62 research outputs found

    Nitric acid leaching of polymetallic middlings of concentration

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    Investigations into the nitric acid leaching of polymetallic middlings with the purpose of the maximal recovery of copper and zinc into the solution are performed. Using methods of mathematical planning of the experiment, the optimal process parameters are determined: ratio L: S = 5, the consumption of nitric acid is 80 cm3 per 20 g of the charge, and the process duration is 120 min. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    Electroextraction of lead from a lead trilonate solution

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    Laboratory studies of the cathode process of the electroextraction of zinc from the trilonate electrolyte obtained after the purification of solutions after leaching lead cakes of zinc production are performed. The potential scan rate is determined by recording potentiodynamic curves; the optimal electrolyte acidity, the composition, and the temperature are established. Values of activation energy confirming the concentration nature of process polarization are found. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    State of State and Cooperative Retail Trade in Sverdlovsk Region in 1940s

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    The article is devoted to the problem almost not developed in regional historiography. The purpose of its writing was to study the state of retail trade of the Sverdlovsk region in one of the most difficult periods in the history of the USSR - during the Great Patriotic war and the first few years after its end. The base of the study was archival materials unpublished to date. It is stated that trade is an integral part of the reproduction process. It is stated that the inattention of domestic historians and economists to the problems of the development of trade services was caused by the priority in the scientific research of Soviet social scientists in such areas of the economy as industry, industrial construction and agriculture. It is declared that trade in the Soviet Union under the domination of the planning and distribution economy has never enjoyed the attention of the authorities, and therefore the lag in its development in comparison with civilized standards was impressive. It is argued that the main negative consequence of the war for the retail trade of the Middle Urals was only a slight reduction in its turnover. The thesis is put forward that in the war years the provision of food to the population was entrusted to the departments of working supply and catering enterprises. It is noted that during the war the population of the region engaged in self-sufficiency actively as never before. It is concluded that in the situation of total commodity deficit, the actual absence of a normally organized market and the complete arbitrariness of the authorities, the sphere of trade was doomed to the role of a hostage of an entirely state-owned economy of the planning and distribution type

    Sverdlovsk Region Industry and Its Consumer Market in “Dashing” 1990s: Mysteries and Paradoxes of Reform Era (according to Regional Statistics of 1992-2000)

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    The aim of the study is to analyze the state of industrial production in the Sverdlovsk region in the 1990s and its impact on the provision of population with consumer goods. The topic is relevant in the context of studying the impact of the crisis on the financial situation of population. The study was conducted on the materials provided by the Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service, with the involvement of scientific and journalistic literature on this issue. It is argued that the fall in production in the 1990s was caused by the collapse of the decades-old system of economic relations within the USSR and the Council of economic mutual assistance, as well as the reduction of purchases of materials and components from Western countries. It is declared that the decline in production in all industries of the Sverdlovsk region without exception continued until 1999. It is noted that after 1998 the industry of the region began to rise in all its branches, except for fuel. It is proved that the state of the consumer market in the segment of industrial goods for population did not correlate with the dynamics of their production in the region. It is concluded that the deep crisis of industrial production, which lasted until the end of the 1990s, in the market of consumer goods was largely compensated by imports of foreign consumer goods

    Zinc extraction during recycling of electric arc furnace dust by chlorine-containing polymer wastes

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    From an environmental point of view, dust from the melting of galvanized steel scrap in electric arc furnaces is a prob-lematic waste stream. In particular, it is impossible to store dust in open areas due to high content of toxic components (lead, zinc, cadmium, etc.). At the same time, the extraction of non-ferrous metals from electric-arc melting dust can make it a valuable source of secondary raw materials and reduce the impact on the environment. In a laboratory study, zinc was extracted from electric arc smelting dust by a chlorination method with a waste halogen-containing polymer. Roasting of galvanized scrap melting dust together with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) waste as a chlorination agent at 950 °C resulted in the evaporation of about 80 wt.% zinc in an oxidizing atmosphere and more than 95 wt.% zinc in a neutral atmosphere. The use of PVC waste in the firing process provides the release of gaseous HCl, which is an effective reagent for the chlorination of zinc compounds in dusts. The presence of solid carbon from polymer pyrolysis in the mixture accelerates the course of chlorination reactions, which is confirmed by the thermodynamic calculations given above. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the cinder obtained by roasting at 950 °C in a neutral atmosphere showed that the dry residue of the material in the proposed process does not contain zinc. © Bludova D. I., Mamyachenkov S. V., 2023

