10 research outputs found
Fish Consumption and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Relation to Depressive Episodes: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
- Author
- A Jula
- A Nanri
- A Sanchez-Villegas
- A Sanchez-Villegas
- A Tanskanen
- AL Suominen-Taipale
- Anna Liisa Suominen-Taipale
- Antti Jula
- Anu W. Turunen
- AW Turunen
- AW Turunen
- BM Ross
- EJ Giltay
- ES Paykel
- FN Jacka
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- Geneviève Chêne
- HU Wittchen
- HU Wittchen
- HU Wittchen
- J Sontrop
- K Murakami
- KM Appleton
- KM Appleton
- KM Appleton
- KM Appleton
- KM Koehler
- KM Silvers
- L Paalanen
- LA Colangelo
- LA Stahl
- M Haag
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Timonen
- MA Whooley
- MB Katan
- MH Kamphuis
- MJ James
- MP Freeman
- P Astorg
- Pia K. Verkasalo
- PY Lin
- R Hakkarainen
- R Hakkarainen
- RC Kessler
- S Mannisto
- Satu Männistö
- SE Chiuve
- SP Pirkola
- T Tolmunen
- Timo Partonen
- TN Akbaraly
- V Reed
- WC Willett
- Publication venue
- Public Library of Science
- Publication date
- 01/01/2010
- Field of study
High fish consumption and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intake are suggested to benefit mental well-being but the current evidence is conflicting. Our aim was to evaluate whether a higher level of fish consumption, a higher intake of omega-3 PUFAs, and a higher serum concentration of omega-3 PUFAs link to a lower 12-month prevalence of depressive episodes
Improvement of Major Depression is Associated with Increased Erythrocyte DHA
- Author
- A Baylin
- A Tanskanen
- Alice J. Owen
- AX Silva da
- B Nemets
- Barbara J. Meyer
- BF Grenyer
- BL Sullivan
- Brin F. S. Grenyer
- CV Felton
- D Mischoulon
- DS Siscovick
- Elizabeth M. Grigonis-Deane
- F Pifferi
- G Lepage
- G Mamalakis
- GJ Anderson
- H-Y Kim
- I Elkin
- J Cott
- JG Martins
- JR Hibbeln
- JS O’Brien
- KM Silvers
- KM Silvers
- KO Sarri
- KP Su
- L Arab
- L Diguer
- M Arvindaksham
- M Omura
- M Peet
- M Peet
- M Rondanelli
- MJ James
- N Parletta
- N Sinn
- P Messa
- Peter R. C. Howe
- R Edwards
- T Hamazaki
- Trevor Crowe
- V Pala
- WS Harris
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Is TV viewing an index of physical activity and fitness in overweight and normal weight children?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'CABI Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Depression and adipose and serum cholesteryl ester polyunsaturated fatty acids in the survivors of the seven countries study population of Crete
- Author
- A Ahmad
- A Colin
- A Ikemoto
- A Kafatos
- A Tanskanen
- A Youyou
- AC Beynen
- AC Beynen
- AM Myint
- AM Paoletti
- BR Lokesh
- DJ Vinkers
- DL Musselman
- DP Osborn
- DS Kelley
- E Jansen
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- G Mamalakis
- G Shanker
- G Tsibinos
- GE Caughey
- H Cremers
- HC Kim
- IA Antonijevic
- J Lieb
- JA Schouten
- JF Glatzz
- JI Sheikh
- JM Bourre
- JR Calabrese
- JR Hibbeln
- K Ohishi
- KA Hestad
- KA Krakauer
- KN Fountoulakis
- LD Metcalfe
- LS Rallidis
- M Kazes
- M Kiriakakis
- M Linnoila
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Peet
- MB Katan
- MJ James
- MW O'Hara
- N Muller
- OP Almeida
- P Homayoun
- PB Adams
- R Edwards
- RM Sapolsky
- S Dayton
- S Himmelseher
- S Nishino
- S Rossner
- SD Phinney
- SI Rapoport
- T Moriguchi
- WE Connor
- X Wang
- Y Nakane
- YI Sheline
