60 research outputs found

    Neki aspekti uticaja poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu

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    This work presents the main characteristics and trends of agricultural influence on the environment, as one of the most important real interaction systems between society and nature. Functionally the most important mechanisms of agricultural influence on the environment were explained on the basis of the facts. Agriculture is in the focus because it is the oldest and the most permanent, and for the increasing population existence it is the most significant field of material production. Since it appeared for the first time until today, with respect to the appearance of other numerous industries, it has remained territorially most present and cumulatively the most significant agent of human society influence on transformation and degradation of the environment. 'The Hunger' for food, raw materials, agricultural areas is the most persistent companion of increasing human population and the factor of further complexity of agriculture-environment system. The full understanding of this system is essential to human society, because agriculture gave the society the conditions for demographic growth, cultural progress, safety but also provided it with potentially efficient means for environmental system destruction increase and its own existential jeopardy.Rad ukazuje na glavne karakteristike i trendove uticaja poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu, kao jednog od najznačajnijih realnih sistema interakcije društva i prirode. Na temelju činjenica razjašnjeni su funkcionalno najznačajniji mehanizmi uticaja poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu. Poljoprivreda je u fokusu zbog činjenica da je najstarija i najtrajnija, a za egzistenciju rastuće ljudske populacije i najznačajnija oblast materijalne proizvodnje. Od pojave do današnjih dana ona je, i pored pojave mnogobrojnih drugih delatnosti, ostala teritorijalno najprisutniji i kumulativno najznačajniji agens delovanja društva na transformaciju i degradaciju životne sredine. 'Glad' za hranom, sirovinama i poljoprivrednim površinama je najuporniji pratilac rastuće ljudske populacije i faktor daljeg usložnjavanja sistema poljoprivreda - životna sredina. Celovito razumevanje ovog sistema je neophodno ljudskom društvu, jer je ono poljoprivredom steklo uslove za demografski rast, kulturni progres i sigurnost ali i potencijalno efikasno sredstvo za uvećanje destrukcije sistema životne sredine i sopstvenu egzistencijalnu ugroženost

    Removal of organically bound sulfur from oil shale by iron(III)-ion generated-regenerated from pyrite by the action of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    Oil shales are one of the alternative sources of hydrocarbon fuels ("synthetic petroleum"), characterized by the increased sulfur and nitrogen content which represent even greater ecological problem in use, compared to classical fuels. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is capable of oxidizing pyrite to iron (III)-ion, providing a strong oxidation agent at low pH. We have used this oxidizing agent for oxidation of sulfur present in DBT as a substrate model to demonstrate its potential to oxidize organically bound sulfur in oil shales. An HCl-concentrate was used as the hydrocarbon matrix. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is already recognized to oxidize the pyritic sulfur component, thereby potentially providing a complete sulfur removal system. By applying GC-MS we established that DBT transformation occurred by oxidation or elimination of sulfur. The products obtained are more soluble in water than parent compounds and this reduces concentration of organic sulfur.BIOHYDROMETALLURY: FROM THE SINGLE CELL TO THE ENVIRONMEN

    Neki aspekti uticaja poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu

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    This work presents the main characteristics and trends of agricultural influence on the environment, as one of the most important real interaction systems between society and nature. Functionally the most important mechanisms of agricultural influence on the environment were explained on the basis of the facts. Agriculture is in the focus because it is the oldest and the most permanent, and for the increasing population existence it is the most significant field of material production. Since it appeared for the first time until today, with respect to the appearance of other numerous industries, it has remained territorially most present and cumulatively the most significant agent of human society influence on transformation and degradation of the environment. 'The Hunger' for food, raw materials, agricultural areas is the most persistent companion of increasing human population and the factor of further complexity of agriculture-environment system. The full understanding of this system is essential to human society, because agriculture gave the society the conditions for demographic growth, cultural progress, safety but also provided it with potentially efficient means for environmental system destruction increase and its own existential jeopardy.Rad ukazuje na glavne karakteristike i trendove uticaja poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu, kao jednog od najznačajnijih realnih sistema interakcije društva i prirode. Na temelju činjenica razjašnjeni su funkcionalno najznačajniji mehanizmi uticaja poljoprivrede na životnu sredinu. Poljoprivreda je u fokusu zbog činjenica da je najstarija i najtrajnija, a za egzistenciju rastuće ljudske populacije i najznačajnija oblast materijalne proizvodnje. Od pojave do današnjih dana ona je, i pored pojave mnogobrojnih drugih delatnosti, ostala teritorijalno najprisutniji i kumulativno najznačajniji agens delovanja društva na transformaciju i degradaciju životne sredine. 'Glad' za hranom, sirovinama i poljoprivrednim površinama je najuporniji pratilac rastuće ljudske populacije i faktor daljeg usložnjavanja sistema poljoprivreda - životna sredina. Celovito razumevanje ovog sistema je neophodno ljudskom društvu, jer je ono poljoprivredom steklo uslove za demografski rast, kulturni progres i sigurnost ali i potencijalno efikasno sredstvo za uvećanje destrukcije sistema životne sredine i sopstvenu egzistencijalnu ugroženost

    The Response of Maize Lines to Foliar Fertilizing

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of two foliar fertilizers applied on five maize (Zea maysL.) lines. Fertilizers were applied at different growth stages of maize, during three consecutive years (2010-2012) at the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute "Zemun Polje", Serbia. Maize growth parameters such as fresh matter, height, leaf area and grain yield were recorded. Foliar fertilizer with amino acids (FAA) was more advantageous to maize plants compared to fertilizer containing phosphorus (FP) as a main component. Applied FAA has shown positive effects by increasing fresh matter, leaf area index, and plant height in all three years. In 2012, due to unfavorable meteorological conditions, grain yield and harvest index were very low, compared to the previous two years, although, positive effects on morphological traits were observed 21 days after treatments (DAT), as well as in the anthesis stage. The best results of 30% of grain yield and harvest index increase were recorded in line L1 in 2010 and 2011. The same line had an increase of more than 40% of fresh matter and leaf area on average for all three years. The positive effects that have been noticed in this research could recommend foliar fertilizing with fertilizer containing N in a form of an amino acids complex

    Kontaminacija gljivama i prirodna pojava T-2 toksina u hrani za živinu

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    In this study, a total of 41 poultry (chicken and laying hens) feed samples collected from different farms in Serbia in the beginning of 2014 were investigated for total fungal count, presence of potential toxigenic fungi and natural occurrence of T-2 toxin. The number of total fungi was determined using the plate count method whereas T-2 toxin was detected by enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) method. Relative high percent of investigated poultry feed samples (43.90%) had the total fungal count 1 - 7 x 102 CFU g-1, while in 29.27% of the samples that number was 1.4 - 14 x 104 CFU g-1. In regard to potentially toxigenic fungi, species of Fusarium genus were isolated in most of poultry feed samples (58.54%), while species from genus Alternaria were isolated in least of samples (9.76%). The presence of T-2 toxin was detected in 75.61% of the samples, with concentration of 25.07 - 426.08 μg kg-1 (in average, 55.34 μg kg-1). The statistical insignificant negative correlation (r = - 0.05) was obtained between total fungal count and concentrations of T-2 toxin. In addition, a total fungal count and content of T-2 toxin in the samples were not above the maximum allowed levels, although the presence of species from genus Fusarium was found in 58.54% samples. These results indicated that the sanitary and hygienic conditions during the production of poultry feed in Serbia have been at satisfactory level.U radu su proučavani ukupan broj gljiva, prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih rodova gljiva i prirodna pojava T-2 toksina u 41 uzoraka hrane za živinu (piliće i nosilje) koji su sakupljeni iz različitih farmi u Srbiji početkom 2014. godine. Ukupan broj gljiva određen je primenom metode razređenja a T-2 toksin je detektovan primenom imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). Relativno visok procenat proučavanih uzoraka hrane za živinu (43,90%) imao je ukupan broj gljiva 1 - 7 x 102 CFU g-1, dok je u 29,27% uzoraka ukupan broj bio 1,4 - 14 x 104 CFU g-1. Od potencijalno toksigenih gljiva u ispitivanim uzorcima hrane za živinu u najvećem broju uzoraka (58.54%) izolovane su vrste iz roda Fusarium, dok su vrste iz roda Alternaria bile izolovane u najmanjem broju uzoraka (9.76%). Prisustvo T-2 toksina detektovano je u 75,61% ispitivanih uzoraka sa koncentracijom od 25,07 - 426,08 μg kg-1 (prosek 55.34 μg kg-1). Statistički neznačajna korelacija (r = - 0.05) utvrđena je između ukupnog broja gljiva i koncentracija T-2 toksina. Ukupan broj gljiva i sadržaj T-2 toksina u ispitivanim uzorcima nisu bili iznad maksimalno dozvoljenih količina iako je ustanovljeno prisustvo vrsta iz roda Fusarium u 58.54% uzoraka. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da su u Srbiji sanitarnohigijenski uslovi za proizvodnju hrane za živinu na zadovoljavajućem nivou

