141 research outputs found

    The Silver Lining of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Fast-Tracked Vaccine Production and Approval

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    From the time when the smallpox vaccine was successfully produced in 1798, vaccines have proven to be the most reliable means for preventing and controlling most infectious diseases because they significantly reduce morbidity and mortality associated with life-threatening infectious diseases. During the pre-COVID-19 era, the development, testing, and final approval for vaccines would take as long as thirty years and this was regarded as a normal procedure by most regulatory bodies. However, the devastating COVID-19 pandemic witnessed the development and approval of several vaccines in just six months from when the first SARS-CoV-2 case was reported in Wuhan, China. The speed and apparent ease with which the COVID-19 vaccines have been produced and approved has introduced a paradigm shift in the vaccinology field, creating an environment within which the production of vaccines for most infectious disease now seems possible. This chapter delves into the vaccine production and approval process and discusses the benefits of vaccines, the types of vaccines, and how they work. It also explores how lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic can contribute toward the expedited development, trial, and approval of vaccines against other devastating diseases of equally high, if not higher, mortality rates such as HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria

    Early Interferon-γ Production in Human Lymphocyte Subsets in Response to Nontyphoidal Salmonella Demonstrates Inherent Capacity in Innate Cells

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    Background Nontyphoidal Salmonellae frequently cause life-threatening bacteremia in sub-Saharan Africa. Young children and HIV-infected adults are particularly susceptible. High case-fatality rates and increasing antibiotic resistance require new approaches to the management of this disease. Impaired cellular immunity caused by defects in the T helper 1 pathway lead to intracellular disease with Salmonella that can be countered by IFNγ administration. This report identifies the lymphocyte subsets that produce IFNγ early in Salmonella infection. Methodology Intracellular cytokine staining was used to identify IFNγ production in blood lymphocyte subsets of ten healthy adults with antibodies to Salmonella (as evidence of immunity to Salmonella), in response to stimulation with live and heat-killed preparations of the D23580 invasive African isolate of Salmonella Typhimurium. The absolute number of IFNγ-producing cells in innate, innate-like and adaptive lymphocyte subpopulations was determined. Principal Findings Early IFNγ production was found in the innate/innate-like lymphocyte subsets: γδ-T cells, NK cells and NK-like T cells. Significantly higher percentages of such cells produced IFNγ compared to adaptive αβ-T cells (Student's t test, P<0.001 and ≤0.02 for each innate subset compared, respectively, with CD4+- and CD8+-T cells). The absolute numbers of IFNγ-producing cells showed similar differences. The proportion of IFNγ-producing γδ-T cells, but not other lymphocytes, was significantly higher when stimulated with live compared with heat-killed bacteria (P<0.0001). Conclusion/Significance Our findings indicate an inherent capacity of innate/innate-like lymphocyte subsets to produce IFNγ early in the response to Salmonella infection. This may serve to control intracellular infection and reduce the threat of extracellular spread of disease with bacteremia which becomes life-threatening in the absence of protective antibody. These innate cells may also help mitigate against the effect on IFNγ production of depletion of Salmonella-specific CD4+-T lymphocytes in HIV infection

    Delayed acquisition of Plasmodium falciparum antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses in HIV-exposed uninfected Malawian children receiving daily cotrimoxazole prophylaxis

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    BACKGROUND: Cotrimoxazole (CTX) prophylaxis, recommended in HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) children primarily against HIV-related opportunistic infections, has been shown to have some efficacy against Plasmodium falciparum malaria. The effects of CTX prophylaxis on the acquisition of P. falciparum antigen specific CD4(+) T cells-mediated immunity in HEU children is still not fully understood. METHODS: Peripheral blood was collected from HEU and HIV-unexposed uninfected (HUU) children at 6, 12 and 18 months of age. Proportion of CD4(+) T cells subsets were determined by immunophenotyping. P. falciparum antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells responses were measured by intracellular cytokine staining assay. RESULTS: There were no differences in the proportions of naïve, effector and memory CD4(+) T cell subsets between HEU and HUU children at all ages. There was a trend showing acquisition of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ and TNF-producing CD4(+) T cells with age in both HUU and HEU children. There was, however, lower frequency of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells in HEU compared to HUU at 6 and 12 months, which normalized 6 months after stopping CTX prophylaxis. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that there is delayed acquisition of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells in HEU children on daily cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, which is evident at 6 and 12 months of age in comparison to HUU age-matched controls. However, whether this delayed acquisition of P. falciparum-specific IFN-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells leads to higher risk to malaria disease remains unknown and warrants further investigation

