle disposizioni individuali verso i bisogni e le esperienze, interagiscono in maniera complessa con il mondo della vita biologica, ma anche con la realtà esterna fatta di quelle possibilità, le scelte alimentari, che dipendono a loro volta dal complesso intreccio tra ecologia, economia e cultura. Questo libro ha isolato e integrato tutti questi temi fondendo le conoscenze provenienti dalle neuroscienze con quelle provenienti dalla psicologia delle scelte alimentari, dell’esperienza edonica e della motivazione. Il testo si snoda in una progressione che parte dall’evoluzione biologica e storica della nutrizione, per poi rivolgersi verso la fisiologia e la psicobiologia dell’alimentazione e concludere con un’analisi degli aspetti neurocognitivi e delle possibili derive cliniche del comportamento alimentare

    The shape of you: do individuals associate particular geometric shapes with identity?

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    For more than a century, psychologists have been interested in how visual information can arouse emotions. Several studies have shown that rounded shapes evoke positive feelings due to their link with happy/baby-like expressions, compared with sharp angular shapes, usually associated with anger and threatening objects having negative valence. However, to date, no-one has investigated the preference to associate simple geometric shapes to personal identities, including one’s own, that of a close acquainted, or that of a stranger. Through 2 online surveys we asked participants to associate a geometric shape, chosen among a circle, a square and a triangle, to each of three identities, namely “you” (the self), “your best friend” or “a stranger”. We hypothesized that the circle would be more associated with the self, the square with the friend and the triangle with the stranger. Moreover, we investigated whether these associations are modulated by 3 personality traits: aggressivity, social fear and empathy. As predicted, we found that participants associate more often the circle with the self, both the circle and the square with the best friend, whereas they matched angular shapes (both the triangle and the square) to the stranger. On the other hand, the possibility that personality traits can modulate such associations was not confirmed. The study of how people associate geometric figures with the self or with other identities giving them an implicit socio-affective connotation, is interesting for all the disciplines interested in the automatic affective processes activated by visual stimuli

    Crying the blues: The configural processing of infant face emotions and its association with postural biases

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    Several studies have exploited the face inversion paradigm to unveil the mechanisms underlying the processing of adult faces, showing that emotion recognition relies more on a global/configural processing for sadness and on a piecemeal/featural processing for happiness. This difference might be due to the higher biological salience of negative rather than positive emotions and consequently should be higher for infant rather than adult faces. In fact, evolution might have promoted specific adaptations aimed to prioritize the infant face by the attention system in order to foster survival during infancy, a rather long period during which the newborn depends entirely on adults. Surprisingly, no study has yet exploited this paradigm to investigate the processing of emotions from infant faces. In this study, the face inversion paradigm was used to explore emotion recognition of infant compared with adult faces in a sample of adult participants. In addition, the existence of potential differences associated with specific postural biases (e.g., the left-cradling bias) during interactions with infants was explored. The presence of rotational effects for the recognition of both happy and sad infant faces suggests that infant face emotions are predominantly processed in a configural fashion, this perceptual effect being more evident in sadness. Results are discussed in the context of the biological and social salience of the emotional infant face

    Healthiness or calories? Side biases in food perception and preference

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    The visual perception of a product and the ability to categorize it play a central role in food choice. People's opinion of the healthiness and caloric content of a food is influenced substantially by its appearance. Despite that, few studies have analyzed i) which one of the two dimensions of caloric content and healthiness is preferred to categorize food, ii) if these dimensions are mapped on the individuals' horizontal space, and iii) if such biases could influence food preferences. Therefore, through 4 experiments, we investigated which dimension, healthiness or caloric content, is more often used to categorize foods. We also evaluated whether a healthiness/caloric content side bias could be able to influence food preferences. We found that foods were mainly categorized as “Healthy” or “High-calorie” and the latter label was used more often when presented on the right of a foodstuff. Also, foods were categorized as healthier when the “Healthy” label was anchored to the left and the “Unhealthy” one to the right side of a visual analogue scale. Then, we found a more positive evaluation of transformed food when the key assigned to the “Pleasant” choice was on the right compared to the left. Lastly, we found that when presented on the left side, low-calorie was preferred compared to high-calorie food. Our findings shed light on both the fields of food categorization and side biases in food perception and preferences, suggesting the possibility to use these biases to promote a healthy diet and emphasizing the importance of considering this potential confounder in experimental setups

    Editorial: The promising role of non-invasive brain stimulation in neurocognitive disorders treatment

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    In this Research Topic, we focused our interest on the use of Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) techniques, such as transcranial magnetic and electric stimulation (TMS and tES), in neurocognitive disorders. These tools offer a safe means to manipulate brain activity without the need for surgery or anesthesia. NIBS tools are commonly used for studying brain functions, modifying cognitive and behavioral processes, and exploring applications in neuropsychiatric disorders in both human subjects and murine models

    Emotional faces influence evaluation of natural and transformed food

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    Previous evidence showed the presence of a straight relationship between feeding behavior and emotions. Despite that, no studies have focused on the influence of emotional faces on food processing. In our study, participants were presented with 72 couples of visual stimuli composed of a neutral, happy, or disgusted faces (5000 ms duration in Experiment 1, adaptation; 150 ms in Experiment 2, priming) followed by a food stimulus (1500 ms). Food stimuli were grouped in pleasant foods, further divided in natural and transformed, and unpleasant rotten foods. The task consisted in judging the food valence (as ‘pleasant’ or ‘unpleasant’) by keypress. Results showed a different pattern of response based on the transformation level of food. In general, the evaluation of natural foods was more rapid compared with transformed foods, maybe for their simplicity and healthier perception. In addition, transformed foods yielded incongruent responses with respect to the preceding emotional face, whereas natural foods yielded congruent responses with respect to it. These effects were independent of the duration of the emotional face (i.e., adaptation or priming paradigm) and may depend on pleasant food stimuli salience