    Natural toxigenic fungal and mycotoxin occurrence in maize hybrids

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of maize hybrids to the natural occurrence of toxigenic fungal species, in particular toxigenic Aspergillus and Fusarium species, and mycotoxins (aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON) and total fumonisins B1, B2 and B3 (FBs)). Grain samples of six commercial maize hybrids (MAS 34.B – FAO 300, MAS 40.F, MAS 48.L, KWS Konfites and ZP 427 – FAO 400, and MAS 56.A – FAO 500) were collected at harvest in 2018. A total of seven fungal genera, Acremonium, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Fusarium, Nigrospora, Penicillium and Rhizopus, were identified of which only species from the genus Fusarium were present on maize grains of all hybrids tested. The incidence of Fusarium spp. was higher in the hybrids MAS 48.L (54.6%), and MAS 56.A (53.3%), compared to MAS 40.F (37.3%), KWS Konfites (28%), MAS 34.B (22.6%) and ZP 427 (12%) hybrids. Among the identified Fusarium species (F. graminearum, F. proliferatum, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides), F. proliferatum was present in all hybrids, ranging from 9.3% (ZP 427) to 30.7% (MAS 48.L ), whereas F. subglutinans was present in two hybrids, MAS 40.F (16%) and MAS 56.A (9.3%). The incidence of F. graminearum ranged from 0% (KWS Konfites) to 9.3% (MAS 34.B), while the incidence of F. verticillioides ranged from 0% (MAS 34.B and ZP 427) to 21.3% (MAS 48.L). In the samples, Aspergillus species were not identified. The effect of maize hybrids was significant on the level of mycotoxins. MAS 34.B hybrid had a statistically significantly higher levels of AFB1 and DON than other hybrids. The FBs level was the highest in the hybrid MAS 34.B (1202 μg kg-1) and the lowest in the hybrid KWS Konfites (88.33 μg kg-1). However, the FBs level did not differ between hybrids MAS 34.B, MAS 40.F, and MAS 56.L, MAS 40.F, MAS 48.L, and MAS 56.A, and KWS Konfites and ZP 427. In all hybrids, AFB1, DON, and FBs levels were below the maximum permissible levels stipulated by the legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia in unprocessed maize. The agro-ecological conditions in 2018 favored the development of Fusarium species on maize grains of the hybrids tested, especially fumonisin producing species

