226 research outputs found

    Non-rationality of some fibrations associated to Klein surfaces

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    We study the polynomial fibration induced by the equation of the Klein surfaces obtained as quotient of finite linear groups of automorphisms of the plane; this surfaces are of type A, D, E, corresponding to their singularities. The generic fibre of the polynomial fibration is a surface defined over the function field of the line. We proved that it is not rational in cases D, E, although it is obviously rational in the case A. The group of automorphisms of the Klein surfaces is also described, and is linear and of finite dimension in cases D, E; this result being obviously false in case A.Comment: 18 page

    The anticommutator spin algebra, its representations and quantum group invariance

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    We define a 3-generator algebra obtained by replacing the commutators by anticommutators in the defining relations of the angular momentum algebra. We show that integer spin representations are in one to one correspondence with those of the angular momentum algebra. The half-integer spin representations, on the other hand, split into two representations of dimension j + 1/2. The anticommutator spin algebra is invariant under the action of the quantum group SO_q(3) with q=-1.Comment: 7 A4 page

    Mirror symmetry and quantization of abelian varieties

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    The paper consists of two sections. The first section provides a new definition of mirror symmetry of abelian varieties making sense also over pp-adic fields. The second section introduces and studies quantized theta-functions with two-sided multipliers, which are functions on non-commutative tori. This is an extension of an earlier work by the author. In the Introduction and in the Appendix the constructions of this paper are put into a wider context.Comment: 24 pp., amstex file, no figure

    Quantum Mechanics on the h-deformed Quantum Plane

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    We find the covariant deformed Heisenberg algebra and the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the extended hh-deformed quantum plane and solve the Schr\"odinger equations explicitly for some physical systems on the quantum plane. In the commutative limit the behaviour of a quantum particle on the quantum plane becomes that of the quantum particle on the Poincar\'e half-plane, a surface of constant negative Gaussian curvature. We show the bound state energy spectra for particles under specific potentials depend explicitly on the deformation parameter hh. Moreover, it is shown that bound states can survive on the quantum plane in a limiting case where bound states on the Poincar\'e half-plane disappear.Comment: 16pages, Latex2e, Abstract and section 4 have been revise

    Research potential as a basis for innovative development of the region

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    Purpose of work is to determine an amount of influence from region’s innovative activity on effective usage of current scientific-research potential. Innovative activity of regions in many respects depends on the availability and efficient use of the existing research capacity. The main components of the research capacities in the region are: interest of universities, employers and society in research and development and their implementation in practice; development of research infrastructure; and a focus of higher education on the innovative activity of students; financial and tax support of enterprises engaged in innovative activities, from the stat

    Aspects of a new class of braid matrices: roots of unity and hyperelliptic qq for triangularity, L-algebra,link-invariants, noncommutative spaces

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    Various properties of a class of braid matrices, presented before, are studied considering N2×N2(N=3,4,...)N^2 \times N^2 (N=3,4,...) vector representations for two subclasses. For q=1q=1 the matrices are nontrivial. Triangularity (R^2=I)(\hat R^2 =I) corresponds to polynomial equations for qq, the solutions ranging from roots of unity to hyperelliptic functions. The algebras of LL- operators are studied. As a crucial feature one obtains 2N2N central, group-like, homogenous quadratic functions of LijL_{ij} constrained to equality among themselves by the RLLRLL equations. They are studied in detail for N=3N =3 and are proportional to II for the fundamental 3×33\times3 representation and hence for all iterated coproducts. The implications are analysed through a detailed study of the 9×99\times 9 representation for N=3. The Turaev construction for link invariants is adapted to our class. A skein relation is obtained. Noncommutative spaces associated to our class of R^\hat R are constructed. The transfer matrix map is implemented, with the N=3 case as example, for an iterated construction of noncommutative coordinates starting from an (N1)(N-1) dimensional commutative base space. Further possibilities, such as multistate statistical models, are indicated.Comment: 34 pages, pape

    Duality for the Jordanian Matrix Quantum Group GLg,h(2)GL_{g,h}(2)

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    We find the Hopf algebra Ug,hU_{g,h} dual to the Jordanian matrix quantum group GLg,h(2)GL_{g,h}(2). As an algebra it depends only on the sum of the two parameters and is split in two subalgebras: Ug,hU'_{g,h} (with three generators) and U(Z)U(Z) (with one generator). The subalgebra U(Z)U(Z) is a central Hopf subalgebra of Ug,hU_{g,h}. The subalgebra Ug,hU'_{g,h} is not a Hopf subalgebra and its coalgebra structure depends on both parameters. We discuss also two one-parameter special cases: g=hg =h and g=hg=-h. The subalgebra Uh,hU'_{h,h} is a Hopf algebra and coincides with the algebra introduced by Ohn as the dual of SLh(2)SL_h(2). The subalgebra Uh,hU'_{-h,h} is isomorphic to U(sl(2))U(sl(2)) as an algebra but has a nontrivial coalgebra structure and again is not a Hopf subalgebra of Uh,hU_{-h,h}.Comment: plain TeX with harvmac, 16 pages, added Appendix implementing the ACC nonlinear ma

    Q-Boson Representation of the Quantum Matrix Algebra Mq(3)M_q(3)

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    {Although q-oscillators have been used extensively for realization of quantum universal enveloping algebras,such realization do not exist for quantum matrix algebras ( deformation of the algebra of functions on the group ). In this paper we first construct an infinite dimensional representation of the quantum matrix algebra Mq(3) M_q ( 3 ) (the coordinate ring of GLq(3)) GL_q (3)) and then use this representation to realize GLq(3) GL_q ( 3 ) by q-bosons.}Comment: pages 18 ,report # 93-00

    Representations of the quantum matrix algebra Mq,p(2)M_{q,p}(2)

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    It is shown that the finite dimensional irreducible representaions of the quantum matrix algebra Mq,p(2) M_{ q,p}(2) ( the coordinate ring of GLq,p(2) GL_{q,p}(2) ) exist only when both q and p are roots of unity. In this case th e space of states has either the topology of a torus or a cylinder which may be thought of as generalizations of cyclic representations.Comment: 20 page

    Graded q-pseudo-differential Operators and Supersymmetric Algebras

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    We give a supersymmetric generalization of the sine algebra and the quantum algebra Ut(sl(2))U_{t}(sl(2)). Making use of the qq-pseudo-differential operators graded with a fermionic algebra, we obtain a supersymmetric extension of sine algebra. With this scheme we also get a quantum superalgebra Ut(sl(2/1)U_{t}(sl(2/1).Comment: 10 pages, Late