1,267 research outputs found

    Towards an understanding of third-order galaxy-galaxy lensing

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    Third-order galaxy-galaxy lensing (G3L) is a next generation galaxy-galaxy lensing technique that either measures the excess shear about lens pairs or the excess shear-shear correlations about lenses. It is clear that these statistics assess the three-point correlations between galaxy positions and projected matter density. For future applications of these novel statistics, we aim at a more intuitive understanding of G3L to isolate the main features that possibly can be measured. We construct a toy model ("isolated lens model"; ILM) for the distribution of galaxies and associated matter to determine the measured quantities of the two G3L correlation functions and traditional galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL) in a simplified context. The ILM presumes single lens galaxies to be embedded inside arbitrary matter haloes that, however, are statistically independent ("isolated") from any other halo or lens position. In the ILM, the average mass-to-galaxy number ratio of clusters of any size cannot change. GGL and galaxy clustering alone cannot distinguish an ILM from any more complex scenario. The lens-lens-shear correlator in combination with second-order statistics enables us to detect deviations from a ILM, though. This can be quantified by a difference signal defined in the paper. We demonstrate with the ILM that this correlator picks up the excess matter distribution about galaxy pairs inside clusters. The lens-shear-shear correlator is sensitive to variations among matter haloes. In principle, it could be devised to constrain the ellipticities of haloes, without the need for luminous tracers, or maybe even random halo substructure. [Abridged]Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted by A&A; some "lens-shear-shear" were falsely "lens-lens-shear

    Precision Cosmology from the Lyman-alpha Forest: Power Spectrum and Bispectrum

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    We investigate the promise of the Ly-alpha forest for high precision cosmology in the era of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using low order N-point statistics. We show that with the existing data one can determine the amplitude, slope and curvature of the slope of the matter power spectrum with a few percent precision. Higher order statistics such as the bispectrum provide independent information that can confirm and improve upon the statistical precision from the power spectrum alone. The achievable precision is comparable to that from the cosmic microwave background with upcoming satellites, and complements it by measuring the power spectrum amplitude and shape at smaller scales. Since the data cover the redshift range 2<z<4, one can also extract the evolution of the growth factor and Hubble parameter over this range, and provide useful constraints on the presence of dark energy at z>2.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, accepted to MNRAS; minor changes made (section 2) and references adde

    Intraoperative Indocyanine Green Laser Angiography in Pediatric Autologous Ear Reconstruction.

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    Skin flap vascularity is a critical determinant of aesthetic results in autologous ear reconstruction. In this study, we investigate the use of intraoperative laser-assisted indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) as an adjunctive measure of skin flap vascularity in pediatric autologous ear reconstruction. Twenty-one consecutive pediatric patients undergoing first-stage autologous total ear reconstruction were retrospectively evaluated. The first 10 patients were treated traditionally (non-ICGA), and the latter 11 patients were evaluated with ICGA intraoperatively after implantation of the cartilage construct and administration of suction. Relative and absolute perfusion units in the form of contour maps were generated. Statistical analyses were performed using independent sample Student t test. Statistically significant differences in exposure and infection were not found between the 2 groups. However, decreased numbers of surgical revisions were required in cases with ICGA versus without ICGA (P = 0.03), suggesting that greater certainty in skin flap perfusion correlated with a reduction in revision surgeries. In cases of exposure, we found an average lowest absolute perfusion unit of 14.3, whereas cases without exposure had an average of 26.1 (P = 0.02), thereby defining objective parameters for utilizing ICGA data in tailoring surgical decision making for this special population of patients. Defined quantitative parameters for utilizing ICGA in evaluating skin flap vascularity may be a useful adjunctive technique in pediatric autologous ear reconstruction

    Mapping the allowed parameter space for decaying dark matter models

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    I consider constraints on a phenomenological decaying-dark-matter model, in which two weakly-interacting massive particle (WIMP) species have a small mass splitting, and in which the heavier particle decays to the lighter particle and a massless particle on cosmological timescales. The decay parameter space is parameterized by vkv_k, the speed of the lighter particle in the center-of-mass frame of the heavier particle prior to decay, and the decay time τ\tau. Since I consider the case in which dark-matter halos have formed before there has been significant decay, I focus on the effects of decay in already-formed halos. I show that the vk−τv_k-\tau parameter space may be constrained by observed properties of dark-matter halos. I highlight which set of observations is likely to yield the cleanest constraints on vk−τv_k-\tau parameter space, and calculate the constraints in those cases in which the effect of decay on the observables can be calculated without N-body simulations of decaying dark matter. I show that for vk≳5×103v_k \gtrsim 5\times 10^3 km s−1^{-1}, the z=0 galaxy cluster mass function and halo mass-concentration relation constrain τ≳\tau \gtrsim 40 Gyr, and that precise constraints on τ\tau for smaller vkv_k will require N-body simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, references added, replaced to match version published in Phys. Rev.

