60 research outputs found

    Uji Beberapa Dosis Ekstrak Buah Mengkudu (Morinda Citrifolia L.) Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Tikus Wistar (Rattus Norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Aloksan

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    : Herbal and natural products of folk medicine have been used for centuries in every culture throughout the world. One of folks medicine that has been used in Indonesia is the noni fruit. According to research conducted by I Ketut Adnyana, et al, there is a decrease in blood glucose levels from noni fruit extract with a dose of 500 mg/kg BW and 1000 mg/kg BW. This research aims to know the minimal dose of noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia L.) extract against a decrease in blood glucose levels in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced alloxan. This study used 15 Wistar rats with diabetic induced by 130 mg/kg BW alloxan intraperitoneal. The rats were randomly divided into 5 groups; each group were given Aquades, Insulin Novomix 0,4 IU/100 gr BW, Noni fruit extract 125 mg/kg BW, 250 mg/kg BW, and 500 mg/kg BW. The result data obtained by the results of blood glucose levels evaluation on each rats on the first, second, and second day before the treatment after 6 hours, 12 hours, 18 hours, and 24 hours. Data from the measurement showed that noni fruit extracts with a dose of 125 mg/kg BW has the effect to lower blood glucose levels in Wistar rats induced alloxa

    Caractérisation physico-chimique et bactériologique des eaux usées brutes du réseau d’égout de la ville d’Abidjan

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    La gestion des eaux résiduaires urbaines pose de nombreux problèmes environnementaux qui deviennent préoccupants pour la santé des populations d’Abidjan. Pour remédier à cela, il est souhaitable de mettre en place des stations d’épurations. Ainsi, notre étude se présente comme une étude préliminaire visant à caractériser sur le plan physico-chimique et bactériologique les effluents du réseau d’égout de la ville d’Abidjan. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué six campagnes de  prélèvement d’eaux usées durant une  année (Décembre 2013-Novembre 2014) sur huit (8) sites spécifiques du réseau d’égout. Ces échantillons ont fait l’objet  d’analyses physico-chimiques et bactériologiques sur la base des normes Françaises, Canadiennes et celles décrites par Rodier. Les résultats obtenus indiquent qu’à l’exception du phosphore total (PT) dont les concentrations sont comprises entre 4,3±4 et 10,9±6,7mg/l, les autres principaux indicateurs de pollution que sont l’azote total (NTK, 73,3±32 à 118,2±37,6 mg/l), les matières en suspension (MES, 79±23,3 à325,2±270,3 mg/l), la demande biochimique en oxygène en 5 jours (DBO5, 127,3±87,7 à 863,7±262,2 mgO2/l) et la demande chimique en oxygène (DCO, 276,2±195,6 à 975,3±249,4 mgO2/l) sont au-delà des valeurs guidesrecommandées par l’Etat de Côte d’Ivoire à travers le service d’inspection des installations classées (SIIC) en matière de rejet des effluents en milieu récepteur. L’analyse de la flore bactérienne des effluents révèle que les concentrations de coliformes fécaux et les streptocoques fécaux excèdent les valeurs indicatives préconisées par l’OMS.Mots clés : Caractérisation, eaux usées, réseau d’égout, bactériologie, physico-chimie

    Evaluation de la qualité des eaux de puits à usage domestique dans les quartiers défavorisés de quatre communes d’Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) : Koumassi, Marcory, Port-Bouet et Treichville

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    La qualité des eaux de puits à usages domestiques dans les quartiers précaires de quatre communes de la ville d’Abidjan a été étudiée à travers l’analyse des paramètres physico-chimiques et microbiologiques couramment utilisés pour la qualité de l’eau de consommation. Les concentrations en nitrates varient entre 0 et 286 mg/L et celles de l’ammonium entre 3,6 et 39,6 mg/L. Plus de 80% des puits ont des teneurs en nitrates supérieures à la norme de 50 mg/L requise, ce qui traduit que les eaux sont d’une mauvaise qualité pour la boisson, mais subissent l’impact d’une insalubrité urbaine. En plus, la qualité des eaux de puits est variable et dépend d’un certain nombre de facteurs tels que l’emplacement des puits par rapport aux sources de contamination urbaines endogènes. La dégradation de la qualité des eaux est fortement impactée par le défaut d’assainissement des quartiers précaires. L’interprétation des données d’analyse, la corrélation existante entre les eaux de puits et la répartition des eaux de puits en groupes sont réalisées en utilisant l’Analyse en Composante Principale Normée (ACPN). Plusieurs facteurs conditionnent la contamination des eaux de puits par les polluants minéraux tels que NO3 -, NH4 +, SO4 2- et Cl-. Le défaut d’assainissement dans ces quartiers, la mauvaise gestion des déchets urbains, la faible profondeur de la nappe, la nature des sols et la perméabilité de l’aquifère exploité sont les preuves de la vulnérabilité des eaux des puits. En effet, les résultats acquis font ressortir la forte influence de l’activité urbaine sur la qualité de ces eaux qui sont fortement chargées en ions nitrates et ammonium, signe d’une pollution urbaine. © 2010 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés : Pollution, eaux de puits, assainissement, analyse en composante principale normée, sels dissous

