797 research outputs found

    An enhanced component based model for steel links in hybrid structures

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    In the present paper the development, calibration and experimental validation of an enhanced component based model of a dissipative steel link connecting a reinforced concrete wall and a steel gravity frame is presented. The structural consists in an hybrid coupled shear wall (HCSW), developed within the INNOHYCO project (Dall’Asta et al., 2014), obtained coupling an RC wall with two side steel columns by means of steel links where the energy dissipation takes place. The experimental results carried on a subsystem representing a portion of the shear wall, the dissipative link and one side column, showed that the global dissipative behavior is strongly affected by the characteristics of the link-to-column connection. In particular the prestressing force of the seat angle connection bolts influence in a decisive way the dissipative capacity of the system, especially for the low amplitude cycle. For this reason, an experimental campaign on two different hybrid system containing the dissipative element and the aforementioned connections has been carried out. A non-linear cyclic component- based model of the entire sub-assemblage is then developed and calibrated on the base of experimental result

    Demand sharing inaccuracies in supply chains: A simulation study

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    We investigate two main sources of information inaccuracies (i.e., errors and delays) in demand information sharing along the supply chain (SC). Firstly, we perform a systematic literature review on inaccuracy in demand information sharing and its impact on supply chain dynamics. Secondly, we model several SC settings using system dynamics and assess the impact of such information inaccuracies on SC performance. More specifically, we study the impact of four factors (i.e., demand error, demand delay, demand variability, and average lead times) using three SC dynamic performance indicators (i.e., bullwhip effect, inventory variability, and average inventory). The results suggest that demand error has a negative impact on SC performance, which is exacerbated by the magnitude of the error and by low demand variability scenarios. In contrast, demand delay produces a nonlinear behavior in the supply chain response (i.e., a short delay may have a negative impact and a long delay may have a positive impact), being influenced by the supply chain configuration.Ministerio de Universidad e Investigación (Italia)Universidad de Sevilla V PPIT-USMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación PROMISE DPI201680750

    The effect of inventory record inaccuracy in information exchange supply chains

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    The goal of this paper is to quantify the impact of Inventory Record Inaccuracy on the dynamics of collaborative supply chains, both in terms of operational performance (i.e. order and inventory stability), and customer service level. To do so, we model an Information Exchange Supply Chain under shrinkage errors in the inventory item recording activity of their nodes, present the mathematical formulation of such supply chain model, and conduct a numerical simulation assuming different levels of errors. Results clearly show that Inventory Record Inaccuracy strongly compromises supply chain stability, particularly when moving upwards in the supply chain. Important managerial insights can be extracted from this analysis, such as the role of 'benefit-sharing' strategies in order to guarantee the advantage of investments in connectivity technologies

    High plasma levels of endothelin-1 enhance the predictive value of preclinical atherosclerosis for future cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events: a 20-year prospective study

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Clinical and experimental evidence suggests that endothelin-1 (Et-1) plays a role in cardiac and vascular disease. In the present study, we investigated the prognostic significance of Et-1 for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular outcome, in a 20-year follow-up. METHODS: We studied 82 originally healthy individuals, referred to our Unit of Cardiovascular Prevention, to evaluate the presence of asymptomatic carotid lesions. We subdivided these individuals into two groups, according to the plasma values of Et-1 (respectively ≤ or >2.7 pg/ml). Traditional cardiovascular risk factors were investigated, and by carotid ultrasound examination, we distinguished between normal individuals and those with intima-media thickening or asymptomatic carotid plaque. RESULTS: Major cardiac and cerebral events (all-cause death, myocardial infarction, revascularization procedures, fatal and nonfatal stroke) were registered in 41 individuals and significantly more in those with high vs. low Et-1 levels (95 vs. 5%; P < 0.0001). Furthermore, by logistic multivariate regression analysis, we found that among all evaluated baseline clinical and laboratory variables, hypertension [odds ratio (OR): 20.4 (3.3-127), P = 0.001], high Et-1 concentrations [OR: 1.4 (1.0-1.8), P = 0.02] and the presence of intima-media thickness or asymptomatic carotid plaque [OR: 3.7 (1.14-12.1), P = 0.02] were independent predictors of future events. Finally, integrating technical and laboratory data, high levels of Et-1 have defined a high risk of major cardiac and cerebral event and stroke at follow-up, which increased in relation to the progression of carotid atherosclerosis (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Et-1 plasmatic levels significantly influence the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk profile, beyond traditional cardiovascular risk factors and preclinical carotid atherosclerosis

    Aggiornamenti epidemiologici sull’echinococcosi animale in Italia

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    Cystic Echinococcosis (CE) is one of the most widespread parasitoses in the Mediterranean Region (MR). This is due to various factors, the most important being the close association between man, sheep and dogs in areas where open farming is practised. Although this disease has been known for several years and many studies have been carried out, nowadays in Italy there are no complete epidemiological data on its diffusion and distribution. The available data show that CE is mainly diffused in those districts where the sheep-dog cycle can be perpetuated, such as central and southern Italy, and the islands. Furthermore, no data are available on biomolecular characterisation of the strains of Echinococcus granulosus in Italy, apart form those in Sardinia, where the G1 (sheep-dog) and G7 (pig-dog) strains were recently isolated. One of the reasons why CE is a problem with no easy solution is undoubtedly the difficulty of making a certain diagnosis in the dog, the principal definitive host of E. granulosus

