10 research outputs found

    Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) 2012

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    PROOF on Demand (PoD) is a tool-set, which dynamically sets up a PROOF cluster at a user’s request on any resource management system (RMS). It provides a plug-in based system, in order to use different job submission front-ends. PoD is currently shipped with gLite, LSF, PBS (PBSPro/OpenPBS/Torque), Grid Engine (OGE/SGE), Condor, LoadLeveler, and SSH plug-ins. It makes it possible just within a few seconds to get a private PROOF cluster on any RMS. If there is no RMS, then SSH plug-in can be used, which dynamically turns a bunch of machines to PROOF workers. In this presentation new developments and use cases will be covered. Recently a new major step in PoD development has been made. It can now work not only with local PoD servers, but also with remote ones. PoD’s newly developed “pod-remote” command made it possible for users to utilize a thin client concept. In order to create dynamic PROOF clusters, users are now able to select a remote computer, even behind a firewall, to control a PoD server on it and to submit PoD jobs. In this case a user interface machine is just a lightweight control center and could run on different OS types or mobile devices. All communications are secured and provided via SSH channels. Additionally PoD automatically creates and maintains SSH tunnels for PROOF connections between a user interface and PROOF muster. PoD will create and manage remote and local PROOF clusters for you. Just two commands of PoD will provide you with the full functional PROOF cluster and a real computing on demand. The talk will also include several live demos from real life use cases

    PROOF on Demand

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    DDS: The Dynamic Deployment System

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    The Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) [1, 2] is a tool-set that automates and significantly simplifies the deployment of user-defined processes and their dependencies on any resource management system (RMS) using a given topology. DDS is a part of the ALFA framework [3]. DDS implements a single responsibility principle command line tool-set and API. The system treats users’ taskas a black box – it can be an executable or a script. It also provides a watchdogging and a rule-based execution of tasks. DDS implements a plug-in system to abstract the execution of the topology from RMS. Additionally it ships an SSH and a localhost plug-ins which can be used when no RMS is available. DDS doesn’t require pre-installation and pre-configuration on the worker nodes. It deploys private facilities on demand with isolated sandboxes.The system provides a key-value property propagation engine. That engine can be used to configure tasks at runtime. DDS also provides a lightweight API for tasks to exchange messages, so-called, custom commands. In this report a detailed description, current status and future development plans of the DDS will be highlighted

    DDS: The Dynamic Deployment System

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    The Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) [1, 2] is a tool-set that automates and significantly simplifies the deployment of user-defined processes and their dependencies on any resource management system (RMS) using a given topology. DDS is a part of the ALFA framework [3]. DDS implements a single responsibility principle command line tool-set and API. The system treats users’ taskas a black box – it can be an executable or a script. It also provides a watchdogging and a rule-based execution of tasks. DDS implements a plug-in system to abstract the execution of the topology from RMS. Additionally it ships an SSH and a localhost plug-ins which can be used when no RMS is available. DDS doesn’t require pre-installation and pre-configuration on the worker nodes. It deploys private facilities on demand with isolated sandboxes.The system provides a key-value property propagation engine. That engine can be used to configure tasks at runtime. DDS also provides a lightweight API for tasks to exchange messages, so-called, custom commands. In this report a detailed description, current status and future development plans of the DDS will be highlighted

    FairRootGroup/ODC: 0.80.1

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    <ul> <li>CustomCommands: Adapt to the changes in https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/releases/tag/v23.5.8 by dropping the (unused) JSON commands format.</li> <li>Rename GrpcController -> GrpcServer</li> <li>Additional debug info for request timeouts</li> <li>gRPC controller: log request before lock to provide better feedback if the lock can't be acquired.</li> </ul> <p>The removals and name changes are not user-facing and thus non-breaking.</p&gt

    ALFA: A framework for building distributed applications

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    The ALFA framework is a joint development between ALICE Online-Offline and FairRoot teams. ALFA has a distributed architecture, i.e. a collection of highly maintainable, testable, loosely coupled, independently deployable processes. ALFA allows the developer to focus on building singlefunction modules with well-defined interfaces and operations. The communication between the independent processes is handled by FairMQ transport layer. FairMQ offers multiple implementations of its abstract data transport interface, it integrates some popular data transport technologies like ZeroMQ and nanomsg. Furthermore it also provides shared memory and RDMA transport (based on libfabric) for high throughput, low latency applications. Moreover, FairMQ allows the single process to use multiple and different transports at the same time. FairMQ based processes can be controlled and orchestrated via different systems by implementing the corresponding plugin. However, ALFA delivers also the Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) as an independent set of utilities and interfaces, providing a dynamic distribution of different user processes on any Resource Management System (RMS) or a laptop. ALFA is already being tested and used by different experiments in different stages of data processing as it offers an easy integration of heterogeneous hardware and software

    ALFA: A framework for building distributed applications

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    The ALFA framework is a joint development between ALICE Online-Offline and FairRoot teams. ALFA has a distributed architecture, i.e. a collection of highly maintainable, testable, loosely coupled, independently deployable processes. ALFA allows the developer to focus on building singlefunction modules with well-defined interfaces and operations. The communication between the independent processes is handled by FairMQ transport layer. FairMQ offers multiple implementations of its abstract data transport interface, it integrates some popular data transport technologies like ZeroMQ and nanomsg. Furthermore it also provides shared memory and RDMA transport (based on libfabric) for high throughput, low latency applications. Moreover, FairMQ allows the single process to use multiple and different transports at the same time. FairMQ based processes can be controlled and orchestrated via different systems by implementing the corresponding plugin. However, ALFA delivers also the Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) as an independent set of utilities and interfaces, providing a dynamic distribution of different user processes on any Resource Management System (RMS) or a laptop. ALFA is already being tested and used by different experiments in different stages of data processing as it offers an easy integration of heterogeneous hardware and software