3 research outputs found

    Corrigendum: Reliability and validation of the child eating behavior questionnaire in 3- to 6-year-old Spanish children

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    A corrigendum on Reliability and validation of the child eating behavior questionnaire in 3- to 6-year-old Spanish children by Jimeno-Martínez, A., Maneschy, I., Moreno, L. A., Bueno-Lozano, G., De Miguel-Etayo, P., Flores-Rojas, K., Jurado-Castro, J. M., de Lamas, C., Vázquez-Cobela, R., Martinez-Lacruz, R., Portoles, O., Martínez, J. A., Navas-Carretero, S., Schröder, H., Fitó, M., Babio, N., Salas-Salvadó, J., Leis, R., Gil-Campos, M., and Rupérez, A. I. (2022). Front. Psychol. 13:705912. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.70591

    Nutritional assessment of children and adolescents with primary immunodeficiencies and its relation to components of metabolic syndrome

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    O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional, ingestão alimentar, perfis lipídico e glicêmico além de marcadores inflamatórios de pacientes com Imunodeficiências Primárias (IDPs) e descrever possíveis distúrbios metabólicos associados. Estudo descritivo transversal, realizado com 24 pacientes imunodeficientes (10 Doença Granulomatosa Crônica - DGC; 6 Ataxia-Telangiectasia - AT; 5 Agamaglobulinemia - A; 3 Hiper IgM - HIgM) entre 20 meses a 18 anos acompanhados no ambulatório de Alergia e Imunologia do Instituto da Criança - HCFMUSP, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas avaliações bioquímicas, antropométricas e dietéticas, longe de processos infecciosos, incluindo peso, altura, Dobra Cutânea Tricipital (DCT), Circunferência Muscular do Braço (CMB) e Circunferência do Braço (CB) (software WHO Antro e WHO Antro Plus e classificados por Frisancho). Para a avaliação do consumo alimentar utilizou-se Recordatório 24h e Registro alimentar de 3 dias (software Virtual - Nutri Plus e Dietary Reference Intakes). A desnutrição ocorreu em 39,2%, 69,5%, 47,9% e 43,5% quando analisadas por Índice de Massa Corporal, CMB, CB, DCT respectivamente, observando-se maior prevalência nos pacientes com DGC e AT. 22 pacientes apresentaram alguma dislipidemia, sendo HDL baixo o mais prevalente. Consumo energético abaixo do recomendado ocorreu em 33,3% dos pacientes enquanto valores inadequados para micronutrientes como Vitamina C, E, Cálcio e Zinco em 41,7%, 70,8%, 62,5% e 41,6% respectivamente; o ácido graxo saturado se mostrou acima do recomendado em metade dos pacientes. O estudo concluiu que todos os grupos de IDPs avaliados apresentaram algum grau de comprometimento nutricional, metabólico ou dietético. Novos estudos de intervenção nutricional em pacientes com imunodeficiências primárias podem determinar uma conduta nutricional individualizada para estes pacientes nos diferentes tipos de imunodeficiência primáriaObjective: To evaluate the nutritional status, feeding, lipid and glycemic profile and inflammatory markers of Primary Immunodeficiency (PIDs) patients and describe possible metabolic disorders associated. Methods: This is a crosssectional studies performed with 24 immunodeficiency patients (10-Chronic Granulomatous Disease -CGD; 6- Ataxia-Telangienctasia -AT; 5- Agammaglobulinemia-A; 3-Hyper IgM -HIgM) under 20 months and 18 ages followed at the Children Institute, Allergy and Immunology Unit - HCFMUSP. Biochemical, anthropometric and dietary evaluation were performed out of infectious processes, including weight, body height, Triciptal Skinfold (TSF), Arm Circumference (AC) and Arm Muscle Circumference (AMC) (software WHO Antro and WHO Antroplus and classified according Frisancho). To evaluate the feeding consumption it was used a 24 hours Record and a 3-Day Feeding Record (Software Virtual-Nutri Plus and DRIs). Results: Malnutrition occurred in 39.2%, 69.5%, 47.9% and 43.5% respectively when was analyzed by Body Mass Index (BMI), AMC, AC and TSF being a higher prevalence detected in DGC and AT patients. 22 patients presented some dyslipidemia with higher prevalence to low HDL. Dietary analysis demonstrated that 33.3% of patients were under recommended energy consumption. Regarding micronutrients 41.7%, 70.8%, 62.5% and 41.6% were inappropriate to Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium and Zinc respectively; saturated fatty acids were above recommended levels in 50% of the patients. Conclusions: All types of PIDs assessed had some degree of nutritional, metabolic or food intake disturbances. New studies of nutritional intervention in patients with primary immunodeficiency can determine an individualized nutritional intervention for these patients in different types of primary immunodeficienc

    Early enteral nutrition therapy and mortality in a pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objective: To assess the impact of early introduction of enteral nutrition therapy in reducing morbidity and mortality in pediatric intensive care unit.Methods: Search in the literature of the last 10 years, in English and the target population of individuals aged 1 month to 18 years admitted to pediatric intensive care units in the databases PubMed, Lilacs and Embase using the keywords: Critical Care, Nutritional Support and Nutrition Disorders or Malnutrition.Results: Despite advances in the quality of clinical care, the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized children remains unchanged in the last 20 years (15-30%) and has implications for the time of admission, course of illness and morbidity. Malnutrition is common and is often poorly recognized and therefore, untreated. Nutritional therapy is an essential part in the treatment of pediatric patients who have severely ill hypercatabolic state protein, which can be minimized with an effective nutritional treatment plan. in this study, we reviewed publications which have shown that there is still a paucity of randomized and controlled studies with good statistical treatment in relation to enteral nutritional therapy with outcomes related to morbidity and mortality. the current guidelines for nutritional therapy in these patients are largely based on expert opinion and data extrapolated from adult studies and studies in healthy children.Conclusion: the scientific evidence on the use of enteral nutrition therapy in improving the development of critically ill pediatric patients is still scarce and further studies are needed focusing on it, and better guidelines must be formulated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.Univ São Paulo, Fac Med, Hosp Clin, Ambulatario Especialidades,Inst Crianca, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, Dept Pediat, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, Hosp Clin, Unidade Terapia Intens Pediat,Inst Crianca, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, Disciplina Cirurgia Pediat, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med, Programa Posgrad Pediat, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc