100 research outputs found

    Pendekatan Al-Quran dalam pembangunan modal insan

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    Al-Quran selalu menegaskan kepada pembacanya agar ianya difahami dengan penuh teliti seterusnya mengambil iktibar setiap paparan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Al-Quran sebenarnya telah menggunakan pelbagai pendekatan atau kaedah dalam pembangunan modal insan. Kepelbagaian pendekatan tersebut telah terbukti berjaya membentuk masyarakat manusai di zaman Rasulullah dan zaman keagungan Islam selepasnya. Ini adalah kerana ia mempunyai pedagogi sendiri dalam mendidik jiwa-jiwa manusia. Kejayaan tersebut membuktikan bahawa pembangunan modal insan berteraskan al-Quran mampu mengubah jiwa serta mengangkat kehidupan manusai kemercu kegemilangan. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan beberapa aspek pendekatan yang digunakan oleh al-Qur'an mampu mengubah jiwa serta mengangkat kehidupan manusai kemercu kegemilangan. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan beberapa aspek pendekatan yang digunakan oleh al-Qur'an dalam pembangunan modal insan. Kajian terhadap kandungan al-Qur'an mendapati bahawa kitab yang diwahyukan oleh Allah ini menggunakan pelbagai kaedah dalam menyampai mesej kepada manusia. Dalam al-Quran tedapat cara-cara penyampaian yang sesuai digunakan di dalam pendidikan dan pembangunan insan. Kepelbagaian kaedah ini adlah bertepatan dengna pelbagai ragam manusia yang mempunyai cita rasa dan minat yang berbeza

    Pendekatan dan kaedah pendidikan di dalam al-Qur’an

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    Al-Qur’an merupakan sumber teragung dan terpenting bagi umat Islam dalam pelbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan kandungan Al-Qur’an mengenai bidang pedagogi, secara khususnya beberapa aspek pendekatan dan kaedah pengajaran. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa Al-Qur’an menggunakan pelbagai pendekatan dan kaedah dalam mendidik manusia. Pendekatan dan kaedah yang digunakan seharusnya diketahui oleh pendidik dan wajar dilaksanakan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran

    The effects of storytelling on primary students' Arabic vocabulary acquisition and interest

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    This article reports on a quasi-experimental study conducted to determine the effectiveness of storytelling in enhancing students’ Arabic vocabulary acquisition and interest in the technique. The experiment was carried out with 24 Primary 6 students over a period of one and a half weeks at a well-established madrasah in Singapore. Two instruments were used to collect data on Arabic vocabulary acquisition and student interest in storytelling, namely Wesche and Paribakht's (1996) Vocabulary Knowledge Scale and an Interest-in-Storytelling questionnaire. To address the research questions, the study used descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test. The main observations were: i) the control group obtained a higher mastery of Arabic vocabulary after the experiment was conducted, which was due to their relatively higher academic ability; ii) the two groups had unequal ability from the very onset of the study; iii) based on Cohen’s d effect size of 3.68, the storytelling technique had a tremendous effect on the treatment group's Arabic vocabulary acquisition; and (iv) students expressed a general interest in storytelling as a means of learning Arabic vocabulary where a majority (83%) liked storytelling as a method to discover new words. The study made some recommendations on how teachers can improve their practices of storytelling to increase students' learning of Arabic vocabulary

    The perceptions,practices and challenges of the integration of knowledge amongst the academics of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

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    International Islamic University of Malaysia’s (IIUM) vision and mission is its commitment to the integration of values in the modern fields of knowledge. Today, Islamization and integration have emerged as niche areas of the IIUM. There are various phases and orientations of the implementation of Islamization of knowledge (IOK) at the IIUM. The study is important as it helps IIUM to identify and monitor the areas of specialization that need to be improved with regards to the Islamic values integration. Thus, the aim of the paper is to investigate the perceptions and practices of IIUM academics in their efforts to do IOK. The study is exploratory in nature and involves focus group discussion (FGD) with six kulliyyahs namely Kulliyyah of Engineering, ICT, Laws (AIKOL),Economics (ENM), IRKHS, and Science. Each FGD lasted between one to two hours, and involved about five to six lecturers from each Kulliyyah. Three broad themes were generated from the data, which are perceptions, practices and challenges of IOK. The general findings of the study reveal that IIUM academics perceive and practice IOK differently according to their background and various specializations. IIUM academics generally perceive IOK as an important endeavor though challenging, yet differ in their views of its success. Meanwhile, the practices of IOK involve content, teaching and learning, materials, research and publication, assessment, and students. IIUM academics face many challenges in implementing IOK such as lack of resources, lack of academic involvement in IOK activities, and lack of Islamic knowledge to integrate technical, scientific and conventional knowledge. The study suggests that with proper and continuous support from the University, IOK could be implemented more effectively