409 research outputs found

    Use of essential oils in veterinary medicine to combat bacterial and fungal infections

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    Essential oils (EOs) are secondary metabolites of plants employed in folk medicine for a long time thanks to their multiple properties. In the last years, their use has been introduced in veterinary medicine, too. The study of the antibacterial properties of EOs is of increasing interest, because therapies with alternative drugs are welcome to combat infections caused by antibiotic-resistant strains. Other issues could be resolved by EOs employment, such as the presence of antibiotic residues in food of animal origin and in environment. Although the in vitro antimicrobial activity of EOs has been frequently demonstrated in studies carried out on bacterial and fungal strains of different origins, there is a lack of information about their effectiveness in treating infections in animals. The scientific literature reports some studies about in vitro EOs’ activity against animal clinical bacterial and fungal isolates, but in vivo studies are very scanty. The use of EOs in therapy of companion and farm animals should follow careful studies on the toxicity of these natural products in relation to animal species and route of administration. Moreover, considering the different behavior of EOs in relation to both species and strain pathogen, before starting a therapy, an aromatogram should be executed to choose the oil with the best antimicrobial activity

    Sarcoptic mange and other ectoparasitic infections in a red fox (<i>Vulpes vulpes</i>) population from central Italy.

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    Fifty red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from the district of Pisa (central Italy) were examined for ectoparasites. Sarcoptic mange was diagnosed on the presence of clearly visible skin lesions with confirmatory demonstration of Sarcoptes scabiei at parasitological and histopathological analysis. Ticks and fleas were collected directly from the carcases during post mortem examination, fixed and identified by morphological examination. For the detection of ear Malassezia and mite infections, cytological and parasitological examinations of ear wax samples were performed. All data were statistically analysed using a χ2 test with the Yates correction. An overall prevalence of 84% for ectoparasitic infections was found in examined subjects. In regard to isolated ectoparasites, 38%, 8%, 82%, 6% and 8% of foxes resulted positive for S. scabiei, Otodectes cynotis, Malassezia spp., fleas (Archaeopsylla erinacei, Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides canis) and ticks (Ixodes ricinus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus), respectively. Malassezia ear infection was significantly more prevalent in animals older than 1 year (P Sarcoptes-infected animals indicate that sarcoptic mange should be considered the most important ectoparasitic infection of red foxes in the examined area

    Survey on the presence of bacterial and parasitic zoonotic agents in the feces of wild birds

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    Wild avifauna may act as fecal source of bacterial and parasitic pathogens for other birds and mammals. Most of these pathogens have a relevant impact on human and livestock health which may cause severe disease and economic loss. In the present study, the fecal samples collected from 121 wild birds belonging to 15 species of the genera Anas, Tadorna, Fulica, Arddea, Larus, Falco, Athene, Accipiter, and Columba were submitted to bacteriological and molecular analyses to detect Brucella spp., Coxiella burnetii, Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Giardia spp., and microsporidia. Four (3.3%) animals were positive for one pathogen: one Anas penelope for C. burnetii, one Larus michahellis for S. enterica serovar Coeln, and two Columba livia for Encephalitozoon hellem. Although the prevalence rates found in the present survey were quite low, the obtained re-sults confirm that wild birds would be the a potential fecal source of bacterial and parasitic zoonotic pathogens which sometimes can also represent a severe threat for farm animals

    Prevalence of Toxocara canis eggs in dog faeces from public places of Florence, Italy

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    AbstractTo determine whether canine faecal contamination may represent a source of environmental contamination with Toxocara canis eggs within the urban area of Florence, a total number of 754 dog faeces were collected in 7 public places and examined by routine floatation technique during one-year period. The total prevalence of intestinal nematode eggs was 8.6 %. Trichuris vulpis (4.6 %) eggs were the most prevalent followed by T. canis (3.6 %) and Ancylostomidae (1.7 %) eggs. Mixed infections included T. canis/T. vulpis (0.7 %), Ancylostomidae/T. canis (0.4 %), and Ancylosto-midae/T. vulpis (0.3 %). Total prevalence of intestinal nematode eggs was significantly higher in spring than in winter (OR = 2.06). Our results indicate a low prevalence of T. canis eggs suggesting that dog faeces left on soil are unlikely to cause high environmental contamination with T. canis eggs in the town of Florence

    Serological survey on the occurrence of Rickettsia spp., Neospora caninum, Bartonella henselae and Toxoplasma gondii in cats from Tuscany (central Italy)

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    Asymptomatic cats often harbor pathogens, some of which have not been largely investigated in feline populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of antibodies against Rickettsia conorii, Rickettsia felis, Rickettsia typhi, Neospora caninum, Bartonella henselae and Tox-oplasma gondii in cats from Tuscany. Ninety-five blood serum samples, previously collected, were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence assay. Fifty-six (58.94%) cats had antibodies to at least one investigated pathogen: 28 (29.47%) cats were positive for B. henselae, 17 (17.89%) for R. felis, 14 (14.73%) for R. conorii, 14 (14.73%) for T. gondii, 2 (2.1%) for N. caninum. No cats were positive for R. typhi. Positive reactions to two or more pathogens were detected in 18 (18.94%) cats. The occurrence of antibodies against these microorganisms suggests that cats, even though asymptomatic, may be infected by pathogens, often zoonotic, and thus may be a source of infections for other animals and humans

    Apicomplexan protozoa responsible for reproductive disorders: Occurrence of dna in blood and milk of donkeys (equus asinus) and minireview of the related literature

