106 research outputs found

    Depression and pain: some issues of comorbidity and treatment (Review)

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    The article highlights the current understanding of the mechanisms of pain and depression comorbidity, especially - functioning of neurochemical systems in the brain and the anatomical and functional relationships of structures in the CNS of these pathological conditions. It shows the current classification of antidepressants, analyze the neurochemical aspects of their actions, effects on cognitive brain function and behavioral reactions to the formation of the sensations of pain, generalize mechanisms of action in the treatment of chronic pain. In the analysis of the literature it is concluded that depres-sion and pain therapy impede each other, having common mechanisms of development, the leading points of contact they are changing the functioning of catecholaminergic neurotransmitter systems of the brain, the levels of certain cytokines, as well as the state of NMDA-dependent mechanisms of the brain. The question of their use for treatment of acute pain, includ-ing differentiated into non-opioid analgesics combined with, is not sufficiently understood

    Pharmacological Correction of Neurological Disorders in Case of Multiple Sclerosis

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    The article analyzes the possibility of drug correction of common neurological disorders (pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia) using antidepressants under the conditions of experimental equivalent of multiple sclerosis on the background of basic drug therapy with methylprednisolone.Assessment of antidepressants antinociceptive potential identified “a range of activity” of the mentioned medicines (analgesic activity of classical amitriptyline antidepressant was accepted as conventional unit): paroxetine (0.9 c.u.), amitriptyline (1 c.u.), fluoxetine (1.11 c.u.) and trittico (1.16 c.u.).Comparative analysis of the duration of animals’ fading in the water at the forced swimming (Porsolt forced swimming test) found that the ability to weaken the level of anxiety and concern was the most significant for trittico and paroxetine groups. Immobilization time was 1.7 (p£0.05) and 1.6 (p£0.05), respectively, which was shorter than the corresponding figures of the active control group. The effect of antidepressants on latency, sleep duration when administered on a background of basic drug therapy with methylprednisolone was characterized by the following indicators: trittico (-66.5% and + 133.45%)³fluoxetine (-60.5% and + 117.79%)³paroxetine (-61.8% and + 93.59%)³amitriptyline (-52.75% and + 81.85%).Thus, trittico and paroxetine were reasonable to administer under the experimental equivalent of multiple sclerosis taking into account the basic hormonal therapy as a means of drug correction of pain, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders

    Оцінка посухостійкості Ailanthus Altissima (Mill.) в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу і Степу України

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    The drought resistance of A. altissima during the growing season on the five-point scale of S. S. Pyatnytsky in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine was investigated. Plants of the genus Ailanthus are found to be well tolerated by drought and often grow in places with limited water access. Increased air temperatures cause a change in the distribution of biomass from the aboveground part of the plants to the root system, as well as an increase in stem volume. This indicates increased water absorption from the soil and vascular movement due to the large cross-sectional area. The annular-porous structure of A. altissima tap water promotes the rapid transfer of water from the roots to the leaves. Due to the droughts, Ailanthus can quickly mobilize its reserves and then intensify the cambial growth and, as a result of prolonged stress, redistribute its reserves to the lateral roots from which new ramets may emerge after the loss of the primary shoot. Plants of the genus Ailanthus are well tolerated by drought and often grow in places with limited water access. According to the need for moisture and the degree of resistance to arid conditions, A. altissima is one of the most drought resistant wood species of xerophytes. According to the analysis of the monthly and average long-term data of the weather station in Uman during may – august, a comparative characteristic of the hydrothermal regime of the years of researches is given. The water and thermal regimes of tree and shrub species in the Steppe have been determined to be a major physiological aspect of the success of the steppe afforestation, which is why the relevance of the study of the resistance and adaptation of the introduced A. altissima species to the unfavorable conditions of the steppe zone is obvious. It has been proved that A. altissima plants growing in the conditions of the Right-bank Forest Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine responded to the drought without significant damage, maintaining a high turgor of leaves and young shoots. Trees of the studied species had close to the highest and highest drought tolerance scores (4.8-5.0 points). It was found that during the 2014-2017 period no significant signs of leaf foliage in adult A. altissima trees were detected in the Right-Bank Forest Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine. All the A. altissima trees under study were well-tolerated to high summer temperatures (up to +38 °C) and long sleepless periods (55-60 days). The results of the study of the water regime of the leaves of A. altissima by the indicators of the total water content, water deficit and the intensity of moisture loss, which indicates a high level of adaptation of the studied plants to arid periods in the Right-bank Forest-Steppe and Steppe of Ukraine are presented.Досліджено посухостійкість A. altissima упродовж вегетаційного періоду за п'ятибальною шкалою С. С. П'ятницького в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу і Степу України. Встановлено, що рослини роду Ailanthus добре переносять посуху й часто ростуть у місцях з обмеженим доступом води. За результатами аналізу середньомісячних та середніх багаторічних даних метеостанції м. Умань упродовж травня – серпня, надано порівняльну характеристику гідротермічного режиму років досліджень. Визначено, що водний і термічний режими деревних і кущових видів у Степу є головним фізіологічним аспектом успішності степового лісорозведення, з огляду на що очевидною є актуальність вивчення стійкості та адаптації інтродукованого виду A. altissima до несприятливих умов степової зони. Доведено, що рослини A. altissima, що зростають в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу і Степу України, реагували на посуху без значних пошкоджень, зберігаючи високий тургор листків і молодих пагонів. Дерева досліджуваного виду мали близькі до найвищих і найвищі бали посухостійкості (4,8-5,0 бала). Встановлено, що за період досліджень 2014-2017 рр. істотних ознак в'янення листків у дорослих дерев A. altissima в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу та Степу України не виявлено. Високі літні температури (до +38°С) і тривалі бездощові періоди (55-60 діб) всі досліджувані дерева A. altissima перенесли добре. Наведено результати дослідження водного режиму листків A. altissima за показниками загального вмісту води, водного дефіциту та інтенсивності втрати вологості, що свідчить про високий рівень адаптації досліджуваних рослин до посушливих періодів в умовах Правобережного Лісостепу та Степу України


