41 research outputs found

    Removal of organically bound sulfur from oil shale by iron(III)-ion generated-regenerated from pyrite by the action of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    Oil shales are one of the alternative sources of hydrocarbon fuels ("synthetic petroleum"), characterized by the increased sulfur and nitrogen content which represent even greater ecological problem in use, compared to classical fuels. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is capable of oxidizing pyrite to iron (III)-ion, providing a strong oxidation agent at low pH. We have used this oxidizing agent for oxidation of sulfur present in DBT as a substrate model to demonstrate its potential to oxidize organically bound sulfur in oil shales. An HCl-concentrate was used as the hydrocarbon matrix. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is already recognized to oxidize the pyritic sulfur component, thereby potentially providing a complete sulfur removal system. By applying GC-MS we established that DBT transformation occurred by oxidation or elimination of sulfur. The products obtained are more soluble in water than parent compounds and this reduces concentration of organic sulfur.BIOHYDROMETALLURY: FROM THE SINGLE CELL TO THE ENVIRONMEN

    Inhibition potency of disulphides and trisulphides on various tumor cell lines growth

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    Tumor is one of the leading diseases of today. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy healing chances are limited, so some alternative methods are resorted to. Many papers indicated that garlic and organosulphur compounds diallyldisulphide (DADS) and diallyltrisulphide, which are main components of garlic decrease the cancer risk and inhibit the cell proliferation. In this paper inhibition potency of disulphides (DADS and its synthetic analogues) and trisulphides with different alkyl and phenyl substituents on growth of various tumor (Non-Small cell Lung Cancer, Colon cancer, CNS Cancer, Melanoma, Ovarian Cancer, Renal Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Leukemia) cell lines was investigated. Concentration of each compound (DADS, diethyl disulphide, dipropyl disulphide, diphenyl disulphide, tetraethylthiuram disulphide (TETUDS), dimetil trisulphide, dipropyl trisulphide and metilpropyl trisulphide (MPTS) was 10 Ī¼mol/L. It was found that DADS has an inhibitory effect on the growth of several cancer cell lines, but synthetic analogues TETUDS and MPTS exhibit stronger effect on certain cells lines. MPTS inhibits the growth of even 12 cell lines for more than 10%, especially leukemia cell line SR and NCI-H522 cell line of Non-Small cell Lung Cancer (reduction of growth for 24% and 47%, resp.). Trisulphide analogues exhibit little higher inhibitory effects in comparison to disulphide ones

    Chemical Composition, Total Phenols and Flavonoids Contents and Antioxidant Activity as Nutritive Potential of Roasted Hazelnut Skins (Corylus avellana L.)

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    The present study evaluates natural composition of Serbian roasted hazelnut skins (HS) with potential role in application as functional nutrient of various food products. Total phenols (TPC) and flavonoids contents (TFC) in HS extracts obtained with dierent ethanol concentrations (10%ā€”I, 50%ā€”II and 96%ā€”III) and their antioxidant activities were investigated. The highest total phenols content (706.0 9.7 mgGAE/gextract) was observed in 96% ethanol HS extract. Ethanol HS extracts showed very high antioxidant activity with eective concentrations (EC50) ranged between 0.052 and 0.066 mg/mL. The phenol and flavonoid content of roasted HS extracts Iā€“III was determined by HPLC-ESI-MS/MS analyses. Contents of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, metals, and C, H, N, S elements in roasted HS were also determined. Relatively high C/N, C/P and C/N/P ratios, rich metal contents and fatty acids composition indicated that hazelnut skin might be a good candidate for use as either human or fungal functional nutrient. In addition, possible application of phenolic HS extracts as UV booster was studied by recording UV spectra (220ā€“440 nm) of 10 mg/L of HS extracts Iā€“III combined with 10 mg/L of chemical sunscreen agent benzophenone-3 and in vitro sun protection factor (SPF) was calculated

    Enhancement of Antioxidant and Isoflavones Concentration in Gamma Irradiated Soybean