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Age modeling of young non-varved lake sediments: methods and limits. Examples from two lakes in Central Chile
- Author
- A Albrecht
- A Blass
- A Miller
- A Moberg
- AEV Jara
- Arturo Morales
- B Zolitschka
- E Chapron
- ER Cook
- F Arnaud
- F Oldfield
- FG McCormac
- G Hegerl
- HJB Birks
- I Renberg
- I Renberg
- J Carroll
- J Carroll
- J Carroll
- J Carroll
- J Liu
- J Luterbacher
- J Moernaut
- JA Robbins
- JC Ritchie
- JE Sonke
- JF Rippy
- JM Abril
- Jürg Beer
- KA Koinig
- L Ortega
- LJ Turner
- Lucien von Gunten
- M Blaauw
- M Color
- Martin Grosjean
- MJ Mamalakis
- MW Binford
- NL Rose
- NL Rose
- PD Jones
- PG Appleby
- PG Appleby
- PG Appleby
- PG Appleby
- PG Appleby
- Philipp Grob
- PL McCall
- Roberto Urrutia
- RS Bradley
- S Krishnaswamy
- SE Barrientos
- Servicio sismologico de Chile
- The Environmental Measurements Laboratory
- W Pennington
- WJ Waugh
- X Boës
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Role of the Middle Class in Distributional Outcomes: Chile and South Korea
- Author
- A Foxley
- A Foxley
- A Sen
- AG Kim
- AM Mayer
- B Kim
- B Loveman
- B Song
- BD Son
- C Kim
- C Kim
- C Montero
- C Tilly
- CM Boyle
- CW Mills
- D Acemoglu
- D Roberts
- D Rueschemeyer
- DM Boylan
- E Huber
- EN Muller
- F Lefort
- FB Pike
- FC Deyo
- G Grant
- H Koo
- H Koo
- H Koo
- J Faúndez
- J Jee
- J Petras
- J Petras
- J Stillerman
- J Woo
- JA Robinson
- JA Teichman
- JE Stiglitz
- JI Kim
- JJ Johnson
- JK Oh
- JM Puryear
- Judith Teichman
- K Gray
- KD Kim
- KS Kim
- KS Kim
- L Taylor
- M Bruno
- M Koch
- M Oppenheimer
- M Taylor
- M Woo
- MA Garreton
- MJ Mamalakis
- N Lee
- P Barr-Melej
- P Constable
- P Pérez-Alemán
- PW Drake
- R Boyd
- S Arita
- S Borzutsky
- S Borzutsky
- S Kim
- S Kuznets
- S Kwon
- SH Ban
- SM Lipset
- SP Park
- T Iversen
- T Piketty
- T Rindefjäll
- Y Park
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Clinical Applications
- Author
- A Amano
- A Ferrer
- A Kataura
- A Korompeli
- A Rosenthal
- A Tangerman
- A Tsatsakis
- AB Nair
- AB Witteveen
- AC Thiebaut
- AG Antoshechkin
- AG Bravo
- AM Leone
- AT James
- AT James
- AW Jones
- B Lorentzen
- BM Appenzeller
- C Barnerias
- C Deng
- C Glaser
- C Minh Tdo
- C Nezhat
- C Prado
- C Prasser
- C Tomicic
- C Wiesenack
- CA Hammett-Stabler
- CF Bearer
- CN Burkhart
- CN Ong
- CT Carpenter
- D Barnett
- D Djozan
- D Gelmont
- D Halliday
- D Payne-Bose
- D Ryan
- D Thieme
- D Tsikas
- D Tsikas
- DC Kapsimali
- DJ Harvey
- DW Lachenmeier
- E Bruno
- E Gallardo
- F Gollan
- FL Suarez
- G Lehnert
- G Lehnert
- G Mamalakis
- G Ye
- GA Raimondi
- GD Lawrence
- GR Corazza
- H Choi
- H Heusler
- H Kurata
- H Laufen
- H Nakano
- H Oshima
- H Romaldini
- H Wu
- HA Haeberle
- HH Maurer
- HJ O’Neill
- HJ O’Neill
- HP Niles
- HS Lee
- I Okuda
- I Tugtekin
- IH Treasaden
- IS Santos
- J Barkley
- J Fireman
- J Julak
- J Larracilla-Alegre
- J Sykut-Cegielska
- J Wells
- JA Murray
- JG Kostelc
- JH Horovitz
- JM Weeman
- K Lovas
- K Schutte-Borkovec
- K Yaegaki
- KJ Petzke
- L Seabra
- LLL Yeh
- M Barker
- M Brys
- M Falcon
- M Gelzo
- M Grill
- M Groer
- M Grossherr
- M Gruber
- M Heuillet
- M Larstad
- M Lindberger
- M Phillips
- M Phillips
- M Phillips
- M Phillips
- M Phillips
- M Phillips
- M Satoi
- M Ueno
- MA Bain
- MA Bake
- MC Waldhier
- MC Waldhier
- MH Choi
- MI Friedman
- MI Williams
- MJ Dolan
- MJ Luckey
- MJ Lynch
- MJ Paik
- ML Simenhoff
- ML Spear
- MS Gold
- MS Wolff
- N Kanaji
- N Nelson
- NC Brahm
- NW Solomons
- OS Al Sahaf
