32 research outputs found

    Struktura motoričkih sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi prije i poslije kineziološkog tretmana

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    The research included the sample of 114 pre-school children aged 6 and 7, with average values of height (TV=123.23cm±5.43) and weight (TT=24.53kg±2.71). The children were divided into two groups: (E) experimental group (n=55), which had an additional programme of kinesiology activities lasting for 12 weeks, and (K) control group (n=59), which, apart from regular activities in physical education classes in the kindergarten did not have a programme of kinesiology activities. The aim of the research was to determine the latent structure of motor abilities before and after the application of kinesiology activities, and to determine the compatibility of factor saturation. Correlation was performed by Pearson correlation coefficient, and determination of the structure of motor activities was performed by factor analysis and by the method of principal components with bent promax rotation of isolated principal components. The Tucker index of saturation factor was used for determining the compatibility of isolated factors. Research results indicate that both in the initial and the final measurements of both tested groups, a two-dimensional structure of motor abilities was determined, consisting of coordination and strength, which could most appropriately be defined as one, general motor factor. The congruence between the isolated factors in E and K groups gained in the initial and final measurements shows that there are no differences in the structure of isolated factors. It can be concluded that motor functioning of children is still under the mechanism of structuring movement, so after the application of kinesiology activities the same factors remained, and quality changes in the structure of motor abilities have not been detected in the tested age.Istraživanje je obavljeno na uzorku od 114 djece predškolske dobi starosti 6 i 7 godina s prosječnim vrijednostima tjelesne visine (TV = 123,23 cm ± 5,43) i tjelesne težine (TT = 24,53 kg ± 2,71), podijeljenih u dvije skupine i to: (E) eksperimentalnu (n = 55) koja je imala dodatni program kinezioloških aktivnosti u trajanju od 12 tjedana i (K) kontrolnu skupinu (n = 59) koja uz redovne aktivnosti iz Tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja u vrtiću nije imala dodatni program kinezioloških aktivnosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje latentne strukture motoričkih sposobnosti prije i poslije tretmana kinezioloških aktivnosti, te utvrđivanje podudarnosti faktorskih zasićenja. Korelacija je izvršena s pomoću Pearson-ova koeficijenta korelacije, a utvrđivanje strukture motoričkih sposobnosti izvedeno je faktorskom analizom i to metodom glavnih komponenti uz kosu promax rotaciju izoliranih glavnih komponenti. Tucker-ov indeks faktorskih zasićenja koristio se za određivanje podudarnosti izoliranih faktora. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da je na inicijalnom i na finalnom mjerenju u obje testirane skupine utvrđena dvodimenzionalna struktura motoričkih sposobnosti koju čine koordinacija i snaga, a koju je najprikladnije definirati kao jedan i to generalni motorički faktor. Kongruencije između izoliranih faktora u E i K skupini dobivenih na inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju ukazuju na to da nema različitosti u strukturi izoliranih fakora. Zaključuje se da je motoričko funkcioniranje djece još uvijek pod dobrim dijelom mehanizma za strukturiranje kretanja, te se i nakon tretmana kinezioloških aktivnosti još uvijek radi o jednim te istim faktorima, a kvalitativne promjene u strukturi motoričkih sposobnosti ne postižu se u testiranoj dobi


