5,574 research outputs found

    Crossbreeding to improve local chicken breeds: predicting growth performance of the crosses using the Gompertz model and estimated heterosis

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    The present study aims to validate the Gompertz model to predict the growth performance of chicken crosses according to growth curve parameters of the parental lines and the estimated heterosis for each curve parameter. A total of 252 one-day-old chicks of both sexes belonging to 6 genotypes, including Ross 308, Sasso (SA), Bionda Piemontese (BP), and Robusta Maculata (RM), and the crosses between these local breeds and SA (BP x SA and RM x SA) were randomly allocated in 18 pens (3 pens/genotype) in mixed-sex groups (14 animals/pen; 7 females and 7 males). The individual body weight (BW) of all birds was recorded once a week from hatching until slaughtering (81 d for Ross 308; 112 d for SA, 140 d for the other genotypes). We drew up our final dataset with 240 birds (40 birds/ genotype; 20 females and 20 males). The growth curve of each genotype was described using the Gompertz model, and the heterosis for each growth curve parameter was calculated as the difference between F-1 crosses and the average of parental breeds. The predicted growth curve parameters were evaluated by cross-validation. The Gompertz model accurately estimated the growth curves of all the genotypes (R-2 > 0.90). Heterosis was significant for almost all growth curve parameters in both crosses (P < 0.05). Heterosis ranged from -13.0 to +11.5%, depending on parameters, but varied slightly between the crossbreeds (BP x SA and RM x SA). The predicted values of adult BW, weight at the inflection point, and maximum growth rate were overestimated for BP x SA and under-estimated for RM x SA, with a mean error between observed and predicted values <12.71% for all the curve parameters. In conclusion, the growth performance of chicken crosses between local breeds and commercial strains can be accurately predicted with Gompertz parameters of the parental lines adjusting for heterosis

    Distribution and consistency of Ancona and Livorno poultry breed in Central Italy

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    Nowadays most of the Italian chickens’ breeds are replaced with commercial hybrids characterised by higher productive performance. However, the safeguard of biodiversity and consequently the genetic variability are a very important issue, and for this reason, it is fundamental to include local strains in preservation programs. In Italy, the poultry Genealogic Book has been recently constituted, and includes 22 chicken breeds. The diffusion of these strains is strictly linked to the territory of origin, in particular in the Central Italy, the Ancona and Livorno chicken breeds are the mainly widespread ones. The aim of this study was to determine the consistency and the characteristics of the farms involved in the farming of Ancona and Livorno chicken breeds in Central Italy. A survey to analyse the facilities, the human resources and the chicken population consistencies was conducted in the farms of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, Tuscany and Umbria regions. All the investigated farms can be identified as ‘hobby-farms’ being small scale ones and leading the breeding of Ancona and Livorno chickens as a secondary business. The survey also confirmed that the presence of the strains depends on the region: 100% of Marche farms bred Ancona whereas, in Tuscany the Livorno breed is the most common.Highlights A survey in centre Italy was carried out to determine the consistency of Ancona and Livorno chicken breeds; The Ancona and Livorno chickens breed were reared in small scale farms; The widespread of the breeds depend on the region: Ancona breed is most present in the Marche region while the Livorno is mainly bred in Tuscany

    Performance and egg quality of laying hens fed flaxseed: highlights on n-3 fatty acids, cholesterol, lignans and isoflavones

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    Flaxseed is a rich source of \u3b1-linolenic acid and phytoestrogens, mainly lignans, whose metabolites (enterodiol and enterolactone) can affect estrogen functions. The present study evaluated the influence of dietary flaxseed supplementation on reproductive performance and egg characteristics (fatty acids, cholesterol, lignans and isoflavones) of 40 Hy-Line hens (20/group) fed for 23 weeks a control diet or the same diet supplemented with 10% of extruded flaxseed. The flaxseed diet had approximately three times the content of lignans (2608.54 ng/g) as the control diet, mainly secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (1534.24 v. 494.72 ng/g). When compared with the control group, hens fed flaxseed showed a similar deposition rate (72.0% v. 73.9%) and egg yield. Furthermore, there was no effect of flaxseed on the main chemical composition of the egg and on its cholesterol content. Estradiol was higher in the plasma of the control group (1419.00 v. 1077.01 pg/ml) probably due to the effect of flaxseed on phytoestrogen metabolites. The plasma lignans were higher in hens fed flaxseed, whereas isoflavones were lower, mainly due to the lower equol value (50.52 v. 71.01 ng/ml). A similar trend was shown in eggs: the flaxseed group had higher level of enterodiol and enterolactone, whereas the equol was lower (198.31 v. 142.02 ng/g yolk). Secoisolariciresinol was the main lignan in eggs of the flaxseed group and its concentration was three times higher then control eggs. Flaxseed also improved the n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of eggs (3.25 v. 0.92 mg/g egg), mainly DHA, however, its oxidative status (thiobarbituric reactive substances) was negatively affected. In conclusion, 10% dietary flaxseed did not affect the productive performance of hens or the yolk cholesterol concentration, whereas the lignans and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of eggs improved. Further details on the competition between the different dietary phytoestrogens and their metabolites (estrogen, equol, enterodiol and enterolactone) should be investigated

