36 research outputs found

    Persepsi Masyarakat Batang Terhadap Festival Anggaran Pemerintah Kabupaten Batang (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kecamatan Batang)

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    . Regional autonomy in Indonesia is the right, authority and obligation of autonomous regions to regulate their own affairs and interests, Including in the preparation of Local Government Budgets becomes the authority for local government. However, the existence of such authority also provides opportunities for irregularities in regional budgeting that can threaten the realization of good governance therefore, in the budgeting process it is necessary to apply principles of transparency, accountability and participation. Budget Festival Government of Batang Regency is one effort to realize the principle of good governance. Therefore, this research tries to find out the perception of society to the implementation of Budget Festival activity and also the benefit of the activity.Samples taken in the research were 100 respondents spread in Batang, Regency Of Batang, Central Java. Samples were drawn using simple random sampling technique. The data were collected by questionnaire, observation and interview. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques.The results show that 58% of respondents interpreter the Budget Festival as a means of providing information on the use of Local Government Budget, and by 22% interpreted the Budget Festival as a vehicle for participation, 8% of respondents rate as an activity to increase the popularity of Batang regency, 4% rate as a regular event and 8% respondent do not know the meaning of the activity. From the research results also known that the Budget Festival can increase public knowledge of local government budget, increase community participation and prevent the occurrence of irregularities

    Analisis Implementasi Program Safe House 112 Mitra Polisi Di Kota Salatiga Tahun 2013

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    A sense of security is one of the things that humans need to support their dailyactivities. The police offered security through Program Safe House 112 wheresecurity is not only the police responsibility, but there is public participation in it.However, in the implementation of the Safe House program 112 is run into difficultybecause still rising crime that occurred in Salatiga. However, the formation of theProgram Safe House 112 does not have a considerable influence because it is stillrising crime that occurred in Salatiga.By this research, the writer wants to know the implementation of the ProgramSafe House 112 Police Partners and how far its impact on public order and securityenvironment in Salatiga. The writer limit discussion on the implementation scope ofcommunication, sources, and implementing attitude in the implementation ofProgram Safe House and factors which related with the impediment about ProgramSafe House 112 Police Partners in Salatiga.By using descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection byinterview and literature study, the writers found that the role of the Program SafeHouse 112 in minimizing rate crime can not be implemented to the fullest. Thewriters also found several factors that impede the implementation of the ProgramSafe House 112 Police Partners is socialization that takes a long time, a lack ofresources in fund, amount of program implementor, and lack of commitment andconsistensy in program implementing, as well as describe the conditions of securityand order situation in Salatiga

    Analisis Pelayanan Transjakarta Sesuai Dengan Pergub Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus Koridor 9)

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    Public services becomes one of a vision of the new Jakarta. Public services in case of public transportation in Jakarta is very important and need more improvements. The improvements that has made in this public services sector began from providing a policy that managing minimum services standart and will be given to the public through Governor regulation no. 34 of 2014 about minimum services standart management unit transjkt-busway. Therefore, it becomes a formulation policy analysis into transjkt services accordance to Governor regulation no 35 of 2014 in services of 9th corridor.The method of this research is descriptive analytical with qualitative approach with the goal of obtaining overview, summary of the situation in the field of various conditions, situations and phenomena that occur in all areas of service in 9th corridor and then will be the analysis of the data obtained in the field.The result showed that transjakarta services in the 9th corridor is basically refferring to Governor Regulation no. 35 of 2014. There are two appraisement about available and unavailable facilities: Some of the facilities in the bus stop and inside the bus already available such as lighting, informations, the ID of vehicles, safety equipment, air conditioner, handlers for standing passengers, sanitary, and facility for difable. However, there are some facilities contained in the policy but not available yet such as lack of security officers in the bus stop, carrying capacity is often forced when the bus full of passengers, light warning signal, arrival and departure information and bus\u27 disruption information. It\u27s because the limitation of both sides, private and government sectors. Beside that there also, the condition in the field always changing and caused some indicators that target accuracy and regularity of the trip to be blocked. Associated with the efforts made by the government and private sector in improving transportation mode not rated as a significant efforts yet. But both have try to maximize the condition of the bus and the bus stop in case of public service. Research recommendation is in the next research was focused on providing facilities which not available yet to fix the services

    Evaluasi Pengelolaan Tambang Berbasis Kelembagaan dan Alih Kewenangan Pasca Terbitnya Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 (Studi Kasus : Tambang Tanah Liat di Kabupaten Kebumen)

