649 research outputs found

    A Field Study Of Management And Husbandry Factors Affecting Reproductive Performance Of Dairy Cows In Malacca Malaysia

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    The problem of poor reproductive per formance and lack of profit from small holders ' dairy cows in Halacca was addressed during the period July 1981 to May 1983 . Performance of 290 cows on 82 farms with varying feeding and management regimes were studied over a period of at least one year. Performance history and physical examination of the cows at repetitive visits provided data which was analysed for significant differences (P < 0. 05) in productive and reproductive performance against variations in husbandry , and population character is tics of cows and farmers. Increasing parity from one to three or greater decreased calving to conception interval mean by 4 . 2, median by 5.5 and for 90% of cows pregnant by 5.6 months at a level of feeding 0.5 NRC recommendations . With full feeding the corresponding figures were 1.8,1.7 and 2.1 ( but between parity one and two 2.7,3.0 and 4.9) . Parity exerted its great est effect between parity one and two . No increase in ( milk ) production peak occurred with increase in parity

    Biodiversity and ecosystem function in soil

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    1. Soils are one of the last great frontiers for biodiversity research and are home to an extraordinary range of microbial and animal groups. Biological activities in soils drive many of the key ecosystem processes that govern the global system, especially in the cycling of elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. 2. We cannot currently make firm statements about the scale of biodiversity in soils, or about the roles played by soil organisms in the transformations of organic materials that underlie those cycles. The recent UK Soil Biodiversity Programme (SBP) has brought a unique concentration of researchers to bear on a single soil in Scotland, and has generated a large amount of data concerning biodiversity, carbon flux and resilience in the soil ecosystem. 3. One of the key discoveries of the SBP was the extreme diversity of small organisms: researchers in the programme identified over 100 species of bacteria, 350 protozoa, 140 nematodes and 24 distinct types of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Statistical analysis of these results suggests a much greater 'hidden diversity'. In contrast, there was no unusual richness in other organisms, such as higher fungi, mites, collembola and annelids. 4. Stable-isotope (C-13) technology was used to measure carbon fluxes and map the path of carbon through the food web. A novel finding was the rapidity with which carbon moves through the soil biota, revealing an extraordinarily dynamic soil ecosystem. 5. The combination of taxonomic diversity and rapid carbon flux makes the soil ecosystem highly resistant to perturbation through either changing soil structure or removing selected groups of organisms

    Isolation and characterization of Dehalobacter sp. strain TeCB1 including identification of TcbA: A novel tetra- and trichlorobenzene reductive Dehalogenase

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    © 2017 Alfán-Guzmán, Ertan, Manefield and Lee. Dehalobacter sp. strain TeCB1 was isolated from groundwater near Sydney, Australia, that is polluted with a range of organochlorines. The isolated strain is able to grow by reductive dechlorination of 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene to 1,3- and 1,4-dichlorobenzene with 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene being the intermediate daughter product. Transient production of 1,2-dichlorobenzene was detected with subsequent conversion to monochlorobenzene. The dehalogenation capability of strain TeCB1 to respire 23 alternative organochlorines was examined and shown to be limited to the use of 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene. Growth on 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene resulted in the production of predominantly 1,3- and 1,4-dichlorobenzene. The inability of strain TeCB1 to grow on 1,2-dichlorobenzene indicated that the production of monochlorobenzene during growth on 1,2,4,5-tetarchlorobezene was cometabolic. The annotated genome of strain TeCB1 contained only one detectable 16S rRNA gene copy and genes for 23 full-length and one truncated Reductive Dehalogenase (RDase) homologs, five unique to strain TeCB1. Identification and functional characterization of the 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene and 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene RDase (TcbA) was achieved using native-PAGE coupled with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Interestingly, TcbA showed higher amino acid identity with tetrachloroethene reductases PceA (95% identity) from Dehalobacter restrictus PER-K23 and Desulfitobacterium hafniense Y51 than with the only other chlorinated benzene reductase [i.e., CbrA (30% identity)] functionally characterized to date