    Lymphocyte subsets in healthy Malawians: Implications for immunologic assessment of HIV infection in Africa

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    BackgroundCD4+T lymphocyte measurements are the most important indicator of mortality in HIV-infected individuals in resource-limited settings. There is currently a lack of comprehensive immunophenotyping data from African populations to guide the immunologic assessment of HIV infection.ObjectiveTo quantify variation in absolute and relative lymphocyte subsets with age in healthy Malawians.MethodsLymphocyte subsets in peripheral blood of 539 healthy HIV-uninfected Malawians stratified by age were enumerated by flow cytometry.ResultsB and T–lymphocyte and T-lymphocyte subset absolute concentrations peaked in early childhood then decreased to adult levels, whereas lymphocyte subset proportions demonstrated much less variation with age. Adult lymphocyte subsets were similar to those in developed countries. In contrast, high B-lymphocyte and CD8+T-lymphocyte levels among children under 2 years, relative to those in developed countries, resulted in low CD4+T-lymphocyte percentages that varied little between 0 and 5 years (35% to 39%). The CD4+T-lymphocyte percentages in 35% of healthy children under 1 year and 18% of children age 1 to 3 years were below the World Health Organization threshold defining immunodeficiency in HIV-infected children in resource-limited settings. Thirteen percent of healthy children under 18 months old had a CD4:CD8T-lymphocyte ratio <1.0, which is commonly associated with HIV infection. All immunologic parameters except absolute natural killer lymphocyte concentration varied significantly with age, and percentage and overall absolute CD4+T-lymphocyte counts were higher in females than males.ConclusionAlthough lymphocyte subsets in Malawian adults are similar to those from developed countries, CD4+T-lymphocyte percentages in young children are comparatively low. These findings need to be considered when assessing the severity of HIV-related immunodeficiency in African children under 3 years

    Characterization of Lymphocyte Subsets in Lymph Node and Spleen Sections in Fatal Pediatric Malaria.

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    Secondary lymphoid tissues play a major role in the human immune response to P. falciparum infection. Previous studies have shown that acute falciparum malaria is associated with marked perturbations of the cellular immune system characterized by lowered frequency and absolute number of circulating T cell subsets. A temporary relocation of T cells, possibly by infiltration to secondary lymphoid tissue, or their permanent loss through apoptosis, are two proposed explanations for this observation. We conducted the present study to determine the phenotype of lymphocyte subsets that accumulate in the lymph node and spleen during acute stages of falciparum malaria infection in Malawian children, and to test the hypothesis that lymphocytes are relocated to lymphoid tissues during acute infection. We stained tissue sections from children who had died of the two common clinical forms of severe malaria in Malawi, namely severe malarial anemia (SMA, n = 1) and cerebral malaria (CM, n = 3), and used tissue sections from pediatric patients who had died of non-malaria sepsis (n = 2) as controls. Both lymph node and spleen tissue (red pulp) sections from CM patients had higher percentages of T cells (CD4+ and CD8+) compared to the SMA patient. In the latter, we observed a higher percentage of CD20+ B cells in the lymph nodes compared to CM patients, whereas the opposite was observed in the spleen. Both lymph node and spleen sections from CM patients had increased percentages of CD69+ and CD45RO+ cells compared to tissue sections from the SMA patient. These results support the hypothesis that the relocation of lymphocytes to spleen and lymph node may contribute to the pan-lymphopenia observed in acute CM

    Evaluation of the efficacy of two methods for direct extraction of DNA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis sputum