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    A survey of the level of knowledge and public awareness among visitors to The 19th International Horticulture Fair in Belgrade was conducted using a self-completion questionnaire. Public awareness and knowledge of alien invasive species is required of residents, teachers, tree professionals and other stakeholders to enable the early detection and a ‘stop the spread’ strategy in the management of alien invasive species. The research on public awareness and knowledge about five selected tree pests and pathogens revealed that 83.30% of respondents have no knowledge. Respondents were asked to show their practical knowledge  by matching the pest or pathogen with the symptoms on a tree, and only 4-11% were able to give correct answers. The public’s attitude towards plant health issues is positive and almost all the respondents only buy their plants from registered nursery or distributors. Over half do not buy imported plants and are aware of the likelihood that more invasive alien species could come into our country and region via this pathway. Respondents use multiple sources to gain their knowledge regarding tree pests and pathogens. The most frequent sources used are the internet, face-to-face learning from educational establishments (lectures, seminars etc.), newspapers and trade journal articles. Respondents are motivated to gain knowledge about pests and pathogens and the pathways of their introduction, from the preferred formats of: the internet, TV programmes, printed brochures and books. Educational technology should be applied in order to facilitate education and lifelong learning, raise public awareness about pests and pathogens and improve professional practices.Proučavanje razina znanja i svijesti javnosti među posjetiteljima 19. Međunarodnog sajma hortikulture, održanog u Beogradu od 03. do 6. 04.2014. godine, sprovedeno je putem samostalnog popunjavanja upitnika. Svijest javnosti (stanovnika, učitelja, profesora srednjih stručnih škola, stručnjaka za njegovanje drveća i drugih korisnika) i znanja o invazivnim vrstama su neophodna za njihovo rano otkrivanje, primjenu stategije “uspori širenje” i upravljanje populacijama invazivnih stranih vrsta. Proučavanje svijesti javnosti i znanja o pet odabranih štetočina i bolesti drvaća pokazala su da 83.3% ispitanika nemaju znanja o njima. Ispitanici su upitani kaka bi pokazalu praktično znanje i povezalu štetočinu ili patogena sa simptomima na drveću i samo 4-11% su bili u stanju da daju točan odgovor. Odnos javnosti prema pitanjima zdravlja bilja je pozitivno. Skoro svi ispitanici kupuju biljke samo od registrovanih proizvođača, odnosno od dobavljača i registriranih rasadnika i  više od pola njih ne kupuje uvezene biljke i svijesni  su rizika da još stranih invazivnih vrsta može biti uvezeno u zemlju ili regijn preko uvoza biljaka, kao najvjerojatnijeg puta unošenja istih. Ispitanici se koriste višestrukim izvorima kaka bi dobilu znanje o štetočinama i patogenima. Najčešći izvor kojim se koriste je internet, neposredno učenje u obrazovnim ustanovama (predavanja, seminari i sl.), novine i časopisi o trgovini. Ispitanici su motivirani ne bi li dobilu više znanja o štetočinama i patogenima, putevima njihovog unošenja i to ponajprija kau informacija a interneta, televizijskog programa, tiskane brošure i iz knjiga. Tehnologije podučavanja omogućavaju lako širenje informacija o zakonskim propisima, štetočinama patogenima i dobra su pomoć u ralizaciji cjeloživotnog učenja i poboljšanja svijesti javnosti. Problemsko učenje, kao pristup usmjeren prema onome tko uči, pogodana je metoda za obrazovanje odraslih. Najvažnije je što se odgovornost za učenje prebacuje na osobu koja uči. Učenje treba bite integrisano iz više izvora ili subjekata, i to odgovara primjeni multidisciplinarnog pristupa u učenju o integralnoj zaštiti šuma, zelene infrastrukture i okoliša. Suradnja je neophodna u procesu učenja. Jedna od osnovnih osobina problemskog učenja je da ono mora biti vrednovano u praksi. To je neophodno da bi se podiglo razino znanja i svijest javnosti o štetnicima i bolestima i poboljšala praktična primjena znanja

    Učinkovitost primjene edukativnih računalnih programa u nastavi biologije

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    The paper analyzes comparative effectiveness of the use of educational software and traditional teaching methods in biology instruction for high school students. A random sample consisted of 173 students of grade 12 of a high school in Zrenjanin, Serbia, who were randomly distributed into the control and experimental groups. The students in the experimental group learned biology content (Mechanisms of Heredity) using educational software, whereas the students in the control group learned the same content using the traditional teaching methods. The research was carried out using the pretest - posttest equivalent groups design. All instruments (the pretest, the posttest and the retest) contained the questions belonging to three different cognitive domains: knowing, understanding and reasoning. The analysis of the posttest and the retest results showed that students from the experimental group achieved significantly higher quantity and quality of knowledge in all three cognitive domains than the students from the control group. It can be concluded that educational software has a positive impact on improving students’ achievement in biology teaching.U radu se prikazuje komparativna analiza učinkovitosti upotrebe edukativnog računalnog programa i tradicionalnih nastavnih metoda u nastavi biologije u srednjoj školi. Stratificirani slučajni uzorak sastojao se od 173 učenika 12. razreda srednje škole u Zrenjaninu u Srbiji, a koji su bili nasumično svrstani u kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu skupinu. Učenici u eksperimentalnoj skupini učili su nastavne sadržaje biologije („Mehanizmi nasljeđivanja“) uz pomoć edukativnog računalnog programa, a učenici u kontrolnoj skupini učili su iste sadržaje primjenom tradicionalnih nastavnih metoda. Istraživanje je provedeno s pomoću istraživačkog dizajna s predtestom i posttestom u ekvivalentnim skupinama. Svi instrumenti (predtest, posttest i retest) sadržavali su pitanja iz tri različite kognitivne domene: znanja, razumijevanja i razmišljanja. Analiza rezultata posttesta i retesta pokazala je da su učenici iz eksperimentalne skupine postigli znatno veću kvalitetu i kvantitetu znanja u sve tri kognitivne domene nego što je to bio slučaj kod učenika iz kontrolne skupine. Može se zaključiti da edukativni računalni programi imaju pozitivan učinak na poboljšanje učeničkih postignuća u nastavi biologije