    Retail Trade in the Sverdlovsk Region in 1951-1958

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    The article is devoted to a rather relevant, but still little developed topic in regional historiography. The basis for the study was largely unpublished materials from three regional archives. It is stated that trade is the basis of the development of the economy of any state. It is stated that the purpose of this article was to study the state of retail trade in the Middle Urals (Sverdlovsk Region) in one of the interesting periods in the history of the former USSR - the fifth and sixth (incomplete) five-year periods (1951-1958). It is declared that it was during the mentioned period that the country began to gradually move away from the difficult legacy of Stalin's totalitarianism, very significant economic projects were being implemented, and the reform of the management of the national economy was launched. There were impressive scientific achievements, primarily in the military and military space fields. It is argued that the beginning of the study period in the trading sector of the Middle Urals did not inspire much optimism. The thesis is put forward that, as the Soviet economy developed, the situation in the trade sphere also gradually changed for the better. It is noted that the assortment of goods that Soviet trade had in the period under study clearly lagged behind modern requirements. It is concluded that the period under study was a step forward in the development of the trading sphere of the Middle Urals, although it was still very far from meeting its civilized standards

    Technology for the hydrometallurgical processing of a complex multicomponent sulfide-based raw material

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    An analysis of the methods currently used for the metallurgical processing of polymetallic middlings from the beneficiation of sulfide ores shows that the oxidant which is the most promising for use as an agent to leach the middlings is nitric acid. A technology is developed to process hard-to-decompose middlings with the use of nitric acid. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Status of the organized recycling of cadmium-bearing secondary raw materials

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    The main methods being used in metallurgy to systematically recycle cadmium-bearing secondary raw materials are examined. Hydrometallurgical methods which use sequestering reagents that can be regenerated are the most promising technologies from the standpoint of suitability for industrial use, environmental safety, and the selectivity with which cadmium is extracted. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Research of kinetics of zinc leaching with sulfuric acid from smithsonite

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    The study investigates the kinetics of zinc leaching from smithsonite with sulfuric acid in order to expand the zinc production feedstocks. The recovery rate of zinc from smithsonite into water-soluble zinc sulfate was found at different leaching time and temperature. Sulfuric acid concentration, its consumption and smithsonite particles size selected in this work for leaching of zinc from this mineral using the indicated solution allowed to determine the magnitude of “apparent” activation energy of the smithsonite reaction with the indicated acid, equal to 2,633 kJ / mol. The calculated value of E, shows that the process investigated is accompanied by diffusion phenomena

    Production of Consumer Goods by Industry of Middle Urals in 1971—1980

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    The relevance of the study is due to the enduring theoretical and practical interest shown by Russian society in the historical period studied in the article. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that the materials from the funds of two regional archives are used in the article: the Current Archive of the Territorial Authority of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Sverdlovsk Region and the Center for Documentation of Public Organizations of the Sverdlovsk Region, some of which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. It is emphasized that the decade under study was the peak of the historical period known as “stagnant”, becoming the last relatively prosperous decade in the history of the USSR. The authors state that the policy of “détente” provided the country with a certain foreign policy stability. Attention is focused on the fact that the development of stagnation phenomena in the country’s economy in the 1970s is clearly visible when analyzing the production of consumer goods on the example of almost any of its regions, including the Middle Urals. It is proved that during the decade under study there was no significant improvement in providing the population of the region with industrial food products. It is concluded that similar stagnation phenomena were observed in most and other areas of consumer goods production