31 research outputs found

    Mapping of Mangrove Diversity in Kelurahan Tongkaina, Bunaken Sub-District, Manado

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    This research was conducted in coastal area of Tongkaina Village, Bunaken Sub-district, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this study was to calculate the diversity of mangrove plants and map the zoning of mangrove species distribution in three research sites. The data collected are categorized as primary and secondary data. Primary data collection related to biophysical condition of mangrove ecosystem, including vegetation structure and area of mangrove cover in study site and further analyzed. Secondary data were collected from various literature studies, documentation and scientific papers and related legislation. Based on  the obtained results, it was known that the diversity index of mangrove in Tongkaina is 1.71 which is categorized as medium in term of its diversity, because the value of H 'is greater than 1 and smaller than 3. This value means also that there was enough productivity, ecosystem condition is quite balanced, and moderate ecological pressures. The highest species diversity index was found in Sonneratia alba with an index of 0.37 and the lowest was in the Bruguiera gymnorrhiza species with index of 0.06. Mapping of mangrove species is done by taking coordinate points within quadrant at three research sites. Color degradation with rounded symbols are used to distinguish each species. The aims are designed to be able to easily distinguish between species visually and can be used as one method of mapping study on the diversity of mangroves. This study reveals the known levels of mangrove diversity are moderate. The existence of fishing activities and mooring boat by the local community contribute to mangrove land degradation. Indispensable protection or conservation through knowledge transfer and building awareness to the community, as well as providing an economic alternative for those utilizing mangrove for both household and commercial needs, in order to maintain better conditions are equally important.Keywords: Mapping, Mangrove, Diversity, TongkainaAbstrakPenelitian ini berlokasi di kawasan pesisir pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghitung keanekaragaman hutan mangrove serta memetakan zonasi pembagian jenis mangrove di tiga stasiun penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer berkaitan dengan kondisi biofisik ekosistem mangrove yaitu, struktur vegetasi dan luasan mangrove di daerah penelitian dan selanjutnya dianalisis. Kemudian data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai kajian literature, dokumentasi dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah serta peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Pada hasil yang diperoleh diketahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman mangrove di Tongkaina adalah 1,71 dimana nilai indeks ini tergolong dalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang, karena nilai H’ lebih besar dari 1 dan lebih kecil dari 3, yang berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang, dan tekanan ekologis sedang. Indeks Keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi didapati pada Sonneratia alba dengan nilai indeks 0,37 dan terendah ada pada spesies Bruguiera gymnorrhiza yang memiliki nilai indeks yaitu 0,06. Pemetaan jenis mangrove dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan titik koordinat pada kuadran di tiga stasiun penelitian. Degradasi warna dengan simbol bulat di pakai untuk membedakan tiap spesies. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat dengan mudah membedakan antar spesies secara visual serta dapat dijadikan salah satu metode kajian untuk memetakan keanekaragaman mangrove. Diketahui tingkat keanekaragaman mangrove tergolong sedang. Adanya kegiatan pertambakan dan tambatan perahu masyarakat membuat lahan mangrove semakin berkurang. Sangat diperlukan adanya perlindungan atau pelestarian melalui pengetahuan dan penyadaran kepada masyarakat, serta memberikan alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga ataupun komersial, demi menjaga perkembangan kondisi yang lebih baik.Kata kunci:      Pemetaan, Mangrove, Keanekaragaman, Tongkain

    A Study on Management of Mangrove and the Knowledge of Local Community in Bahoi of West Likupang Subdistrict of North Minahasa District

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    A study on community based mangrove management was conducted in Bahoi of North Minahasa District of North Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. This aims of the study were to examine the management of mangrove including community involvement in the whole processes as well as the institutional settings; to examine knowledge and atitute of the community of Bahoi toward the management processes; to find out its impacts to the community and marine ecosystems. Methods used in this study were interviews and surveys. For the former, all key persons involving in the management including representative of government were interviewed. With the latter, 30 community members or around 10% of total population were randomly selected and requested to fill in questionnaries containing multiple choices questions to meet the objectives of the study. This study revealed that the management of mangrove has been projects driven activities since year 2000. Yet communities were partly involved in the management including during the establishment of organization and village Ordinance, the survey shows that only 30% of respondents actively involved. That is why 63% of respondent argue that the management processes is lacking and 23% recon that it should be improved. Moreover, 100% of respondents claim that they strongly support conservation of mangrove and other coastal resources; 90% of the respondent answer that cultural background (Sangiran ethnicity) drives their attitude about preserving the coastal resources. In terms of implication of the management mangrove and other coastal resources in Bahoi, they argue that it has resulted in improvement of income and a healthy mangrove ecosystem

