7 research outputs found

    Antibreast Cancer Activity of Nanopropolis Indonesia on Induced Mammary Gland Tumor by Dmba in Virgin Sprague-dawley Rats

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nanopropolis to cure cancer induced on rat mammary tumor using 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA). After the first tumors appearance, twenty eight rats were divided into seven groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 served as recipient of nanopropolis dosages 8, 32 and 56 µg/mL treatments; Group 4 served asrecipient of propolis dosage of 233 µg/mL treatment; Group 5 served asrecipient of doxorubicin treatment; Group 6 served as recipient of DMBA treatment and Group 7 as normal group (control). The effect of nanopropolis dosage of 32 µg/mL and propolis dosage of 233 µg/mL were similar in reducing tumor size, healing the wounds caused by the tumor and eliminating cancer cells. It turns out that there is a relationship between particle size absorbent materials. The study suggested that nanopropolis with small concentration was very effective to treatrat mammary gland tumors and breast cancers

    Ability of Lactobacillus Plantarum JR64 Isolated From Noni Juice in Lowering Cholesterol in Vivo

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    Recently public\u27s attention to the importance of healthy food increases rapidly. Probiotic based food exploiting lactic acid bacteria is among the healthy food. Lactobacillus plantarum JR64 isolate from Morinda citrifolia fruit was assessed for its probiotic in-vivo by using Wistar Rat. The purpose of this research was to study the ability of probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum JR64 in lowering serum LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) of Wistar Rat. Twenty Rats were grouped into 4, each group consisted of 5 Rats. First Group was a negative control given standard normal diet of 20 gr/day plus aquadest. Second Grup was a positive control given cholesterol normal diet 20 gr /day plus Propil Tio Urasil (PTU) 60 mg/kg body weight/day. Third Group was supplemented with normal diet 20 gr /day plus Propil Tio Urasil (PTU) 60 mg kg body weight /day and 1012 CFU Lactobacillus plantarum JR64. Fourth Group was the same as third Group unless the probiotic using commercial probiotic Lactobacillus bulgariccus at 1012 CFU. Blood samples were withdrawn for measurement of total cholesterol, triglyceride, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol every week and measured by using spectrophotometer with 546 nanometers wavelength. The results show that probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum JR64 isolated from noni juice significantly (p < 0,01) reduce Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Triglyceride in vivo and tend to reduce High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and total cholesterol

    Modification of Synthesis Process of Lawang\u27s Bark (Cinnamomum Cullilawan Blume) as a Cancer Drug Precursor

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    Piperonal as a precursor of cancer drug (Curcumin analogues) can be synthesized from extract of lawang\u27s bark (Cinnamomum culilawan Blume) with multiple stages, among others: isolation of essential oils, isolation safrole, safrole isomerization, and synthesis of piperonal. Essential oils were isolated from the bark of lawang (the water content of 46.2%) using a water distillation system with 1/3 volume of high boiler for five hours. Isolation of safrole from lawang bark oils was performed using NaOH solution and purified using reduced pressure distillation system at a temperature of 90-123°C / 1 mmHg. The safrole isomerization was undergone using alkali catalyst (KOH) without solvent at a temperature of 120°C for 8 hours. Oxidation of isosafrol was performed using KMnO4 in acidic conditions using a KTF tween 80 at a temperature below 30°C, and purified using silica gel. Results of isolation yield 0.94% with 14 components were determined through GC-MS, including 67.35% eugenol, safrole 13.96%, 12.61% methyl eugenol, 4-terpineol sineol 1.79% and 1.55%. The isolated safrole yield of 17.21% with purity testing and identification using FTIR, 1H- NMR and GCMS confirmed the product was safrole. The isomerization obtained yield of 77.56% with GC analysis indicated compounds of cis-isosafrole and trans-isosafrole. The results of oxidation obtained yield of 65.63% with a purity of 100% by GCMS and the 1H-NMR indicated the product is piperonal

    Isolation and Fermentation of Lactobacillus Plantarum JR64 as an Omega 6 Probiotic Producer

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    Application of lactic acid probiotic bacteria in health food diversification currently is progressing rapidly. It is encouraged the study of searching the potential strains from local resources (Ponorogo Residence) namely noni fruits (badeg pace) and noni wine. Aims of this study were to perform the isolation, identification, and production of probiotic Lactobacillus sp. JR64 fermentation process as a producer of Omega-6 (ω-6) lowering cholesterol and design of probiotic creamy product. Beginning stages of research was strains isolating and in-vitro testing, the best result were used in molecular identification technology development for the production of metabolites through the manipulation of environmental variation of glucose 20 g / l, 30 g / l and 40 g / l that influenced the substrate concentration of linoleic acid productivity. The result of new isolates isolation showed that isolates that obtained from noni wine, Lactobacillus plantarum JR64, was potential as probiotic condidate. The effieciency of fermentation substrates using Yx/s and Yp /s in the exponential phase was the highest value for the fermentation of 24 hours of Yx/ s; 17.03% and Y p/s; 74.72%, while the results of design and the best formulation for viability cells of lactobacillus plantarum probiotics JR64 was composed of 15 g and 50g butter 15 g icing sugar as well as during storage of the refrigerant temperature was 8.92 x 108 CFU / ml.

