24 research outputs found

    Daily Activity Patterns of 2,316 Men and Women from Five Countries Differing in Socioeconomic Development

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    Daily rhythmicity in the locomotor activity of laboratory animals has been studied in great detail for many decades, but the daily pattern of locomotor activity has not received as much attention in humans. We collected waist-worn accelerometer data from more than 2,000 individuals from five countries differing in socioeconomic development and conducted a detailed analysis of human locomotor activity. Body mass index was computed from height and weight. Individual activity records lasting 7 days were subjected to cosinor analysis to determine the parameters of the daily activity rhythm: mesor (mean level), amplitude (half the range of excursion), acrophase (time of the peak), and robustness (rhythm strength). The activity records of all individual participants exhibited statistically significant 24-hour rhythmicity, with activity increasing noticeably a few hours after sunrise and dropping off around the time of sunset, with a peak at 1:42 pm on average. The acrophase of the daily rhythm was comparable in men and women in each country but varied by as much as 3 h from country to country. Quantification of the socioeconomic stages of the five countries yielded suggestive evidence that more developed countries have more obese residents, who are less active, and who are active later in the day than residents from less developed countries. These results provide a detailed characterization of the daily activity pattern of individual human beings and reveal similarities and differences among people from five countries differing in socioeconomic development

    Parasitic Capabilities of Trichogrammatoidea sp. and Habrobracon hebetor for biological control of Noorda blitealis, a defoliating caterpillar of Moringa oleifera

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    The damage caused by Noorda blitealis Walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on Moringa, Moringa oleifera (Capparales: Moringaceae), a very important leafy vegetable in Niger, pushes producers to excessively use synthetic chemical pesticides. The present study was carried out in the laboratory for the parasitism test and at the station for the evaluation of the dynamics of predatory arthropods. The work aims on the one hand to test the parasitic capacities of two Trichogrammatoidea parasitoids sp. and Habrobracon hebetor respectively on the eggs and on the caterpillar of N. blitealis and on the other hand to evaluate the dynamics of the abundance of predator colonies in a Moringa plot, from a biological control perspective. At the end of these activities, the results obtained made it possible to determine that the average rate of emergence of individuals from a female of Trichogrammatoidea sp., on C. cephalonica eggs is 82.3% per day of infestation, or 13.6 individuals emerged per day of infestation. While the number of adults emerged from N. blitealis eggs is 4.1 individuals emerged per day of infestation (with a rate of 62.2% per day), significantly lower compared to the emergence rate obtained eggs of C. cephalonica. We observe that a total of 32.8 individuals on average emerged from a batch of ten larvae of C. cephalonica, from a female of H. bracon significantly higher than the nine individuals emerged from a batch of ten larvae of N. blitealis. In short, H. hebetor and Trichogrammatoidea sp. do not appear to be good candidates for biological control agents against N. blitealis. The study of the dynamics of insect colonies predatory on the larvae and eggs of N. blitealis, namely, ants, spiders and mantises, shows that their populations are present on the plants of two varieties of M. oleifera almost all during the year, with abundances varying greatly from one season to another. Keywords: Noorda blitealis, Trichogrammatoidea sp, Habrobracon hebetor, Moringa oleifera, biological control, Nige

    Time-of-day dependence of neurological deficits induced by sodium nitroprusside in young mice

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    Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is widely used in pharmacological studies as a potent vasodilator or a nitric oxide donor. SNP-induced ataxic effects were assessed in mice by the Joulou-Couvoisier test. Swiss albino mice of both genders, 2-8 weeks of age, were acclimated at least for 2 weeks to 12 h light (rest span)/12 h dark (activity span). In 2 and 4 week old mice, maxima of ataxia were found following intraperitoneal administration of a dose ranging from 3 to 3.6 mg.kg-1 SNP at ≈ 1 and 13 HALO (Hours After Light Onset). The sublethal toxicity was statistically dosing-time dependent (χ2 test: P < 0.005). No rhythm was validated in neurotoxicity by cosinor analyses. At the 8th week of post-natal development (PND), SNP-induced ataxia was greatest at ≈ 1 HALO (69% in males vs. 49% in females) and lowest at ≈ 13 HALO (21% in males vs. 11% in females) (χ2 test: P < 0.00001). Cosinor analysis also revealed no statistically significant rhythm in mice injected with 3 or 3.3 mg.kg-1. However, a significant circadian (τ = 24 h) rhythm was detected by adjusted cosinor in 3.6 mg.kg-1-treated mice (P < 0.004). In all studied groups, SNP-induced motor impairment (expressed in %) was lower during the dark than the light phase. Furthermore, there was a non-significant gender-related difference in SNP-induced neuronal toxicity with the males more sensitive than females at every studied PND. The ataxic effects were inversely proportional to the lag time from injection and to the age of animals (with P < 0.05 only between 2 and 8 week old mice). These data indicate that both the administration time and age of the animal significantly affect the neurotoxic effects of SNP