    Mapping Of Mangrove Diversity In Kelurahan Tongkaina, Bunaken Sub-District, Manado

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    Penelitian ini berlokasi di kawasan pesisir pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghitung keanekaragaman hutan mangrove serta memetakan zonasi pembagian jenis mangrove di tiga stasiun penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer berkaitan dengan kondisi biofisik ekosistem mangrove yaitu, struktur vegetasi dan luasan mangrove di daerah penelitian dan selanjutnya dianalisis. Kemudian data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai kajian literature, dokumentasi dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah serta peraturan Perundang-undangan terkait. Pada hasil yang diperoleh diketahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman mangrove di Tongkaina adalah 1,71 dimana nilai indeks ini tergolong dalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang, karena nilai H\u27 lebih besar dari 1 dan lebih kecil dari 3, yang berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang, dan tekanan ekologis sedang. Indeks Keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi didapati pada Sonneratia alba dengan nilai indeks 0,37 dan terendah ada pada spesies Bruguiera gymnorrhiza yang memiliki nilai indeks yaitu 0,06. Pemetaan jenis mangrove dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan titik koordinat pada kuadran di tiga stasiun penelitian. Degradasi warna dengan simbol bulat di pakai untuk membedakan tiap spesies. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat dengan mudah membedakan antar spesies secara visual serta dapat dijadikan salah satu metode kajian untuk memetakan keanekaragaman mangrove. Diketahui tingkat keanekaragaman mangrove tergolong sedang. Adanya kegiatan pertambakan dan tambatan perahu masyarakat membuat lahan mangrove semakin berkurang. Sangat diperlukan adanya perlindungan atau pelestarian melalui pengetahuan dan penyadaran kepada masyarakat, serta memberikan alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga ataupun komersial, demi menjaga perkembangan kondisi yang lebih baik

    Coral Covers and the Abundance of Reef Fish in Community Base Management Marine Protected Area (CBM-MPA) Bahoi Village North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    In the last few decades, coral reef ecosystem has been under significant pressure due to anthropogenic impacts and naturally driven factors. The coral reef ecosystem is unique because it has very high biodiversity and many organisms depend on its existence. Every organism in a coral reef ecosystem uniquely contributes to how coral reef communities survive and function. However, coral reef ecosystems are also vulnerable to pressures that cause degradation, interfering with the ecosystem balance. This study aims to monitor the ecological condition of coral reefs and the abundance of reef fish to see how the MPA program in Bahoi village helps the coral reef ecosystem from degradation. The data was collected using Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method, which was drawn 70 meters transect line horizontally at a depth of 3-5 meters. The same transect line was also used to collect data about reef fish by using a Visual Census. The observation distance length is 2.5 meters to the left and right of the transect line. Results of the study showed that the coral cover of MPA Bahoi Village is in the Fair category and the abundance of reef fish in the MPA area is in the Moderate category.  Keywords: Coral Cover; Coral Reef; Marine Protected Area (MPA); Monitoring; Reef Fish

    Morphometrics and Meristics of Lemuru Fish Sardinella lemuru Bleeker, 1853 landed at TPI Aertembaga Bitung City

