45 research outputs found

    Changes in fatty acids in plasma and association with the inflammatory response in dairy cows abomasally infused with essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid during late and early lactation.

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    Dairy cows are exposed to increased inflammatory processes in the transition period from late pregnancy to early lactation. Essential fatty acids (EFA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) are thought to modulate the inflammatory response in dairy cows. The present study investigated the effects of a combined EFA and CLA infusion on the fatty acid (FA) status in plasma lipids, and whether changes in the FA pattern were associated with the acute phase and inflammatory response during late pregnancy and early lactation. Rumen-cannulated Holstein cows (n = 40) were assigned from wk 9 antepartum to wk 9 postpartum to 1 of 4 treatment groups. Cows were abomasally supplemented with coconut oil (CTRL, 76 g/d), linseed and safflower oil (EFA, 78 g/d of linseed oil and 4 g/d of safflower oil; ratio of oils = 19.5:1; n-6:n-3 FA ratio = 1:3), Lutalin (CLA, 38 g/d; isomers cis-9,trans-11 and trans-10,cis-12; each 10 g/d), or both (EFA+CLA). Blood samples were taken to measure changes in FA in blood plasma on d -63, -42, 1, 28, and 56, and in plasma lipid fractions (cholesterol esters, free fatty acids, phospholipids, and triglycerides) on d -42, 1, and 56 relative to calving, and in erythrocyte membrane (EM) on d 56 after calving. Traits related to the acute phase response and inflammation were measured in blood throughout the study. Liver samples were obtained for biopsy on d -63, -21, 1, 28, and 63 relative to calving to measure the mRNA abundance of genes related to the inflammatory response. The concentrations of α-linolenic acid and n-3 FA metabolites increased in lipid fractions (especially phospholipids) and EM due to EFA supplementation with higher α-linolenic acid but lower n-3 metabolite concentrations in EFA+CLA than in EFA treatment only. Concentration of linoleic acid decreased in plasma fat toward calving and increased during early lactation in all groups. Concentration of plasma arachidonic acid was lower in EFA- than in non-EFA-treated groups in lipid fractions and EM. The cis-9,trans-11 CLA increased in all lipid fractions and EM after both CLA treatments. Plasma haptoglobin was lowered by EFA treatment before calving. Plasma bilirubin was lower in EFA and CLA than in CTRL at calving. Plasma concentration of IL-1β was higher in EFA than in CTRL and EFA+CLA at certain time points before and after calving. Plasma fibrinogen dropped faster in CLA than in EFA and EFA+CLA on d 14 postpartum. Plasma paraoxonase tended to be elevated by EFA treatment, and was higher in EFA+CLA than in CTRL on d 49. Hepatic mRNA abundance revealed time changes but no treatment effects with respect to the inflammatory response. Our data confirmed the enrichment of n-3 FA in EM by EFA treatment and the inhibition of n-3 FA desaturation by CLA treatment. The elevated n-3 FA status and reduced n-6:n-3 ratio by EFA treatment indicated a more distinct effect on the inflammatory response during the transition period than the single CLA treatment, and the combined EFA+CLA treatment caused minor additional changes on the anti-inflammatory response

    A Monoclonal Antibody Against Bovine Adiponectin

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    Adiponectin (AdipoQ) is an adipokine mainly secreted by white fatty tissue, playing a major role in energy homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. For cattle, AdipoQ data are largely limited to mRNA expression; to our knowledge, valid information about the AdipoQ protein in bovine tissues and body fluids is not available. Therefore, we have developed a monoclonal antibody against bovine AdipoQ. This study describes the preparation, application, and characterization of a monoclonal antibody for use in ELISA, Western blot, and histology. The antibody was developed by PEG fusion of the SP2/0 cell line with splenic B cells from AdipoQ immunized C57Bl/6 mice. Antibody-producing cells were identified by ELISA and specified by immunoblotting and immunostaining of bovine retroperitoneal adipose tissue. The novel antibody detects AdipoQ in histological samples, ELISA, and Western blots

    Growth Hormone Secretion Patterns in German Landrace (DL) Fetuses and Piglets Compared to DL Piglets with Inherited 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Deficiency

