22 research outputs found

    A Novel Spectral Clustering based on Local Distribution

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    This paper proposed a novel variation of spectral clustering model based on a novel affinitymetric that considers the distribution of the neighboring points to learn the underlayingstructures in the data set. Proposed affinity metric is calculated using Mahalanobis distancethat exploits the concept of outlier detection for identifying the neighborhoods of the datapoints. RandomWalk Laplacian of the representative graph and its spectra has been consideredfor the clustering purpose and the first k number of eigenvectors have been consideredin the second phase of clustering. The model has been tested with benchmark data and thequality of the output of the proposed model has been tested in various clustering indicesscales

    Composite Attribute Based Ad-hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol (CAB-AOMDV)

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    281-284In this paper composite attribute-based ad-hoc on demand multipath distance vector (CAB-AOMDV) routing protocol has been proposed. Composite attributes are used to select the optimized multiple path for transmitting data and determined what percentage of total data can be share by the specific path. Composite factor is the combination of two factors, one is drop and another is queue factor. The performance analysis is evaluated under various node densities. Using control-overhead (CO), normalized-routing-overhead and throughput performance of proposed CAB-AOMDV is compared with Risk factor-based Ad-hoc on demand multipath (RF-AOMDV) routing protocol, from where it is observed that performance of proposed CAB-AOMDV is outperform RF-AOMDV in respect of all scenario taken into considerations

    Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange Method in Wireless Communication

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    Abstract In this paper, a cryptanalysis of key exchange method using multilayer perceptron (CKE) has been proposed in wireless communication of data/information. In this proposed CKE technique both sender and receiver uses an identical multilayer perceptrons for synchronization between them. After achieving the full synchronization weights vectors of both the parties' becomes identical and this identical weight vector is used as a secret session key for encryption/decryption. Different types of possible attacks during synchronization phase are introduced in this paper. Among different types of attacks some of them can be easily prevented by increasing the synaptic depth L. But few attacks are also there which has a great success rate. Parametric tests have been done and results are compared with some existing classical techniques, which show comparable results for the proposed technique

    An Approach to ensure Information Security through 252-Bit Integrated Encryption System (IES)

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    In this paper, a block-cipher, Integrated Encryption System (IES), to be implemented in bit-level is presented that requires a 252-bit secret key. In IES, there exist at most sixteen rounds to be implemented in cascaded manner. RPSP, TE, RPPO, RPMS, RSBM, RSBP are the six independent block-ciphering protocols, that are integrated to formulate IES. A round is constituted by implementing one of the protocols on the output produced in the preceding round. The process of encryption is an interactive activity, in which the encryption authority is given enough scope of flexibility regarding choice of protocols in any round. However no protocol can be used in more than three rounds. Formation of key is a run-time activity, which gets built with the interactive encryption process proceeds. Results of implementation of all six protocols in cascaded manner have been observed and analyzed. On achieving a satisfactory level of performance in this cascaded implementation, IES and its schematic and operational characteristics have been proposed


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    Nanoelectronic devices of various kinds of are essential for VLSI circuits. The struggle to follow Moore’s law is becoming increasingly difficult and complex, requiring multitudinous novel approaches in order to continue decreasing dimensions of the devices which are already firmly established in the nano-world. As an example, the most advanced state of the art VLSI’s (microprocessors) currently can contain more than 50 billion transistors per chip. As far as the actual physical dimensions are concerned, in 2021 the IBM company announced their 2 nm chip.The efforts behind such achievements are enormous. This special issue on advanced planar nanoelectronics investigates some points of interest related to the physics of such devices, as well as their simulation, thus giving its contribution to the existing trends in this rapidly evolving and constantly expanding field

    Composite Attribute Based Ad-hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol (CAB-AOMDV)

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    In this paper composite attribute-based ad-hoc on demand multipath distance vector (CAB-AOMDV) routing protocol has been proposed. Composite attributes are used to select the optimized multiple path for transmitting data and determined what percentage of total data can be share by the specific path. Composite factor is the combination of two factors, one is drop and another is queue factor. The performance analysis is evaluated under various node densities. Using control-overhead (CO), normalized-routing-overhead and throughput performance of proposed CAB-AOMDV is compared with Risk factor-based Ad-hoc on demand multipath (RF-AOMDV) routing protocol, from where it is observed that performance of proposed CAB-AOMDV is outperform RF-AOMDV in respect of all scenario taken into considerations