5 research outputs found

    Εμπειρική προσέγγιση της απόλυτης φτώχειας στην Ελλάδα: οι ανάγκες για κατοικία, διατροφή, ένδυση, υπόδηση, μεταφορά

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    Η έρευνα αυτή αποτελεί μια αντικειμενική αποτύπωση της σύγχρονης κοινωνικής πραγματικότητας αλλά και ένα χρήσιμο εργαλείο για τους σύγχρονους και μελλοντικούς αγώνες της εργατικής τάξης. Παραπέρα, συνεισφέρει στο δημόσιο διάλογο γύρω από το φλέγον ζήτημα των αναγκών, όπως έχουν οριστεί σύγχρονα και κοινωνικά, χρησιμεύοντας ως βάση για την οργάνωση και το σχεδιασμό μιας καλύτερης, πιο ορθολογικής και δίκαιης κοινωνίας. Συμπεραίνεται ότι α) ανεξάρτητα από τον τρόπο μέτρησης το φαινόμενο της απόλυτης φτώχειας φαίνεται να είναι αρκετά διαδεδομένο στην ελληνική κοινωνία, β) το «επίσημο» όριο της φτώχειας (δηλαδή αυτό που μετράται και ανακοινώνεται από την ΕΣΥΕ με βάση τον ορισμό της σχετικής φτώχειας) υποτιμά την πραγματική έκταση του φαινόμενου για όλα τα μεγέθη νοικοκυριών, γ) ότι ο βασικός μισθός δεν επαρκεί για την κάλυψη βασικών αναγκών, ενώ δ) αναδεικνύεται η δύναμη που έχει ένας δείκτης απόλυτης φτώχειας, στην περίπτωση που ο τελευταίος στηρίζεται σε έναν στέρεο θεωρητικό ισχυρισμό σχετικά με την έκταση και το ύψος των σύγχρονων βασικών αναγκών

    Military expenditure and the profit rate in Greece

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    This paper examines the effect of military expenditure on the profitability of the Greek economy for the 1962-1994 period. In the theoretical debate on the role of military expenditures they have alternatively been viewed either as a "burden on growth" (i.e. an unproductive drain of resources) or as a stimulating factor for demand, profitability and economic performance. This distinction is reflected in the Marxist tradition as well where in different theories of crisis, military expenditures have been treated either as an unproductive burden or as a savior of the capitalist system, mainly through their effect on the rate of profit. Our empirical tests for the relationship between military expenditure, the general Marxian rate of profit and the net rate of profit indicate that those expenditures have had a contradictory effect on profitability, stimulating effective demand in the short run, but affecting negatively both rates of profit over the long run.Military Expenditure, Greece, Profit Rate,

    Questões na mediação de pobreza absoluta: o caso da Grécia

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    This paper aims at revealing methodological issues referring to the definition and measurement of absolute poverty. The literature on poverty, both relative and absolute, is reviewed and a proposal is put forth for an approach of absolute poverty based on needs and the notion of the value of labour power. The paper presents the results of the applica-tion of this method in the Metropolitan Athens area.Este trabalho tem por objetivo revelar as questões metodológicas referentes à de-finição e medição da pobreza absoluta. É feita uma revisão da literatura sobre pobreza abso-luta e relativa e é desenvolvida uma abordagem de pobreza absoluta baseada nas necessi-dades e na noção do valor da força de trabalho. O trabalho apresenta os resultados da apli-cação desse método na região metropolitana de Atenas

    Issues in measuring absolute poverty: the case of Greece

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    This paper aims at revealing methodological issues referring to the definition and measurement of absolute poverty. The literature on poverty, both relative and absolute, is reviewed and a proposal is put forth for an approach of absolute poverty based on needs and the notion of the value of labour power. The paper presents the results of the application of this method in the Metropolitan Athens area.Este trabalho tem por objetivo revelar as questões metodológicas referentes à definição e medição da pobreza absoluta. É feita uma revisão da literatura sobre pobreza absoluta e relativa e é desenvolvida uma abordagem de pobreza absoluta baseada nas necessidades e na noção do valor da força de trabalho. O trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação desse método na região metropolitana de Atenas