5,216 research outputs found

    Tracking the ultrafast motion of an antiferromagnetic order parameter

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    The unique functionalities of antiferromagnets offer promising routes to advance information technology. Their compensated magnetic order leads to spin resonances in the THz-regime, which suggest the possibility to coherently control antiferromagnetic (AFM) devices orders of magnitude faster than traditional electronics. However, the required time resolution, complex sublattice interations and the relative inaccessibility of the AFM order parameter pose serious challenges to studying AFM spin dynamics. Here, we reveal the temporal evolution of an AFM order parameter directly in the time domain. We modulate the AFM order in hexagonal YMnO3_\mathrm{3} by coherent magnon excitation and track the ensuing motion of the AFM order parameter using time-resolved optical second-harmonic generation (SHG). The dynamic symmetry reduction by the moving order parameter allows us to separate electron dynamics from spin dynamics. As transient symmetry reductions are common to coherent excitations, we have a general tool for tracking the ultrafast motion of an AFM order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    DOBBS: Towards a Comprehensive Dataset to Study the Browsing Behavior of Online Users

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    The investigation of the browsing behavior of users provides useful information to optimize web site design, web browser design, search engines offerings, and online advertisement. This has been a topic of active research since the Web started and a large body of work exists. However, new online services as well as advances in Web and mobile technologies clearly changed the meaning behind "browsing the Web" and require a fresh look at the problem and research, specifically in respect to whether the used models are still appropriate. Platforms such as YouTube, Netflix or last.fm have started to replace the traditional media channels (cinema, television, radio) and media distribution formats (CD, DVD, Blu-ray). Social networks (e.g., Facebook) and platforms for browser games attracted whole new, particularly less tech-savvy audiences. Furthermore, advances in mobile technologies and devices made browsing "on-the-move" the norm and changed the user behavior as in the mobile case browsing is often being influenced by the user's location and context in the physical world. Commonly used datasets, such as web server access logs or search engines transaction logs, are inherently not capable of capturing the browsing behavior of users in all these facets. DOBBS (DERI Online Behavior Study) is an effort to create such a dataset in a non-intrusive, completely anonymous and privacy-preserving way. To this end, DOBBS provides a browser add-on that users can install, which keeps track of their browsing behavior (e.g., how much time they spent on the Web, how long they stay on a website, how often they visit a website, how they use their browser, etc.). In this paper, we outline the motivation behind DOBBS, describe the add-on and captured data in detail, and present some first results to highlight the strengths of DOBBS

    Production and Properties of the Liquid Scintillators used in the Stereo Reactor Neutrino Experiment

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    The electron antineutrino spectrum in the Stereo reactor experiment (ILL Grenoble) is measured via the inverse beta decay signals in an organic liquid scintillator. The six target cells of the Stereo detector are filled with about 1800 litres of Gd-loaded liquid scintillator optimised for the requirements of the experiment. These target cells are surrounded by similar cells containing liquid scintillator without the Gd-loading. The development and characteristics of these scintillators are reported. In particular, the transparency, light production and pulse shape discrimination capabilities of the organic liquids are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The Ultraluminous X-ray Source in Holmberg IX and its Environment

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    We present optical observations of an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) in Holmberg IX, a dwarf galaxy near M81. The ULX has an average X-ray luminosity of some 10^{40} erg/s. It is located in a huge (400pc x 300pc) ionized nebula being much larger than normal supernova remnants. From the observed emission lines (widths and ratios) we find that the structure is due to collisional excitation by shocks, rather than by photoionization. We identify the optical counterpart to be a 22.8 mag blue star (M_V=-5.0) belonging to a small stellar cluster. From isochrone fitting of our multi-colour photometry we determine a cluster age of 20 to 50 Myr. We also discovered strong stellar HeII4686 emission (equivalent width of 10 A) which proves the identification with the X-ray source, and which suggests the presence of an X-ray heated accretion disc around the putative black hole.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium 230, "Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies", Dublin, 15-19 Aug 200

    Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: Bubbles and Optical Counterparts

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    Optical studies of ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULX) in nearby galaxies have turned out to be instrumental in discriminating between various models including the much advertised intermediate mass black hole hypothesis and various beaming scenarios. Here we report on ESO VLT and SUBARU observations of ULX that have revealed the parent stellar clusters with ages of some 60 million years in two cases. Thus we are able to derive upper limits of about 8 M_sun for the mass donors in these systems. The optical counterparts are dominated by X-ray heated accretion disks, and the discovery of the HeII4686 emission line now allows to derive dynamical masses in these systems. Apparent radial velocity variations of 300 km/s have been detected in NGC 1313 X-2 which, if confirmed by further observations, would exclude the presence of IMBH in these systems.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 230, "Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies", Dublin, 15-19 Aug 200

    Virtual Location-Based Services: Merging the Physical and Virtual World

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    Location-based services gained much popularity through providing users with helpful information with respect to their current location. The search and recommendation of nearby locations or places, and the navigation to a specific location are some of the most prominent location-based services. As a recent trend, virtual location-based services consider webpages or sites associated with a location as 'virtual locations' that online users can visit in spite of not being physically present at the location. The presence of links between virtual locations and the corresponding physical locations (e.g., geo-location information of a restaurant linked to its website), allows for novel types of services and applications which constitute virtual location-based services (VLBS). The quality and potential benefits of such services largely depends on the existence of websites referring to physical locations. In this paper, we investigate the usefulness of linking virtual and physical locations. For this, we analyze the presence and distribution of virtual locations, i.e., websites referring to places, for two Irish cities. Using simulated tracks based on a user movement model, we investigate how mobile users move through the Web as virtual space. Our results show that virtual locations are omnipresent in urban areas, and that the situation that a user is close to even several such locations at any time is rather the normal case instead of the exception
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