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    The study was funded by the Helse Nord Tuberculosis Initiative (HNTI).Introduction: Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has shown superiority over other bacterial typing methods and can be used to monitor disease transmission. The long culture period hinders use of WGS as a diagnostic tool for TB. The ideal situation would be to efficiently sequence directly from clinical specimens such as sputum. Attempts to sequence directly from Mtb clinical samples have achieved very low coverage (less than 0.7X). We compared DNA extraction methods for direct extraction from Mycobacterium tuberculosis positive sputum and assessed their suitability for Single Molecule Real Time sequencing. Methodology: We evaluated the extraction efficiency of the PrimeXtract kit and an in-house CTAB method by extracting DNA from Mtb sputum. We evaluated the methods on these parameters: ease of use, efficiency (quantity and purity) and the cost per extraction. Results: The PrimeXtract kit was able to isolate 5.93 mu g/mL ± 0.94, (Mean ± SEM) concentration of DNA and a yield of 0.2975 mu g ± 0.04723, (Mean ± SEM). Comparatively, the CTAB method isolated 1.88 mu g/mL ± 0.38 DNA and a yield of 0.09 mu g ± 0.02. Both concentration and yield from the kit were significantly (p = 0.0002) higher than those from CTAB. The PrimeXtract kit had a DNA purity ratio of 1.69 ± 0.09 compared to the CTAB's 1.73 ± 0.14 and this difference was not statistically different. Conclusion: PrimeXtract kit has a superior extraction efficiency than the CTAB method on Mtb sputum in terms of DNA yield although no significant difference by DNA purity was seen.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Variation in competent and respectful delivery care in Kenya and Malawi: a retrospective analysis of national facility surveys.

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    OBJECTIVE: Although substantial progress has been made in increasing access to care during childbirth, reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality have been slower. Poor-quality care may be to blame. In this study, we measure the quality of labour and delivery services in Kenya and Malawi using data from observations of deliveries and explore factors associated with levels of competent and respectful care. METHODS: We used data from nationally representative health facility assessment surveys. A total of 1100 deliveries in 392 facilities across Kenya and Malawi were observed and quality was assessed using two indices: the quality of the process of intrapartum and immediate postpartum care (QoPIIPC) index and a previously validated index of respectful maternity care. Data from standardised observations of care were analysed using descriptive statistics and multivariable random-intercept regression models to examine factors associated with variation in quality of care. We also quantified the variance in quality explained by each domain of covariates (patient-, provider- and facility-level and subnational divisions). RESULTS: Only 61-66% of basic elements of competent and respectful care were performed. In adjusted models, better-staffed facilities, private hospitals and morning deliveries were associated with higher levels of competent and respectful care. In Malawi, younger, primipara and HIV-positive women received higher-quality care. Quality also differed substantially across regions in Kenya, with a 25 percentage-point gap between Nairobi and the Coast region. Quality was also higher in higher-volume facilities and those with caesarean section capacity. Most of the explained variance in quality was due to regions in Kenya and to facility, and patient-level characteristics in Malawi. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest considerable scope for improvement in quality. Increasing staffing and shifting births to higher-volume facilities - along with promotion of respectful care in these facilities - should be considered in sub-Saharan Africa to improve outcomes for mothers and newborns

    Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates in Blantyre, Malawi

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    This work was supported by The Helse Nord Tuberculosis Initiative (HNTI).Despite the high burden of tuberculosis (TB) worldwide, specific factors influencing disease transmission remain elusive. Long term epidemiological studies and in vitro experimental models provide evidence of variable relative fitness of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) strains but few such studies are available. Large sequence polymorphisms (LSP) are a robust molecular marker and are feasible as an epidemiological investigative tool. Few Mtb molecular epidemiological studies have been reported in Malawi owing to lack of laboratories with molecular tools. We characterized the genetic diversity of Mtb clinical isolates amongst TB patients in Blantyre, Malawi. We genotyped 64 Mtb clinical isolates using LSP-PCR, assigned specific lineages and confirmed 18 of the isolates using SMRT sequencing. The 64 isolates clustered into 4 lineages (L1-L4) with L4 predominating. There were 10/64 (16%) isolates belonging to L1, 6/64 (9%) belonging to L2, 2/64 (3%) belonging to L3 and 46/64 (72%) belonging to L4. Comparison with a previous study done in Karonga revealed concordance in L1 and L4 but discodance in L2 and L3. The phylogenetic tree constructed, comprised of 3/4 lineages present in Blantyre with 3/18 belonging to L1, 3/18 belonging to L2 and 12/18 belonging to L4. Four Mtb lineages were present in Blantyre with L4 predominating. Larger studies are needed to understand the molecular epidemiology of TB in Blantyre in light of increased bi-directional migration with South Africa.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Loss of Humoral and Cellular Immunity to Invasive Nontyphoidal Salmonella During Current or Convalescent Plasmodium falciparum Infection in Malawian Children.

