504 research outputs found

    Georgia Library Association - Academic Library Division Call for Papers

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    AbstractMemphis city is the first capital of ancient Egypt; it's considered to be open-air museum to the ancient Egyptian archaeological buildings. Twenty kilometers to the south of Giza, the modern village of Mit- Rahina lies at the core of Memphis city. Hathor temple is one of the most important archaeological building in Mit- Rahina village, it was built of limestone by Ramesses II (19th Dynasty). The temple is comprises of a partially exposed colonnaded hall on the north, and that hall has spectacular capitals in the traditional form of Hathor as a human visage with bovine ears. The temple affected by several deterioration phenomena and patterns of damage which occurred by the time, as a result of exposing to many aggressive factors. The assessment of the current conservation state to the temple were performed, including studying the properties of limestone which is the main construction material of Hathor temple using X-ray diffraction, polarizing light microscopy (PLM) and the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The experimental study was performed on samples of limestone using four consolidants to choose the best consolidant to the conservation of Hathor temple. To evaluate the consolidants, the physical and the mechanical properties of the treated samples were estimated, also aesthetical properties by visual examination, colorimetric measurements, as well static water contact angle and the morphologic study using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The evaluation methodology of consolidants efficiency is performed by comparing properties of the treated samples together, then comparing them with properties of untreated samples. The stability and efficiency of the consolidants was evaluated by repeating the measurement of static water contact angle for the treated samples after exposure to the artificial aging cycles. The study indicated that the most important deterioration factor affecting the temple is a salty ground water. The results obtained from studying of archeological limestone by investigation and analytical methods showed it is consist mainly of very fine grains of calcite, with minor amount of dolomite and rare quartz, opaque minerals, iron oxides and halite, with microfossils. It also suffers different kinds of degradation phenomena. The experimental study results showed that the nanocomposite (Nanorestor + M.T.M.O.S) is the most suitable for consolidation and protection of the limestone samples. Where, it showed higher compatibility in physico-chemical, mechanical and aesthetical properties with the limestone material and the best for resistance to artificial aging procedures, compared by other consolidants in this study


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    تقييم علاج وصيانة الواجهات الرئيسية لمعبد مدينة هابو، الآقصر – مصر [AR] تُركز هذه الورقة على المخاطر البيئية التي تؤثر على النقوش الجدارية بالواجهات الرئيسية للمعبد الجنائزي لرمسيس الثالث بالضفة الغربية للأقصر مع اقتراح أفضل المواد لحفظ هذه النقوش. لتحقيق هذا الغرض، تمت دراسة مواد البناء المستخدمة في المعبد، ونواتج التلف، والعوامل البيئية المحيطة. تم تحديد خصائص المواد من خلال الفحص البصرى، والميكروسكوب المستقطب، والميكروسكوب الإلكترونى الماسح المزود بوحدة التحليل العنصرى للأشعة السينية، وحيود الأشعة السينية (XRD)، وقياس التغيرات اللونية، وقياس زاوية التلامس مع الماء الثابت، مع تحديد بعض الخصائص الفيزيائية والميكانيكية. أظهرت النتائج أن النقوش الجدارية على الواجهات الرئيسية للمعبد في حالة خطيرة من الحفظ، حيث تأثرت بكثير من مظاهر وأنماط التلف مثل التقشر، والانفصال، والتحول إلى مسحوق، والتغير اللونى، وأنواع متعددة من الشروخ، وتراكم رواسب سطحية، والتفتت، وتزهرالأملاح، وأنواع مختلفة من الأضرار الميكانيكية المتعمدة مثل علامات التبرك (شحذ السكين)، والفجوات على مساحات واسعة وفي الكتل السفلية، والعديد من الحلقات التي تم نحتها فى العصور الوسطى حتى القرن الماضى لتأمين الحيوانات. وأظهرت النتائج التي تم الحصول عليها من دراسة الحجر الرملي الأثري بطرق الفحص والتحليل أنه يتكون بشكل أساسي من الكوارتز وكميات قليلة من الكاولين والكالسيت والهاليت مع كمية نادرة من الفلسبار والبيوتايت والزركون وأكاسيد الحديد ومعادن معتمة. [EN] This paper focuses on the environmental hazards affecting the wall reliefs at the main facades of the mortuary temple of Ramesses III at Luxor west bank, abreast with proposing the optimum materials to conserve these inscriptions. To achieve the aforementioned purpose; the building materials used in the structure, the deterioration products, and ambient environmental factors were studied. The materials were characterized by visual observations, polarized light microscope, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), colorimetric measurements, and static water contact angle, with some physical and mechanical properties. The results revealed that the wall reliefs on the main facades of the temple are in a serious preservation state, where affected by several deterioration phenomena and patterns of damage such as scaling, flaking, powdering, discoloration, multiple types of cracks, surface deposits, fragmentation, efflorescence of salts, the different types of intentional mechanical damage such as, blessing marks (knife whetting), gaps over wide areas, and on the lower blocks, there are many loops, which were carved from the middle ages until the last century for securing animals. The results obtained from studying archeological sandstone by investigation and analytical methods revealed that it consists mainly of quartz, minor amounts of kaolinite, calcite and halite with rare amount of feldspars, biotite, zircon, iron oxides, and opaques

    Urban-Suburban Prairie Dog Management: Opportunities and Challenges

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    The historic range of the black-tailed prairie dog has undergone dramatic declines in the last century, prompting concern about the species\u27 long-term viability. While considered a pest by many, others believe that the species is a keystone element of prairie ecosystems. Urban-suburban land managers are challenged with preserving colonies of prairie dogs on public lands while dealing with many conflicting interests, social costs, and risks. We review the management plans that municipalities have designed to reduce conflicts by using public input, zoned management, and a variety of management techniques. Areas of difficulty and research needs are also discussed

    My community, my conscience and guide : communial influence on individual choices in Africa, with special reference to Zulu Proverbs

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    Life is the common denominator for all beings. Unless individuals are taught to be careful about how they deal with it, great harm could be caused to the whole ontological order. Life therefore is a public property for which precepts had to be established to guard against any misuse. This guarantees that life and its processes are used to everyone's advantage. The Community has put itself in position as the monitor of the processes of life. To it belongs the right to distribute, regulate and even withdraw life as different situations would warrant. The community is both the promulgator and the judge over vital matters. The individuals are taught to be conscientious in dealing with life. In making choices the individuals have to be conscious of the historical experiences of the community and be disposed to being influenced by it. Hence the Community becomes the Conscience and Guide.Religious Studies and ArabicM.Th. (Religious Studies