13 research outputs found

    Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Strategies Based on the Potentiation of Glutathione Peroxidase Activity Prevent Endothelial Dysfunction in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Accelerated atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is preceded by endothelial dysfunction (ED), which exhibits a proinflammatory and prothrombotic phenotype and enhanced oxidative stress. In this study, the effect of several compounds with anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant properties on uremia-induced endothelial dysfunction has been evaluated in an in vitro model. METHODS: Endothelial cells (ECs) were exposed to sera from uremic patients in the absence and presence of the flavonoids apigenin, genistein and quercetin, the antioxidant enzyme mimetics (AEM) ebselen (glutathione peroxidase mimetic), EUK-134 and EUK-118 (both superoxide dismutase mimetics), and the pharmacological drug N-acetylcysteine (NAC). We explored changes in the expression of adhesion receptors on the cell surface, by immunofluorescence, the production of radical oxygen species (ROS), by fluorescence detection, and the activation of signaling proteins related to inflammation, by both a phosphospecific antibody cell-based ELISA and immunoblotting techniques. RESULTS: Uremic media induced a significantly increased expression of ICAM-1, overproduction of radical oxygen species (ROS) and activation of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) and Nuclear Factor kB (NFkB) in ECs. Quercetin, the AEM and NAC showed a significant inhibitory effect on both ICAM-1 expression and ROS generation (p<0.05). All the compounds reduced p38MAPK activation, but only the AEM, especially ebselen, and NAC, both potentiating the glutathione peroxidase pathway, also inhibited NFkB activation. These two compounds were capable of increasing endothelial glutathione levels, especially in response to uremia. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the potentiation of the antioxidant pathways can be an effective strategy to improve endothelial dysfunction in uremia and a potential target to reduce the cardiovascular risk in this population

    NFkB in the development of endothelial activation and damage in uremia: an in vitro approach

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    Impaired hemostasis coexists with accelerated atherosclerosis in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The elevated frequency of atherothrombotic events has been associated with endothelial dysfunction. The relative contribution of the uremic state and the impact of the renal replacement therapies have been often disregarded. Plasma markers of endothelial activation and damage were evaluated in three groups of patients with CKD: under conservative treatment (predialysis), on hemodialysis, and on peritoneal dialysis. Activation of p38 MAPK and the transcription factor NF魏B was assessed in endothelial cell (EC) cultures exposed to pooled sera from each group of patients. Most of the markers evaluated (VCAM-1, ICAM-1, VWF, circulating endothelial cells) were significantly higher in CDK patients than in controls, being significantly more increased in the group of peritoneal dialysis patients. These results correlated with the activation of both p38 MAPK and NF魏B in EC cells exposed to the same sera samples, and also to the peritoneal dialysis fluids. Hemodialysis did not further contribute to the endothelial damage induced by the uremic state observed in predialysis patients, probably due to the improved biocompatibility of the hemodialysis technique in recent years, resulting in lower cellular activation. However, peritoneal dialysis seemed to exert a significant proinflammatory effect on the endothelium that could be related to the high glucose concentrations and glucose degradation products present in the dialysis fluid. Although peritoneal dialysis has been traditionally considered a more physiological technique, our results raise some doubts with respect to inflammation and EC damage

    Endothelial damage, inflammation and immunity in chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have an accelerated atherosclerosis, increased risk of thrombotic-ischemic complications, and excessive mortality rates when compared with the general population. There is also evidence of an endothelial damage in which the proinflammatory state, the enhanced oxidative stress, or the accumulation of toxins due to their reduced renal clearance in uremia play a role. Further, there is evidence that uremic endothelial cells are both involved in and victims of the activation of the innate immunity. Uremic endothelial cells produce danger associated molecular patterns (DAMPS), which by binding to specific pattern recognition receptors expressed in multiple cells, including endothelial cells, induce the expression of adhesion molecules, the production of proinflammatory cytokines and an enhanced production of reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells, which constitute a link between immunity and inflammation. The connection between endothelial damage, inflammation and defective immunity in uremia will be reviewed here

    Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Strategies Based on the Potentiation of Glutathione Peroxidase Activity Prevent Endothelial Dysfunction in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Background/Aims: Accelerated atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) is preceded by endothelial dysfunction (ED), which exhibits a proinflammatory and prothrombotic phenotype and enhanced oxidative stress. In this study, the effect of several compounds with anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant properties on uremia-induced endothelial dysfunction has been evaluated in an in vitro model. Methods: Endothelial cells (ECs) were exposed to sera from uremic patients in the absence and presence of the flavonoids apigenin, genistein and quercetin, the antioxidant enzyme mimetics (AEM) ebselen (glutathione peroxidase mimetic), EUK-134 and EUK-118 (both superoxide dismutase mimetics), and the pharmacological drug N-acetylcysteine (NAC). We explored changes in the expression of adhesion receptors on the cell surface, by immunofluorescence, the production of radical oxygen species (ROS), by fluorescence detection, and the activation of signaling proteins related to inflammation, by both a phosphospecific antibody cell-based ELISA and immunoblotting techniques. Results: Uremic media induced a significantly increased expression of ICAM-1, overproduction of radical oxygen species (ROS) and activation of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) and Nuclear Factor kB (NFkB) in ECs. Quercetin, the AEM and NAC showed a significant inhibitory effect on both ICAM-1 expression and ROS generation (p&#x3c;0.05). All the compounds reduced p38MAPK activation, but only the AEM, especially ebselen, and NAC, both potentiating the glutathione peroxidase pathway, also inhibited NFkB activation. These two compounds were capable of increasing endothelial glutathione levels, especially in response to uremia. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the potentiation of the antioxidant pathways can be an effective strategy to improve endothelial dysfunction in uremia and a potential target to reduce the cardiovascular risk in this population

    Repercusi贸n de la actualizaci贸n del software del monitor 5008 en el volumen convectivo total

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    Introducci贸n: La hemodiafiltraci贸n on-line (HDF-OL) se basa en la administraci贸n controlada de grandes vol煤menes de sustituci贸n de l铆quido de di谩lisis ultrapuro al circuito sangu铆neo extracorp贸reo de di谩lisis. Actualmente es la t茅cnica m谩s efectiva para la eliminaci贸n de toxinas ur茅micas de peque帽o y gran tama帽o. Recientes estudios han observado una asociaci贸n en el descenso de la mortalidad en relaci贸n directa con el volumen convectivo recibido. La 煤ltima actualizaci贸n del software del monitor Fresenius 5008 (5008 CorDiax) permite la automatizaci贸n del volumen de sustituci贸n sin precisar la introducci贸n de los valores de prote铆nas totales y hematocrito, con el objetivo optimizar al m谩ximo la convecci贸n. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue valorar la reciente versi贸n del software del monitor 5008 comparada con la versi贸n anterior sobre la repercusi贸n en el volumen convectivo total. Material y m茅todos: Se incluyeron 63 pacientes, 44 varones y 19 mujeres, con una edad media de 65,2 卤 15 a帽os, que se encontraban en programa de HDF-OL. Cada paciente fue analizado en 6 sesiones, 3 con el monitor 5008 y 3 con el monitor 5008 CorDiax. En cada sesi贸n se feterminaron el volumen de sustituci贸n, el volumen convectivo total y los par谩metros de di谩lisis. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias significativas en las presiones arterial, venosa o transmembrana ni aumento en el n煤mero de alarmas o coagulaci贸n de l铆neas o dializadores. Se observ贸 un aumento significativo del volumen de sustituci贸n con el uso del software CorDiax al pasar de 27,2 a 31,2 l/sesi贸n. El volumen convectivo total se increment贸 de 29,5 a 33,3 l/sesi贸n, representando un aumento del volumen convectivo efectivo del 26 % al 29,6 % de la sangre total depurada. Conclusi贸n: El cambio de software en el monitor de di谩lisis 5008 ha significado un aumento del volumen convectivo total del 13 %, representando un incremento del 3,5 % de la sangre total depurada