    Učinkovitost interaktivne nastave Biologije uz pomoć računala u gimnazijama

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    In pedagogical research the results of which are presented in this paper, the teaching topic was Fundamentals of molecular biology of the biology curriculum for the fourth year of grammar school of the natural sciences and mathematics department. The experiment was carried out during 13 lessons of interactive computer-assisted teaching in the experimental group and by traditional teaching in the control group. The survey was conducted on a sample of 142 students in two grammar schools in the Republic of Serbia. The aim of this study was to determine whether the application of computer-assisted interactive teaching has achieved better results in helping learners acquire complex content in biology and reach higher levels of quality and quantity of knowledge in comparison with traditional teaching. The analysis of the study results confirmed higher efficiency of interactive computer-assisted biology teaching compared to the traditional approach to learning the same content. Differences which are statistically significant were found in student achievement between the experimental and control group in the final test and in the retest as a whole, and at individual levels of knowledge. They were: knowledge of the facts, understanding of concepts and analysis and reasoning. The research results recommend greater application of interactive computer-assisted biology teaching in grammar schools and in other high schools, especially when learning difficult educational content.U pedagoškom istraživanju čiji su rezultati prikazani u ovome radu, naziv nastavne teme bio je Osnove molekularne Biologije, u skladu s Nastavnim planom i programom za Biologiju za četvrti razred prirodoslovno-matematičke gimnazije. Eksperiment se provodio tijekom 13 nastavnih sati interaktivne nastave uz pomoć računala u eksperimentalnoj skupini, a u kontrolnoj se skupini provodio tradicionalni oblik nastave. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku koji se sastojao od 142 učenike iz dviju gimnazija u Republici Srbiji. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postižu li se primjenom interaktivne nastave uz pomoć računala bolji rezultati prilikom usvajanja složenih sadržaja iz Bioiologije tako što se ostvaruju i viši stupnjevi kvalitete i količine znanja učenika u usporedbi s tradicionalnom nastavom. Analizom rezultata istraživanja potvrđena je veća učinkovitost interaktivne nastave Biologije uz pomoć računala u usporedbi s tradicionalnim pristupom učenju istoga sadržaja. Uočene su statistički značajne razlike u postignućima učenika iz eksperimentalne skupine i onih iz kontrolne skupine na finalnom testu i na retestu u cjelini, kao i na pojedinačnim stupnjevima znanja. Razlike su utvrđene u poznavanju činjenica, razumijevanju pojmova, analizi i razmišljanju. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na potrebu veće primjene interaktivne nastave Biologije uz pomoć računala u gimnazijama i u ostalim srednjim školama, posebno kada se obrađuju teži nastavni sadržaji

    Utjecaj strukturalnoga istraživački usmjerenoga pristupa učenju na dostignuća budućih učitelja

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    The study examines the impact of structural inquiry-based learning (IBL) approach on future teacher performance – their test achievements and perceived mental effort invested in completing tests. The study included 38 students at the Faculty of Education in Belgrade who were trained how to create instruments for assessing physical quantities, such as thermometer and barometer, while attending the course Geographical concepts through experiments. Focusing on interdisciplinarity, the course tasks encouraged participants to think about new problem situations and detect causal relations among physical phenomena. The results show that the IBL approach has led to higher achievement and lower values of perceived mental effort. The decrease in mental effort points to the possibility of handling larger amounts of information in working memory and processing them in long-term memory. Due to complex relationship between the variables, the model of neural networks has shown that mental effort and the cognitive complexity of the item significantly affect on the participants’ achievement. The results are useful to in-service teachers as they point to the effectiveness and the guidelines for the implementation of the IBL approach.Istraživanje proučava utjecaj strukturalnoga istraživački usmjerenoga pristupa učenju (IBL) na dostignuća budućih učitelja – njihova postignuća i percepciju mentalnoga napora uloženoga u rješavanje testova. Istraživanje je uključivalo 38 studenata Učiteljskog fakulteta u Beogradu koji su tijekom sudjelovanja u kolegiju Geografski pojmovi kroz eksperimente postali osposobljeni za kreiranje instrumenata za provjeru fizičkih veličina poput termometra i barometra. Usmjeren na interdisciplinarnost, kolegij je potaknuo sudionike na promišljanje o novim problemskim situacijama i na otkrivanje uzročnih veza među fizičkim pojavama. Rezultati pokazuju da istraživački usmjeren pristup dovodi do većega postignuća i smanjenih vrijednosti percepcije mentalnoga napora. Smanjenje mentalnoga napora ukazuje na mogućnost obrade veće količine informacija u radnoj memoriji i procesiranje u dugoročnom pamćenju. Zbog složenih veza među varijablama, model neuronskih mreža pokazao je da mentalni napor i kognitivna složenost čestice značajno utječu na postignuća sudionika. Rezultati su korisni za buduće učitelje jer ukazuju na učinkovitost IBL pristupa i daju smjernice za primjenu istoga