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    Donkeys may be susceptible to many pathological agents and may act as carriers of pathogens for other animal species and humans. This study evaluated the occurrence of potentially abortifacient apicomplexan protozoa DNA in blood and milk samples collected at different time periods during lactation (1, 6, and 10 months) from 33 healthy dairy jennies. A total of 73 blood and 73 milk samples were used for DNA extraction and analysis. Blood specimens from 11/33 (33%) jennies scored positive for Theileria equi, while milk samples scored negative. Blood and milk of 3/33 jennies yielded DNA of Toxoplasma gondii at 6 months (n. 1) and 10 months (n. 2) after parturition. Neospora caninum DNA was found in four milk and in five blood samples only at one month after parturition. This study is the first report about the presence of N. caninum DNA in milk of naturally infected jennies. Moreover, the excretion of N. caninum DNA in some of these jennies at 30 days from the parturition may suggest a possible occurrence of an endogenous cycle, while the presence of T. gondii DNA in the milk collected at 6 and 10 months after parturition may be suggestive of a discontinuous excretion

    Helichrysum araxinum Takht. ex Kirp. grown in Italy: Volatiloma composition and in vitro antimicrobial activity

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    In the present work the composition of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and the essential oil (EO) of Helichrysum araxinum Takht. ex Kirp. aerial parts, together with the antimicrobial activity, were investigated. The results showed the prevalence of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons in both spontaneous emissions as well as in the EO. The main compounds of BVOCs were γ-curcumene (10.7%), γ-muurolene (9.2%), and β-selinene (8.5%). This latter constituent also showed a similar amount in the EO and represented the most abundant compounds together with α-selinene (8.0%). It is Interesting to note the same percentage of monoterpene hydrocarbons (MHs) in both the aroma profile and the EO (18.0%) with the same most abundant compounds: β-pinene (6.3% in BVOCs vs. 5.1% in EO, respectively) and limonene (4.5% in VOCs vs. 4.9% in EO, respectively). With regard to the antimycotic activity, the EO showed to be inactive against the tested strains, while a moderate antibacterial activity was shown against Staphylococcus isolates

    Retrospective Molecular Survey on Bacterial and Protozoan Abortive Agents in Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Central Italy

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    Bacterial and protozoan agents can determine abortion and other reproductive disorders in domestic ruminants, but data regarding their occurrence in wild ruminants are scanty worldwide, including in Italy. The aim of this retrospective study was to verify the occurrence of the main bacterial and protozoan abortive agents in 72 spleen samples previously collected from roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) living in mountain areas of Central Italy. All samples were collected and submitted to DNA extraction for other investigations. Molecular analyses were carried out on the DNA samples to detect Brucella spp., Chlamydia abortus, Coxiella burnetii, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, Neospora caninum, and Toxoplasma gondii. Three (4.16%) roe deer resulted PCR positive for C. burnetii and one (1.38%) for T. gondii. These findings suggest that roe deer living in the investigated areas do not act as important reservoirs of the searched agents. However, the tested animals lived in a closed area without contact with domestic animals that are usually involved in the epidemiology of the investigated pathogens. Monitoring of wild ruminants is pivotal to verify changes in the epidemiological scenario from a One Health perspective, too

    Tear production, intraocular pressure, ultrasound biometric features and conjunctival flora identification in clinically normal eyes of two italian breeds of chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

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    Given the abundance of chickens in Italy, it is important for veterinarians to know the normal state of chickens’ eyes in order to identify any ophthalmic pathological changes. The aim of this study was to determine the normal values of select ocular parameters and to evaluate conjunctival microflora in two Italian chicken breeds. Sixty-six healthy chickens underwent a complete ophthalmic examination, which included a phenol red thread test (PRTT) for the evaluation of tear production and the assessment of intraocular pressure by rebound tonometry. B-mode ultrasound biometric measurements and conjunctival microflora identification were also performed in twenty-seven chickens. Mean PRTT was 23.77 ± 2.99 mm/15 s in the Livorno breed and 19.95 ± 2.81 mm/15 s in the Siciliana breed. Mean intraocular pressure was 14.3 ± 1.17 mmHg in the Livorno breed and 14.06 ± 1.15 mmHg in the Siciliana breed. Reference ranges for morphometric parameters were reported in the two breeds. Twenty-three chickens (85.18%) were bacteriologically positive. Chlamydia spp. antigen was detected in 14.81% of chickens. No positive cultures were obtained for fungi. Normal reference range values for selected ophthalmic parameters were obtained in clinically healthy chickens, which could facilitate accurate diagnosis and better management of ophthalmic diseases in these animals

    Antimicrobial activity and composition of five rosmarinus (Now salvia spp. and varieties) essential oils

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    Salvia rosmarinus Spenn. and Salvia jordanii J.B.Walker are aromatic evergreen shrubs belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Their aerial parts have been used since ancient times as natural preservatives. The present study reported the investigation of the chemical profile and the extraction yield of the essential oils (EOs) obtained from the dried aerial parts of four cultivars of Salvia rosmarinus (‘Boule’; ‘Vicomte de Noailles’; ‘Gorizia’; ‘Joyce de Baggio’) and the species S. jordanii, together with their antibacterial and antifungal activities. The phytochemical investigation evidenced a predominance of oxygenated monoterpenes in all the samples (57.5–77.1%), except in ‘Boule’, in which the hydrocarbon form prevailed (50.2%). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the matrix taxa × compounds showed that nine compounds have a significant discriminating function between the samples. ‘Vicomte de Noailles’ was characterized by high amounts of camphor and 14-hydroxy-9-epi-(E)-caryophyllene, while ‘Gorizia’ and Jord differed in their predominance of camphene, borneol, bornyl acetate, and α-humulene. Lastly, ‘Boule’ and ‘Joyce de Baggio’ segregated separately and were characterized by high amounts of α-pinene, myrcene, and verbenone. The selected EOs presented a moderate antibacterial activity on the tested bacterial strains and resulted not active on the tested yeast species
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