    Isotopic Overlap of Invasive and Native Consumers in the Food Web of Lake Trasimeno (Central Italy)

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    An advanced characterization of the trophic niche of non-indigenous species (NIS) may provide useful information on their ecological impact on invaded communities. Here, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes to estimate pairwise niche overlaps between non-indigenous and native consumers in the winter food web of Lake Trasimeno (central Italy). Overall, a relatively low pairwise overlap of isotopic niches was observed between NIS and native species. The only exception was the Louisiana crayfish Procambarus clarkii, which showed a relatively high and diffuse overlap with other native invertebrates. Our findings highlighted a high niche divergence between non-indigenous and native species in Lake Trasimeno, suggesting a potentially low degree of interspecific competition that may facilitate coexistence and, in turn, limit the strength of impacts. The divergent results obtained for the Louisiana crayfish indicate that additional control measures for this invasive species are needed to mitigate its impact on the Lake Trasimeno system

    Impact of chronic heat stress on behavior, oxidative status and meat quality traits of fast-growing broiler chickens

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    This research aimed to investigate, through a multifactorial approach, the relationship among some in-vivo parameters (i.e., behavior and blood traits) in broilers exposed to chronic HS, and their implications on proximate composition, technological properties, and oxidative stability of breast meat. A total of 300 Ross 308 male chickens were exposed, from 35 to 41 days of age, to either thermoneutral conditions (TNT group: 20 degrees C; six replicates of 25 birds/each) or elevated ambient temperature (HS group: 24 h/d at 30 degrees C; six replicates of 25 birds/each). In order to deal with thermal stress, HS chickens firstly varied the frequency of some behaviors that are normally expressed also in physiological conditions (i.e., increasing "drinking" and decreasing "feeding") and then exhibited a behavioral pattern finalized at dissipating heat, primarily represented by "roosting," "panting" and "elevating wings." Such modifications become evident when the temperature reached 25 degrees C, while the behavioral frequencies tended to stabilize at 27 degrees C with no further substantial changes over the 6 days of thermal challenge. The multifactorial approach highlighted that these behavioral changes were associated with oxidative and inflammatory status as indicated by lower blood gamma- tocopherol and higher carbonyls level (0.38 vs. 0.18 nmol/mL, and 2.39 vs. 7.19 nmol/mg proteins, respectively for TNT and HS; p &lt; 0.001). HS affected breast meat quality by reducing the moisture:protein ratio (3.17 vs. 3.01, respectively for TNT and HS; p &lt; 0.05) as well as the muscular acidification (ultimate pH = 5.81 vs. 6.00, respectively; p &lt; 0.01), resulting in meat with higher holding capacity and tenderness. HS conditions reduced thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) concentration in the breast meat while increased protein oxidation. Overall results evidenced a dynamic response of broiler chickens to HS exposure that induced behavioral and physiological modifications strictly linked to alterations of blood parameters and meat quality characteristics

    Histamine stimulates the proliferation of small and large cholangiocytes by activation of both IP3/Ca2+ and cAMP-dependent signaling mechanisms

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    Although large cholangiocytes exert their functions by activation of cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP), Ca(2+)-dependent signaling regulates the function of small cholangiocytes. Histamine interacts with four receptors, H1-H4HRs. H1HR acts by Gαq activating IP(3)/Ca(2+), whereas H2HR activates Gα(s) stimulating cAMP. We hypothesize that histamine increases biliary growth by activating H1HR on small and H2HR on large cholangiocytes. The expression of H1-H4HRs was evaluated in liver sections, isolated and cultured (normal rat intrahepatic cholangiocyte culture (NRIC)) cholangiocytes. In vivo, normal rats were treated with histamine or H1-H4HR agonists for 1 week. We evaluated: (1) intrahepatic bile duct mass (IBDM); (2) the effects of histamine, H1HR or H2HR agonists on NRIC proliferation, IP(3) and cAMP levels and PKCα and protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation; and (3) PKCα silencing on H1HR-stimulated NRIC proliferation. Small and large cholangiocytes express H1-H4HRs. Histamine and the H1HR agonist increased small IBDM, whereas histamine and the H2HR agonist increased large IBDM. H1HR agonists stimulated IP(3) levels, as well as PKCα phosphorylation and NRIC proliferation, whereas H2HR agonists increased cAMP levels, as well as PKA phosphorylation and NRIC proliferation. The H1HR agonist did not increase proliferation in PKCα siRNA-transfected NRICs. The activation of differential signaling mechanisms targeting small and large cholangiocytes is important for repopulation of the biliary epithelium during pathologies affecting different-sized bile ducts