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    Thesis entitled “Evaluation of Mine Management Based Institutional Studies and Transfer ofAuthority After The Enactment of Law No. 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government (CaseStudy : Clay Mining in Kebumen Regency)”. Some of the issues examined are : 1) How doesthe institutional management of the clay mine in Kebumen Regency run after authorities inmanaging mine switch from County Government to the provincial government. 2) Obstaclesfaced by the provincial government in conducting the management of mining clay in kebumenregency. In doing the analysis and evaluation of institutional, used six indicators i.e. 1)Availability of human resources. 2) Affordability of access to public services. 3) Communityinvolvement. 4) Technical skills and managerial officers. 5) Coordination. 6) Range ofcontrol.The results of this research show that the views of institutional aspects, managementof the clay mine in Kebumen Regency hasn't been going well. It can be seen from someindicators. First, the provincial Government still encounter obstacles in the form of lack ofhuman resources and the mine supervisor officer distribution that has not been evenlydistributed. Second, the affordability of access to public services, in particular the service oflicensing, it is difficult to reach because of people who want to ask permission to go throughBPMPTSP that is located there in the province. Thirdly, the involvement of the communitiessurrounding the quarry clay to help the Government keep tabs on the activities of the claymine is still not optimal. Fourth, the transfer authorities of the mine management fromCounty Government to the provincial government make the range of control of theGovernment against further mining activities

    Tatakelola Pemerintahan Berbasis Electronic Government Di Kabupaten Semarang (Studi Kasus Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Semarang)

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    . Electronic Government abbreviated e-Gov is the application of information and communication technology systems used and developed by the government in providing services to the community whenever and wherever people can get easy access to information and public services provided by the government. The essence of e-Gov implementation is to improve the quality of government services by utilizing information technology. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how the application of e-Gov in an effort to create Good Governance and to identify the support and obstruct factors e-Gov application in the Department of Population and Civil Registry of Semarang Regency.The research method using qualitative method with triangulation data that is observation, interview and data written or archive. Informants in this study are Head of Population Registration Services, Head of Civil Registration Services, Head of PIAK and Data Utilization and Head of Information Administration Division of Population Department of Population and Civil Registry of Semarang Regency.The results showed that the based governance of e-Gov in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency is still classified in the Integration stage. Where the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency has been using a variety of digitalization services to support its tasks, but it can not be done optimally. There are 4 of 5 types of transformation points that can not be fulfilled, including services to the citizens to service by the citizens, traditional citizens to the online citizens, the digital divide to digital democracy and paper-based document to government online. There are three factors that obstruct the implementation of e-Gov in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Semarang Regency, such as communication, resources and disposition. While the driving factor is the bureaucratic structure

    Implementasi Program Penanganan Banjir Rob Di Wilayah Pesisir Kota Pekalongan

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    The tidal flood if no treatment were significant from the Government of Pekalongan, slums due to tidal flood in the coastal region Pekalongan will be getting bigger and spread to other areas due to sea water every year getting up to the land area would cause tidal flood that came from shoreline. For the Government of Pekalongan set tidal flood management policies as one of the main priorities of development Pekalongan. This study aims to determine the handling policy implementation tidal flooding in coastal areas Pekalongan, obstacles in the implementation of the tidal flood management policies and countermeasures.Based on observations and interviews, the implementation of policies to deal with the tidal flood Coastal Pekalongan by the Public Works Department of the City of Pekalongan is a task as local government agencies Pekalongan in the field of public works, namely the implementation of the development, supervision and maintenance of roads, bridges, irrigation, housing and building area. Based on the four critical variables in the implementation of public policy, the role of the DPU Pekalongan in handling flood Rob Coastal Pekalongan has been running well, namely the smooth communication, availability of resources (resources) enough, the attitude and commitment of the implementers (disposition) strong enough, and the structure of the bureaucracy (bureaucratic strucuture) coordinated. Constraints tidal flood management policy implementation, among others, the border region with other regions of the tidal flood causing tidal flood handling is not complete, there are people who are less concerned rob flood mitigation program, facilities and infrastructure water pump and budget constraints. Efforts are being made to overcome these constraints include coordination with local authorities whose territory borders the tidal flood affected areas, community empowerment in tidal flood management, the improvement of facilities and infrastructure, and increased budget

    Pelaksanaan PRA Dan Pasca Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa Kertomulyo Kecamatan Margoyoso Kabupaten Pati

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    This study was undertaken to explain how the stages of pre and post development planning in the Kertomulyo Village, Margoyoso District of Pati regency. From the data processing research shows that the stages of pre Musrenbang village is an activity with a long process and just not a technical preparations such as the spread of invitations, the place settings and consumption. The main activities of the pre musrenbang village is a substance or material to prepare village plans better. Activities that must be performed after Musrenbang are: Publishing News Musrenbang events, work meetings finalization of the document RKP Village, determination decree village head, village delegation debriefing team, and delivery of RKP village of the Village Head to Sub-district Head. Public participation in the implementation of Musrenbang getting better, it can be proved with attendance increasing every year. However, women's participation is still lacking in rural development planning