    Anaerobes and short-chain fatty acids in crevicular fluid from adults with chronic periodontitis

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    Pathogeny of adult chronic periodontitis is still unclear. Bacteriological and chemical analysis of crevicular fluid have shown, in active sites of the disease, a simultaneous presence of anaerobes and their major by-product: short-chain fatty acids. The last can decrease «in vitro» the neutrophil intracellular pH, whenever these cells are incubated in an acid medium. Clinical investigations are scarce which hold out data useful to attempt verifying this possible physiopathological mechanism. This work shows the presence of anaerobes in the active periodontal pockets, together with the presence of short-chain fatty acids likely to reach a concentration level comparable to that used for inhibiting neutrophils «in vitro».Forthcoming studies should investigate about a possible intracellular pH drop in the neutrophils and other cells of the inflamed periodontium.La pathogénie des parodontites chroniques de l’adulte n’est pas encore bien comprise. Des analyses bactériologiques et chimiques du liquide créviculaire ont permis de mettre en évidence, dans des sites actifs de la maladie, des germes anaérobies et leurs principaux produits cataboliques: les acides gras à courte chaîne.Ceux-ci peuvent réduire «in vitro» le pH intracellulaire des neutrophiles en suspension dans un tampón acide. Peu d’études présentent des données cliniques permettant de vérifier «in vivo» cet éventuel mécanisme physiopathologique. Ce travail montre la présence simultanée, dans des poches parodontales, de germes anaérobies et d’acides gras à courte chaîne à des concentrations similaires à celles utilisées pour inhiber «in vitro» des neutrophiles. D’autres travaux devront étudier la chute éventuelle du pH intracellulaire des cellules du parodonte en état d’inflammation chronique

    First detection of galaxy-galaxy-galaxy lensing in RCS. A new tool for studying the matter environment of galaxy pairs

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    The weak gravitational lensing effect, small coherent distortions of galaxy images by means of a gravitational tidal field, can be used to study the relation between the matter and galaxy distribution. In this context, weak lensing has so far only been used for considering a second-order correlation function that relates the matter density and galaxy number density as a function of separation. We implement two new, third-order correlation functions that have recently been suggested in the literature, and apply them to the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey. We demonstrate that it is possible, even with already existing data, to make significant measurements of third-order lensing correlations. We develop an optimised computer code for the correlation functions. To test its reliability a set of tests are performed. The correlation functions are transformed to aperture statistics, which allow easy tests for remaining systematics in the data. In order to further verify the robustness of our measurement, the signal is shown to vanish when randomising the source ellipticities. Finally, the lensing signal is compared to crude predictions based on the halo-model. On angular scales between roughly 1 arcmin and 11 arcmin a significant third-order correlation between two lens positions and one source ellipticity is found. We discuss this correlation function as a novel tool to study the average matter environment of pairs of galaxies. Correlating two source ellipticities and one lens position yields a less significant but nevertheless detectable signal on a scale of 4 arcmin. Both signals lie roughly within the range expected by theory which supports their cosmological origin.[ABRIDGED]Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted by A&A; minor change

    Ring-type singular solutions of the biharmonic nonlinear Schrodinger equation

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    We present new singular solutions of the biharmonic nonlinear Schrodinger equation in dimension d and nonlinearity exponent 2\sigma+1. These solutions collapse with the quasi self-similar ring profile, with ring width L(t) that vanishes at singularity, and radius proportional to L^\alpha, where \alpha=(4-\sigma)/(\sigma(d-1)). The blowup rate of these solutions is 1/(3+\alpha) for 4/d\le\sigma<4, and slightly faster than 1/4 for \sigma=4. These solutions are analogous to the ring-type solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, research articl

    The Weak Lensing Signal and the Clustering of BOSS Galaxies I: Measurements

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    A joint analysis of the clustering of galaxies and their weak gravitational lensing signal is well-suited to simultaneously constrain the galaxy-halo connection as well as the cosmological parameters by breaking the degeneracy between galaxy bias and the amplitude of clustering signal. In a series of two papers, we perform such an analysis at the highest redshift (z∼0.53z\sim0.53) in the literature using CMASS galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Eleventh Data Release (SDSS-III/BOSS DR11) catalog spanning 8300~deg2^2. In this paper, we present details of the clustering and weak lensing measurements of these galaxies. We define a subsample of 400,916 CMASS galaxies based on their redshifts and stellar mass estimates so that the galaxies constitute an approximately volume-limited and similar population over the redshift range 0.47≤z≤0.590.47\le z\le 0.59. We obtain a signal-to-noise ratio S/N≃56S/N\simeq 56 for the galaxy clustering measurement. We also explore the redshift and stellar mass dependence of the clustering signal. For the weak lensing measurement, we use existing deeper imaging data from the CFHTLS with publicly available shape and photometric redshift catalogs from CFHTLenS, but only in a 105~deg2^2 area which overlaps with BOSS. This restricts the lensing measurement to only 5,084 CMASS galaxies. After careful systematic tests, we find a highly significant detection of the CMASS weak lensing signal, with total S/N≃26S/N\simeq 26. These measurements form the basis of the halo occupation distribution and cosmology analysis presented in More et al. (Paper II).Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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