224 research outputs found

    Sensitivity and specificity of mastoid vibration test in detection of effects of vestibular neuritis [Sensibilità e specificità del test della vibrazione mastoidea nella individuazione degli esiti della neurite vestibolare]

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    Aim of this study was to determine sensitivity and specificity of the mastoid vibration test in patients who had suffered an attack of vestibular neuritis. Results were compared with the caloric test and two bedside tests of vestibular function (head shaking test and head thrust test). Results are reported in 28 patients who had a residual vestibular deficit 6 months after acute neuritis and in 25 healthy subjects. Mastoid vibration nystagmus was evoked in 21 patients but not in controls. In these patients, mastoid vibration test had a sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 100%. Since one patient had inverted mastoid vibration nystagmus, specificity of identification on the pathological side was 95%. Sensitivity of the test increased with increasing severity of the vestibular lesion. Indeed, mastoid vibration nystagmus was induced in 93% of patients with caloric paralysis and in 58% of those with caloric paresis. Nystagmus could usually be modulated or elicited by stimulation of either mastoid. In the few patients in whom mastoid vibration nystagmus was elicited only from one side, or when there was a clear difference in intensity of the nystagmus induced on the two sides, the stimulated side was more often the affected side. Four patients still showed spontaneous nystagmus. The caloric test was abnormal in 26/28 patients (93%) with paralysis in 16 and paresis in 12; 71% of patients had a head shaking induced nystagmus: 64% had an asymmetrical response in head thrust test. In conclusion, mastoid vibration test was overall more sensitive than head thrust test. Mastoid vibration test was slightly less sensitive than head shaking test in patients with severe residual deficit and more sensitive in patients with partial deficit. Mastoid vibration test, a valid, low cost clinical screening test for rapid detection of asymmetrical vestibular function, does not cause patient discomfort. It is suggested that this test be included in the diagnostic workup of all patients with suspected vestibular dysfunction

    Rilevazione statistica della diffusione e della conoscenza di sostanze dopanti, integratori e dell' Exercise Addiction

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    I benefici derivanti dalla pratica dell'esercizio fisico sono stati ampiamente documentati. Tuttavia, l’eccessivo ricorso alla attività fisica può condurre alla messa in atto di pattern compulsivi di allenamento che possono evolversi in una vera e propria patologia: l' exercise addiction. Studi recenti suggeriscono l'espansione di due fenomeni: il doping amatoriale e l'abuso di integratori per lo sport. Sono stati somministrati 686 test. I partecipanti allo studio sono stati scelti tra studenti di scuola media superiore, studenti universitari e frequentatori di ambienti sportivi. Il 42,5% degli intervistati dichiara di assumere sostanze per migliorare le prestazioni sportive e quindi di doparsi. Il 30,23% assume integratori. Una percentuale compresa tra il 35 e l'88,35 % dichiara di non conoscere le sostanze proposte.Il 15,8% dei rispondenti è a “rischio” di exercise addiction, il 71,7% è classificato come “sintomatico”. E' stata infine indagata quale possibile correlazione potesse esserci tra le variabili in esame. La statistica test X2 evidenzia che non vi è alcuna associazione , in altre parole non sembra esserci relazione tra il rischio di dipendenza dall' esercizio fisico e l'assunzione di sostanze. L'analisi dei dati raccolti suggerisce invece che vi sia un'espansione del fenomeno del doping in ambiente amatoriale e che vi sia una scriteriata e incongrua assunzione di integratori per lo sport. La presente ricerca suggerisce che occorre compiere interventi immediati sia a livello di informazione che di prevenzione , in cui al farmacista sia affidato un ruolo di primo piano

    Patient Perceptions of Effectiveness in Treatments for Menière's Disease: a National Survey in Italy