    Optimasi Kondisi Isomerisasi Eugenol dari Minyak Daun Cengkeh Menggunakan Metode Permukaan Respon

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    Eugenol merupakan komponen utama minyak cengkeh yang kandungannya dapat mencapai 70-95 % tergantung dari bahan baku yang digunakan (bunga, tangkai, dan daun), Dengan kandungan eugenol yang tinggi, minyak cengkeh merupakan sumber bahan baku isoeugenol yang potensial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi proses optimum proses isomerisasi eugenol dari minyak daun cengkeh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan percobaan dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil analisis ragam pada tahap isomerisasi isoeugenol rnenunjukkan konsentrasi katalis rhodium trichloride trihydrate dengan waktu pemanasan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar produk (isoeugenol, cis-isoeugenol dan trans-isoeugenol) dan jumlah bahan yang menguap, Hasil optimasi dengan menggunakan response surface method menunjukkan taraf faktor perlakuan berupa 1.) konsentrasi katalis 0,16% dan 2,) waktu pemanasan selama 10 menit merupakan perlakuan yang memberikan respon yang optimal dengan nilai desirability (D) 0,691, Kombinasi perlakuan ini memberikan nilai respon pada kadar isoeugenol 86,25%, kadar cis-isoeugenol 18,73%, kadar trans-isoeugenol 67,54% dan jumlah bahan menguap 12,28%, Hasil analisis spektroskopi FTIR dan HNMR menunjukkan pita serapan adalah identik antara isoeugenol hasil isomerisasi dengan standar. Hasil analisis FTIR dari sampel isoeugenol menunjukkan pita serapan gugus OH pada angka gelombang 3498,87 cm-1 std. 3496,94 cm-1), pita serapan di angka gelombang 2846,93 cm-1 (std. 2846,93 cm-1) menunjukkan adanya gugus OCH3 gugus C-C aril (cincin aromatis) pada angka gelombang 1598,99 cm-1 (std. 1598,99 cm-1) dan gugus CH, pada angka gelombang 2935,66 cm-1 (std, 2935,66 cm-1). Sedangkan hasil analisis dengan HNMR menunjukkan posisi pergeseran kimia (a) gugus metil (-CH3) sebagai identitas senyawa isoeugenol, yaitu sebesar 1,812 ppm (std. 1,814 ppm) berbentuk doublet untuk 3H dari -CH3. Hasil identifikasi juga menunjukkan bahwa senyawa isoeugenol yang diperoleh lebih dorninan dalam bentuk trans isoeugenol. Spektrum FTIR menunjukkan bahwa pita serapan trans-isoeugenol (= CH) yang berlokasi di angka gelombang 962,4 cm-1 sedangkan cis-isoeugenol terletak di angka gelombang 792,7 cm-1. Sedangkan hasil spektrum HNMR untuk puncak H pada pergeseran kimia a=6,1 dan 3=5,95 ppm, Optimization of Eugenol Extraction from Clove Leaf Using Response Surface MethodologyEugenol is the main component of clove oil. Its content can reach 70-95% depending on the raw materials (flower, stem, and leaves) used for distillation, With a such high content of eugenol, clove oil is a potential source for synthesis of isoeugenol through isomerization process" The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum process condition of eugenol isomerization process, The method used in this research is the experimental design and descriptive analysis, Results of analysis of variance showed that the concentration of catalyst rhodium trichloride trihydrate and beating time significantly affected the content of product (isoeugenol, cis-isoeugenol, trans-isoeugenol) and the amount of material evaporated, The result of optimization by using response surface method showed that level of treatment factors i.e. I) Catalyst concentration of 0,16%, and 2) Heating time for [0 minutes, were treatments that provides the most optimal response to the desirability value (D) 0,691. These level of treatment factors gave the response value at isoeugenol content of 86.25%, cis-isoeugenol content of 18.73%, trans-isoeugenol content of 67,54%, and the amount of evaporated material 12,28%, The FTIR spectroscopic and HNMR, analysis showed characteristic absorption bands are identical between the isomerization and isoeugenol standards, The result of FTIR analysis of isoeugenol samples showed absorption band of OH group at 3498,87 cm-1 (std. 3496,94 cm-1), absorption band at 2846,93 cm-1 (std. 2846.93 cm-1) which indicates the group OCH 3 C-C aryl group (aromatic ring) at 1598,99 cm-1 (std. 1598,99 cm-1) and CH3 group at 2935,66 cm-1 (std. 2935,66 cm-1) 'While the results of the analysis with HNMR indicate the position of chemical shift (3) of methyl group (-CH 3) as the identity of isoeugenol compound which is 1,812 ppm (std. 1,814 ppm) in the form of doublets for the 3H from -CH 3, The identification results also showed that the isoeugenol obtained was more dominant in the form of trans isoeugenol. FTIR spectra showed that the absorption band of trans-isoeugenol (=CH) was located at 962.4 cm-1 where as the cis-isoeugenol was located at 792,7 cm-1, While the results of HNMR spectrum for peak of H was located at ppm 3=6.1. and a=5,95