269 research outputs found

    Effect of extrusion on the trypsin inhibitors activity and digestibility of the raw soybean in dogs determined by the regression, substitution, and difference methods.

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    The lack of standardized methodologies to evaluate an ingredient?s digestibility in dogs contributes to the poor information about it. This is particularly important in protein sources, such as soybean, because dogs are carnivorous. There has been little investigation on the effect of pet food extrusion on the inactivation of trypsin inhibitors present in raw soybeans (RSB). Because of this, we aimed to evaluate the effect of extrusion on trypsin inhibitors and on the digestibility of RSB by the regression (REG), substitution (SUB), and difference (DIF) methods in dogs. Animals, material and methods: Six adult Beagle dogs were distributed in a Latin square design (6 x 6). The dogs were fed six extruded diets (single screw extruder) with increasing levels of RSB (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30%) for a 5-day adaptation period followed by 5 days of total faecal collection per period (AAFCO, 2004). Trypsin inhibitors activity was determined in the diets before and after extrusion. The coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of nutrients and the metabolizable energy (ME) of the RSB were determined by the SUB (Matterson et al., 1965), REG, and DIF methods (Fan and Sauer, 1995). Data were submitted to regression and to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey's test (P0.05). The ether extract CTTAD (0.891 to 0.910) and the ME (18.4 to 19.0 MJ/kg) of the diets increased linearly (P0.05) in the CTTAD and ME predicted by the three methods, nor between the variances of the methods. Conclusion: The single screw extrusion process of diets containing high levels of RSB does not completely inactivate the trypsin inhibitors. However, up to 12% of RSB can be used in extruded diets without compromising protein digestibility and faecal consistency of dogs. Greater inclusion levels of RSB reduce estimative errors of this ingredient digestibility. Although the three methods can be used to predict ingredients digestibility in dogs, the DIF and the SUB methods are more practical than the REG method, considering the utilization of only two diets (reference and test), while the REG method requires at least four diets

    Teor de isoflavones em vinte cultivares de soja semeadas em Londrina e Ponta Grossa.

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    Conversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones in whole soybean flour thermally treated and with endogenous B-glucosidase of soybean.

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    The B-glucosidase hydrolyze isoflavone glucosides releasing aglycones. Its application in the food industry is relevant to the production of soybean foods with higher levels of isoflavone aglycones, with benefits for human health. The objective of this study was to apply endogenous B-glucosidase of soybean in whole soybean flour (WSF) and evaluate the conversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones. The B-glucosidase was fractionated by 40-85% ammonium sulfate saturation, concentrated by ultrafiltration (MWCO 100 kDa) and was applied in WSF thermally treated under different conditions. WSF without heat treatment and without application of enzyme was used as control (WSFC). Thermal pretreatment was performed in WSFC for 1h at 100°C (WSF100) or autoclaved for 30min at 121°C (WSF121). In these treatments were added 10U or 50U of B-glucosidase and incubated at 30°C for 2 or 6h. The aglycones content was determined by HPLC and the results were expressed as μg g-1 of samples. Thermal pretreatment increased the aglycone content of WSF100 and WSF121 in 2.6 and 2.8 times, respectively, relative to WSFC. The application of 50U of -glucosidase for 6h at 30°C in and CSF100 and CSF121 increased aglycones content of 7.1 and 8.5 times, respectively, relative to WSFC. The -glucosidase was efficient in the conversion of isoflavone glucosides to aglycones in all treatments compared with the control

    Utilização da técnica de espectrofotometria do infravermelho próximo (NIR) para análise discriminante dos ácidos graxos oléico e linoléico de genótipos de girassol.

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    Perfil de ácidos graxos em grãos de soja, com diferentes manejos de percevejo, da colheita ao armazenamento, utilizando a cromatografia gasosa.