    Role of Pyocyanin and Extracellular DNA in Facilitating Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Formation

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic Gram‐negative bacterium that is primarily responsible for infections related to cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, burn wounds, urinary tract infections, surgery‐associated infections, and HIV‐related illness. Pyocyanin and extracellular DNA (eDNA) are the major factors dictating the progression of biofilm formation and infection. Pyocyanin is a potent virulence factor causing cell death in infected CF patients and is associated with high mortality. eDNA is a key player in P. aeruginosa biofilm formation and is also responsible for the high viscosity of CF sputum that blocks the respiratory airway passages. In this chapter, we summarize our recent findings on the role of pyocyanin in facilitating P. aeruginosa biofilm formation. Pyocyanin promotes eDNA release in P. aeruginosa by inducing cell lysis mediated via hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production. Pyocyanin intercalates with the nitrogenous bases of DNA and creates structural perturbation on the double‐helix structure. Pyocyanin‐eDNA binding significantly influences P. aeruginosa cell surface hydrophobicity and influences the physicochemical interactions facilitating bacterial cell‐to‐cell interaction (aggregation) and ultimately facilitates robust biofilm formation. A pyocyanin knockout (ΔphzA‐G) mutant is shown to have significantly reduced eDNA release and biofilm formation in comparison to its wild‐type. To this end, we discover that antioxidant glutathione directly binds to pyocyanin and modulates pyocyanin structure and function, thus inhibiting pyocyanin‐eDNA binding and consequently hampering biofilm development

    A bacterial chloroform reductive dehalogenase: purification and biochemical characterization

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    © 2017 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology. We report herein the purification of a chloroform (CF)-reducing enzyme, TmrA, from the membrane fraction of a strict anaerobe Dehalobacter sp. strain UNSWDHB to apparent homogeneity with an approximate 23-fold increase in relative purity compared to crude lysate. The membrane fraction obtained by ultracentrifugation was solubilized in Triton X-100 in the presence of glycerol, followed by purification by anion exchange chromatography. The molecular mass of the purified TmrA was determined to be 44.5 kDa by SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF/TOF. The purified dehalogenase reductively dechlorinated CF to dichloromethane in vitro with reduced methyl viologen as the electron donor at a specific activity of (1.27 ± 0.04) × 103units mg protein−1. The optimum temperature and pH for the activity were 45°C and 7.2, respectively. The UV-visible spectrometric analysis indicated the presence of a corrinoid and two [4Fe-4S] clusters, predicted from the amino acid sequence. This is the first report of the production, purification and biochemical characterization of a CF reductive dehalogenase

    Evidence for a Putative Isoprene Reductase in Acetobacterium wieringae

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    Recent discoveries of isoprene-metabolizing microorganisms suggest they might play an important role in the global isoprene budget. Under anoxic conditions, isoprene can be used as an electron acceptor and is reduced to methylbutene. This study describes the proteogenomic profiling of an isoprene-reducing bacterial culture to identify organisms and genes responsible for the isoprene hydrogenation reaction. A metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) of the most abundant (89% relative abundance) lineage in the enrichment, Acetobacterium wieringae, was obtained. Comparative proteogenomics and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) identified a putative five-gene operon from the A. wieringae MAG upregulated during isoprene reduction. The operon encodes a putative oxidoreductase, three pleiotropic nickel chaperones (2 × HypA, HypB), and one 4Fe-4S ferredoxin. The oxidoreductase is proposed as the putative isoprene reductase with a binding site for NADH, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), two pairs of canonical [4Fe-4S] clusters, and a putative iron-sulfur cluster site in a Cys6bonding environment. Well-studied Acetobacterium strains, such as A. woodii DSM 1030, A. wieringae DSM 1911, or A. malicum DSM 4132, do not encode the isoprene-regulated operon but encode, like many other bacteria, a homolog of the putative isoprene reductase (;47 to 49% amino acid sequence identity). Uncharacterized homologs of the putative isoprene reductase are observed across the Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria, suggesting the ability of biohydrogenation of unfunctionalized conjugated doubled bonds in other unsaturated hydrocarbons