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    The regulation of growth hormone (GH) release during prenatal development and during early postnatal life is not entirely clarified. In this study plasma GH concentrations in pigs with inherited pseudo vitamin D deficiency type I (PDDR-I), which regularly show growth retardation, were compared during ontogeny with unaffected pigs of the same breed (German Landrace, DL) as control. Plasma GH concentrations were measured in plasma of chronically catheterized fetuses (beginning on day 101 after mating or after artificial insemination) and in piglets (day 37 postpartum (p.p.)—day 42 p.p.) of both lines. A growth curve beginning at day 7 p.p. was recorded for both lines. The relative amount of GH receptor (GHR) mRNA in liver was quantified by competitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in piglets at day 42 p.p. A trend for higher GH concentrations was observed in PDDR-I fetuses (p < 0.1). In PDDR-I piglets compared to DL piglets higher plasma GH values (p < 0.01), were observed despite lower body weight. The relative quantity of GHR mRNA in liver was not significantly different between the two lines. Piglets with an inherited defect of vitamin D synthesis showed higher GH concentrations. A hormonal imprinting by low 1,25(OH)2D3 could be one reason for our observations and should be analysed in detail in future

    Growth efficiency, intestinal biology, and nutrient utilization and requirements of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae compared to monogastric livestock species : a review

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    In recent years, interest in the larvae of black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens) as a sustainable protein resource for livestock feed has increased considerably. However, knowledge on the nutritional and physiological aspects of this insect, especially compared to other conventional farmed animals is scarce. This review presents a critical comparison of data on the growth potential and efficiency of the BSF larvae (BSFL) compared to conventional monogastric livestock species. Advantages of BSFL over other monogastric livestock species includes their high growth rate and their ability to convert low-grade organic waste into high-quality protein and fat-rich biomass suitable for use in animal feed. Calculations using literature data suggest that BSFL are more efficient than broilers, pigs and fish in terms of conversion of substrate protein into body mass, but less efficient than broilers and fish in utilization of substrate gross energy to gain body mass. BSFL growth efficiency varies greatly depending on the nutrient quality of their dietary substrates. This might be associated with the function of their gastrointestinal tract, including the activity of digestive enzymes, the substrate particle characteristics, and their intestinal microbial community. The conceived advantage of BSFL having an environmental footprint better than conventional livestock is only true if BSFL is produced on low-grade organic waste and its protein would directly be used for human consumption. Therefore, their potential role as a new species to better close nutrient cycles in agro-ecological systems needs to be reconsidered, and we conclude that BSFL is a complementary livestock species efficiently utilizing organic waste that cannot be utilized by other livestock. In addition, we provide comparative insight into morpho-functional aspects of the gut, characterization of digestive enzymes, gut microbiota and fiber digestion. Finally, current knowledge on the nutritional utilization and requirements of BSFL in terms of macro- and micro-nutrients is reviewed and found to be rather limited. In addition, the research methods to determine nutritional requirements of conventional livestock are not applicable for BSFL. Thus, there is a great need for research on the nutrient requirements of BSFL

    Supplementary data to publication "Growth efficiency, intestinal biology, and nutrient utilization and requirements of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae compared to monogastric livestock species: a review"

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    The datasets provided in the excel file were used to generate Table 2 and Fig. 2 in the publication entitled "Growth efficiency, intestinal biology, and nutrient utilization and requirements of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae compared to monogastric livestock species: a review" by Seyedalmoosavi et al., 2022 published in Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40104-022-00682-

    Trans-Cinnamic Acid Increases Adiponectin and the Phosphorylation of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase through G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes

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    Adiponectin and intracellular 5'adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) are important modulators of glucose and fat metabolism. Cinnamon exerts beneficial effects by improving insulin sensitivity and blood lipids, e.g., through increasing adiponectin concentrations and AMPK activation. The underlying mechanism is unknown. The Gi/Go-protein-coupled receptor (GPR) 109A stimulates adiponectin secretion after binding its ligand niacin. Trans-cinnamic acid (tCA), a compound of cinnamon is another ligand. We hypothesize whether AMPK activation and adiponectin secretion by tCA is transmitted by GPR signaling. Differentiated 3T3-L1 cells were incubated with pertussis toxin (PTX), an inhibitor of Gi/Go-protein-coupling, and treated with different tCA concentrations. Treatment with tCA increased adiponectin and the pAMPK/AMPK ratio (p ≤ 0.001). PTX incubation abolished the increased pAMPK/AMPK ratio and adiponectin secretion. The latter remained increased compared to controls (p ≤ 0.002). tCA treatment stimulated adiponectin secretion and AMPK activation; the inhibitory effect of PTX suggests GPR is involved in tCA stimulated signaling