    Characteristics of nursing homes and early preventive measures associated with risk of infection from COVID-19 in Lazio region, Italy: a retrospective case-control study

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    Objectives To understand which organisational-structural characteristics of nursing homes - also referred to as long-term care facilities (LTCFs) - and the preventative measures adopted in response to the pandemic are associated with the risk of a COVID-19 outbreak. Setting LTCFs in Lazio region in Italy. Design The study adopts a case-control design. Participants We included 141 facilities and 100 provided information for the study. Cases were defined as facilities reporting a COVID-19 outbreak (two or more cases) in March-December 2020; controls were defined as LTCFs reporting one case or zero. The exposures include the structural-organisational characteristics of the LTCFs as reported by the facilities, preventative measures employed and relevant external factors. Results Twenty facilities reported an outbreak of COVID-19. In binary logistic regression models, facilities with more than 15 beds were five times more likely to experience an outbreak than facilities with less than 15 beds OR=5.60 (CI 1.61 to 25.12; p value 0.002); admitting new residents to facilities was associated with a substantially higher risk of an outbreak: 6.46 (CI 1.58 to 27.58, p value 0.004). In a multivariable analysis, facility size was the only variable that was significantly associated with a COVID-19 outbreak OR= 5.37 (CI 1.58 to 22.8; p value 0.012) for larger facilities (&gt;15 beds) versus smaller (&lt;15 beds). Other characteristics and measures were not associated with an outbreak. Conclusion There was evidence of a higher risk of COVID-19 in larger facilities and when new patients were admitted during the pandemic. All other structural-organisational characteristics and preventative measures were not associated with an outbreak. This finding calls into question existing policies, especially where there is a risk of harm to residents. One such example is the restriction of visitor access to facilities, resulting in the social isolation of residents

    Potentiation of low-dose doxorubicin cytotoxicity by affecting p-glycoprotein through caryophyllane sesquiterpenes in hepg2 cells: an in vitro and in silico study

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    Doxorubicin represents a valuable choice for different cancers, although the severe side effects occurring at the high effective dose limits its clinical use. In the present study, potential strategies to potentiate low-dose doxorubicin efficacy, including a metronomic schedule, characterized by a short and repeated exposure to the anticancer drug, and the combination with the natural chemosensitizing sesquiterpenes β-caryophyllene and β-caryophyllene oxide, were assessed in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. The involvement of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the HepG2- chemosensitization to doxorubicin was evaluated. Also, the direct interaction of caryophyllene sesquiterpenes with P-gp was characterized by molecular docking and dynamic simulation studies. A metronomic schedule allowed us to enhance the low-dose doxorubicin cytotoxicity and the combination with caryophyllane sesquiterpenes further potentiated this effect. Also, an increased intracellular accumulation of doxorubicin and rhodamine 123 induced by caryophyllane sesquiterpenes was found, thus suggesting their interference with P-gp function. A lowered expression of P-gp induced by the combinations, with respect to doxorubicin alone, was observed too. Docking studies found that the binding site of caryophyllane sesquiterpene was next to the ATP binding domain of P-gp and that β-caryophyllene possessed the stronger binding affinity and higher inhibition potential calculated by MM-PBSA. Present findings strengthen our hypothesis about the potential chemosensitizing power of caryophyllane sesquiterpenes and suggest that combining a chemosensitizer and a metronomic schedule can represent a suitable strategy to overcome drawbacks of doxorubicin chemotherapy while exploiting its powerful activity

    Influência do horário de corte no rendimento de óleo essencial de alfavaquinha e alecrim.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do horário de coleta no rendimento de óleo essencial de alfavaquinha (Ocimum selloi) e alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). O experimento foi realizado na EMBRAPA Meio Ambiente, localizada no município de Jaguariúna-SP. As plantas foram colhidas no campo experimental da EMBRAPA em cinco diferentes horários (8h30min, 10h30min, 12h30min, 14h30min e 16h30min). Os óleos essenciais das folhas foram extraídos por hidrodestilação em aparelho tipo Clevenger modificado. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições, tendo como tratamento os horários de coleta. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o melhor horário para coleta de Ocimum selloi, visando a extração de óleo essencial é no período da manhã, antes das 10h e 30 minutos, e para Rosmarinus officinalis. L. o melhor horário é a partir das 16h e 30 minutos. Para as duas plantas estudadas o menor percentual de óleo essencial foi obtido ás 12h e 30 minutos, não sendo assim recomendado coleta neste horário para extração de óleo essencial
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