    Mikobiota i mikotoksini u sveže požnjevenom i uskladištenom zrnu kukuruza

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    The incidence of mycobiota and mycotoxin levels were investigated in the freshly harvested maize kernel samples from October 2014 and in the samples of stored maize kernels from February 2015. Toxigenic fungal species (moulds) were isolated, cultivated and identified on agar plates according to standard mycological methods, while mycotoxins were detected by enzymelinked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). Mycological analyses of kernels showed the presence of toxigenic species from genera Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. Among the Aspergillus species, Aspergillus flavus was identified with higher incidence in the stored kernels (10.25%), than in freshly harvested kernels (3.67%) whereas A. parasiticus was the predominant species in the freshly harvested kernels (4.17%) compared to the stored kernels (0%). From the genus Fusarium three species were identified: F. graminearum, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides, with the incidence of 1.08%, 8% and 25.75%, respectively in freshly harvested kernels and the incidence of 2.50%, 7.10% and 29.75%, respectively in the stored kernels. Species from genus Penicillium had higher incidence in freshly harvested kernels (14.25%) than in the stored kernels (9%). In addition, tested samples of harvested and stored maize kernels were 100% positive with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON) and total fumonisins B1, B2 and B3 (FBs). The mean levels of AFB1, DON and FBs were 2.77 μg kg-1, 117.83 μg kg-1, and 3700.84 μg kg-1, respectively in the freshly harvested kernels and a mean levels of 2.16 μg kg-1, 2034.40 μg kg-1, and 5976.50 μg kg-1, respectively in the stored maize kernels. In the freshly harvested maize kernel samples, statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive correlations of kernel moisture content with the incidence of Penicillium spp. (r = 0.47), and levels of AFB1 (r = 0.46) and FBs (r = 0.47), and between the incidence of Penicillium spp. and level of AFB1 (r = 0.53) were established. In the stored maize kernel samples, statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05) positive correlations were found between the incidence of F. subglutinans and level of FBs (r = 0.50) and between levels AFB1 and FBs (r = 0.52). A highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) positive correlation was established between the incidence of F. verticillioides and level of FBs (r = 0.64) in freshly harvested maize kernel samples. These results indicate that the incidence of toxigenic fungi and levels of mycotoxins, in particular DON and FBs, were higher in the stored maize kernel samples than in freshly harvested maize kernels. Therefore, to prevent the development of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins accumulation in post-harvest period it is necessary to thoroughly dry maize and keep it in hygienic food storages.U radu je proučavana učestalost mikobiota i sadržaj mikotoksina u uzorcima zrna kukuruza sakupljenih tokom berbe u oktobru 2014. godine i u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna sakupljenih u februaru 2015. godine. Toksigene vrste gljiva (plesni) su izolovane, odgajene i identifikovane na hranljivoj podlozi prema standardnim mikološkim metodama, dok je sadržaj mikotoksina detektovan primenom imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). Mikološkim analizama zrna kukuruza ustanovljeno je prisustvo toksigenih vrsta iz rodova Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. Među Aspergillus vrstama, Aspergillus flavus je identifikovana u većem procentu u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna (10,25%) nego u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna (3,67%), a A. parasiticus bila je predominantna vrsta (4,17%) u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog u odnosu na uskladišteno zrno kukuruza (0%). Tri vrste roda Fusarium su identifikovane sa učestalošću od 1,08% (F. graminearum), 8% (F. subglutinans) i 25,75% (F. verticillioides) u požnjevenom zrnu, i sa učestalošću od 2,50% (F. graminearum), 7,10% (F. subglutinans) i 29,75% (F. verticillioides) u uskladištenom zrnu kukuruza. Vrste iz roda Penicillium imale su veću učestalost u uzorcima požnjevenog (14,25%) nego u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna (9%). Ispitivani uzorci sveže požnjevenog i uskladištenog zrna bili su 100% pozitivni sa aflatoksinom B1 (AFB1), deoksinivalenolom (DON) i ukupnim fumonizinima FB1, FB2 i FB3 (FBs). Prosečne koncentracije ovih toksina su iznosile 2,77 μg kg-1 (AFB1), 117,83 μg kg-1 (DON) i 3700,84 μg kg-1 (FBs) u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna i 2,16 μg kg-1 (AFB1), 2034,40 μg kg-1 (DON), i 5976,50 μg kg-1(FBs) u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna. Statistički značajne (P ≤ 0.05) pozitivne korelacije ustanovljene su između sadržaja vlage zrna sa učestalošću Penicillium spp. (r = 0,47) i koncentracijama AFB1 (r = 0,46) i FBs (r = 0,47), kao i između učestalosti Penicillium spp. i koncentracije AFB1 (r = 0,53). U uzorcima uskladištenog zrna, statistički značajne (P ≤ 0.05) pozitivne korelacije ustanovljene su između učestalosti F. subglutinans i koncentracije FBs (r = 0,50) i između koncentracija AFB1 i FBs (r = 0,52). Statistički veoma značajna (P ≤ 0.01) pozitivna korelacija ustanovljena je između učestalosti F. verticillioides i koncentracije FBs (r = 0,64) u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna kukruza. Rezultati ovih istraživanja ukazuju da su učestalosti toksigenih vrsta gljiva i koncentracije mikotoksina, posebno DON i FBs, bile više u uzorcima uskladištenog zrna nego u uzorcima sveže požnjevenog zrna. Zbog toga, da bi se sprečio razvoj toksigenih gljiva i akumulacija mikotoksina u postžetvenom periodu neophodno je kukuruz dobro osušiti i čuvati u higijensko ispravnim skladištima