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna obilježja motoričkih sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi

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    The research was conducted with the aim to, using experimental methods, scientifically determine whether an additional physical exercise program in regular working conditions of a preschool institution could result in significant changes in the motor skills of preschool children with an average age of 6.21±0.56 years. A total of 64 preschool children, girls (n=28) and boys (n=36), enrolled in preparatory preschool groups in "Čukarica" preschool in Belgrade. A pre-experimental research plan was used, specifically a single-group design and pretest - posttest. A sample of measuring instruments of motor skills was compiled according to a reduced theoretical model (Gredelj et al., 1975; Kurelić et al., 1975) taken from the research of Bala and Popović (2007). The experimental factor was realized with a total of 48 lessons lasting 35 minutes over a 24-week time interval. The results of the study indicate that the quantitative changes in the final measurement are reflected in the repetitive force of the torso and coordination in favor of better average values of the boys. Two hypothetical motor factors were isolated in initial and final measurements, which can still be interpreted as one general Motor Factor. Qualitative changes in the structure of both extracted factors in the final measurement were not observed. The authors believe that a regular physical education program in preschool institutions is not sufficient for a preparatory preschool group, and that additional kinesiology activities yield better results in the mechanism for structuring the movement and regulating the duration of excitation, especially if it is directed towards the development of biotic motor knowledge. On the other hand, they believe that newer and more meaningful solutions must be found in terms of differentiated physical exercise programs for children, and that only such solutions could lead to qualitative changes in the structure of isolated factors.Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem znanstvenog utvrđivanja može li dodatan program tjelovježbe u redovitim uvjetima rada predškolske ustanove rezultirati značajnim promjenama u motoričkim sposobnostima djece predškolske dobi s prosječnom dobi od 6,21±0,56 godina. Ukupno je uključeno 64 djece predškolske dobi, djevojčica (n=28) i dječaka (n=36) predškolskih skupina u predškolskoj ustanovi "Čukarica" u Beogradu. Upotrijebljen je predeksperimentalni plan istraživanja, konkretno dizajn jedne skupine, predtest – posttest. Uzorak motoričkih mjernih instrumenata sastavljen je prema reduciranom teorijskom modelu (Kurelića i sur., 1975; Gredelja i sur., 1975) preuzetom iz istraživanja Bale i Popovića (2007). Eksperimentalni faktor bio je realiziran s ukupno 48 termina od po 35 minuta i trajao je u razdoblju od 24 tjedna. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se kvantitativne promjene u finalnom mjerenju odražavaju u repetitivnoj snazi trupa i koordinaciji u korist boljih prosječnih vrijednosti dječaka. Izolirana su dva hipotetska motorička faktora na inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju, koji se mogu interpretirati još uvijek kao jedan i to Generalni motorički faktor. Nisu opažene kvalitativne promjene u strukturi oba ekstrahirana faktora na finalnom mjerenju. Autori smatraju da redoviti program tjelesnog odgoja u predškolskim ustanovama nije dovoljan za pripremnu predškolsku skupinu, te da dodatne kineziološke aktivnosti daju bolje rezultate u mehanizmu za strukturiranje pokreta i reguliranju trajanja ekscitacije, posebno ako je usmjeren na razvoj biotičkog motoričkog znanja. S druge strane, oni vjeruju da je u smislu diferenciranih programa tjelesnih vježbi za djecu potrebno pronaći novije i značajnije rješenje, a samo takva rješenja mogu dovesti do kvalitativnih promjena u strukturi izoliranih faktora