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    За літературними джерелами досліджено філогенетичну систему роду Ailanthus (Mill.) Swingle. Підтверджено, що рід належить до відділу квіткових або покритонасінних (Magnoliophita або Angiospermae), класу магноліопсидів або дводольних (Magnolioopsida або Dicotyledones), підкласу розидових (Rosidae), порядку сапіндоцвітих (Sapindales), родини симарубових (Simaroubaceae) і нараховує близько 30 родів і 200 видів, які у природному ареалі зростають у тропіках Південно-Східної Азії та островах Тихого океану. Встановлено, що види роду Ailanthus обмежуються лише трьома найпоширенішими видами: айлант найвищий або китайський ясен (Ailanthus altissima), айлант звичайний (Ailanthus excelsa), айлант трилистий (Ailanthus triphylla) та трьома декоративними формами: 'Rhodocarpa' Th.Kal, 'Albo-variegata' Th.Kal, 'Pendulifolia' (Carr.) Rehd. В Україну інтродуковано лише один вид – айлант найвищий (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle).По литературным источникам исследована филогенетическая система рода Ailanthus (Mill.) Desf. Подтверждено, что род относится к отделу цветочных или покрытосеменных (Magnoliophita или Angiospermae), класса магнолиопсидов или двудольных (Magnolioopsida или Dicotyledones), подкласса розидовых (Rosidae), порядка сапиндоцветных (Sapindales), семьи симарубовых (Simaroubaceae) и включает около 30 родов и 200 видов, в естественном ареале растут в тропиках Юго-Восточной Азии и островах Тихого океана. Установлено, что виды рода Ailanthus ограничиваются лишь тремя наиболее распространенными видами: айлант высочайший или китайский ясень (Ailanthus altissima), айлант обычный (Ailanthus excelsa), айлант трехлистной (Ailanthus triphylla) и тремя декоративными формами: 'Rhodocarpa' Th.Kal, 'Albo-variegata' Th.Kal, 'Pendulifolia' (Carr.) Rehd. В Украине интродуцирован только один вид – айлант высочайший (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle).The existence of human society is impossible to imagine without plant introduction. Particular attention is paid to plants that combine valuable ornamental, medicinal, fruit, technical and phytomelioration properties. These include Ailant highest (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle). Thus our research aims at investigation of phylogenetic, biological and ecological characteristics of the species, its reproduction and use. In the course of study the authors have studied the phylogenetic system of Ailanthus (Mill.) Swingle genus according to the literature sources. We have confirmed that it belongs to the plant group of flowering or angiosperms (Magnoliophita, or Angiospermae), Magnolioopsida or flowering class (Magnolioopsida, or Dicotyledones), Rosidae division, Sapindales order, Simaroubaceae family and includes about 30 genera and 200 species that grow in natural habitats in the tropics of Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. We have also learnt that the species of the genus Ailanthus is limited to the three most common types such as: Ailant highest or Chinese ash (Ailanthus altissima), Ailant normal (Ailanthus excelsa), Ailant trifoliate (Ailanthus triphylla) and three decorative forms: 'Rhodocarpa' Th.Kal, 'Albo-variegata' Th.Kal, 'Pendulifolia' (Carr.) Rehd. Only one type of Ailant highest (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) is introduced in Ukraine. The researches have also found that according I. Kowarik Nooteboom (1962), Ailanthus altissima is one of five species within the genus of Ailanthus Desf. Unlike A. altissima, A. excelsa Roxb, A. integrifolia Lam., A. triphysa (Dennst.) Olston, A. fordii Desf., which grow in the subtropical range. However, it is appropriate to focus on synonyms Ailanthus altissima: Ailanthus erythrocarpa Carriere (1877), Ailanthus giraldii Dode (1907), Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. (1786), etc. Systematics of the genus Ailanthus in Ukraine is still poorly understood. In modern scientific literature descriptions of species of the genus Ailanthus are limited to the three most common types: Ailant highest or Chinese ash (Ailanthus altissima), Ailant normal (Ailanthus excelsa), Ailant trifoliate (Ailanthus triphylla) and three decorative forms: 'Rhodocarpa' Th.Kal, 'Albo-variegata' Th.Kal, 'Pendulifolia' (Carr.) Rehd. To conclude, examining the genus Ailanthus system for AL Takhtadzhyan (1987) and modern system ARG III found that the difference is only referred to the "Procedure" according Sapindales and Rutales. The analysis of published data and survey collections of botanical gardens makes allows estimating that only one species of the genus Ailanthus – Ailanthus altissima (Mill) Swingle is introduced in Ukraine