    Kontaminacija toksigenim vrstama gljiva i njihovim mikotoksinima uzoraka kukuruza iz različitih regiona u Srbiji

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    This study was carried out in order to investigate the natural occurrence of toxigenic fungi and levels of zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in the maize stored immediately after harvesting in 2016 and used for animal feed in Serbia. A total of 22 maize samples were collected from four different districts across the country: City of Belgrade (nine samples), Šumadija (eight samples), Podunavlje (four samples) and Kolubara (one sample). Toxigenic fungi were identified according to the morphological characteristics whereas the mycotoxins contamination were detected using biochemistry enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent (ELISA) assay. The tested samples were mostly infected with Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium spp., except that one sample originated from Kolubara was not contaminated with Aspergillus species. Fusarium graminearum was the most common species in the maize sample from Kolubara district (60%), F. verticillioides in the maize samples from Podunavlje (43.75%) and City of Belgrade (22.4%) districts, and Penicillium spp. in the maize samples from Šumadija district (26.38%). In the analysed maize samples the presence of Aspergillus species was low (0-1.78%). Mycotoxicological analysis revealed the presence of zearalenone (ZEA), deoxynivalenol (DON) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in all the investigated samples, except that DON and AFB1 were not recorded in the samples from Podunavlje and Kolubara districts, respectively. The investigated samples were highly contaminated with ZEA, with incidence of 100% for the samples from Šumadija, Podunavlje and Kolubara districts and 88.89% for the samples from City of Belgrade district. In addition, the samples contamination with DON was 100% and 22.2% for the samples from Šumadija, Kolubara and City of Belgrade, districts, respectively. The highest number of AFB1 positive samples was found in Šumadija district (87.5%), while in the City of Belgrade and Podunavlje districts, 55.56% and 50% AFB1 positive samples were established, respectively. Generally, remarkable infection of all the tested samples with toxigenic fungal species from Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium genera were recorded. In addition, high contamination with mycotoxins ZEA, DON and AFB1 were also recorded; nevertheless, only in one sample the level of DON exceeded the allowed legal limit (1750 μg kg-1 ) according to Regulation for unprocessed maize. Therefore, permanent mycological and mycotoxicological analyses of maize grain are necessary for risk assessment of fungal and mycotoxin contamination throughout the food chain.Ispitivanja u ovom radu izvedena su s ciljem da se odredi prirodna pojava potencijalno toksigenih gljiva iz rodova Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium i sadržaj mikotoksina zearalenona (ZEA), deoksinivalenola (DON) i aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) u kukuruzu uskladištenom neposredno posle berbe u 2016. godini i korišćenom za ishranu životinja. Ukupno 22 uzoraka zrna kukuruza sakupljeni su iz četiri regiona u Srbiji: Beogradski (devet uzoraka), Šumadijski (osam uzoraka), Podunavski (četiri uzorka) i Kolubarski (jedan uzorak). Toksigene vrste gljiva su identifikovane na osnovu morfoloških osobina, a sadržaj mikotoksina određen je pomoću biohemijske, imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). Ispitivani uzorci kukuruza većinom su bili inficirani sa Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium spp., izuzev što u uzorku iz Kolubarskog regiona nisu bile identifikovane Aspergillus vrste. Fusarium graminearum bila je najučestalija vrsta u uzorku kukuruza iz Kolubarskog regiona (60%), F. verticillioides u uzorcima iz Podunavskog (43,75%) i Beogradskog regiona (22,4%) i Penicillium spp. u uzorcima iz Šumadijskog regiona (26,38%). U ispitivanim uzorcima kukuruza zastupljenost Aspergillus vrsta bila je niska (0-1,78%). Mikotoksikološkim analizama ustanovljeno je prisustvo zearalenona (ZEA), deoksinivalenola (DON) i aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) u svim ispitivanim uzorcima kukuruza, izuzev što DON nije detektovan u uzorcima iz Podunavskog a AFB1 u uzorku iz Kolubarskog regiona. Ispitivani uzorci su visoko kontaminirani sa ZEA, 100% uzoraka iz Šumadijskog, Podunavskog i Kolubarskog regiona i 88,89% uzoraka iz Beogradskog regiona. Isto tako, sa DON bilo je kontaminirano 100% uzoraka iz Šumadijskog i Kolubarskog regiona i 22,2% iz Beogradskog regiona. Najveći broj AFB1 pozitivnih uzoraka ustanovljen je u Šumadijskom regionu (87,5%), dok je u Beogradskom i Podunavskom regionu ustanovljeno 55,56% i 50% AFB1 pozitivnih uzoraka, respektivno. Uopšteno razmatrajući, u ovim analizama ustanovljena je visoka zastupljenost toksigenih vrsta u svim ispitivanim uzorcima kukuruza. Isto tako, ustanovljena je visoka kontaminiranost uzoraka sa mikotoksinima ZEA, DON i AFB1, iako je samo u jednom uzorku sadržaj DON premašio dozvoljeni limit (1750 μg kg-1 ) prema zakonskoj regulativi za neprerađeni kukuruz. Zbog toga, stalne mikološke i mikotoksikološke analize zrna kukuruza neophodne su radi ocene rizika od gljivične i mikotoksin kontaminacije u lancu ishrane

