24 research outputs found

    International collaborative follow - up investigation of graduating high school students’ understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry: is progress Being made?

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    Understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry (NOSI), as opposed to engaging students in inquiry learning experiences, are included in science education reform documents around the world. However, little is known about what students have learned about NOSI during their pre-college school years. The purpose of this large-scale follow-up international project (i.e. 32 countries and regions, spanning six continents and including 3917 students for the high school sample) was to collect data on what exiting high school students have learned about NOSI. Additionally, the study investigated changes in 12th grade students’ NOSI understandings compared to seventh grade (i.e. 20 countries and regions) students’ understandings from a prior investigation [Lederman et al. (2019). An international collaborative investigation of beginning seventh grade students’ understandings of scientific inquiry: Establishing a baseline. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(4), 486–515. https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.21512]. This study documents and discusses graduating high school students’ understandings and compares their understandings to seventh grade students’ understandings of the same aspects of scientific inquiry for each country. It is important to note that collecting data from each of the 130+ countries globally was not feasible. Similarly, it was not possible to collect data from every region of each country. A concerted effort was made, however, to provide a relatively representative picture of each country and the world

    Modelling the Sociocultural Contexts of Science Education: The Teachers’ Perspective

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    publication-status: Publishedtypes: ArticleA growing body of research argues that teachers’ beliefs and practices should be studied within the sociocultural contexts of their work because the relationship between their beliefs and practices is both complex and context-dependent. There is a need for further research in this area in understudied contexts such as developing countries, in order to promote effective education in schools and the professional development of teachers. This paper argues that if this ‘black box’ of sociocultural contexts in which science teachers are embedded is better understood, it may be possible to identify specific aspects of these contexts related to educational organizations that act as either supports or barriers to pedagogical reform or to implementing innovations in science education. Consequently, the main purpose of this study is to explore the sociocultural contexts of ten Egyptian science teachers and to what extent these sociocultural contexts help in understanding teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices. This paper, by utilizing a multi-grounded theory approach and qualitative methods, reveals a variety of sociocultural contexts that are related to teachers’ pedagogical beliefs and practices

    Come l'uso dei misteri puĂČ aiutare l'apprendimento delle scienze : Insegnare secondo TEMI

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    Eine Stellenausschreibung, die fĂŒr Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Instituts fĂŒr Österreichische Geschichtsforschung relevant sein kann: An der UniversitĂ€t Bayreuth ist die Stelle einer wissenschaftlichen UniversitĂ€tsarchivarin oder eines wissenschaftlichen UniversitĂ€tsarchivars fĂŒr vorerst zwei Jahre mit der Möglichkeit der spĂ€teren Entfristung ehestmöglich zu besetzen. Der erfolgreiche Abschluss eines archivwissenschaftlichen Studiums ist Voraussetzung. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 19. Augu..