265 research outputs found


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    According to estimation, India currently has 6.7% over 65 years of age, which is expected to increase to 20% by the year 2050. As growing old is a part of the life cycle, the effect of time is bound to happen and is unavoidable. The Kalajajara is a Swabhavika vyadhi, wherein, it is clearly mentioned that Swabhava balapravritta vyadhis being Yapya, can be managed through Bhojana, Paana, and Rasayana. Vriddadaru Rasayana is one such Rasayana mentioned in Gadanigraha especially for the elderly to promote healthy ageing and helping to prevent old age problems. Aims and objectives: To assess the effect of Vriddadaru Rasayana in improving the general body health and quality of life in the apparently healthy elderly subjects. Methodology– A Randomized double blind clinical study where 20 healthy elderly subjects were administered with Vriddadaru Rasayana for a period of 12 weeks. Observations and Results- Vriddadaru rasayana showed improvement in Ayurvedic parameters like Twakparushata, Slataasti, Slata sandhi, Utasahahani and Parakramahani but when compared with regard to objective parameters Vriddadaru rasayana showed significant values in DHEAS levels and 6MWT. Conclusion: Vriddadaru does Vatashamana, balancing the Doshas, increasing the Utsaha and Parakrama and helps in improving the Agni thus helping in Dhatuposhana in the elderly

    Regulatory role of proteasome in determination of platelet life span

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    Limit of platelet life span (8-10 days) is determined by the activity of a putative "internal clock" composed of Bcl-2 family proteins, while role of other molecular players in this process remains obscure. Here, we sought to establish a central role of proteasome in platelet life span regulation. Administration of mice with inhibitors of proteasome peptidase activity induced significant thrombocytopenia. This was associated with enhanced clearance of biotin-labeled platelets from circulation and reduction in average platelet half life from 66 to 37 h. Cells pretreated in vitro with proteasome inhibitors exhibited augmented annexin V binding and drop in mitochondrial transmembrane potential indicative of apoptotic cell death and decreased platelet life span. These cells were preferentially phagocytosed by monocyte-derived macrophages, thus linking proteasome activity with platelet survival. Decisive role of proteasome in this process was underscored from enhanced expression of conformationally active Bax in platelets with attenuated proteasome activity, which was consistent with pro-apoptotic phenotype of these cells. The present study establishes a critical role of proteasome in delimiting platelet life span ostensibly through constitutive elimination of the conformationally active Bax. These findings bear potential implications in clinical settings where proteasome peptidase activities are therapeutically targeted


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    Objective: To develop a simple and a cheap UV spectrophotometric assay method for the estimation of Eplerenone in tablets and validate as per ICH guidelines.Methods: The optimized method uses 100% potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate, pH 2.0 as a solvent for the estimation of assay of Eplerenone in tablets at a detection wavelength of 245 nm.Results: The developed method resulted in Eplerenone exhibiting linearity in the range 5-15μg/ml. System precision and intra-day precision are exemplified by relative standard deviation of 1.17% and 0.94% respectively. Method was found to be rugged as precision was found to be 1.52%. Percentage Mean recovery was found to be in the range of 98â€102 by percentage method during accuracy studies. Conclusion: A simple and a cheap UV spectrophotometric assay method were developed and validated for the estimation of Eplerenone in tablets as per ICH guidelines and hence it can be used for routine analysis in various pharmaceutical industries.Â

    Uterine low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma: a case report with review of literature

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    Endometrial stromal sarcomas are rare uterine tumours usually seen in perimenopausal females. We report here a case of low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma in a 45 year female with a clinical diagnosis of fibroid uterus and final histological diagnosis of low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma

    Reduction of polyphenolic exudation and enhancement of hardening efficiency in pomegranate tissue culture plants

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    140-147Punica granatum is one of the world’s nutritious fruit, tolerating high drought. Bacterial blight is being an obstruct in the export of pomegranate from India. In the present study, a rigorous and efficient protocol for micropropagation of pomegranate plantlets is developed which can replace traditional plant breeding practices. Antioxidants controls polyphenolic exudation in micropropagation. For the first time, this report accomplishes to control polyphenols by modifying medium constituents. Woody plant (WP) medium containing benzyl-amino-purine (BAP) and kinetin (both at 1.5 mg l-1) exhibited high bud break of about 99%. Further, it gave highest number of shoots of about 6.36 ± 0.22 with the length 6.12 ± 0.31 cm in multiplication stage. Shoots were successfully rooted in WP medium containing indole butyric acid (IBA) 1.5 mg l-1 with 5.62 ± 0.17 roots. This research emphasizes to preliminarily harden plant lets in vitro prior to hardening using innovative technique with increase in gelling strength and by creating nutrient competition. Nutrient stressed plants have a higher survival rate of 98% and water stressed plants have a survival rate of 96% when compared to conventional method. Therefore, mass propagation of pomegranate plants is possible to meet the demand of farmers in procuring disease-free plantlets