    Obrazovne inovacije u funkciji poboljšanja IKT sposobnosti kod studenata

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    Information technology has lately become an integral part of the educational system. Application of modern digital technologies in teaching has changed teaching methods. This research is based on forming a teaching model in order to improve the level of ICT knowledge and skills of students applicable in the area of technical sciences. The objective of this research is to establish a methodology to improve and adapt curricula with the goal of enhancing digital competences of learners according to European standards and the needs of teaching at technical faculties.Informacijske su tehnologije u posljednje vrijeme postale sastavni dio obrazovnog sustava. Primjena suvremenih digitalnih tehnologija u nastavi utjecala je na promjenu metoda poučavanja. Ovo se istraživanje temelji na oblikkovanju modela poučavanja sa svrhom poboljšanja razine studentskih IKT znanja i vještina primjenjivih u području tehničkih znanosti. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja uspostava metodologije za poboljšanje i prilagodbu kurikula kako bi se studentske digitalne kompetencije poboljšale i bile u skladu s europskim standardima i potrebama nastave na tehničkim fakultetima

    Predviđanje prihvatanja upotrebe računara na tradicionalnom i inovativnom nivou u nastavi matematike u Srbiji

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    The aim of this paper is to determine whether pre-service and in-service teachers in Serbia accept to use computers in teaching mathematics and to predict their use of computers at traditional and innovative levels. Research to date has shown that teachers' intention to use computers in their lessons has the greatest impact on their readiness or acceptance to use them. In this research we used the technology acceptance model to examine the predictors of intention, expanded with external variables taken from relevant theories and adapted for mathematics instruction. The following predictors of intention were examined: respondents' attitudes towards computers, their experience with computers in terms of the relative easiness or difficulty of use, their opinions regarding the usefulness of computers, technological-pedagogical familiarity with the content of mathematics, subjective norm and technological complexity. The analysis of modelling using structural equations, conducted on the sample of 228 in-service and pre-service teachers of mathematics, showed that the proposed model is appropriate and that the given variables are important predictors of teachers' intention to use computers at both traditional and innovative levels in mathematics instruction. On the other hand, the findings indicate that there are differences among in-service and pre-service teachers in terms of the importance of direct and indirect predictors. The technological-pedagogical knowledge of the mathematics content is the dominant predictor of the intention to use computers at all levels, with the exception of the in-service teachers' innovative use of computers. Their intention to use computers in an innovative way is primarily conditioned by their attitudes towards computers. Based on the research results, we offer recommendations for professional development of mathematics teachers, as well as implications for pre-service teachers' education.Publishe

    Structure of Motor Abilities of Pre-School Children before and After Kinesiology Treatment

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    The research included the sample of 114 pre-school children aged 6 and 7, with average values of height (TV=123.23cm±5.43) and weight (TT=24.53kg±2.71). The children were divided into two groups: (E) experimental group (n=55), which had an additional programme of kinesiology activities lasting for 12 weeks, and (K) control group (n=59), which, apart from regular activities in physical education classes in the kindergarten did not have a programme of kinesiology activities. The aim of the research was to determine the latent structure of motor abilities before and after the application of kinesiology activities, and to determine the compatibility of factor saturation. Correlation was performed by Pearson correlation coefficient, and determination of the structure of motor activities was performed by factor analysis and by the method of principal components with bent promax rotation of isolated principal components. The Tucker index of saturation factor was used for determining the compatibility of isolated factors. Research results indicate that both in the initial and the final measurements of both tested groups, a two-dimensional structure of motor abilities was determined, consisting of coordination and strength, which could most appropriately be defined as one, general motor factor. The congruence between the isolated factors in E and K groups gained in the initial and final measurements shows that there are no differences in the structure of isolated factors. It can be concluded that motor functioning of children is still under the mechanism of structuring movement, so after the application of kinesiology activities the same factors remained, and quality changes in the structure of motor abilities have not been detected in the tested age.Istraživanje je obavljeno na uzorku od 114 djece predškolske dobi starosti 6 i 7 godina s prosječnim vrijednostima tjelesne visine (TV = 123,23 cm ± 5,43) i tjelesne težine (TT = 24,53 kg ± 2,71), podijeljenih u dvije skupine i to: (E) eksperimentalnu (n = 55) koja je imala dodatni program kinezioloških aktivnosti u trajanju od 12 tjedana i (K) kontrolnu skupinu (n = 59) koja uz redovne aktivnosti iz Tjelesnog i zdravstvenog odgoja u vrtiću nije imala dodatni program kinezioloških aktivnosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje latentne strukture motoričkih sposobnosti prije i poslije tretmana kinezioloških aktivnosti, te utvrđivanje podudarnosti faktorskih zasićenja. Korelacija je izvršena s pomoću Pearson-ova koeficijenta korelacije, a utvrđivanje strukture motoričkih sposobnosti izvedeno je faktorskom analizom i to metodom glavnih komponenti uz kosu promax rotaciju izoliranih glavnih komponenti. Tucker-ov indeks faktorskih zasićenja koristio se za određivanje podudarnosti izoliranih faktora. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da je na inicijalnom i na finalnom mjerenju u obje testirane skupine utvrđena dvodimenzionalna struktura motoričkih sposobnosti koju čine koordinacija i snaga, a koju je najprikladnije definirati kao jedan i to generalni motorički faktor. Kongruencije između izoliranih faktora u E i K skupini dobivenih na inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju ukazuju na to da nema različitosti u strukturi izoliranih fakora. Zaključuje se da je motoričko funkcioniranje djece još uvijek pod dobrim dijelom mehanizma za strukturiranje kretanja, te se i nakon tretmana kinezioloških aktivnosti još uvijek radi o jednim te istim faktorima, a kvalitativne promjene u strukturi motoričkih sposobnosti ne postižu se u testiranoj dobi


