5 research outputs found

    Fostering volunteerism among students with learning disabilities: The role of primary schools and challenges

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    The significance of the study lies in its focus on promoting volunteerism among Students with Learning Disabilities (SLD). The study aimed to provide recommendations that help overcome the challenges faced by primary school role in promoting volunteering among SLD. The study used a mixed-method approach. Personal interviews were conducted with 20 parents of SLD, and a questionnaire was administered to 98 teachers of Learning Disabilities in primary schools in Al-Ahsa Governorate, Saudi Arabia. The study results are that the teacher's role held the highest importance in fostering volunteering among SLD in primary school, followed by the school administration role, and subsequently, the school curriculum, according to parents' Perceptions. There are significant challenges facing the role of elementary schools in promoting volunteer work among SLD, with the most important of these being personal, organizational, and then academic challenges, according to teachers' perspectives. The study does not identify significant differences in these challenges based on the teachers' perspectives, considering gender and years of experience

    The Role of Postgraduate Programs in the Job Mobility of Workers in Public Education Institutions

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    The research aimed to study the role of postgraduate studies in the career mobility of workers in public education institutions. The research used the descriptive analytical approach, where the questionnaire was applied to random sample (117) from the research community, and the qualitative approach was used by conducting interviews with (24) of research community; To benefit from their experiences and suggestions, to reach the role of postgraduate studies in career mobility through their personal experiences. Descriptive and qualitative data were analyzed to reveal differences between the responses of the respondents according to the research variables. The research concluded that the response of the research sample members was moderately to the role of postgraduate studies in career mobility from their point of view, and there were no statistically significant differences at (0.05) in the responses of the research sample members about the reality (administrative & organizational, and personal) of the role of postgraduate studies in the career mobility of workers in public education institutions

    Teachers’ Hidden Curriculum and its Role in Promoting Citizenship Values Among Primary School Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which primary school teachers in the Eastern Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia practice the hidden curriculum with their students. The study also aims to identify the role of these teachers’ practices in promoting citizenship values ​​in primary school students in the Saudi community, and to provide suggestions based on the results. The researcher used a mixed approach method, with the necessary data collected by applying a questionnaire to a stratified random sample of primary school principals.  Furthermore, personal interviews were conducted with a sample of primary school teachers to identify their practices of the hidden curriculum with students, which reflected behaviors that enhance citizenship values in primary school students. The study team prepared its tools, and its psychometric properties were verified before applying them to the sample. The study population   consisted of all teachers and school principals of public primary schools in the Eastern Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The results identified the most common practices of the hidden curriculum that teachers apply with their students. The results of the study also revealed that there are statistically significant differences in school principals’ estimation of teachers’ practices of the hidden curriculum according to the variable “years of experience”, in favor of principals with more than 10 years of experience, while there are no statistically significant differences in school principals’ estimation of the teacher’s practices of the hidden curriculum according to the “gender” variable

    The impact of storytelling and narrative variables on skill acquisition in gamified learning

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    This research attempts to better understand how students in Saudi Arabia benefit from narrative and story aspects in gamified learning environments. Data from a sample of 500 persons with varying levels of education are analyzed using quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The findings point to strong positive correlations between the use of gamification in education, the influence of storytelling, narrative variables, and the acquisition of new skills. There has been a significant shift toward the use of narrative variables as measures of mastery in gamified classrooms. This study's results show that using gamified learning with story elements may increase students' interest, motivation, and knowledge retention. Efforts are now being made by Saudi Arabia to update its educational system and provide its youth with the tools they'll need to succeed in the country's emerging knowledge-based economy. The use of game-based learning and narrative-rich experiences has promising results in this setting

    Teacher-student rapport and gamified learning: Investigating the role of interpersonal variables in classroom integration

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    Using the educational setting of Jordan, this research aims to investigate the complex relationship between teacher-student rapport and student involvement in gamified learning experiences. As it relates to the effective use of gamified learning methodologies, this research digs into the far-reaching ramifications of cultivating strong interpersonal interactions between instructors and students. This research uses a strict quantitative technique to investigate the complex relationships between 400 children and 40 teachers. This study's results shed light on an interesting and statistically significant phenomenon: a significant positive connection (r = 0.742, p 0.001) between teacher-student rapport and the amount of engagement seen in gamified learning sessions. The finding, in line with Jordan's educational reforms, highlights the critical role of positive rapport in generating dynamic and significant participation within modern instructional techniques. The practical repercussions highlight the need for teachers to work to improve their interpersonal skills. It becomes clear that this is a crucial factor in enabling effective teaching and learning, especially within the context of contemporary pedagogical approaches. The current research helps us better understand the complex dynamics at play in teacher-student relationships, illuminating their far-reaching consequences for the pursuit of educational excellence in the Jordann setting