11 research outputs found

    Nonlocal games and quantum permutation groups

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    We present a strong connection between quantum information and the theory of quantum permutation groups. Specifically, we define a notion of quantum isomorphisms of graphs based on quantum automorphisms from the theory of quantum groups, and then show that this is equivalent to the previously defined notion of quantum isomorphism corresponding to perfect quantum strategies to the isomorphism game. Moreover, we show that two connected graphs X and Y are quantum isomorphic if and only if there exists x is an element of V(X) and y is an element of V(Y) that are in the same orbit of the quantum automorphism group of the disjoint union of X and Y. This connection links quantum groups to the more concrete notion of nonlocal games and physically observable quantum behaviours. In this work, we exploit this by using ideas and results from quantum information in order to prove new results about quantum automorphism groups of graphs, and about quantum permutation groups more generally. In particular, we show that asymptotically almost surely all graphs have trivial quantum automorphism group. Furthermore, we use examples of quantum isomorphic graphs from previous work to construct an infinite family of graphs which are quantum vertex transitive but fail to be vertex transitive, answering a question from the quantum permutation group literature. Our main tool for proving these results is the introduction of orbits and orbitals (orbits on ordered pairs) of quantum permutation groups. We show that the orbitals of a quantum permutation group form a coherent configuration/algebra, a notion from the field of algebraic graph theory. We then prove that the elements of this quantum orbital algebra are exactly the matrices that commute with the magic unitary defining the quantum group. We furthermore show that quantum isomorphic graphs admit an isomorphism of their quantum orbital algebras which maps the adjacency matrix of one graph to that of the other. We hope that this work will encourage new collaborations among the communities of quantum information, quantum groups, and algebraic graph theory. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Perfect Strategies for Non-Local Games

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    We describe the main classes of non-signalling bipartite correlations in terms of states on operator system tensor products. This leads to the introduction of another new class of games, called reflexive games, which are characterised as the hardest non-local games that can be won using a given set of strategies. We provide a characterisation of their perfect strategies in terms of operator system quotients. We introduce a new class of non-local games, called imitation games, in which the players display linked behaviour, and which contain as subclasses the classes of variable assignment games, binary constraint system games, synchronous games, many games based on graphs, and unique games. We associate a C*-algebra C * (G) to any imitation game G, and show that the existence of perfect quantum commuting (resp. quantum, local) strategies of G can be characterised in terms of properties of this C*algebra. We single out a subclass of imitation games, which we callmirror games, and provide a characterisation of their quantum commuting strategies that has an algebraic flavour, showing in addition that their approximately quantum perfect strategies arise from amenable traces on the encoding C*-algebra

    Entanglement can increase asymptotic rates of zero-error classical communication over classical channels

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    It is known that the number of different classical messages which can be communicated with a single use of a classical channel with zero probability of decoding error can sometimes be increased by using entanglement shared between sender and receiver. It has been an open question to determine whether entanglement can ever increase the zero-error communication rates achievable in the limit of many channel uses. In this paper we show, by explicit examples, that entanglement can indeed increase asymptotic zero-error capacity, even to the extent that it is equal to the normal capacity of the channel. Interestingly, our examples are based on the exceptional simple root systems E7 and E8.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figur

    Entangled states cannot be classically simulated in generalized Bell experiments with quantum inputs

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    Simulation tasks are insightful tools to compare informationtheoretic resources. Considering a generalization of usual Bell scenarios where external quantum inputs are provided to the parties, we show that any entangled quantum state exhibits correlations that cannot be simulated using only shared randomness and classical communication, even when the amount and rounds of classical communication involved are unrestricted. We indeed construct explicit Bell-like inequalities that are necessarily satisfied by such classical resources but nevertheless violated by correlations obtainable from entangled quantum states, when measured a single copy at a time