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    A wide range of urban and rural folks still lack use of fundamental accounts. Outstanding growth was already produced by banks towards financial inclusion. In Bharat nearly 1 / 3 from the country’s population endures the far side the poverty line as well as an outsized proportion of poor folks sleeps in rural areas, wherever a GSM cellular affiliation isn’t possible. The bank’s commensurate huge clientele isn’t inside the urban level however, inside the frequently pretermitted rural areas. The micro-bank product is always attached to the central banking server using GSM communication. Within this paper a guaranteed handheld doorstep banking industry known to as Micro-bank machine is supposed to grant plan to the shoppers in rural areas and remote places for example communities. The micro-bank machine that has got the OTP information will record time of the appearance of this message. Light tasks like acquiring off to the ATM and retreating cash cause humans in communities lose their operating hrs. and, consequently, miss a large live of the profit also. The look can also be operated within as well as on the far side from the regular banking hrs. The primary goal from the handheld machine would be to administer banking services like money withdrawals and cash deposit whilst not the individual ever striving to some bank even just in remote areas wherever a GSM cellular association isn’t possible

    Utilizing genomic resources for understanding the stay-green QTLs interactions in Sorghum

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    Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a fifth most important cereal crop in the world providing food, fodder/forage and bio-fuel. The postrainy sorghum crop in India is grown on residual moisture and inadvertently faces terminal drought. “Stay-green” (delayed senescence) is a post-flowering drought tolerance response, which help plants to maintain photosynthetically active leaf area and continue to fill their grains normally under stress. Sorghum crop is referred to express functional type of staygreen and the trait has been mapped to six major QTLs viz., Stg1, Stg2, Stg3A, Stg3B, StgC and Stg4. However, the gap in understanding the key mechanism has not been deciphered clearly. In this scenario to understand the actual mechanism of the stay-green pathway the information from different crops on candidate genes responsible for stay-green phenotype were considered viz., STAY-GREEN (SGR) along with one or two homologous (SGR1or NYE1/SGRL); Pheophytin Pheophorbide Hydrolase (PPH); Pheophorbide a Oxygenase (PAO); Red Chlorophyll Catabolite Reductase (RCCR); Non-Yellow Coloring (NYC) and it’s homologous NYC1-Like (NOL); 7-Hydroxymethyl Chlorophyll a Reductase (HCAR) from Zea mays, Arabidopsis thaliana and Orzya sativa. Apart from these, senescence associated genes SAG2, SAG102 and SAG39 were also considered from Arabidopsis thaliana and Orzya sativa respectively. The sequence and functional/annotation information for these genes retrieved for sequence similarity search and it has revealed 45 to 88 % of similarity in sorghum. The mapping of these candidate gene sequences within the defined QTL regions contributing for Stay-green has given an insight to utilize the re-sequencing data for improved drought tolerance in sorghum


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    The recommended kinds of automatic test packet generation will discover the sorts of router and can produce a model that's device-independent. While automatic test packet generation approach goodies links like common rules of forwarding, its complete coverage assurances testing of each and every single link within the network. Two most ordinary causes of failures of network are hardware failures in addition to software bugs, which issues will noticeable themselves as throughput degradation. The recommended kinds of automatic test packet generation will produce packets instantly for testing of performance assertions helping in recognition of errors by individually and methodically testing every forwarding entry, in addition to packet processing rules within network. To understand the failures we initiate an example test packet generation that produces tiniest packet looking for testing of live lines of fundamental topology and congruence among data plane condition in addition to specifications of configuration

    An automated algorithm for the quantification of hCG level in novel fabric-based home pregnancy test kits

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    We report a new image processing algorithm that extracts quantitative information about the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), an important early pregnancy marker, from commercially available qualitative home pregnancy kits. The algorithm could potentially be ported onto a simple camera based cell phone making it a low-cost, portable point-of-care device as opposed to costly and time consuming clinical labs for accurate quantitative determination of hCG. The algorithm takes the image of the test result as input, classifies and determines the hCG concentration based on the RGB intensities of the test line. The efficacy of the algorithm is demonstrated using control samples on commercially available strips as well as novel fabric based strips designed for this application

    MBSR: MIMO Based Sink Relocation for Path Selection in IoT Based WSN

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    Wireless Sensor Networks have extended its functionalities by integrating with the Internet of Things and are highly proficient when it is incorporated with other technologies. This demands communication with lesser energy consumption and one such idea of low energy consumption is low energy path selection by a mobile sink node. Path selection requires a good Signal Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) which is calculated for the positioned mobile sink. Thus, a high-quality transmission path is selected by choosing a path to obtain better SINR. MBSR algorithm considers hierarchical clustering schemes and heads are elected to monitor the network. Heads of the clusters communicate to IoT applications using Multiple Input and Multiple Output Dual Antennas. The proposed MBSR scheme utilizes a path optimization technique and finds a suitable path to establish links to end user and real-time environments. The proposed MBSR mechanism employs three phases of execution. Phase 1: Cluster Creation, Phase 2: SINR Analysis for Path Selection. Phase 3: Data transmission to MIMO Devices and in turn forwards to static sinks that connect to end-user using the internet. MBSR improves transmission quality and the proposed scheme is tested for various network parameters to check transmission quality and is compared with existing methodologies