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    Invasive nontyphoidal Salmonella (iNTS) infections are commonly associated with Plasmodium falciparum infections, but the immunologic basis for this linkage is poorly understood. We hypothesized that P. falciparum infection compromises the hosts' humoral and cellular immunity to NTS which increases their susceptibility to iNTS infection. We prospectively recruited children aged between 6 and 60 months at a Community Health Centre in Blantyre, Malawi and allocated them to the following groups; febrile with uncomplicated malaria, febrile malaria-negative, non-febrile malaria-negative. S Typhimurium (STm)-specific; serum bactericidal activity (SBA) and blood bactericidal activity (WBBA), complement C3 deposition and neutrophil respiratory burst activity (NRBA) were measured. SBA to STm was reduced in febrile P. falciparum infected (Median -0.201og10, IQR [-1.85, 0.32]) compared to non-febrile malaria-negative (Median -1.42log10, IQR [-2.0, -0.47], p=0.052). In relation to SBA, C3 deposition on STm was significantly reduced in febrile P. falciparum infected (Median 7.5%, IQR [4.1, 15.0]) compared to non-febrile malaria-negative (Median 29%, IQR [11.8, 48.0], p=0.048). WBBA to STm was significantly reduced in febrile P. falciparum infected (Median 0.25log10, IQR [-0.73, 1.13], p=0.0001) compared to non-febrile malaria-negative (Median -1.0log10, IQR [-1.68, -0.16]). In relation to WBBA, STm-specific NRBA was reduced in febrile P. falciparum infected (Median 8.8% IQR [3.7, 20], p=0.0001) compared to non-febrile malaria-negative (Median 40.5% IQR [33, 65.8]). P. falciparum infection impairs humoral and cellular immunity to STm in children during malaria episodes, which may explain the increased risk of iNTS observed in children from malaria endemic settings. The mechanisms underlying humoral immunity impairment are incompletely understood and should be explored further

    The ability of Interleukin–10 to negate haemozoin-related pro-inflammatory effects has the potential to restore impaired macrophage function associated with malaria infection

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    Background: Although pro-inflammatory cytokines are involved in the clearance of Plasmodium falciparum during the early stages of the infection, increased levels of these cytokines have been implicated in the pathogenesis of severe malaria. Amongst various parasite-derived inducers of inflammation, the malarial pigment haemozoin (Hz), which accumulates in monocytes, macrophages and other immune cells during infection, has been shown to significantly contribute to dysregulation of the normal inflammatory cascades. Methods: The direct effect of Hz-loading on cytokine production by monocytes and the indirect effect of Hz on cytokine production by myeloid cells was investigated during acute malaria and convalescence using archived plasma samples from studies investigating P. falciparum malaria pathogenesis in Malawian subjects. Further, the possible inhibitory effect of IL-10 on Hz-loaded cells was examined, and the proportion of cytokine-producing T-cells and monocytes during acute malaria and in convalescence was characterized. Results: Hz contributed towards an increase in the production of inflammatory cytokines, such as Interferon Gamma (IFN-γ), Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Interleukin 2 (IL-2) by various cells. In contrast, the cytokine IL-10 was observed to have a dose-dependent suppressive effect on the production of TNF among other cytokines. Cerebral malaria (CM) was characterized by impaired monocyte functions, which normalized in convalescence. CM was also characterized by reduced levels of IFN-γ-producing T cell subsets, and reduced expression of immune recognition receptors HLA-DR and CD 86, which also normalized in convalescence. However, CM and other clinical malaria groups were characterized by significantly higher plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines than healthy controls, implicating anti-inflammatory cytokines in balancing the immune response. Conclusions: Acute CM was characterized by elevated plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines but lower proportions of cytokine-producing T-cells and monocytes that normalize during convalescence. IL-10 is also shown to have the potential to indirectly prevent excessive inflammation. Cytokine production dysregulated by the accumulation of Hz appears to impair the balance of the immune response to malaria and exacerbates pathology
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