2 research outputs found

    La penetraci贸n de sectores ajenos a la comunicaci贸n en los grupos medi谩ticos. El caso del Grupo Televisa

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    El perfil de las empresas dedicadas a la prensa y al negocio de la comunicaci贸n ha cambiado durante las 煤ltimas d茅cadas, los grandes grupos a nivel global forman parte de un entramado complejo en el que la comunicaci贸n es un sector m谩s que convive con otros sectores econ贸micos y financieros diversos. En este art铆culo exploramos la propiedad del grupo Televisa, observando el Consejo de Administraci贸n y la composici贸n accionarial. El objetivo es demostrar la presencia de sectores ajenos a la comunicaci贸n en los grandes grupos de comunicaci贸n y propiciar el debate en torno al significado que tiene para el ejercicio del periodismo y para la comunicaci贸n esta din谩mica natural del mercado. Press and communication enterprises have changed in recent decades. Large global groups are part of a complex network in which communication is another sector that coexists with other economic and financial areas. In this article we explore the property of Televisa group, paying attention to the Board of Directors and shareholder structure. The objetive is to demonstrate the presence of non-communication sectors in the main media and promote the discussion about the significance that this natural market dynamics has for the practice of journalism and communication

    The second plane of democracy and the open society, in the first quarter of the 21st Century

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    The 21st Century presents a new way for the world to begin to regulate, after the violent Unipolar order that affected humanity, particularly in the nineties of the last century and in the first eight years of our current century. The United States dominated the world in the last 40 years and today, the first symptoms of its decline as an empire are beginning to be observed. The geopolitical turn, should bring an opportunity for democracy and open society, so that they can be better reflected in the diverse populations of the world. However, democracy must resist a stormy period, which marks the end of an era, in a situation of much loss of prestige that suffers as a political regime and also must, at the same time, cease to be a set of rules to start government over the market. Not easy. The objective of the article, along with glimpsing the decline of the United States as a hegemonic power, seeks to show how democracy remains in the background of importance to the real struggle for political, economic and geopolitical power