    Investigation of the microbial communities colonizing prepainted steel used for roofing and walling

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    © 2016 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Microbial colonization of prepainted steel, commonly used in roofing applications, impacts their aesthetics, durability, and functionality. Understanding the relevant organisms and the mechanisms by which colonization occurs would provide valuable information that can be subsequently used to design fouling prevention strategies. Here, next-generation sequencing and microbial community finger printing (T-RFLP) were used to study the community composition of microbes colonizing prepainted steel roofing materials at Burrawang, Australia and Kapar, Malaysia over a 52-week period. Community diversity was low and was dominated by Bacillus spp., cyanobacteria, actinobacteria, Cladosporium sp., Epicoccum nigrum, and Teratosphaeriaceae sp. Cultivation-based methods isolated approximately 20 different fungi and bacteria, some of which, such as E. nigrum and Cladosporium sp., were represented in the community sequence data. Fluorescence in situ hybridization imaging showed that fungi were the most dominant organisms present. Analysis of the sequence and T-RFLP data indicated that the microbial communities differed significantly between locations and changed significantly over time. The study demonstrates the utility of molecular ecology tools to identify and characterize microbial communities associated with the fouling of painted steel surfaces and ultimately can enable the targeted development of control strategies based on the dominant species responsible for fouling

    Syntrophic Partners Enhance Growth and Respiratory Dehalogenation of Hexachlorobenzene by Dehalococcoides mccartyi Strain CBDB1

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    This study investigated syntrophic interactions between chlorinated benzene respiring Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain CBDB1 and fermenting partners (Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans, and Geobacter lovleyi) during hexachlorobenzene respiration. Dechlorination rates in syntrophic co-cultures were enhanced 2-3 fold compared to H2 fed CBDB1 pure cultures (0.23 ± 0.04 μmol Cl− day−1). Syntrophic partners were also able to supply cobalamins to CBDB1, albeit with 3–10 fold lower resultant dechlorination activity compared to cultures receiving exogenous cyanocobalamin. Strain CBDB1 pure cultures accumulated ~1 μmol of carbon monoxide per 87.5 μmol Cl− released during hexachlorobenzene respiration resulting in decreases in dechlorination activity. The syntrophic partners investigated were shown to consume carbon monoxide generated by CBDB1, thus relieving carbon monoxide autotoxicity. Accumulation of lesser chlorinated chlorobenzene congeners (1,3- and 1,4-dichlorobenzene and 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene) also inhibited dechlorination activity and their removal from the headspace through adsorption to granular activated carbon was shown to restore activity. Proteomic analysis revealed co-culturing strain CBDB1 with Geobacter lovleyi upregulated CBDB1 genes associated with reductive dehalogenases, hydrogenases, formate dehydrogenase, and ribosomal proteins. These data provide insight into CBDB1 ecology and inform strategies for application of CBDB1 in ex situ hexachlorobenzene destruction technologies

    Microbiologically influenced corrosion of cable bolts in underground coal mines: The effect of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    Reports on corrosion failure of cable bolts, used in mining and civil industries, have been increasing in the past two decades. The previous studies found that pitting corrosion on the surface of a cable bolt can initiate premature failure of the bolt. In this study, the role of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans (A. ferrooxidans) bacterium in the occurrence of pitting corrosion in cable bolts was studied. Stressed coupons, made from the wires of cable bolts, were immersed in testing bottles containing groundwater collected from an underground coal mine and a mixture of A. ferrooxidans and geomaterials. It was observed that A. ferrooxidans caused pitting corrosion on the surface of cable bolts in the near-neutral environment. The presence of geomaterials slightly affected the pH of the environment; however, it did not have any significant influence on the corrosion activity of A. ferrooxidans. This study suggests that the common bacterium A. ferrooxidans found in many underground environments can be a threat to cable bolts’ integrity by creating initiation points for other catastrophic failures such as stress corrosion cracking