    Contrôle des pesticides organochlorés dans le lait et produits laitiers : Bioaccumulation et risques d’exposition

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    La présente étude vise à déterminer les teneurs des pesticides organochlorés (POC) dans le lait de vache et du beurre élaboré traditionnellement. Ainsi, 90 échantillons de lait et 45 échantillons de beurre ont été collectés auprès des éleveurs installés dans les régionsde Buyo, Grand-lahou et Yamoussoukro. Ces échantillons ont été traités en vue de déterminer les résidus de 14 POC. Les analyses ont été menées par chromatographie en phase gazeuse sur colonne capillaire avec un détecteur à capture d'électrons (ECD). Les résultats observés révèlent une contamination générale du lait et du beurre par les POC.Ainsi, des charges moyennes en hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) de 42,75 mg/kg et 165,94 mg/kg), en endosulfane de 31,58 et 436,80 mg/kg, en heptachlore 8,70 et 59,91 mg/kg et en Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) 36,20 et 227,82 mg/kg, ont été respectivement déterminées dans le lait et dans le beurre. La teneur résiduelle moyenne des isomères HCH et des cyclodiènes (dieldrine, endosulfane et heptachlore) constitue respectivement 36,9 % et 13,2 % de la moyenne du total des POC mesurés dans le lait et respectivement 40,7 % et 28,2 % de celle mesurée dans le beurre. Le DDT et ses métabolites mesurés dans nos échantillons représentent 49,9 % du total des POC du lait et 31 % pour le beurre.Mots-clés : Pesticides organochlorés, lait de vache, bioaccumulation, écotoxicologie, lacs, Côte d’Ivoir

    Kinerja Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dalam Menyelenggarakan Diklat Aparatur Sipil Negara di Pemerintah Kota Tomohon

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    Abstrack : In Government Regulation Number 101 Year 2000 on Education and Training of Civil ServantsPosition stated that the training is the process of organizing learning in order to improve the ability of theCivil Service / Administrative Civil State. The third term (education, training, development) are related toeach other and sometimes complementary. This research was conducted at the Regional Employment BoardTomohon, in particular education and training. Implementation of Education and Training (Training) in theState Civil Apparatus Tomohon City Government is one of the government\u27s efforts to improve the quality ofASN in terms of national awareness, personality and ethics of the State Civil Apparatus.This research was conducted in order to determine how the performance of Regional Employment Agency inorganizing the State Civil Training Apparatus in Tomohon City Government. The research was conductedusing qualitative methods, with 10 informants. The study was conducted with technical documentation study,observation and interviews and data analysis Miles and Haberman model analysis, namely data reduction,data presentation and conclusion.The results showed: Performance of Tomohon City Regional Employment Board in organizing theASN Training has been good enough because it is supported by the implementation of a training programthat is running well; the quality of human resources personnel a good employee and organizational support.Factors inhibiting the performance of BKD organizing ASN Training in Tomohon is a factor supportinginfrastructures are not yet supporting and budget and employee discipline. While supporting factor is thesupport organization, partnerships, human resource personnel with adequate and continuous training. Theeffort that has been done is to include in the future work program constraints and needs required by BKDforward in the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the organization, in the form of provision of trainingfacilities and infrastructure such as buildings and dormitories training; improving the quality and capacity ofthe resource; improve discipline and performance of civil servants; improve the well-being and improve thecoordination / consultation of personnel affairs

    Secure Blind Decryption

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    Abstract. In this work we construct public key encryption schemes that admit a protocol for blindly decrypting ciphertexts. In a blind decryp-tion protocol, a user with a ciphertext interacts with a secret keyholder such that the user obtains the decryption of the ciphertext and the key-holder learns nothing about what it decrypted. While we are not the first to consider this problem, previous works provided only weak secu-rity guarantees against malicious users. We provide, to our knowledge, the first practical blind decryption schemes that are secure under a strong CCA security definition. We prove our construction secure in the stan-dard model under simple, well-studied assumptions in bilinear groups. To motivate the usefulness of this primitive we discuss several applica-tions including privacy-preserving distributed file systems and Oblivious Transfer schemes that admit public contribution.