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    ABSTRACT: The aim was to determine whether different intensities of stink bug attack in the field affect the fatty acid profile in soybean after six months storage time. Three stink bugs control managements were used in the soybean crop season as: 1-soybean producer management area; 2-standard integrated pest management area; 3-control management area(no pesticides applied). After harvest and at three and six months after storage time, samples of soybean grain were taken to analyze the fatty acids in the oil by gas chromatography. The experiment was maintained in a room at 25°C and 60% of relative humidity during the six months of storage time. The different soybean field managements of stink bug did not changed the fatty acid profiles, and also there were no differences in these profiles during storage meaning no effect in fatty acid profiles between stink bug control?s management applied in the soybean crop season. RESUMO: O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar se diferentes intensidades de ataque de percevejo interferem na variação do perfil de ácidos graxos em grãos de soja, no momento da colheita e após determinado período de armazenamento. Os tratamentos pesquisados foram amostras de grãos de várias lavouras de soja e três condições de tratamentos: 1-área do produtor, 2-área com o MIP e 3-área testemunha. O experimento foi conduzido em BODs, com temperatura controlada de 25ºC e umidade relativa de 60% sendo as avaliações no ponto zero, aos três e seis meses de armazenamento. Os teores dos ácidos graxos presentes no óleo dos grãos de soja foram determinados por cromatografia gasosa. Os diferentes níveis de ataque de percevejo não alteraram os perfis de ácidos graxos e não ocorreram diferenças nesses perfis ao longo do armazenamento

    Agronomic and chemical characterization of soybean genotypes for human consumption.

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) presents a high level of good quality protein and lipids that consist mainly of unsaturated fatty acids. It also has considerable amounts of B complex vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium (Carrão-Panizzi, 1987). In addition to these good nutritional characteristics, soybean for human consumption should have a sweet, nut-like flavor, pale colored seeds (tegument, hilum and cotyledon) and suitable seed size for use as food (Destro, 1991; Vello, 1992). This research was carried out to describe the agronomic and chemical characteristics of food-type soybean genotypes for later use as cultivars or in crosses. Seventy-two soybean genotypes were used in the study, and the agronomic quantitative, qualitative and chemical traits of the grains were assessed, including mineral composition, oil, protein, carbohydrates and ash contents. The results showed that there was great genetic diversity among the genotypes studied for all the agronomic characteristics assessed. The F 82-5782 genotype was outstanding, presenting yield compatible with commercial exploitation as well as large seeds. The Mikawashima genotype presented the highest carbohydrate contents, while the Toffumame II genotype showed the greatest P contents and was also among the six genotypes that presented the greatest K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Mn and protein values. These genotypes can be used as cultivars or in breeding programs to solve specific problems of nutrient shortage due to genetic traits

    Utilização do processo de nanofiltração para concentração de compostos de soja.

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    A utilização da soja para a produção de alimentos aumentou nas últimas décadas devido ao forte apelo das pesquisas na área da saúde, destacando seus efeitos benéficos, quando consumidos regularmente. Com isso, os derivados da soja passaram a ganhar um destaque comercial, principalmente devido às suas características funcionais, contribuindo para a geração de novos produtos com essas mesmas propriedades. Dessa forma, esse trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar o processo de nanofiltração (NF) até o Fator de Redução Volumétrico (FRV) igual a 3, para concentrar os compostos funcionais de um extrato etanólico de soja (10% etanol) e verificar a eficiência do processo por meio da quantificação de isoflavonas presentes nos concentrados. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o fluxo permeado médio obtido na nanofiltração foi de 9,2 L.m-2.h-1. Com relação ao processo de concentração, observou-se um fator de concentração de 3 vezes para os conjugados glicosil, de 2,4 vezes para os conjugados malonil e 1,3 vezes para as agliconas, significando que parte desses últimos compostos permeiam a membrana. Com relação às isoflavonas totais verificou-se um aumento de 60% no concentrado obtido a partir da nanofiltração. Conclui-se que a nanofiltração pode ser utilizada para a concentração de compostos bioativos presentes na soja com possibilidades utilizá-los nas indústrias alimentícia e farmacêutica