72 research outputs found

    Forensic approach to a case of death due to burn injury: a case report

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    Injuries due to burns are known to have a very high mortality. Burn injuries occur due to a variety of thermal, electrical, mechanical products and can be accidental, suicidal or even homicidal in nature. As the inquiry and research are limited to identifying patterns and causes for burns, the accurate originator and mechanisms are not clearly known. Herein, we report a case of 25 year old female died due to ante-mortem burn injuries with soot particles found in trachea

    Fatal Case of Diazepam and Paraquat Poisoning – A Case Report

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    Background: A very dangerous activity among youth and young adults is the indiscriminate mixing and sharing of prescription drugs, often in combination with alcohol or other drugs. The effects of these combinations of substances can be fatal.Case Report: A 28 years old adult male with alleged history of diazepam and paraquat poisoning was admitted with complaints of chest discomfort, epigastric pain, vomiting and drowsiness. The patient developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and expired on the next day. To conclude, diazepam even though considered to be a safer drug, has risk of drug abuse and is fatal when taken in overdose along with other central nervous system depressants. Paraquat is a highly toxic compound widely used as herbicide and ingestion of the drug causes death due to respiratory failure. Conclusion: The present study emphasizes on the proper surveillance of diazepam intake in known psychiatric patients and strict rules must be enforced by the Government on marketing of herbicides and pesticides

    Analytical Estimation of Time Dilation of a Satellite in Elliptical Orbit

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    This article describes the analytical estimation of time dilation along the elliptical orbit of a satellite due to effects of relativity where the functioning has been time-dependent. The satellites in circular orbit are calibrated as moving frame of reference at constant velocity in constant non inertial frame of reference, namely Global Positioning System satellites where effects of both relativistic and gravitational time dilations can be seen. This article deals with the variation of the time dilation along the elliptical orbit whose speed of reference frame varies with respect to time and also varying the non-inertial frame of reference. The relativistic effects on the time dilation, is caused by the Earth rotation, due to the orbit eccentricity. The estimated values have a scope in the field of space mechanics. As a result the plot has been intended along the orbit comparing to circular orbit in both special and general relativity perspective

    Fatal High Voltage Accidental Electrocution – Two Case Reports

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    Electric accidents cause serious injuries by direct heat exposure or by igniting clothes. The severity varies between simple harmless shocks to death. Many at times the victims are thrown to ground from the electric poles sustaining fatal non electric injuries. In this article two cases of high voltage electrocution are reported and discussed. In the first case the victim sustained injuries due to arcing of current. In the second case, there were multiple exit wounds in both legs indicating two different directions in the flow of current. Both the victims suffered fatal head injuries due to fall

    Diagnostic Methods for Detecting Internal Parasites of Livestock

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    Internal parasites are a major concern in livestock production because they can impact the health and well-being of animals clinically and subclinically, and ultimately cause significant production loss. Among these internal parasites are nematodes, tapeworms, flukes, and coccidian protozoans. This review focuses on the diagnostic tests that are routinely performed by veterinarians and diagnostic laboratories, but also highlights recently developed tools that may improve diagnostic capabilities, including molecular and immunodiagnostic tests. Overall, diagnostic tests for parasites of livestock are an integral part of health management practices, and for assessing individual animal and herd health

    Badanie wpływu rozciągnięcia dzianin na przepuszczalność powietrza. Wpływ długości pętli

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    Most of the time, a certain degree of stretch prominently and incrementally occurs in intimate wear, leisure wear, sportswear, medical textiles etc., during their action. Variations in the stretch gradient would definitely cause changes in the air permeability of knitted fabrics. The influence of variables such as loop length, the presence of an elastomeric component and fabric structure on the air permeability of cotton single jersey and pique knitted fabrics in a stretched state was critically analysed. In this work, changes in the air permeability of cotton jersey samples with and without elastomer were investigated and reported by keeping the samples in static up to an incremental stretch of 40% at a rate of 10% of the stretch gradient, in a dry relaxed state, wet relaxed state and fully relaxed state.W większości przypadków, podczas użytkowania odzieży rekreacyjnej, sportowej, medycznej itp. występuje pewien stopień rozciągnięcia. Wahania gradientu rozciągliwości powodują zmiany przepuszczalności powietrza dzianin. W pracy przeanalizowano wpływ zmiennych, takich jak: długość pętli, obecność składnika elastomerowego i rodzaju struktury na przepuszczalność powietrza dzianin bawełnianych typu single jersey i typu pique w stanie rozciągniętym. W pracy zbadano i odnotowano zmiany przepuszczalności powietrza w przypadku próbek dżerseju bawełnianego z elastomerem i bez elastomeru, utrzymując próbki w stanie statycznym do przyrostowego rozciągnięcia 40% z 10% gradientem rozciągania w stanie mokrym i suchym