    Synergy of piracetam and aminalon in the cerebroprotective effect of olatropyl.

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    Optimization of pharmacotherapy of neurological and psychosomatic diseases led to the creation of com­bined medicines containing two or more components with different mechanisms of action, differently affecting the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of specific forms of pathology. Combined drugs that help normalize the central regulatory mechanisms of the development of somatic pathology, improve brain metabolism and hemodynamics, stabilize the cortical-subcortical relationships, the disorders of which lie at the base of many forms of neurological and psychosomatic pathology have been particularly popular in recent years. In this article we propose options for opti­mizing nootropic therapy with olatropyl, which is a combination of two "true" nootropics - gamma-aminobutyric acid (aminalone) and piracetam in one drug form. Such a combination allows one-stage implementation of a complex of multifaceted and diverse effects on the central nervous system characteristic of both piracetam and aminalone, but achieved through fundamentally different mechanisms of action of these agents. The mechanism of action of olatropil demonstrates the pronounced synergism of the monocomponents of the preparation. This combination allows to reduce the therapeutic dosages of each of the active substances by 2 times, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the incidence and severity of possible side effects; leveling the exciting effect of piracetam and providing higher safety and efficacy. The drug is an effective tool for the therapy of various forms of cerebrovascular pathology, improving cognitive functions, mental activity, psychoemotional status, autonomic functions, favorably affecting the quality of life of patients. The uniqueness of the mechanism of action of olatropil, consisting in the occurrence of the fact of pharmacodynamic synergy in the combined use of piracetam and aminalone in a single dosage form, contributes to the enhancement of positive pharmacological effects and the leveling of a number of negative elements of pharmacodynamics of preparation constituents

    Synergy of piracetam and aminalon in the cerebroprotective effect of olatropyl.

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    Optimization of pharmacotherapy of neurological and psychosomatic diseases led to the creation of com­bined medicines containing two or more components with different mechanisms of action, differently affecting the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of specific forms of pathology. Combined drugs that help normalize the central regulatory mechanisms of the development of somatic pathology, improve brain metabolism and hemodynamics, stabilize the cortical-subcortical relationships, the disorders of which lie at the base of many forms of neurological and psychosomatic pathology have been particularly popular in recent years. In this article we propose options for opti­mizing nootropic therapy with olatropyl, which is a combination of two "true" nootropics - gamma-aminobutyric acid (aminalone) and piracetam in one drug form. Such a combination allows one-stage implementation of a complex of multifaceted and diverse effects on the central nervous system characteristic of both piracetam and aminalone, but achieved through fundamentally different mechanisms of action of these agents. The mechanism of action of olatropil demonstrates the pronounced synergism of the monocomponents of the preparation. This combination allows to reduce the therapeutic dosages of each of the active substances by 2 times, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in the incidence and severity of possible side effects; leveling the exciting effect of piracetam and providing higher safety and efficacy. The drug is an effective tool for the therapy of various forms of cerebrovascular pathology, improving cognitive functions, mental activity, psychoemotional status, autonomic functions, favorably affecting the quality of life of patients. The uniqueness of the mechanism of action of olatropil, consisting in the occurrence of the fact of pharmacodynamic synergy in the combined use of piracetam and aminalone in a single dosage form, contributes to the enhancement of positive pharmacological effects and the leveling of a number of negative elements of pharmacodynamics of preparation constituents