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate current treatment practices and self-reported effectiveness in Menière's disease. Materials and Methods: Members of two Italian Menière's disease support (n=170) with ≥6-month history of Menière's disease were administered an online survey about recent treatments. Vertigo episode count, work absenteeism, and limitations in family life, social life,work or travel, as included in the Social Life and Work Impact of Dizziness (SWID) Questionnaire before and after recent treatments were queried. Results: Twenty-four different treatments were reported for Menière's disease, with dietary modifications (55%), diuretics (47%), and betahistine (41%) being most common. The majority (71%) received multiple simultaneous treatments. Prior to the most recent treatments 78-89% of respondents indicated limitations in family or social life, work or traveling. After their most recent treatment, respondents reported improvements in mean vertigo episode counts (5.7±7.6 vs. 2.6 ±4.6, p<0.001), days off work per month (10.1 ±9.2 vs. 4.2 ±6.7, p<0.001), and proportions indicating limitations in any functional measure assessed (p<0.05). These findings were consistent regardless of treatment approach (all p<0.05). Intratympanic gentamicin provided the greatest reductions in vertigo count, functional limitations, and work absenteeism (all p<0.01) as well as the fewest respondents reporting post-treatment functional limitations (16-37%). Conclusions: Despite numerous treatment approaches targeting different proposed pathophysiology for Menière's disease in this cross-sectional survey, all treatments are reported as effective by patients. These findings support a prominent placebo effect in Menière's disease and highlight challenges in studying treatment outcomes; there is a critical need to better understand Menière's disease

    Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis in centenarians: a systematic review

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    Background: Centenarians often represent one of the best examples of aging successfully. However, the role of body composition or hydration status assessed with bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is poorly explored in this population. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review was to better understand the use and the role of BIA for evaluating body composition and hydration status in centenarians. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the literature up to the 1st of May, 2022 for published articles providing data on BIA to evaluate body composition parameters or hydration status in centenarians. Data were summarized descriptively because a meta-analysis was not possible due to the scarcity of available studies. Results: Among 2222 articles screened, four were eligible including 291 centenarians (mean age: 100.5&nbsp;years) who were mainly women (88%). In one study, BIA overestimated fat-free mass and underestimated fat mass when compared to deuterium oxide dilution. Another study carried out in Italy including 14 centenarians found a significant correlation between BIA and fat-free mass evaluated using anthropometric tools. In one study, BIA showed a significant agreement with anthropometric measures of fat mass. In the same sample, sarcopenia and dehydration, evaluated with BIA, had a high prevalence. Conclusion: BIA may be used for assessing body composition in centenarians, but research is limited to a few studies suggesting the need of future research in this area

    Incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea depending on the timing of treatment by menstrual cycle phase in women with early breast cancer

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    Background: The aim of this study was to characterize the factors associated with chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea (CIA) and to examine whether the phase of the menstrual cycle at chemotherapy start could affect the rate of CIA in premenopausal women with early breast cancer. Methods: CIA was defined as the cessation of menses for at least 3 months during or after chemotherapy. Menstrual phase was defined as days 1-6, follicular phase as days 7-14, luteal phase as days 15-20 and premenstrual phase as days 21-28. Univariate and multivariate predictors of CIA were examined. Results: Among 111 premenopausal women, univariate analysis showed a higher incidence of CIA in patients treated in the follicular phase rather than in other menstrual cycle phases (67.6% compared with 45.5%; P=0.03). The rate of CIA increased with age: 65.2% and 45.8% in patients aged &gt;42 an

    The status of PD-L1 and tumor-infiltrating immune cells predict resistance and poor prognosis in BRAFi-treated melanoma patients harboring mutant BRAFV600

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    In the present study, we have provided clinical evidence of the predictive and prognostic relevance of tumoral PD-L1 expression and density of immune cell infiltration in BRAFV600-mutated metastatic melanoma patients treated with BRAF inhibitor

    The role of basiliximab induction therapy in adult-to-adult living-related transplantation and deceased donor liver transplantation: a comparative retrospective analysis of a single-center series

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    Basiliximab in association with tacrolimus and steroids is effective in reducing episodes of acute cellular rejection (ACR) and increasing ACR-free survival after ALRLT and DDLT. No difference in patient and graft survival was found between group 1 and 2, nor was there any difference in the incidence of ACR between the 2 groups. However, less risk of HCV recurrence was present in the LRLT group