    Mikobiota i aflatoksin B1 u hrani za živinu

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    In this study, a total of 30 poultry (chicken and laying hens) feed samples collected from different poultry farms in Serbia in 2016 were tested for fungal and aflatoxin contamination. Using the plate count and standard mycological methods, total fungal counts and potentially toxigenic fungal genera were determined. Natural occurrence of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) was detected by ELISA (enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay) method. The total fungal count was in the range from 1 x 102 (2 log CFU g-1 ) to 1.83 x 105 CFU g-1 (5.26 logCFU g-1 ). The majority of the chicken feeds (78.57%) had the total fungal count in the ranged from 1 x 102 to 4.8 x 104 CFU g-1 , whereas in 68.75% of the laying hens feeds it was ranged from 5.3 x 104 to 1.83 x 105 CFU g -1 . In 21.43% of the chicken feeds fungal contamination reached the level above the regulation limits. Three potentially toxigenic fungal genera, Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium, have been identified. In the tested poultry feed samples, more samples contaminated with Aspergillus were determined compared to samples contaminated by Fusarium and Penicillium species. The AFB1 was detected in concentrations from 1.34 to 18.29 g kg-1 , with an average of 4.47 and 4.56 g kg-1 in the chicken and laying hens feed samples, respectively. In 14.29% of the chicken feeds, the level of AFB1 was above the regulation limits. The obtained results confirmed the importance of continuous mycological and mycotoxicological control of poultry feed, as well as need to improve risk assessments of such contaminants along the food chain.U ovom radu je 30 uzoraka hrane za živinu sakupljenih tokom 2016. godine iz različitih živinarskih farmi u Srbiji, ispitivano na prisustvo gljiva i aflatoksina u uzorku. Primenom metode razrešenja i standardnih mikoloških metoda utvrđeni su ukupan broj gljiva i identifikovani su potencijalno toksigeni rodovi gljiva. Prirodna pojava aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) utvrđena je primenom biohemijske imunoadsorpcione metode (ELISA). Ukupan broj gljiva bio je od 1 x 102 (2 logCFU g-1 ) do 1,83 x 105 CFU g-1 (5.26 log CFU g-1 ). Najveći broj uzoraka hrane za piliće (78,57%) imao je ukupan broj gljiva u rangu od 1 x 102 do 4,8 x 104 CFU g-1 , dok je 68,75% uzoraka hrane za nosilje imalo ukupan broj gljiva u rangu od 5,3 x 104 do 1,83 x 105 CFU g-1 . U 21,43% hrane za piliće ustanovljen je nedozvoljen ukupan broj gljiva. Identifikovana su tri potencijalno toksigena roda gljiva Aspergillus, Fusarium i Penicillium. Najveći broj ispitivanih uzoraka hrane za živinu bio je kontaminiran Aspergillus vrstama, u odnosu na Fusarium i Penicillium vrste koje su kontaminirale manji broj uzoraka. Rang sadržaja AFB1 bio je od 1,34 do 18,29 µg kg-1 , sa prosečnim sadržajem od 4,47 µg kg-1 u uzorcima hrane za piliće, i 4,56 µg kg-1 u uzorcima hrane za nosilje. U 14,29% uzoraka hrane za piliće ustanovljen je nedozvoljen sadržaj AFB1. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju značaj stalne mikološke i mikotoksikološke kontrole hrane za živinu, kao i potrebu za usavršavanjem procene rizika od štetnih (gljivičnih) kontaminenata u lancu ishrane