    Ornithogalum boucheanum (Asparagaceae) in Eastern Europe: Native and synanthropic range, habitat conditions and state of population

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    The geographical distribution, ecological and coenotic features of the place of growth and age structure of Ornithogalum boucheanum populations in Ukraine have been studied. In total, during the entire period of floristic research in Ukraine, 263 native sites of this species were recorded in 13 administrative regions (oblasts). Mostly these sites are concentrated in the Steppe zone, where the main part of the Eastern European fragment of the general natural range of O. boucheanum is represented. For other regions of Ukraine isolated reports of the species are known. It is noted that in addition to reduction in the number of natural habitats of O. boucheanum within the Forest-Steppe and in the southern part of Ukraine Polissya, a secondary adventive natural habitat of the species is formed, where it is part of the immigration group of foreign taxa. It was found that the natural habitats of O. boucheanum are characterized by a certain stenotopy, as the species needs some moisture and is more common in valley and balka landscapes most often in large river basins, which are not prone to drying out and can be favourable ecological corridors for long-distance migration. Favourable conditions for O. boucheanum habitats exist in floodplain and riparian forests, which have sufficient moisture, little competition from other species of grass and a sufficient amount of light in the spring. In addition, O. boucheanum can successfully master artificial and synanthropic groups of tree species, in particular being widespread in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe Robinia plantations. It was found that populations of O. boucheanum in Ukraine have different numbers: with an area of 4–6 hectares, in which there are tens and hundreds of thousands of individuals, to small populations on the northern border of distribution, in Kirovohrad and Kharkiv oblasts, which have a of young invasive character. It is possible that modern conditions have been favourable for the spread of O. boucheanum in the transition zone between the Forest-Steppe and Steppe, and that the process of forming new populations of O. boucheanum is taking place here

    Формування гербарію Уманського національного університету садівництва (UM)