    Selection and Phenotypic Stability of M4 Mutants of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) Derived from Gamma Rays Induced Mutagenesis

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    Gamma irradiation mutagenesis is an approach that offers a wide range of possibilities for varietal selection. It consists of simultaneously inducing multiple mutations to modify several plant traits. The aim of the present study was to select seed lots for four mutants in the M4 generation. An experiment was carried out in an experimental plot to purify drought-tolerant M4 genotypes based on morphological characteristics. Potential mutants MI 02/82, MI 13/63, MI 12/72 and MI 10/54 were tested in a randomized complete block design. The parameters measured are the number of tillers, stem height, number of internodes, number of ears, ear length, stem and spike diameters and cycle duration. The results show on morphological parameters that MI 13/63 and MI 10/54 genotypes as an homogeneous population from M4 onwards. MI 12/72 can be classified into two different subgroups according to ear length. MI 02/82, on the other hand, shows a high degree of variability at M4. These results will contribute to the selection of new varieties adapted to the requirements of rural producers to improve pearl millet productivity in Niger

    Dosing-Time Dependent Effects of Sodium Nitroprusside on Cerebral, Renal, and Hepatic Catalase Activity in Mice

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    To investigate the time dependence of sodium nitroprusside- (NPS-) induced oxidative effects, the authors study the variation of the antioxidant enzyme CAT activity in various tissues after the administration of a single 2.5mg/kg dose of SNP or sodium chloride (NaCl 0.9%). For each of the two dosing times (1 and 13 hours after light onset, HALO, which correspond to the beginning of diurnal rest span and of nocturnal activity span of mice, resp.), brain, kidney, and liver tissues were excised from animals at 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 36 h following the drug administration and CAT activity was assayed.The results suggest that SNP-induced stimulation of CAT activity is greater in all three tissues when the drug is administered at 1 HALO than at 13 HALO. Two-way ANOVA revealed that CAT activity significantly (P \u3c 0.004) varied as a function of the sampling time but not of the treatment in all three tissues. Moreover, a statistically significant (P \u3c 0.004) interaction between the organ sampling-time and the SNP treatment was revealed in kidney regardless of the dosing time, whereas a highly significant (P \u3c 0.0002) interaction was validated in liver only in animals injected at 13 HALO

    Daily Rhythms of Physiological Parameters in the Dromedary Camel Under Natural and Laboratory Conditions

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    Camels are well adapted to hot arid environments and can contribute significantly to the economy of developing countries in arid regions of the world. Full understanding of the physiology of camels requires understanding of the internal temporal order of the body, as reflected in daily or circadian rhythms. In the current study, we investigated the daily rhythmicity of 20 physiological variables in camels exposed to natural oscillations of ambient temperature in a desert environment and compared the daily temporal courses of the variables. We also studied the rhythm of core body temperature under experimental conditions with constant ambient temperature in the presence and absence of a light-dark cycle. The obtained results indicated that different physiological variables exhibit different degrees of daily rhythmicity and reach their daily peaks at different times of the day, starting with plasma cholesterol, which peaks 24 minutes after midnight, and ending with plasma calcium, which peaks 3 hours before midnight. Furthermore, the rhythm of core body temperature persisted in the absence of environmental rhythmicity, thus confirming its endogenous nature. The observed delay in the acrophase of core body temperature rhythm under constant conditions suggests that the circadian period is longer than 24 hours. Further studies with more refined experimental manipulation of different variables are needed to fully elucidate the causal network of circadian rhythms in dromedary camels

    Habitudes Alimentaires au Niger : Cartographie des Recettes Culinaires des Ménages