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    The main goal of this research was to determine gender-related differences in some parameters of body composition caused by the nutritional status of preschool children, and group differences within subsamples caused by the nutritional status of both genders. The total sample consisted of 188 participants, boys (n=107) and girls (n=81) from Belgrade, with average values of body height BH=124.59cm±5.76 and body mass BM=24.32kg±3.11, average age 6.39±0.44 years. Body composition was assessed using the InBody 230 device. The main parameters of descriptive statistics were calculated. The MANOVA method was used to determine gender differences in the entire sample, and the ANOVA method was used to determine individual differences. A series of Post-Hoc Bonferroni tests were performed to determine between which groups significant statistical differences existed. This study provides encouraging findings when it comes to a satisfactory percentage of normally nourished children of both genders, but it should also point to a certain trend in the rise of obese and overweight children who make up almost 17% of the total sample. The differences observed in the girls’ subsample may indicate girls enter the pre-pubertal phase earlier than boys, based on the differences in the amount of body fat tissue, but also always greater muscle mass in the boys' subsample, and lower average values of body mass and the Body Mass Index in the girls' subsample. Constant monitoring of children’s nutritional status and physical abilities every six months or once a year is recommended.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi postojanje polnih razlika u određenim parametrima telesne kompozicije koje su uzrokovane stanjem uhranjenosti dece predškolskog uzrasta, te grupne razlike unutar subuzoraka prouzrokavane njihovim stanjem uhranjenosti za oba pola. Ukupan uzorak sačinjavalo je 188 ispitanika sa prosečnim vrednostima telesne visine TV=124.59cm±5.76 i telesne mase TM=24.32kg±3.11, prosečnog uzrasta 6.39±0.44 godina, podeljenih po polu na dva subuzorka i to: dečaka (n=107) i devojčica (n=81) iz Beograda. Telesna kompozicija procenjena je pomoću bioelektrične impendance, uređajem InBody 230. Izračunati su glavni parametri deskriptivne statistike. Metoda MANOVA korišćena je za utvrđivanje razlika po polu u celom uzorku, dok je metoda ANOVA korišćena za utvrđivanje individualnih razlika. Izvršena je serija Post-Hoc Bonferroni testova kako bi se utvrdilo između kojih grupa postoje značajne statističke razlike. Ova studija daje ohrabrujuće rezultate tj., zadovoljavajući postotak normalno uhranjene dece oba pola, ali isto tako ukazuje na izvesni trend u rastu rizično gojazne i gojazne dece od skoro 17% ukupnog uzorka. Grupne razlike za subuzorak devojčica ukazuju na mogućnost bržeg ulaska u predpubertetsku fazu, utvrđenu na osnovu različitosti količine masnog tkiva u organizmu, ali i veće količine mišićne mase u subuzorku dečaka, te manjih prosečnih vrednosti telesne mase i indeksa telesne mase u subuzorku devojčica. Preporučuje se stalni monitoring stanja uhranjenosti i fizičkih sposobnosti dece na periode od šest meseci do godinu dana