13 research outputs found

    Determinants of Profit in the Broadcasting Industry | Evidence from Japanese Micro Data|

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    The operating areas of each terrestrial broadcasting station in Japan are geographically divided by a licensing system and form oligopolies in each of their respective markets. These institutional constraints define the market structure, and as a result, affect the business performance of the broadcasting industry. The primary purpose for regulation is based on the gMedia Ownership Rule,h a rule designed for preserving gplurality,h gdiversityh and hlocalismh of stations. Similar rules exist in many countries, but benchmarks differ. To this end, if the regulative authority introduced a new regulation framework, it might be useful to improve the financial foundation of the licensed stations, thus preserving the original purpose of the rule. With the rapid progress of digital technology and the increasingly diversified selection of media types, the government needs to urgently review Japanfs old regulations with the aim of giving more freedom in the operation of terrestrial stations and so promote voluntary restructuring. Based on the above viewpoints, we implemented an econometric analysis with respect to factors that affect on the business performance (especially on profit) of each station. We focus on the terrestrial broadcasting industry because it plays a central role in the Japanese broadcasting system. As a result, we ascertained the following points. (1) Structural parameters: market share of each station has a positive correlation with profit, although market concentration appears to have no correlation. (2) Geographical parameters: the number of households per station and the income per household have positive correlations. (3) Business parameters: the aired ratio of self-produced TV programs has a positive correlation with revenue, although it has a negative correlation with profit. It is said that geographical environment is quite important for business performance in the broadcasting industry. This hypothesis is strongly supported by our results. Therefore deregulation and subsequent voluntary rearrangement may reinforce the operating basis of each station.Terrestrial Broadcasting Station, Determinants of profit, Principle of Media Ownership Rule, Audience Share, Oligopoly

    An Analysis on Market Structure of Broadcast Service – Issues on Optimal Level of Channel Variety –

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    Unlike general goods, broadcasting service is financed not only by consumer’s direct payment but also by advertisement revenue. In other words, broadcasting service is supported by direct and indirect financial sources. However, rate of dependence on those financial sources are different by each media type; Terrestrial broadcasting carrier primarily depends on advertisement revenue while cable TV carrier and satellite carrier, which is called as pay-TV primarily depend on payment from audience in addition to small amount of advertisement revenue. In this paper, we examine broadcast market, where carriers with different financial sources compete in the market, and analyze market performance as a result of competition. Especially, we focus on the effect of competition in the mixed market which includes advertising supported media and subscription fee supported media. We made economic model and analyze the difference on several types of market. Our principle results of Case III, the market that an advertisement supported carrier and a subscription supported carrier compete in the market, are as follows;. (1) The greater the substitutability is, the number of channels supplied by advertisement supported media increases while those supplied by subscription fee supported carrier decreases. (2) Total number of channels supplied by advertisement supported carrier and subscription fee supported carrier is equal to the number of channels supplied by an advertisement supported carrier (Case II). (3) Total TV watching time of Case III is equal to Case II. (4) Because the amount of payment by consumer increases compared to Case II, consumer surplus decreases. General economic model predicts that the increase of the number of entrants brings the increase of consumer surplus. However, in our model, we show here that the increase of the number of entrants does not necessarily bring the increase of consumer surplus.broadcast service; market performance; consumer welfare; advertisement supported /subscription fee supported media

    Analysis of Subscription Demand for Pay-TV

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    In this paper, we will conduct an analysis from an empirical perspective concerning broadcasting demand behavior and characteristics. More concretely, we will assume three options (subscription patterns), namely, nonsubscription, cable TV subscription, and subscription to broadcasting services via communications satellites (CS), and we will conduct an analysis of broadcasting service demand behavior using a discrete choice model. According to our result, price elasticity is low for cable TV and CS subscribers, which is a contrast to the United States, where price elasticity for paid broadcasting is high. It shows that factors other than price continue to have a strong influence on demand behavior (subscription choices) in the Japanese market for regular and paid broadcasting (the multichannel market) and that the market has not yet entered the phase of price competition between cable TV and CS broadcasting. With regard to channel number elasticity, the figures are high for basic channel service and low for special channel services. This indicates that basic services are an important concern for viewers. This suggests that, in line with reports that the spread of cable TV in the United States was promoted by difficulty in receiving terrestrial broadcasts, basic channel services may be more important than special channels as keys to the spread of paid broadcasting in Japan.Subscription demand, Broadcasting service, Pay-TV, Discrete choice model, Price/Channel elasticity