    Metabolic Heat Stress Adaption in Transition Cows: Differences in Macronutrient Oxidation between Late-Gestating and Early-Lactating German Holstein Dairy Cows

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    High ambient temperatures have severe adverse effects on biological functions of high-yielding dairy cows. The metabolic adaption to heat stress was examined in 14 German Holsteins transition cows assigned to two groups, one heat-stressed (HS) and one pair-fed (PF) at the level of HS. After 6 days of thermoneutrality and ad libitum feeding (P1), cows were challenged for 6 days (P2) by heat stress (temperature humidity index (THI) = 76) or thermoneutral pair-feeding in climatic chambers 3 weeks ante partum and again 3 weeks post-partum. On the sixth day of each period P1 or P2, oxidative metabolism was analyzed for 24 hours in open circuit respiration chambers. Water and feed intake, vital parameters and milk yield were recorded. Daily blood samples were analyzed for glucose, β-hydroxybutyric acid, non-esterified fatty acids, urea, creatinine, methyl histidine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. In general, heat stress caused marked effects on water homeorhesis with impairments of renal function and a strong adrenergic response accompanied with a prevalence of carbohydrate oxidation over fat catabolism. Heat-stressed cows extensively degraded tissue protein as reflected by the increase of plasma urea, creatinine and methyl histidine concentrations. However, the acute metabolic heat stress response in dry cows differed from early-lactating cows as the prepartal adipose tissue was not refractory to lipolytic, adrenergic stimuli, and the rate of amino acid oxidation was lower than in the postpartal stage. Together with the lower endogenous metabolic heat load, metabolic adaption in dry cows is indicative for a higher heat tolerance and the prioritization of the nutritional requirements of the fast-growing near-term fetus. These findings indicate that the development of future nutritional strategies for attenuating impairments of health and performance due to ambient heat requires the consideration of the physiological stage of dairy cows

    Nicotinic Acid Increases Adiponectin Secretion from Differentiated Bovine Preadipocytes through G-Protein Coupled Receptor Signaling

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    The transition period in dairy cows (3 weeks prepartum until 3 weeks postpartum) is associated with substantial mobilization of energy stores, which is often associated with metabolic diseases. Nicotinic acid (NA) is an antilipolytic and lipid-lowering compound used to treat dyslipidaemia in humans, and it also reduces non-esterified fatty acids in cattle. In mice the G-protein coupled receptor 109A (GPR109A) ligand NA positively affects the secretion of adiponectin, an important modulator of glucose and fat metabolism. In cattle, the corresponding data linking NA to adiponectin are missing. Our objective was to examine the effects of NA on adiponectin and AMPK protein abundance and the expression of mRNAs of related genes such as chemerin, an adipokine that enhances adiponectin secretion in vitro. Differentiated bovine adipocytes were incubated with pertussis toxin (PTX) to verify the involvement of GPR signaling, and treated with 10 or 15 µM NA for 12 or 24 h. NA increased adiponectin concentrations (p ≤ 0.001) and the mRNA abundances of GPR109A (p ≤ 0.05) and chemerin (p ≤ 0.01). Pre-incubation with PTX reduced the adiponectin response to NA (p ≤ 0.001). The NA-stimulated secretion of adiponectin and the mRNA expression of chemerin in the bovine adipocytes were suggestive of GPR signaling-dependent improved insulin sensitivity and/or adipocyte metabolism in dairy cows


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    <p>Effect of heat stress (HS) and pair-feeding (PF) on (A) plasma noradrenaline and (B) adrenaline. In experimental period 1 (P1) all animals were kept at thermoneutral conditions (THI = 59.7) with ad-libitum feeding for six days. During period 2 (P2), HS cows (red lines) were heat-stressed (THI = 76.1), whereas PF cows (blue lines) were pair-fed in thermoneutrality (THI = 60.0) for six days, once ante partum (ap, dashed lines) and again post-partum (pp, solid lines). All data given as mean ± SEM; for P1 the mean of the last days of period 1 is given as used for baseline correction. Numbers of animals analyzed per group: HSap n = 7, PFap n = 6, HSpp n = 6, PFpp n = 6.</p