    Kontaminacija gljivama i prirodna pojava ohratoksina A (OTA) u hrani za živinu

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    Total fungal count, the presence of potentially toxigenic fungi and natural occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) were studied in 30 poultry feed samples (14 samples of feed for chickens and 16 samples of feed for laying hens), which were collected from different farms in Serbia at the beginning of year 2014. The total number of fungi was determined by the method of dilution and OTA was detected using the imunoadsorption enzymatic assay (ELISA). In most of the samples of chickens feed (50%) the total number of fungi was 1 - 3 x 102 CFU g-1, and in feed for laying hens the highest number of samples (37.50%) had the total fungal count from 1.4 to 4.8 x 104 CFU g -1. The species of genera Aspergillus and Pénicillium were identified as producers of OTA in 21.43% and 42.86% of chickens feed samples and in 68.75% and 25% of samples of feed for laying hens. The presence of OTA was detected in 100% of samples of feed for chickens and laying hens, with average concentrations of 34.40 μg kg-1 (feed for chickens) and 43.89 μg kg-1 (feed for laying hens). The total fungal count and content of OTA were not above the maximum allowed quantities, even though the presence of Aspergillus and Penicillium species was found in a large number of samples (up to 68.75%). These results indicate that the tested samples of poultry feed were mycologically and mycotoxicologically correct.Ukupan broj gljiva, prisustvo potencijalno toksigenih rodova gljiva i prirodna pojava ohratoksina A (OTA) proučavani su u 30 uzoraka hrane za živinu (14 uzoraka hrane za piliće i 16 uzoraka hrane za nosilje), koji su sakupljeni iz različitih farmi u Srbiji početkom 2014. godine. Ukupan broj gljiva određen je primenom metode razređenja a OTA je detektovan primenom imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). U najvećem broju uzoraka hrane za piliće (50%) ukupan broj gljiva je bio od 1 - 3 x 102 CFU g-1, a u hrani za nosilje najveći broj uzoraka (37,50%) imao je ukupan broj gljiva od 1,4 do 4,8 x 104 CFU g-1. Kao producenti OTA identifikovane su vrste iz rodova Aspergillus and Penicillium u 21,43% and 42,86% uzoraka hrane za piliće i u 68,75% and 25% uzoraka hrane za nosilje. Prisustvo OTA je detektovano u 100% uzoraka hrane za piliće i nosilje, sa prosečnim koncentracijama od 34,40 μg kg-1 (hrana za piliće) i 43,89 μg kg-1 (hrana za nosilje). Vrednosti za ukupan broj gljiva i sadržaj OTA nisu bile iznad maksimalno dozvoljenih količina, iako je ustanovljeno prisustvo Aspergillus i Penicillium vrsta u velikom broju uzoraka (do 68,75%). Ovi rezultati ukazuju da su ispitivani uzorci hrane za živinu mikološki i mikotoksikološki ispravni