183 research outputs found

    Can We Know the Global Structure of Spacetime?

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    Here, we briefly review the notion of observational indistinguishability within the context of classical general relativity. We settle a conjecture given by Malament (1977) concerning the subject and then strengthen the result considerably. The upshot is this: There seems to be a robust sense in which the global structure of every cosmological model is underdetermined

    Global Spacetime Structure

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    Here, we outline the basic structure of relativistic spacetime and record a number of facts. We then consider a distinction between local and global spacetime properties and provide important examples of each. We also examine two clusters of global properties and question which of them should be regarded as physically reasonable. The properties concern "singularities" and "time travel" and are therefore of some philosophical interest

    General Relativity as a Collection of Collections of Model

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    General Relativity as a Collection of Collections of Models

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    Space and Time

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    Here, formal tools are used to pose and answer several philosophical questions concerning space and time. The questions involve the properties of possible worlds allowed by the general theory of relativity. In particular, attention is given to various causal properties such as "determinism" and "time travel"

    On Feyerabend, General Relativity, and 'Unreasonable' Universes

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    I investigate the principle *anything goes* within the context of general relativity. After a few preliminaries, I show a sense in which the universe is unknowable from within this context; I suggest that we 'keep our options open' with respect to competing models of it. Given the state of affairs, proceeding counter-inductively seems to be especially appropriate; I use this method to blur some of the usual lines between 'reasonable' and 'unreasonable' models of the universe. Along the way, one is led to a useful collection of variant theories of general relativity -- each theory incompatible with the standard formulation. One may contrast one variant theory with another in order to understand foundational questions within 'general relativity' in a more nuanced way. I close by sketching some of the work ahead if we are to embrace such a pluralistic methodology

    Comprehensive Economic Sanctions, the Right to Development, and Constitutionally Impermissible Violations of International Law

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    This Comment examines the legality of the comprehensive unilateral embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba within the framework of international law. It argues that, independent of its humanitarian impact or the dubious legality of its extra-jurisdictional components, the comprehensive embargo violates international law because it undermines Cuba’s right to development. International law is, and has always been, a component part of U.S. law—it is enforceable in U.S. courts, it informs judicial interpretation of U.S. statutes, and it guides legislative and executive action in matters of both foreign and domestic policy. In addition to its supplementary interpretive function in our legal system, international law is, through the Supremacy Clause, binding on the United States as a constitutional matter. Because of the role international law plays in the United States, a direct conflict between federal and international law is constitutional anathema. This Comment argues that the tension must be resolved by reference to the substance and timing of the federal enactments that violate international law. Thus, of the coordinate branches, the legislative branch is in the best position to correct the constitutional imbalance. The Comment concludes that Congress must either pass new legislation explicitly renouncing the right to development as an international legal norm, or, in light of the role of international law in our constitutional system, execute faithfully its duty to interpret and uphold the Constitution by repealing the legislation that has created the decades-old embargo

    General Relativity as a Collection of Collections of Models

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    Some 'No Hole' Spacetime Properties Are Unstable

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    We show a sense in which the spacetime property of effective completeness -- a type of ``local hole-freeness'' or ``local inextendibility'' -- is not stable