    Modulaci贸n farmacol贸gica de la disfunci贸n endotelial en la uremia

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    [spa] La enfermedad cardiovascular (CV) es la principal causa de muerte de los pacientes con enfermedad renal cr贸nica terminal (ERCT). Es especialmente llamativa la diferencia que existe, con respecto la poblaci贸n general, en el grupo de pacientes m谩s j贸venes, siendo 茅sta de hasta 50 veces superior. A pesar de las mejoras t茅cnicas implementadas en di谩lisis o de las estrategias farmacol贸gicas disponibles, no se ha conseguido reducir la mortalidad de origen CV en este grupo de pacientes. Esta elevada prevalencia de enfermedad CV (en forma de alteraciones microvasculares o macrovasculares -aterosclerosis o arteriosclerosis-) tiene como nexo com煤n la disfunci贸n endotelial (DE), se encuentra agravada en la enfermedad renal cr贸nica (ERC) y se manifiesta presentando un fenotipo proinflamatorio, prooxidante y protromb贸tico. Esta Tesis Doctoral (TD) plantea la hip贸tesis de que es posible mejorar la DE presente en la uremia mediante nuevos enfoques de modulaci贸n farmacol贸gica a partir de la identificaci贸n de nuevas potenciales dianas terap茅uticas. Los objetivos son: explorar los efectos de la modulaci贸n de distintos sistemas antioxidantes-antiinflamatorios, y la posibilidad de intervenci贸n sobre los cambios epigen茅ticos asociados a la exposici贸n cr贸nica de las c茅lulas endoteliales (CE) al medio ur茅mico. La metodolog铆a se centra en el estudio de los cambios y capacidad de modulaci贸n de la DE. Para ello, se ha utilizado un modelo in vitro de cultivo de CE procedentes de venas de cord贸n umbilical humano (HUVECs), incubadas con suero de pacientes con ERCT en programa de di谩lisis (di谩lisis peritoneal o hemodi谩lisis) y donantes sanos tras la exposici贸n a los distintos compuestos estudiados. Las t茅cnicas utilizadas en el primer trabajo incluyen: inmunofluorescencia para medir la expresi贸n de ICAM-1, t茅cnicas de fluorescencia para la determinaci贸n de la generaci贸n de radicales libres de ox铆geno (ROS), t茅cnicas de ELISA y Western blot para el estudio de la expresi贸n del factor de transcripci贸n NF泻B y de la 铆va p38MAPK y fl uorimetr铆a para la medici贸n de glutati贸n (GSH). Las t茅cnicas utilizadas en el segundo trabajo incluyen: an谩lisis prote贸mico para detectar prote铆nas expresadas de manera diferencial; Western blot e inmunofluorescencia para la cuantificaci贸n de la histona desacetilasa (HDAC) tipo 1 (HDAC1) y tipo 2 (HDAC2), y de la v铆a PI3-kinasa/AKT; inmunofluorescencia para medir la expresi贸n de ICAM-1, Toll Like Receptor 4 (TLR4), factor von Willebrand (FvW) y t茅cnicas de fluorescencia para la determinaci贸n de la generaci贸n de (ROS). Los resultados del primer trabajo demuestran que la modulaci贸n farmacol贸gica de los sistemas antioxidantes, mediante la potenciaci贸n de la v铆a de la glutati贸n peroxidasa (GPX) inducen una mayor respuesta antioxidante y antiinflamatoria que las estrategias que potencian la v铆a de la super贸xido dismutasa (SOD) o los distintos flavonoides, que obtienen unos resultados parciales. Los resultados del segundo demuestran que el medio ur茅mico induce cambios en la expresi贸n de prote铆nas a nivel de las CE. Algunos de estos cambios son revertidos por el f谩rmaco defibrotide (DF), con reconocidas propiedades protectoras del endotelio en otros contextos. De las prote铆nas sobreexpresadas en las CE expuestas al medio ur茅mico y que son normalizadas por el DF destacamos, por su relevancia biol贸gica, HDAC1 y HDAC2. El DF, regulando la sobreexpresi贸n de HDAC1 y HDAC2, logra una mejor铆a del fenotipo proinflamatorio, protromb贸tico y prooxidante, y una disminuci贸n de la actividad de la inmunidad innata, de las CE expuestas al medio ur茅mico. As铆 pues, esta TD permite concluir que es posible mejorar la DE presente en la ERC in vitro mediante un abordaje distinto al disponible hasta la fecha, con estrategias que se centren en contrarrestar el entorno prooxidante, as铆 como algunos de los cambios epigen茅ticos observados en estas CE, abriendo las expectativas de posibles nuevas dianas terap茅uticas.[eng] Cardiovascular disease (CV) is the leading cause of death of patients with terminal chronic kidney disease (ERCT). This high prevalence of CV disease (in the form of microvascular or macrovascular alterations - atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis) has as a common link endothelial dysfunction (ED), is aggravated in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and manifests itself by presenting a proinflammatory, prooxidant and prothrombotic phenotype. This Doctoral Thesis (TD) hypothesizes that it is possible to improve the ED present in uremia through new pharmacological modulation approaches based on the identification of new potential therapeutic targets. The objectives are: to explore the effects of the modulation of different antioxidant-anti-inflammatory systems, and the possibility of intervention on epigenetic changes associated with chronic exposure of endothelial cells (EC) to the uremic environment. he results of the first work show that the pharmacological modulation of antioxidant systems, through the potentiation of the glutathione peroxidase (GPX) pathway, induces a greater antioxidant and anti-inflammatory response than the strategies that enhance the superoxide dismutase (SOD) pathway or the different flavonoids, which obtain partial results. The results of the second show that the uremic medium induces changes in protein expression at the EC level. Some of these changes are reversed by the drug defibrotide (DF), with recognized endothelial protective properties in other contexts. Of the overexpressed proteins in the EC exposed to the uremic environment and which are normalized by the DF, we highlight, due to their biological relevance, HDAC1 and HDAC2. The DF, regulating the overexpression of HDAC1 and HDAC2, achieves an improvement of the proinflammatory, prothrombotic and prooxidant phenotype, and a decrease in the activity of innate immunity, of the EC exposed to the uremic environment. Thus, this TD allows us to conclude that it is possible to improve the ED present in CKD in vitro through a different approach to that available to date, with strategies that focus on counteracting the prooxidant environment, as well as some of the epigenetic changes observed in these CE, opening the expectations of possible new therapeutic targets

    Riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes con insuficiencia renal cr贸nica en tratamiento sustitutivo renal

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    RESUMEN Los pacientes en di谩lisis constituyen un grupo de riesgo cardiovascular muy elevado, ya que esta patolog铆a representa alrededor del 50% de las causas de muerte en estos pacientes, y la mortalidad cardiovascular es entre 10 y 20 veces superior respecto a la poblaci贸n general tras ajustar por edad, sexo y raza. La patolog铆a cardiovascular en estos pacientes no se explica 煤nicamente por la elevada prevalencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular cl谩sicos (edad, hipertensi贸n, diabetes, hiperlipemia, tabaquismo, etc.). Por ello, se postula que la presencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular 芦nuevos禄 (hiperhomocisteinemia, hiperfibrinogenemia, elevaci贸n de lipoprote铆na (a), el estr茅s oxidativo, la inflamaci贸n, etc.) o relacionados con el estado ur茅mico (anemia, el estado hiperdin谩mico inducido por el acceso vascular, alteraciones del metabolismo calcio-f贸sforo, hiperparatiroidismo, acumulaci贸n de inhibidores end贸genos de la s铆ntesis de 贸xido n铆trico, etc.) podr铆an explicar esta mayor morbi-mortalidad cardiovascular. El evento inicial en el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis es la disfunci贸n endotelial. Los pacientes ur茅micos presentan una disfunci贸n endotelial, que es aparente incluso antes de iniciar tratamiento sustitutivo renal, y que persiste o se agrava cuando los pacientes est谩n en di谩lisis. Por todo ello, estos pacientes deben ser considerados como un grupo de alto riesgo cardiovascular, y el tratamiento de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular debe ser precoz, agresivo y multifactorial para intentar reducir la elevada morbimortalidad cardiovascular que sufren. ABSTRACT Dialysis patients constitute a high-risk subset of patients for developing cardiovascular disease, which accounts for nearly 50% of deaths. After stratification for age, race and gender, cardiovascular mortality is 10-20 times higher in dialysis patients than in the general population. Cardiovascular disease in this population cannot be fully explained by the high prevalence of classical cardiovascular risk factors (age, hypertension, diabetes, hiperlipidemia, smoking, etc.). Thus, the involvement of 芦new禄 cardiovascular risk factors (hyperhomocysteinemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, high lipoprotein (a) levels, oxidative stress, inflammation, etc.), and uremia-related factors (anemia, impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism, hyperparathyroidism, accummulation of endogenous inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, etc.) has been also invoked to play a role in the increased cardiovascular risk in these patients. Endothelial dysfunction is the initial event in the development of atherosclerosis. Uremic patients exhibit an endothelial dysfunction, even before starting dialysis, which persists o is even aggravated under dialysis treatment. Uremic patients must be considered at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Thus cardiovascular risk factors in these patients should be managed early, aggressive and multifactorially in order to reduce their high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality

