16 research outputs found

    Seismicity controlled by resistivity structure : the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, Kyushu Island, Japan

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    The M JMA 7.3 Kumamoto earthquake that occurred at 1:25 JST on April 16, 2016, not only triggered aftershocks in the vicinity of the epicenter, but also triggered earthquakes that were 50–100 km away from the epicenter of the main shock. The active seismicity can be divided into three regions: (1) the vicinity of the main faults, (2) the northern region of Aso volcano (50 km northeast of the mainshock epicenter), and (3) the regions around three volcanoes, Yufu, Tsurumi, and Garan (100 km northeast of the mainshock epicenter). Notably, the zones between these regions are distinctively seismically inactive. The electric resistivity structure estimated from one-dimensional analysis of the 247 broadband (0.005–3000 s) magnetotelluric and telluric observation sites clearly shows that the earthquakes occurred in resistive regions adjacent to conductive zones or resistive-conductive transition zones. In contrast, seismicity is quite low in electrically conductive zones, which are interpreted as regions of connected fluids. We suggest that the series of the earthquakes was induced by a local accumulated stress and/or fluid supply from conductive zones. Because the relationship between the earthquakes and the resistivity structure is consistent with previous studies, seismic hazard assessment generally can be improved by taking into account the resistivity structure. Following on from the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake series, we suggest that there are two zones that have a relatively high potential of earthquake generation along the western extension of the MTL

    Effect of Different Doses of Atipamezole on Reversal of Medetomidine-Induced Tear-Flow Decrease in Rats

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    It has been reported that α2-adrenoceptor agonists such as medetomidine decrease tear flow in many species, including rats. Few studies have investigated the involvement of α2-adrenoceptor in decreased tear flow; the issue has not been illustrated sufficiently. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of different doses of atipamezole on the reversal of medetomidine-induced tear-flow decrease to reveal the specific involvement of α2-adrenoceptor. Treatment with 400, 800, or 1600 µg/kg atipamezole (or saline as the control) was intramuscularly administered to rats 15 min following intramuscular administration of 200 µg/kg medetomidine. After medetomidine administration, tear flow was measured using a phenol red thread test (PRTT). PRTT values decreased significantly after 200 µg/kg medetomidine administration. The PRTT values after 800 (optimal dose to reverse) and 1600 µg/kg atipamezole administration reached baseline, but never exceeded it significantly. Treatment with 400 µg/kg atipamezole also reversed the decrease in PRTT value but the PRTT remained lower than baseline. The optimal dose and the higher dose of atipamezole fully reversed the medetomidine-induced decrease in tear flow to the baseline level in rats, while the lower dose of atipamezole partially recovered tear flow

    A cross-sectional, multicenter survey of the prevalence and risk factors for Long COVID

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    Abstract Long-term sequelae of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) constitute Long COVID. Although Long COVID has been reported globally, its risk factors and effects on quality of life (QOL) remain unclear. We conducted a cross-sectional study using questionnaires and electronic medical records of COVID-19 patients who were diagnosed or hospitalized at five facilities in Japan. Responses were obtained from 285 out of 1,150 patients. More than half of the participants reported Long COVID symptoms of varying severity 1 year after COVID-19. Common sequelae included fatigue, dyspnea, alopecia, concentration problems, memory problems, sleeplessness, and joint pain, which often significantly reduced their QOL. COVID-19 severity was strongly associated with sputum production, chest pain, dyspnea, sore throat, and diarrhea, but not with fatigue, dysgeusia, anosmia, alopecia, and sleeplessness. Fatigue, dysgeusia, anosmia, alopecia, and sleeplessness affected the QOL among participants with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19 during the acute phase. Moreover, these sequelae persisted for prolonged periods

    Neurodegenerative processes accelerated by protein malnutrition and decelerated by essential amino acids in a tauopathy mouse model

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    Protein malnutrition is epidemiologically suggested as a potential risk factor for senile dementia, although molecular mechanisms linking dietary proteins and amino acids to neurodegeneration remain unknown. Here, we show that a low-protein diet resulted in down-regulated expression of synaptic components and a modest acceleration of brain atrophy in mice modeling neurodegenerative tauopathies. Notably, these abnormal phenotypes were robustly rescued by the administration of seven selected essential amino acids. The up-regulation of inflammation-associated gene expression and progressive brain atrophy in the tauopathy model were profoundly suppressed by treatment with these essential amino acids without modifications of tau depositions. Moreover, the levels of kynurenine, an initiator of a pathway inducing neuroinflammatory gliosis and neurotoxicity in the brain, were lowered by treatment through inhibition of kynurenine uptake in the brain. Our findings highlight the importance of specific amino acids as systemic mediators of brain homeostasis against neurodegenerative processes

    地域での暮らしを見据えた看護に関する看護大学生の自己評価 の学年間比較

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    目 的:A 大学看護学生の地域での暮らしを見据えた看護に関する自己評価を明らかにし,学年間比較をすることで,今 後の教育上の課題への示唆を得ることを目的とした.方 法:看護学生1~3 年次237 名を対象とし,質問票による集合 調査を行った.内容は地域での暮らしを見据えた看護の理解および実践の自己評価27 項目で,回答は,できない1 点, あまりできない2 点,少しできる3 点,できる4 点とした.学年ごとに項目の平均値を算出し,一元配置分散分析および 多重比較を行った(p<0.05).結 果:有効回答211 部(有効回答率97.2%).理解では,2・3 年次は全項目で3 点台であっ たが,1 年次では7 項目にとどまった.8 項目で有意差がみられ,1 年次よりも2・3 年次の得点が高かった.実践は,3 年次が10 項目において3 点台,1・2 年次は3 点台がなく,すべて2 点台であった.全項目で1 年次よりも3 年次,9 項 目で2 年次よりも3 年次の得点が高かった.結 論:教育改革開始から2 年経過した時点で,教育の効果が現れているこ とが確認された