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Groundwater contaminated with hexavalent chromium, strontium-90, and uranium discharges into the Columbia River along approximately 16 km (10 mi) of the shoreline. Various treatment systems have and will continue to be implemented to eliminate the impact of Hanford Site contamination to the river. To optimize the various remediation strategies, it is important to understand interactions between groundwater and the surface water of the Columbia River. An automated system to record water levels in aquifer sampling tubes installed in the hyporheic zone was designed and tested to (1) gain a more complete understanding of groundwater/river water interactions based on gaining and losing conditions ofthe Columbia River, (2) record and interpret data for consistent and defensible groundwater/surface water conceptual models that may be used to better predict subsurface contaminant fate and transport, and (3) evaluate the hydrodynamic influence of extraction wells in an expanded pump-and-treat system to optimize the treatment system. A system to measure water levels in small-diameter aquifer tubes was designed and tested in the laboratory and field. The system was configured to allow manual measurements to periodically calibrate the instrument and to permit aquifer tube sampling without removing the transducer tube. Manual measurements were collected with an e-tape designed and fabricated especially for this test. Results indicate that the transducer system accurately records groundwater levels in aquifer tubes. These data are being used to refine the conceptual and numeric models to better understand interactions in the hyporheic zone of the Columbia River and the adjacent river water and groundwater, and changes in hydrochemistry relative to groundwater flux as river water recharges the aquifer and then drains back out in response to changes in the river level
Solar pond as a low grade energy source for water desalination and power generation: a short review
Water and energy are thoroughly linked: water is required to generate, transfer, and use the lot characteristics of energy; and energy is demanded to extract, treat, and distribute water. Shortage in clean water deems as the main challenge facing the world as a result of the escalating in the energy consumption required for desalinating the sea/brackish water which increases costs and provokes on the marine life and environment due to the high concentrate solute produced from desalination plants. Solar pond is a reservoir of water with different salt concentration implements to gather and store the incident solar energy which it can be employed later on in different thermal energy applications, such as industrialized heating process, electricity power generation, farming crop drying and cooling of houses. In this paper a short but concentrated review of the literatures that dealt with the implemented of the solar pond to illustrate succinctly the historical background for the solar ponds as well as the most word-wide established solar ponds. In addition to the theoretical background of heat and mass transfer which governed the solar pond operation is presented and discussed
Da adolescência em perigo à adolescência perigosa
Este artigo trata da relação intrínseca entre a definição de adolescência e a idéia de delinqüência juvenil pré-existente, tomada de empréstimo da filantropia e dos tratados jurídicos do século XIX, a partir da qual delineou-se a figura do adolescente "ideal". Resulta da análise de livros e textos da (psico)pedagogia - produzidos entre a primeira década do século XX até os anos setenta -, os quais, por meio de um discurso próprio, traçaram definições e problemáticas, caracterizando cientificamente o surgimento de uma nova subjetividade, a adolescência. Essa pesquisa demonstra ainda alguns deslocamentos posteriores da definição de adolescência - como o rebelde sem causa e o jovem revolucionário - e que, ainda com a criação desses novos personagens, a imagem do adolescente transgressor permaneceu vigente no imaginário social, definindo e determinando os destinos deste sujeito
Overview of physics results from MAST
Substantial advances have been made on the Mega Ampère Spherical Tokamak (MAST). The parameter range of the MAST confinement database has been extended and it now also includes pellet-fuelled discharges. Good pellet retention has been observed in H-mode discharges without triggering an ELM or an H/L transition during peripheral ablation of low speed pellets. Co-ordinated studies on MAST and DIII-D demonstrate a strong link between the aspect ratio and the beta scaling of H-mode energy confinement, consistent with that obtained when MAST data were merged with a subset of the ITPA database. Electron and ion ITBs are readily formed and their evolution has been investigated. Electron and ion thermal diffusivities have been reduced to values close to the ion neoclassical level. Error field correction coils have been used to determine the locked mode threshold scaling which is comparable to that in conventional aspect ratio tokamaks. The impact of plasma rotation on sawteeth has been investigated and the results have been well-modelled using the MISHKA-F code. Alfvén cascades have been observed in discharges with reversed magnetic shear. Measurements during off-axis NBCD and heating are consistent with classical fast ion modelling and indicate efficient heating and significant driven current. Central electron Bernstein wave heating has been observed via the O-X-B mode conversion process in special magnetically compressed plasmas. Plasmas with low pedestal collisionality have been established and further insight has been gained into the characteristics of filamentary structures at the plasma edge. Complex behaviour of the divertor power loading during plasma disruptions has been revealed by high resolution infra-red measurements
Overview of physics results from MAST
Major developments on the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) have enabled important advances in support of ITER and the physics basis of a spherical tokamak (ST) based component test facility (CTF), as well as providing new insight into underlying tokamak physics. For example, L-H transition studies benefit from high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of pedestal profile evolution (temperature, density and radial electric field) and in support of pedestal stability studies the edge current density profile has been inferred from motional Stark effect measurements. The influence of the q-profile and E x B flow shear on transport has been studied in MAST and equilibrium flow shear has been included in gyro-kinetic codes, improving comparisons with the experimental data. H-modes exhibit a weaker q and stronger collisionality dependence of heat diffusivity than implied by IPB98(gamma, 2) scaling, which may have important implications for the design of an ST-based CTF. ELM mitigation, an important issue for ITER, has been demonstrated by applying resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) using both internal and external coils, but full stabilization of type-I ELMs has not been observed. Modelling shows the importance of including the plasma response to the RMP fields. MAST plasmas with q > 1 and weak central magnetic shear regularly exhibit a long-lived saturated ideal internal mode. Measured plasma braking in the presence of this mode compares well with neo-classical toroidal viscosity theory. In support of basic physics understanding, high resolution Thomson scattering measurements are providing new insight into sawtooth crash dynamics and neo-classical tearing mode critical island widths. Retarding field analyser measurements show elevated ion temperatures in the scrape-off layer of L-mode plasmas and, in the presence of type-I ELMs, ions with energy greater than 500 eV are detected 20 cm outside the separatrix. Disruption mitigation by massive gas injection has reduced divertor heat loads by up to 70%