    Di谩lisis peritoneal autom谩tica adaptada: un m茅todo de prescripci贸n eficaz, eficiente y seguro

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    El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los resultados obtenidos tras la introducci贸n de la modalidad de di谩lisis peritoneal autom谩tica adaptada, usando bicarbonato puro como agente tamp贸n, en un grupo de pacientes en programa de di谩lisis peritoneal autom谩tica convencional. Estudio de dise帽o cuasi experimental, que se realiz贸 entre los meses de febrero y diciembre de 2013, en la unidad de di谩lisis peritoneal del Hospital Cl铆nic de Barcelona. Los sujetos de estudio fueron 12 pacientes, 7 mujeres y 5 hombres, de dicha unidad en modalidad de di谩lisis peritoneal autom谩tica convencional. Edad media 58卤12 a帽os (rango: 34-71). El estudio consisti贸 en comparar dos modalidades de di谩lisis peritoneal autom谩tica. Se inici贸 el estudio con prescripci贸n de di谩lisis convencional, durante tres meses, para cambiar a modalidad de di谩lisis adaptada durante el mismo intervalo de tiempo. Y finalizarlo, con tres meses de pauta de di谩lisis convencional. Se prescribi贸 el mismo volumen total de l铆quido de di谩lisis y tiempo de sesi贸n, para cada paciente en ambas modalidades, variando los vol煤menes y tiempos de permanencia en funci贸n de la modalidad. Se utiliz贸 soluci贸n de di谩lisis con bicarbonato puro y glucosa 1,5%. Todos los pacientes, con d铆a seco. Se monitorizaron las variables al inicio del estudio, y en cada cambio de prescripci贸n. Los resultados obtenidos en di谩lisis convencional: Kt/v=2,3卤0,2, aclaramiento de creatinina=63卤8litros/s mana, y ultrafiltraci贸n=842卤110ml. En di谩lisis adaptada, Kt/v=2,8卤0,2, aclaramiento de creatinina=74卤9litros/semana, y ultrafiltraci贸n=982卤123ml. La di谩lisis adaptada permite obtener una adecuada eficacia de tratamiento, mejora los par谩metros de adecuaci贸n de di谩lisis y ultrafiltraci贸n; siendo segura y c贸moda

    Up-regulation of HDACs, a harbinger of uremic endothelial dysfunction, is prevented by defibrotide

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    Endothelial dysfunction is an earlier contributor to the development of atherosclerosis in chronic kidney disease (CKD), in which the role of epigenetic triggers cannot be ruled out. Endothelial protective strategies, such as defibrotide (DF), may be useful in this scenario. We evaluated changes induced by CKD on endothelial cell proteome and explored the effect of DF and the mechanisms involved. Human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells were exposed to sera from healthy donors (n = 20) and patients with end-stage renal disease on haemodialysis (n = 20). Differential protein expression was investigated by using a proteomic approach, Western blot and immunofluorescence. HDAC1 and HDAC2 overexpression was detected. Increased HDAC1 expression occurred at both cytoplasm and nucleus. These effects were dose-dependently inhibited by DF. Both the HDACs inhibitor trichostatin A and DF prevented the up-regulation of the endothelial dysfunction markers induced by the uraemic milieu: intercellular adhesion molecule-1, surface Toll-like receptor-4, von Willebrand Factor and reactive oxygen species. Moreover, DF down-regulated HDACs expression through the PI3/AKT signalling pathway. HDACs appear as key modulators of the CKD-induced endothelial dysfunction as specific blockade by trichostatin A or by DF prevents endothelial dysfunction responses to the CKD insult. Moreover, DF exerts its endothelial protective effect by inhibiting HDAC up-regulation likely through PI3K/AKT