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    The morphometric and meristic study of the lemuru Sardinella lemuru landed at TPI Aertembaga, Bitung City aims to examine the ratio and proportion ratio between the total length and other morphometric parameters, the correlation index of growth patterns, the correlation index of closeness and correlation, determining the caudal fin ratio and determining its meristic character. The research was conducted in February-June 2023 and used a quantitative descriptive method. Of the 100 lemuru fish observed, there were 35 males with a total length between 13,184-15,589 cm and 65 females which were longer between 12,083-16,420 cm. The growth pattern of lemuru both male and female is positively allometric dominant with the lowest correlation index r (closeness) in the relationship of eye diameter to the total length of the male fish, namely r = 0.01 (very weak) and the highest in the standard length relationship to the total length of the female fish, namely r = 0.97 (very strong). The highest percentage ratio of other size parameters and total length was for the fork length of the male fish, which was 91.1% and the lowest was for the diameter of the female's eye, 4.2%. The tail fin aspect ratio of female fish is greater than male fish with a value of 1.61 for females and 1.57 for males. The meristics of the male lemuru are D 13-18, P 13-18, V 5-8, A 15-23 and C 17-25 and the females are D 13-18, P 12-18, V 6-9, A 13- 26 and C 15-28. Keywords: total length, small pelagic, growth status Abstrak Penelitian mengenai morfometrik dan meristik ikan lemuru Sardinella lemuru yang didaratkan di TPI Aertembaga Kota Bitung bertujuan untuk mengkaji rasio serta persentase rasio antara panjang total dan paramter morfometrik lainnya, indeks korelasi pola pertumbuhan, indeks keeratan hubungan korelasi dan, menentukan ratio sirip ekor serta menentukan karakter meristiknya. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Juni 2023 dan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari 100 individu ikan lemuru yang diamati ada 35 individu jantan dengan panjang total selang 13,184-15,589 cm dan 65 individu betina yang lebih panjang selang 12,083-16,420 cm. Pola pertumbuhan ikan lemuru baik jantan dan betina dominan allometrik positif dengan indeks korelasi r (keeratan) terendah pada hubungan diameter mata terhadap panjang total ikan jantan yakni r = 0,01 (sangat lemah) dan tertinggi pada hubungan panjang standar terhadap panjang total ikan betina yakni r = 0,97 (sangat kuat). Persentase rasio parameter ukuran lain dan panjang total tertinggi pada panjang garpu ikan jantan yakni 91,1 % dan terendah pada diameter mata betina 4,2 %. Aspek rasio sirip ekor lebih besar ikan betina daripada ikan jantan dengan nilai 1,61 pada betina dan 1,57 pada ikan jantan. Meristik ikan lemuru jantan yakni D 13-18, P 13-18, V 5-8, A 15-23 dan C 17-25 serta betina yakni D 13-18, P 12-18, V 6-9, A 13-26 dan C 15-28. Kata kunci: panjang total, pelagis kecil, status pertumbuhan


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    Mangroves are referred to as coastal forests or brackish forests, coastal forests which mean forests that live in coastal areas (coastal) which are influenced by tidal areas and coastal land. Mangroves have an important role in the absorption and storage of carbon, the amount of carbon contained in a tree is influenced by the ability of the tree to absorb carbon from the environment by the process of photosynthesis or known as the sequestration process. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of mangroves on the coast of Tatengesan and determine the carbon storage in the biomass of mangrove trees on the coast of Tatengesan. Data collection on mangrove tree vegetation was carried out in 3 transects, on the left, right and middle of the mangrove ecosystem on the Tatengesan coast. The transects were drawn perpendicular from the sea to the coast according to the thickness of the mangroves at the site. One transect has three quadrants, with a size of 10 m x 10 m. For how it works, the transect is pulled 100 m from the sea to the beach, then the quadrants are measured 10 m x 10 m using a plastic rope as a marker, and the quadrant positions are placed randomly and for 25 m intervals. The results of this study provide information that there are 3 types of mangroves, namely Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and Bruguiera gymnorhiza, the value of mangrove biomass content ranges from 69.2 - 118.61 tons/ha, and the value of carbon storage in mangrove biomass. ranged from 32.52 to 55.75 tons/ha. Future research is expected to obtain time series data on the amount of carbon stored in a certain time period. Keywords: Biomass, carbon, mangrove, Tatengesan   ABSTRAK Mangrove disebut sebagai hutan pantai atau hutan payau, hutan pantai yang berarti hutan yang hidup di daerah pantai (pesisir) yang dipengaruhi oleh daerah pasang surut air laut dan daratan pesisir. Mangrove memiliki peranan penting dalam hal penyerapan dan penyimpanan karbon, besarnya kandungan karbon yang terdapat dalam satu pohon dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan pohon tersebut untuk menyerap karbon dari lingkungan dengan proses fotosintesis atau yang dikenal dengan proses sequestration. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis mangrove di pesisir Tatengesan dan mengetahui simpanan karbon pada biomassa pohon mangrove di pesisir Tatengesan. Pengambilan data pada vegetasi pohon mangrove dilakukan sebanyak 3 transek, pada bagian kiri, kanan dan tengah ekosistem man grove di pesisir Tatengesan. Transek ditarik tegak lurus dari arah laut ke pantai sesuai ketebalan mangrove di lokasi. Satu transek terdapat tiga kuadran, dengan ukuran 10 m x 10 m. Untuk cara kerjanya, transek ditarik sejauh 100 m dari laut ke pantai, kemudian kuadran diukur 10 m x 10 m dengan menggunakan tali plastik sebagai penanda, dan untuk posisi kuadran diletakkan acak dan untuk intervalnya 25 m. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan informasi bahwa jenis-jenis mangrove ditemukan sebanyak 3 jenis, yaitu Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, dan Bruguiera gymnorhiza, nilai kandungan biomassa mangrove berkisar antara 69,2 – 118,61 ton/ha, dan nilai simpanan karbon pada biomassa mangrove berkisar antara 32,52 – 55,75 ton/ha. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk memperoleh data time series jumlah simpanan karbon dalam suatu periode waktu tertentu. Kata kunci:     Biomassa, karbon, mangrove, Tatengesa