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    Serbian soybean genotype Ana was gamma irradiated at doses of 1, 2, 4, and 10ā€‰kGy in order to evaluate the influence of gamma irradiation on isoflavone (genistein, daidzein, and their glycosides genistin and daidzin) contents and hydroxyl radical scavenging effect (HRSE). The increase in genistin and daidzin contents as well as antioxidant activities was observed especially at doses of 4 and 10ā€‰kGy. Results were also compared with our previous results relating to total phenol content (TPC), DPPH radical scavenger capacity (DPPH RSC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). Our results indicated that doses up to 10ā€‰kGy improve the antioxidant activities of soybean and also nutritional quality with respect to isoflavone content. All results were analyzed by multivariate techniques (correlation matrix calculation and autoscaling transformation of data). Significant positive correlations were observed between genistin, daidzin, DPPH RSC, and HRSE

    Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids and Fatty Acids from the Endemic Plant Species Rindera umbellata and the Effect of Lindelofine-N-oxide on Tubulin Polymerization

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    The examination of the aerial parts, roots, and seeds of the endemic plant Rindera umbellata is reported in this paper for the first time. Phytochemical investigation of R. umbellata led to the isolation and characterization of ten pyrrolizidine alkaloids and eleven fatty acids in the form of triglycerides. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids 1-9 were found in the aerial parts, 7 and 8 in the roots, and 6-10, together with eleven fatty acids, in the seeds of this plant species. The structures of compounds 1-10 were established based on spectroscopic studies (H-1- and C-13-NMR, 2D NMR, IR and CI-MS). After trans-esterification, methyl esters of the fatty acids were analyzed using GC-MS. The effect of lindelofine-N-oxide (7) on tubulin polymerization was determined

    Pirolizidinski alkaloidi iz sedam samoniklih biljnih vrsta roda Senecio koje rastu u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori

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    The genus Senecio (family Asteraceae) is one of the largest in the world. It comprises about 1100 species which are the rich source of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids are among the most important sources of human and animal exposure to plant toxins and carcinogens. The pyrrolizidine alkaloids of seven Senecio species (S. erucifolius, S. othonnae, S. wagneri, S. subalpinus, S. carpathicus, S. paludosus and S. rupestris) were studied. Fourteen alkaloids were isolated and their structures determined from spectroscopic data (1H- and 13C-NMR, IR and MS). Five of them were identified in S. erucifolius, four in S. othonnae, two in S. wagneri, four in S. subalpinus, two in S. carpathicus, three in S. paludosus and three in S. rupestris. Seven pyrrolizidine alkaloids were found for the first time in particular species. The results have chemotaxonomic importance. The cytotoxic activity and antimicrobial activity of some alkaloids were also studied.Jedan od najbrojnijih rodova na svetu je rod Senecio (familija Asteraceae). Obuhvata oko 1100 vrsta koje predstavljaju bogat izvor pirolizidinskih alkaloida. Najznačajnija izloženost ljudi i životinja biljnim toksinima i karcinogenima potiče od biljaka koje sadrže pirolizidinske alkaloide. U ovom radu izolovani su pirolizidinski alkaloidi iz sedam vrsta roda Senecio (S. erucifolius, S. othonnae, S. wagneri, S. subalpinus, S. carpathicus, S. paludosus i S. rupestris), a njihove strukture određene na bazi spektroskopskih podataka (1H- i 13C-NMR, IR i MS). Izolovano je ukupno 14 alkaloida, pet iz S. erucifolius, četiri iz S. othonnae, dva iz S. wagneri, četiri iz S. subalpinus, dva iz S. carpathicus, tri iz S. paludosus i tri iz S. rupestris. Sedam pirolizidinskih alkaloida je po prvi put izolovano iz nekih pojedinačnih vrsta. Dobijeni rezultati imaju hemotaksonomski značaj. Ispitana je citotoksičnost i antimikrobna aktivnost izolovanih alkaloida