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    The article deals with the history and the present of the formation of the Scientific Herbarium of Uman National University of Horticulture (UM). The constituents of its collection have historical, scientific and educational characteristics. Herb collection of Yosyp Konradovych Pachosky, a student of the Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture, which was collected in the outskirts of the town of Uman and greenhouses, is isolated from the composition of the historical nominal collection. Formation of the dendrological herbarium was made by the Main Gardener of the Tsarina Garden (now the National Dendrological Park "Sofiyivka" of the NAS of Ukraine) Yulius Robertovych Lansky and Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimea. The results of the study of the Herbarium Florae Rossicae (1897-1907) exiccates of the historical herbarium of the Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture which are stored in the scientific herbarium of the Uman National University of Horticulture are presented. It is found that collection of exsiccates has 1948 herbarium samples obtained by exchange with the botanical branch of the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists. The quantitative composition of the exiccates of individual collectors of Herbarium Florae Rossicae was analyzed and the presence of herbarium collections by pupils of the school I. Andrievsky, V. Bykhatsky, P. Herasymchuk, I. Horbach, F. Zamorsky, V. Kazuta, S. Rudenko in 1899 in the outskirts of Uman was found. The memorial collections of botany teachers formed different milestone in the history of the course of teaching botany, decorative dendrology, forestry and others are characterized. A memorial collection of Associate Professor V. A. Havryliuk was collected during the research of plants in the student years (the Carpathians), postgraduate studies (Leningrad), research work (Chukotka and Kamchatka Peninsula) was worked out. The authors pointed out his careful attitude to valuable historical collections during his time in charge of the Department of Botany. Creation of educational collections of Algae, Lichénophyta, Bryophyta, Equitysetophyta, Lycopodiiophyta, Pteridophyta as demonstration material at laboratory and practical classes, isolation of modern student herbarium in the study of regions of Ukraine and field expeditions by teachers are considered in the article. The work of the herbarium today and achievements in the future are substantiated.Висвітлено історію формування Наукового гербарію Уманського національного університету садівництва (UM) та сьогодення. Складові його колекції мають історичну, наукову і навчальну характеристику. Зі складу історичної іменної колекції виділено гербарні збори учня Уманського училища землеробства і садівництва – Йосипа Конрадовича Пачоського, які було зібрано в околицях міста Умані, оранжереях. Формування дендрологічного гербарію здійснив головний садівник Царициного саду (нині – Національний денрологічний парк "Софіївка" НАН України) Юліус Робертович Ланцький і Нікітського ботанічного саду, Крим. Наведено результати опрацювання ексикат Herbarium Florae Rossicae (1897-1907 рр.) історичного гербарію Уманського училища землеробства і садівництва, які зберігаються у науковому гербарії Уманського національного університету садівництва. Встановлено, що колекція ексикат нараховує 1948 гербарних зразків, отриманих шляхом обміну з ботанічним відділенням Санкт-Петербурзького товариства природодослідників. Проаналізовано кількісний склад ексикат окремих колекторів Herbarium Florae Rossicae та виявлено наявність гербарних зборів учнями училища І. Андрієвського, В. Бихацького, П. Герасимчук, І. Горбач, Ф. Заморського, В. Казута, С. Руденко в 1899 р. в околицях Умані. Охарактеризовано меморіальні колекції викладачів ботаніки, які сформовані у різні віхи історії під час викладання курсу ботаніки, декоративної дендрології, лісівництва та ін. Опрацьовано меморіальну колекцію доцента В. А. Гаврилюка, зібрану під час проведення досліджень рослин у студентські роки (Карпати), навчання в аспірантурі (Ленінград), виконання науково-дослідницької роботи (півострови Чукотка та Камчатка). Автори наголосили на його бережливому ставленні до цінних історичних колекцій у часи його завідування кафедри ботаніки. У цьому дослідженні розглянуто створення навчальних колекцій Algae, Lichеnophyta, Bryophyta, Equіsetophyta, Lycopodiоphyta, Pteridophyta, як демонстраційний матеріал на лабораторно-практичних заняттях, виокремлення сучасних студентських гербаріїв у дослідженні регіонів України та виїзних експедицій викладачами. Обґрунтовано роботу гербарію сьогодні та досягнення в майбутньому

    Place of tiotriazoline in the gallery of modern metabolitotropic medicines

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    We want to show pharmacological characterization of Tiotriazoline, based on results of tentative analysis and clinical research, also features of its therapeutic action and advantage over another metabolitotropic cardio protectors. As a result of the literary sources analysis, we found out that the team of scientists led by professor I. A. Mazur had developed and created qualitatively new innovative medicine of cation-anionic action, namely Thiotriazolin, which is based on 1,2,4-triazole molecule and was selected among more than 1000 compounds. This drug is the first representative of the class of metabolitotropic cyto- and cardioprotectors and it exhibits anti-ischemic, cardioprotective, antioxidant, energotropic, membrane-protective and immunomodulating properties and is widely used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system and eye diseases. The mechanism of action of Thiotriazolin is to increase the expression of antioxidant enzymes, reduce the concentration of free radicals, activate a compensatory malate-aspartate shunt of energy production, normalize the work of the Krebs cycle, and initiate Red / Oxi-dependent expression of transcription factors in ischemia. Using the example of pharmacodynamics and clinical efficacy of Thiotriazoline, the modern concept of metabolitotropic cardioprotection was further developed. Thiotriazolin belongs to V class of toxicity (practically non-toxic substances). Thiotriazolin reduces the number and duration of ischemia episodes, cardiac arrhythmias, increases tolerance to physical activity, and also improves the quality and lifetime (assessed using the Minnesota questionnaire and Nottingham health profile) of patients with cardiovascular pathology (stable angina, myocardial infarction, post infarction myocardial remodeling, chronic heart failure, arrhythmias). We can add that application of Tiotriazolin have social value because it leads to the decrease in mortality and disability of patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system, also decrease in blindness after injury, eye burns, cataracts. The economic efficiency from the Thiotriazolin use is also indicated by reducing the time spent by patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system in the hospital, as a result reducing the state's expenses for the treatment and rehabilitation of this category of patients; also by increase the efficiency of persons whose activities are associated with increased load on the visual analyze