    Morphometric and Meristic Yellowstrip Scad Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier, 1833) Landed at TPI Tumumpa and PPI Kema

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    This research about morphometric and meristic character of yellow stripscad. Fish samples were selected from various sizes in order to represent the various sizes of yellow stripscad that existin nature. Samples of yellow stripscad were taken from fish landed at TPI Tumumpa as many as 60 tail and PPI Kema as many as 60 tail. The purpose of this study was to determine how the morphometric and meristic character of yellow stripscad landed in TPI Tumumpa and PPI Kema. Data analysis with K-mean cluster method using SPSS 25 and Ms. Excel 2019. Yellow stripscad landed in TPI Tumumpa and PPI Kema have different morphometric character with percentage difference of 95%. For meristic character have a fairly small lavel of difference with a difference of 29%. Keywords : yellow stripscad, morphometric, meristic, TPI Tumumpa, PPI Kema. Abstrak Penelitian ini mengenai karakter morfometrik dan meristik ikan selar kuning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel ikan akan dipilih dari berbagai macam ukuran agar dapat mewakili berbagai macam ukuran ikan selar kuning yang ada di alam. Sampel ikan selar kuning diambil dari ikan yang didaratkan di TPI Tumumpa sebanyak 60 ekor dan di PPI Kema sebanyak 60 ekor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakter morfometrik dan meristik ikan selar kuning yang didaratkan di TPI Tumumpa dan PPI Kema. Analisis data dengan metode K-mean cluster menggunakan program SPSS 25 dan Ms. Excel 2019. Ikan selar kuning yang didaratkan di TPI Tumumpa dan PPI Kema memiliki karakter morfometrik yang berbeda dengan persentase perbedaan sebesar 95%. Untuk  karakter meristiknya memiliki tingkat perbedaan yang cukup kecil dengan tingkat perbedaan sebesar 29%.  Kata- kata kunci : ikan selar kuning, morfometrik, meristik, TPI  Tumumpa, PPI Kema.

    Community Structure of Hard Coral (Scleractinia) in the Walenekoko Reef Flat, Pasir Panjang, Bitung City