    Platform Competition in Pay-TV Market

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    In this paper, we undertake an empirical analysis of the current Japanese pay-TV market, where cable TV carriers and CS digital satellite carriers are the main players. After examining the factors for subscribing to pay-TV and the competitive situation in the market, we have the following findings; (1) Cable TV carriers promote high value-added service provision, such as bundling internet access, and these activities result in competitive superiority over CS carriers. (2) Cable TV carriers receiving bigger investment from local governments tend to gain higher rates of subscription, although they provide smaller numbers of channels with a low charge. (3) The number of terrestrial broadcasting channels which are transmitted via pay-TV carriers can have a large impact on competitive advantage when getting subscribers in the pay-TV market.Platform Competition, Cable Television, Communication Satellite, Pay-TV, subscriber penetration, high-value added service

    An Analysis on Market Structure of Broadcast Service – Issues on Optimal Level of Channel Variety –

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    Unlike general goods, broadcasting service is financed not only by consumer’s direct payment but also by advertisement revenue. In other words, broadcasting service is supported by direct and indirect financial sources. However, rate of dependence on those financial sources are different by each media type; Terrestrial broadcasting carrier primarily depends on advertisement revenue while cable TV carrier and satellite carrier, which is called as pay-TV primarily depend on payment from audience in addition to small amount of advertisement revenue. In this paper, we examine broadcast market, where carriers with different financial sources compete in the market, and analyze market performance as a result of competition. Especially, we focus on the effect of competition in the mixed market which includes advertising supported media and subscription fee supported media. We made economic model and analyze the difference on several types of market. Our principle results of Case III, the market that an advertisement supported carrier and a subscription supported carrier compete in the market, are as follows;. (1) The greater the substitutability is, the number of channels supplied by advertisement supported media increases while those supplied by subscription fee supported carrier decreases. (2) Total number of channels supplied by advertisement supported carrier and subscription fee supported carrier is equal to the number of channels supplied by an advertisement supported carrier (Case II). (3) Total TV watching time of Case III is equal to Case II. (4) Because the amount of payment by consumer increases compared to Case II, consumer surplus decreases. General economic model predicts that the increase of the number of entrants brings the increase of consumer surplus. However, in our model, we show here that the increase of the number of entrants does not necessarily bring the increase of consumer surplus

    Platform Competition in Pay-TV Market

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    In this paper, we undertake an empirical analysis of the current Japanese pay-TV market, where cable TV carriers and CS digital satellite carriers are the main players. After examining the factors for subscribing to pay-TV and the competitive situation in the market, we have the following findings; (1) Cable TV carriers promote high value-added service provision, such as bundling internet access, and these activities result in competitive superiority over CS carriers. (2) Cable TV carriers receiving bigger investment from local governments tend to gain higher rates of subscription, although they provide smaller numbers of channels with a low charge. (3) The number of terrestrial broadcasting channels which are transmitted via pay-TV carriers can have a large impact on competitive advantage when getting subscribers in the pay-TV market

    不確実性と需要者行動について ― スポーツ経済学における分析視点と手法の変遷 ―

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    本稿では, ①テレビ視聴者に関するデータの利用, ②経済理論の発展と分析手法の変遷という2点に着目してスポーツ経済学の研究をとりあげ, 主として不確実性と需要者行動に関する考察を行う。本稿を通じて, データの利用可能性や経済理論の発展と呼応して, 試合結果の不確実性とスタジアム観客数との関係検証からテレビ視聴者を対象にした分析にシフトし, 最近では心理的側面を取り入れた分析へと推移してきた状況について確認した。また,スポーツの試合を対象としつつも, 製品・サービスの代替性/補完性といった産業組織上の論点を検証する研究にも触れ, 今後の発展の方向性についても展望を行った

    Platform Competition in Pay-TV Market

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