    Physico-chemical factors involved in rivers and lagoons invasion by water hyacinth, Côte d’Ivoire

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    The invasion of freshwaters and coastal ecosystems by Eichhornia crassipes in tropical and subtropical countries causes serious economic and ecological problems. In the present work, the seasonal distribution ofEichhornia crassipes and abiotic factors that control its distribution in rivers and lagoons from Côte d’Ivoire were reported. Our data show that Eichhornia crassipes proliferation in lagoons was more related to freshwaterdischarges. By contrast, salinity inhibits its proliferation particularly during dry season when the influence of oceanic waters is significant. In rivers, Echhornia crassipes proliferation in rivers was completely differentfrom one river to another. Higher proliferation of Echhornia crassipes in Comoé and Bia rivers was found during the wet season, while in Tanoé river the maximal proliferation was obtained in the dry season. Nutrientconcentrations in rivers and lagoons were generally low due to their uptake  accumulation of phosphorus in leaves, roots and rhizomes of Echhornia crassipes was different depending on aquatic systems. Higher phosphorus conditions (in rivers), Eichhornia crassipes accumulate more phosphorus in the rhizomes than in the other parts. By contrast, in the lower phosphorus conditions (in lagoons), Eichhornia crassipes accumulates more phosphorus in the leaves than in the other parts. Key words: Eichhornia crassipes, West Africa, coastal water, abiotic factors

    Contamination des eaux de puits traditionnels par les nitrates sur le bassin versant de la Lobo (Buyo, sudouest de la Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Objective: Contamination of groundwater by nitrates is a real public health concern that is currently being paid a particular attention worldwide. This study investigates the spatial distribution of nitrates in traditional water supply wells in the Lobo's watershed, in order to derive appropriate measures to protect groundwater resources in this region. Methodology and Results: the origin of nitrate water from traditional wells of Lobo’s watershed was determined through the analysis of nitrate concentrations. The samples were collected in March (dry season) and June (wet season) 2007 on the waters of traditional wells in two villages Gbili and Logbozoa and camps on the lobo’s watershed. The results show that nitrate concentrations vary on the watershed. In general, concentrations range from 0 mg.L-1 to 71,26 mg L-1. Wells with a concentration above the guideline value of WHO (50 mg.L-1) are found in Buyo and both villages Gbili and Logbozoa. On the other hand, wells of Tchemasso, Buyo Provisoire and camps have nitrate levels complying with the standard. Conclusion and application of results: Well waters of Buyo and two villages Gbili and Logbozoa with higher population densities are richer in nitrate. On the contrary, wells of Tchemasso, Buyo Provisoire and camps, with lower population density and sometimes with wells in plantations have low levels. Thus, the high population density, coupled with the lack of sanitation and incorrectly installed latrines, is the main cause of high nitrate levels in traditional water supply wells in the Lobo’s Watershed. Water wells located in plantations with low nitrate levels show that agriculture is not responsible for the contamination of water in this area. In the short term, an appropriately designed awareness campaign on sanitation and public health directed to the populations should be initiated to allow improving and protecting well water quality in the Lobo’s watershed.Keywords: anthropogenic activity; groundwater; pollution; physico-chemical quality

    A cluster randomized controlled trial of the non-pneumatic anti-shock garment for obstetric haemorrhage: sub-analysis of the Zimbabwean Arm

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    Objectives: To determine whether earlier application of the Non-pneumatic Anti-Shock Garment (NASG) at clinic level compared to the referral hospital level reduces maternal morbidity and mortality and recovery time from shock due to severe Obstetric Haemorrhage (OH) and to determine the safety of the NASG when applied at clinic level.Design:  A cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)Setting:  Harare and Parirenyatwa Referral Hospitals (RH) in Harare and the twelve Harare City Council clinics that offer maternity care.Subjects:  Women who had suffered severe OH at clinic level and were being transferred to a Referral Hospital (RH).Interventions:  The clinics were randomized into two groups. In the early NASG group eligible women were given the standard management for OH and had the NASG applied at the clinic level before transport to RH. In the control group, eligible women were given the standard management for OH at the clinic level, transferred to the RH, and received the NASG at the RH. All women received equivalent OH/hypovolemic shock management at the RH.Main Outcome Measures:  The main outcome measures were maternal mortality and morbidity, blood loss, recovery from shock and the occurrence of side effects whilst in the NASG.Results: There were few maternal deaths and morbidities, and no statistically significant differences between the two groups were noted. Women in the early NASG group spent a statistically significant shorter time in the NASG at referral hospital level (OR 0.64, 95% CI 0.52 - 0.79, p < 0.001) and had a non-significant 40% faster recovery from shock (HR 1.39; 95% CI 0.98-1.97, p=0.07). There were no differences in reported side effects.Conclusion:  Earlier NASG application at the clinic level was associated with faster recovery from shock in women who had suffered severe OH and appears safe to use
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