457 research outputs found

    Duty to Rescue Through the Lens of Multiple-Party Sexual Assault

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    The lack of culpability for bystanders fails to capture the reality of the situation for sexual assault victims. It is probable that the presence of bystanders causes further psychological harm to the victim. Yet, the law allows bystanders to watch as a woman is dehumanized free from any obligation to help the victim. The lack of culpability for voyeurs is morally reprehensible and suggests that traditional sexual assault analysis is inadequate for dealing with cases of multiple-party sexual assault. It is submitted that reform within the Criminal Code is necessary to ensure culpability for such morally repugnant acts. One solution is to enact a duty to rescue provision for cases where the victim is in the midst of a violent criminal attack and the rescuer is able to assist without injury to him/herself. While such a reform represents a large departure for Canadian law, this change is warranted to protect women and to make the justice system more accountable to female victims of multiple-party sexual assault. If the system becomes more aligned with the victim\u27s perspective, it is probable that more women will report incidents of sexual assault and, in particular, incidents of multiple-party sexual assault

    The Use of Human Rights Discourse to Secure Women\u27s Interests: Critical Analysis of the Implications

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    This article highlights the significant theoretical constraints of universalism, the tendency of human rights advocates to ignore the underlying cause of rights violations, as well as problems associated with the concept of and informal hierarchy between rights. The article suggests that there are certain circumstances in which INGOs that rely primarily on human rights language in their advocacy efforts may wish to supplement their analysis with explicit reference to feminist legal theory in order to more effectively secure women\u27s interests globally. These ideas will be developed with ongoing reference to the recent and successful campaign initiated by Nepali women to have abortion legalized. The campaign was supported by the Center for Reproduction Law and Policy (CRLP) (New York) (now the Center for Reproductive Rights), in partnership with the Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) (Katmandu). CRLP became involved with the domestic campaign to legalize abortion in 2001, largely to draw attention to the massive human rights violations arising out of its continued criminalization. Abortion was legalized by Nepal\u27s legislature in March 2002. The Nepal example will illustrate more concretely the way in which INGOs tend to focus on human rights analysis when advocating for women\u27s rights globally

    Broad Ligament Fibroid - An Unusual Presentation

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    AbstractGiant fibroids are known to arise from the uterus, but occasionally from the broad ligament also. This is a case report of a giant broad ligament fibroid, reported for its rarity , and the diagnostic difficulties

    FRAppE: Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications

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    Online social media services like Facebook witness an exponential increase in user activity when an event takes place in the real world. This activity is a combination of good quality content like information, personal views, opinions, comments, as well as poor quality content like rumours, spam, and other malicious content. Even if the good quality content makes online social media very good source of information, uses of bad quality content can degrade user experience, and could have an inappropriate impact in the real world. It could also impact the enormous promptness, promptness, and reach of online social media services across the globe makes it very important to monitor these activities, and minimize the production and spread of bad quality content. Multiple studies in the past have analysed the content spread on social networks during real world events. However, little work has explored the Facebook social network. Two of the main reasons for the lack of studies on Facebook are the strict privacy settings, and limited amount of data available from Facebook, as compared to Twitter. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Facebook is about times bigger than its next biggest counterpart Twitter, and is currently, the largest online social network in the world. In this literature survey, we review the existing research work done on Facebook, and study the techniques used to identify and analyse poor quality content on Facebook, and other social networks. We also attempt to understand the limitations posed by Facebook in terms of availability of data for collection, and analysis, and try to understand if existing techniques can be used to identify and study poor quality content on Facebook

    To Study The Indications And Outcome Of Caesarean Section At A Tertiary Health Facility Located In A Rural Setting.

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    Background: Caesarean section (CS) is a common surgical procedure performed in women of reproductive age. The numerous indications for a CS may be due to fetal or maternal problems. Though it is a life saving procedure, it also carries a higher morbidity and mortality than vagina delivery.Method: This is a retrospective study conducted from January 2014 to December 2014 at a secondary health facility located in a rural setting in Ahmednagar. The theatre registers were the sources of data.Results: There were fourteen indications for the 731-caeserean sections performed with previous LSCS beingThe highest indication. Previous LSCS, Fetal distress, CPD and Oligohydromnios were the major indications for caesareanSection. There were 1 maternal death and 4 stillbirths out of the 731 babies delivered.Conclusion: Changing trends and changing indications are very well can be seen from the study suggesting that “Once a cesarean always a cesarean†is what we seem to achieve in near future

    Positive feedback: a tool for quality education in field of medicine

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    Background: Feedback in medical education is an integral and important constituent of teaching as it encourages and enhances the learners' knowledge, skills and professional performance. Feedback has to be delivered in an appropriate setting; it should focus on the performance and not on the individual; should be clear and specific; delivered in non-judgmental language; should emphasize positive aspects; be descriptive rather than evaluative; and should suggest measures for improvement.Methods:20 Post Graduate Student from surgery department was selected for the study.Results:Constructive feedback is defined as the act of giving information to a trainee through the description of his/her performance in the observed situation. It emphasizes the strengths of the session and areas which require improvement. The processes of giving and receiving feedback are skills that can be acquired only with practice with improvement in Pg student’s skill and knowledge.Conclusion: To integrate the concept of feedback in medical education, training of the trainers pertaining to techniques of adult learning and how to give feedback to trainees are foremost requirements. Interactive feedback is indispensable in bringing about professional development and overall improvement in doctors.

    Rare para testicular lipoma: The largest one reported till date

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    Lipomas within the scrotum are extremely rare and most of which develop from contents of the scrotum rather than the walls themselves. Intrascrotal lipoma can be classified as paratesticular and extratesticular lipoma. Here we describe a patient with a huge scrotal mass which, to our knowledge, is one of the largest paratesticular lipoma ever reported in the literature

    Round worm infestation in fundus of stomach: a rare case presentation

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    A case of a 27-year-old female, in whom a 10cm long round worm (Ascaris lumbricoides) was found in the fundus of stomach, is reported here. In this patient, Ascaris lumbricoides upward migration of the worm to the fundus of stomach, its rare phenomenon, worm mostly seen in the small intestine. This is mainly because of the high gastric acidity. In this patient, we believe proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use caused hypochlorhydria and coexistence H. pylori infection caused chronic atrophic gastritis, which resulted in the retrograde migration of the roundworm to the stomach in our patient

    A rare case of herniation of liver through incision of cabg: A case report and review of literature

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    Herniation of liver through an incision of previous surgery is a very rare phenomena. Here we present a case of herniation of part of left lobe of liver through a defect in the anterior abdominal wall due to previous coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) surgery. Up till now only two cases have been reported for liver herniation through scar of previous of CABG surgery and this would be the third case as per our knowledge
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