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    Depuis la crise de 2005, les taux de personnes atteints de sous-nutrition évoluent en dents de scie au Niger, d’où la stratégie de l’état d’améliorer l’alimentation des populations pour y remédier.&nbsp; La présente étude vise à établir, toutes les recettes alimentaires, leurs ingrédients et les aliments communément consommés dans les ménages au Niger. Ces derniers ont été collectés auprès de plusieurs sources, réorganisées dans une base de données suivant l’écriture du standard international «&nbsp;INFOODS&nbsp;». C’est ainsi, qu’un total de 518 recettes alimentaires a été répertorié dont 269 recettes à base de céréales, 36 de tubercules, 33 de légumineuses, 15 pour les produits carnés, 3 à base de laits et produits laitiers, 100 recettes de légumes, 26 de légumes feuilles pour les sauces, 31 recettes à base de fruits, 1 à base de noix et graines et 4 recettes à base d’œufs. Les plus représentées sont celles de bouillies de céréales et mélanges(145), et salades de légumes (82)&nbsp;suivies des boules (27) et couscous de céréales(26), sauces(26), purées de légumes (25) et enfin les pates de céréales(16), ragouts de tubercules(11), jus de fruits (14), céréales cuites (7), pates de tubercules (5), beignets de céréales(5), jus de légumes(5), galettes de céréales (6), couscous de légumineuses (6), farines (5), fritures de tubercules,(5), grillades de produits carnés(8), biscuits de légumineuses (6), et les gâteaux de céréales (7). Cette copulation des recettes constitue à travers l’élaboration d’un dictionnaire de code de recettes alimentaires et aliments, le point de départ de la première étape de l’étude de consommation alimentaire des groupes vulnérables au Niger. &nbsp; Since the 2005 crisis, the rates of people suffering from undernutrition have been on the rise in Niger, hence the state strategy to improve the diet of the population to remedy this. This study aims to establish all the food recipes, their ingredients and the foods commonly consumed in households in Niger. These were collected from several sources, reorganized in a database following the writing of the international standard «&nbsp;INFOODS&nbsp;». Thus, a total of 518 food recipes have been listed including 269 recipes based on cereals, 36 on tubers, 33 on legumes, 15 for meat products, 3 based on milk and dairy products, 100 recipes for vegetables, 26 leafy greens for sauces, 31 fruit-based recipes, 1 nut and seed-based and 4 egg-based recipes. The most represented are those of cereal porridges and mixtures (145), and vegetable salads (82) followed by balls (27) and cereal couscous (26), sauces (26), vegetable purees (25) and finally cereal pasta(16), tuber ragout(11), fruit juice(14), cooked cereal(7), tuber pasta(5), cereal fritters(5), vegetable juice(5), cereals (6), legume couscous (6), flour (5), fried tubers (5), grilled meat products (8), legume biscuits (6), and cereal cakes (7) . This copulation of recipes constitutes, through the development of a code dictionary of food recipes and foods, the starting point of the first stage of the food consumption study of vulnerable groups in Niger

    Dénutrition Chez Les Patients Cancéreux À L’hôpital National De Niamey (Niger)

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    Introduction : La dénutrition est un problème fréquemment rencontré chez les patients suivis pour pathologie cancéreuse. Elle est d'origine multifactorielle et constitue un problème important compliquant la prise en charge de ces patients. Méthodologie : Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective et descriptive qui a été menée du 1 juillet au 30 Septembre auprès de patients cancéreux hospitalisés dans le service d’Oncohématologie de l’Hôpital National de Niamey. Le diagnostic de la dénutrition était posé sur la base de l’IMC, l’albuminémie et ou de la perte de poids. Résultats : La prévalence de la dénutrition était estimée à 66,70%. Tous avaient répondu aux critères de l’IMC, 54, 38% avaient une hypoalbuminémie et 82,40% avaient perdu du poids. Les tranches d’âge entre 0 et 15 ans et supérieure à 60 ans étaient les plus touchées avec respectivement 76,19% et 75%. Les cancers à haut risque de dénutrition étaient représentés par les tumeurs de la langue, de l’œsophage et les tumeurs pulmonaires. Cette dénutrition était d'origine multifactorielle, d'où l'importance de déterminer les différents facteurs de risque tels que : la nature de la tumeur, la durée d'hospitalisation, les facteurs cliniques (diarrhée, vomissement, anorexie, et douleur). Parmi les patients qui étaient dénutris sous chimiothérapie, 84,61% étaient dénutris après la troisième (3) cure. Seul l’âge était associé significativement avec la dénutrition (p&lt;0,05). Sur la prise en charge nutritionnelle, six (6) patients seulement avaient bénéficié d’une alimentation entérale soit 5,9%. Aucun patient dénutri n’avait bénéficié d’une alimentation parentérale. Introduction: Undernutrition is a problem frequently encountered in patients followed for cancer pathology. It is of multifactorial origin and constitutes an important problem complicating the management of these patients. Methodology: This was a prospective and descriptive study which was conducted from July 1 to September 30 with cancer patients hospitalized in the Onco-Hematology department of Niamey National Hospital. The diagnosis of undernutrition was made on the basis of BMI, albuminemia and weight loss. Results: The prevalence of undernutrition was estimated at 66.70%. All had met the BMI criteria, 54, 38% had hypo albuminemia and 82.40% had lost weight. The age groups between 0 and 15 and over 60 were the most affected with 76.19% and 75% respectively. Cancers at high risk of undernutrition were represented by tumors of the tongue, esophagus and lung tumors. This undernutrition was of multifactorial origin, hence the importance of determining the various risk factors such as: the nature of the tumor, the duration of hospitalization, clinical factors (diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, and pain). Of the patients who were malnourished under chemotherapy, 84.61% were malnourished after the third (3) course of treatment. Only age was significantly associated with undernutrition (p &lt;0.05). In terms of nutritional management, only six (6) patients had benefited from enteral nutrition, ie 5.9%. No malnourished patient had received parenteral nutrition