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    Coral reefs are one of the potential good water resources in Indonesian marine waters. Ecologically, coral reefs can only develop in tropical climates. Hard coral is one of the important components as a constituent of coral reef ecosystems and plays an important role for marine biota. The research was conducted at the reef flat of Walenekoko Village, Pasir Panjang Village, South Lembeh District, Bitung City. The research covers the species, family and life form composition, and ecological indices (diversity, species equitability, and dominance indices). The research was carried out with an Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method. The results obtained 18 types of hard corals belonging to 5 families. Montipora samarensis was the most abundant coral in the area with 43% of the community composition. The Faviidae family and Acroporidae (33%) had the largest percentage in all transects. The form of coral growth consisted of Acropora Submassive (ACS) 53%, Coral Massive (CM) 30%, and for Acropora Branching (ACB) 16%. The highest diversity value is at point 3 of 1.64, and point 1 of 1.60, while the lowest is at point 2 of 0.56. The evenness index obtained at point 1 is 0.70, and at point 2 is 0.30. The dominance values obtained ranged from 0.25 to 0.52.Keywords: Community Structure; Hard Coral; Reef FlatAbstrakTerumbu karang merupakan salah satu potensi sumberdaya perairan yang baik di perairan laut Indonesia. Secara ekologis terumbu karang hanya dapat berkembang di wilayah beriklim tropis. Karang keras merupakan salah satu komponen penting sebagai penyusun ekosistem terumbu karang dan berperan penting bagi biota laut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rataan terumbu Desa Walenekoko, Desa Pasir Panjang, Kecamatan Lembeh Selatan, Kota Bitung. Penelitian meliputi komposisi spesies, famili, dan bentuk kehidupan, serta indeks ekologi (keanekaragaman, keseragaman spesies, dan indeks dominasi). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Underwater Photo Transect (UPT). Hasil penelitian diperoleh 18 jenis karang keras yang termasuk dalam 5 famili. Montipora samarensis adalah spesies yang paling banyak ditemukan di daerah tersebut dengan persentase 43%. Famili Faviidae dan Acroporidae (33%) memiliki persentase terbesar di semua transek. Bentuk pertumbuhan karang terdiri dari: Acropora Submassive (ACS) 53%, Coral Massive (CM) 30%, dan untuk Acropora Branching (ACB) 16%. Nilai keanekaragaman tertinggi yaitu pada titik 3 sebesar 1,64, dan titik 1 sebesar 1.60, sedangkan yang termasuk rendah yaitu pada titik 2 sebesar 0,56. Indeks kemerataan diperoleh pada titik 1 sebesar 0,70, dan pada titik 2 sebesar 0.30. Nilai dominasi diperoleh berkisar antara 0.25 hingga 0.52.Kata kunci: Struktur Komunitas; Karang Keras; Rataan Terumbu

    Gastropod Community On Seagrass Ecosystem in Makalisung coast

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    The aim of the research is to know various species of gastropods and gastropod community structure through species density, percent density, dominant species, and association of species of gastropods on seagrass ecosystem. Research with the method of quadrat transect is put perpendicular to the coastline. Gastropod species are found in the seagrass ecosystem on the Makalisung coast consist of 9 species, 7 families, and 4 ordos. Gastropod community structure on seagrass ecosystem is found with species density is highest Cymbiola nivosa as big as 0.64 (ind/m2) with highest percent density 34.04 %. Diversity of species of gastropods on four-station that H’> 1 highest in fouth station as big as H’= 1.72. The dominance of species is highest Cymbiola nivosa as big as C=0.44, where the result of research in generally dominancy C 1 di mana tertinggi stasiun 4 sebesar H’= 1,72; dominansi total tertinggi adalah spesis Cymbiola nivosa sebesar C=0,44, di mana hasil penelitian secara umum dominansi C < 0,25 adalah tergolong rendah. Asosiasi spesis gastropoda di ekosistem lamun ditemukan tiga ciri, (1) klasifikasi golongan asosiasi positif adalahCypraea tigris dan Monetaria annulus,Cypraea tigris dan Cymbiola nivosa, Strombus labiatus dan Cyclope pellucida, Strombus labiatus dan Cymbiola nivosa, Monetaria annulus dan Cerithiun nodulosum, Cymbiola nivosa dan Cerithiun nodulosum; Cerithiu nodulosum dan Angaria dephinus dan Faunus ater. Klasifikasi golongan tidak berasosiasi (2) Angaria dephinus dan asosiasi mendekati zero (0,04) yaitu Monetaria annulus dan Cymbiola nivosa. Dan klasifikasi golongan asosiasi negatif, hasil penelitian sebagian besar menunjukkan asosiasi negatif pasangan spesis gastropoda di ekosistem lamun.Kata kunci : Gastropoda, Kepadatan, Diversitas, Dominansi, Asosiasi