    6. Automated Assistance to the Security Assessment of API for Financial Services

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    This chapter presents the challenges related to the security assessment and the auto- mated synthesis of mitigation measures of APIs for financial services. The focus is on the APIs supporting the implementation of the new Payment Services Directive. It also gives an overview of an innovative approach to address these challenges by (i) the automated identification and mitigation of security misconfigurations underlying sessions based on Transport Layer Security, which is ubiquitously used to build a foundation layer of security; and (ii) the automated penetration testing and synthesis of mitigations for the functionalities provided by APIs built on top of it, both business (e.g., payments) and security (e.g., authentication or authorization). The main novelty of the proposed approach lies in the tight integration of identification and mitigation phases by means of actionable measures that allow users to significantly strengthen the security posture of the entire API ecosystem

    Prediction of vascular events in subjects with subclinical atherosclerosis and the metabolic syndrome: the role of markers of inflammation.

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    AIM: The presence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) increases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and we aimed to assess the outcome in subjects with the MS and subclinical atherosclerosis. METHODS: We followed-up for five years 339 Mediterranean subjects with asymptomatic carotid intima-media thickness >0.9 mm (men: 60%; age: 66±5 years), of whom 130 had the MS (men: 59%; age: 66±5 years), evaluating at baseline traditional cardiovascular risk factors (including male gender, older age, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, family history of cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia) and plasma levels of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen. RESULTS: Cardio- and cerebrovascular events were registered in the 29% of subjects with the MS and in the 20% of those without it and the presence of more criteria for the diagnosis of the MS was significantly associated with vascular morbidity and mortality. By multivariate analysis, including all baseline variables, independent predictive roles for the events were found for elevated markers of inflammation (OR 3.8), elevated fasting glucose (OR 2.1) and elevated triglycerides (OR 1.4). CONCLUSION: These findings confirm a worst vascular outcome in subjects with more criteria for the diagnosis of the MS and further suggest the need of future research to understand the combined role of inflammation and the MS in the progression from subclinical to clinical atherosclerosis

    Empowering Commercial Vehicles through Data-Driven Methodologies

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    In the era of “connected vehicles,” i.e., vehicles that generate long data streams during their usage through the telematics on-board device, data-driven methodologies assume a crucial role in creating valuable insights to support the decision-making process effectively. Predictive analytics allows anticipation of vehicle issues and optimized maintenance, reducing the resulting costs. In this paper, we focus on analyzing data collected from heavy trucks during their use, a relevant task for companies due to the high commercial value of the monitored vehicle. The proposed methodology, named TETRAPAC, offers a generalizable approach to estimate vehicle health conditions based on monitored features enriched by innovative key performance indicators. We discussed performance of TETRAPAC in two real-life settings related to trucks. The obtained results in both tasks are promising and able to support the company’s decision-making process in the planning of maintenance interventions

    Post-Thyroidectomy Hypocalcemia: Timing of Discharge Based on Serum Calcium Levels

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    Purpose: The study concerns about the evaluation of Calcium serum levels in patients who underwent total thyroidectomy. Our previous experience underlined how patients who had levels of serum Calcium more than 9 mg/dl at the first day after surgery, did not show Hypocalcemia in the next days,so that this value could be considered a good cut-off for the decision of an early discharge. With regards to this experience, the aim of our current study was to confirm the effective feasibility of an early discharge based on the levels of serum Calcium at the first post-operative day. Patients and Methods: Our study included 102 consecutive patients (82 F; 20 M, age with a range between 14-78 year sold, average 52.6) that were submitted to total thyroidectomy in the years 2010 to 2014, performed by the same operator and all done with sutureless technique (Ligasure precise©) We classify hypocalcemia, according to their normal range (8.6 to 10.4 mg/dl), in mild (not less than 7.6 mg/dL), moderate (between 7.5 mg/dL and 7 mg/dL) and severe (less than 7 mg/dL) We classified the normal range of serum Calcium between 8.6 mg/dl and 10.4 mg/dl. Patients that showed levels of serum Calcium under this limit (<8.6 mg/dl) were treated with 6 fials of Gluconate Calcium 40 mEq in 500 ml of saline solution NaCl 0.9% i.v. (one per day), until the return to the normal range. Patients who had serum Calcium levels more than 9 mg/dl at the first post-operative days, and did not have other complications, were discharged at the same day and revaluated after 7 days. Discussion and Conclusion: Moreover our study has been useful to confirm what we observed in the previous experience, that levels of serum Calcium more than 9 mg/dl at the first postoperative day can be considered a feasible cut-off to exclude the appearance of hypocalcaemia in future. Therefore, according to our results, we assume to propose an early discharge for the patients who have serum Calcium levels more than 9 mg/dl, asking them to come back for controls one week after discharge