- P Ayotte
- P Cap
- P Krumbiegel
- PD Wagner
- PD Wagner
- PH Su
- R Gatti
- R Lattermann
- R Rossi
- R Soni
- R Weston
- R Yehuda
- RC Wester
- RT Rosen
- S Beblo
- S Chen
- S Long
- S Matysik
- S Strano-Rossi
- SF Dellert
- SG Gichka
- SK Kundu
- SM Rappaport
- T Bein
- T Brosche
- T Kuhara
- T Mitsui
- T Solakivi
- TD Minh
- TJ Montine
- V Periasamy
- VB Stein
- VM Parkhomenko
- VN Kasho
- VS Gopaul
- W Funk
- W Funk
- W Hoffmann
- WO Fenn
- X Gao
- Y Funayama
- Y Gao
- Y Ghoos
- YK Shin
- YW Lin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Lopsided Continent: Inequality in Latin America
- Author
- Adler Hellman J
- Aguilar JL
- Allahar AL
- Altimir O
- Alvarez SE
- Alvarez SE
- Andrews GR
- Barillas E
- Berdichewsky B
- Berry A
- Birdsall N
- Birdsall N
- Bracho T
- Campillo F
- Cardoso FH
- Centeno MA
- Centeno MA
- Centeno MA
- Centeno MA
- Cetrangolo O
- Colburn FD
- Conde RC
- Cortina R
- Dalton M
- de la Fuente A
- De Silva FC
- De Soto H
- Del Olmo R
- Dillon Soares GA
- Ehlers TB
- Ferrer A
- Fields GS
- Figueroa A
- Foweraker J
- Franco R
- Fry P
- Gafar J
- Glewwe P
- Gomez-Perasso JA
- González Casanova P
- Greene G
- Harvey N
- Hasenbalg C
- Helig A
- Izurieta A
- Kaufman R
- Keck M
- Kessler G
- Korzeniewicz RP
- Korzeniewicz RP
- Kuznets S
- Labrecque MF
- Lawson VA
- Leme MC
- LeVine S
- Lovell PA
- Lustig N
- Mahoney J
- Mamalakis MJ
- Marotz R
- Marx AW
- Mollenkopf JH
- Morley SA
- O'Donnell G
- Paige JM
- Pereña L
- Peña DG
- Portes A
- Quijada M
- Quijada M
- Rains RH
- Reichmann R
- Safa HI
- Sansone L
- Scheper-Hughes N
- Scott RJ
- Sheahan J
- Sherif RE
- Smith LM
- Stepan N
- Stephen L
- Stone SZ
- Stromquist NP
- Swepston L
- Tejada AA
- Trejos RA
- Turner T
- Twine FW
- United Nations Dev. Programme.
- Viotti da Costa E
- Wade P
- Wade P
- Warren KB
- Whitten NE
- Winant H
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Roles of Inflammation and Depression in the Development of Gestational Diabetes
- Author
- A Kautzky-Willer
- A Kelly
- A Pan
- A Pan
- A Skalkidou
- AA Salmi
- AE Altinova
- AE Cassidy-Bushrow
- AF Carvalho
- AG Abdel Gader
- AM Maged
- AS Morisset
- AS Ozgu-Erdinc
- AT Drysdale
- B Allolio
- BG Xie
- BL Pan
- BY Gueuvoghlanian-Silva
- C Chen
- C Worda
- CL Raison
- CM Friis
- CM Pariante
- CM Pariante
- CP Gomes
- D Hassiakos
- D Pfau
- DA Scrandis
- DJ Haleem
- E Diamanti-Kandarakis
- E Fransson
- EA Ryan
- EJ Corwin
- ER Blackmore
- ES Miller
- F Boufidou
- F Mahmoud
- F Rebelo
- G Albacar
- G Barker
- G Mamalakis
- G Mor
- G Winkler
- G Yildiz
- GP Chrousos
- GS Hotamisligil
- H Abrahamian
- H Ruan
- H Stepan
- HM Georgiou
- I Mrizak
- J Hannestad
- J Liu
- JE Norman
- JG Katon
- JM Ategbo
- JM Nicklas
- JV Zorn
- K Bowers
- K Gezginç
- KA Ertel
- KA McLachlan
- KJ Hare
- KPT Pendeloski
- KT Putnam
- KW Lin
- L Kashani
- L Keski-Nisula
- L Poston
- L Schober
- LM Christian
- LM Christian
- LM Osborne
- LS Chen
- LS Greci
- M Furtado
- M Kinalski
- M Kuzmicki
- M Kuzmicki
- M Kuzmicki
- M Lappas
- M Maes
- M Wolf
- MA Hickman
- MB Howren
- MC Lygnos
- MF Garces
- MJ Stuart
- ML Okun
- MM Shelton
- MN Poppel
- MS Esplin
- MS McKay
- MW Groer
- N Langer
- N Stefan
- N Vitoratos
- P Kääpä
- P Leff-Gelman
- PACT Consortium
- PJ Lustman
- R Leo
- R Walmer
- S Black
- S Cohen
- S Moussavi
- S Nergiz
- S Saito
- S Zeugmann
- SK Abell
- SM Lehto
- SS Fatima
- T Huang
- T Lekva
- T Ranheim
- TA Buchanan
- V Schlossberger
- VR Aluvihare
- W Bao
- W Simpson
- WQ Mm
- X Jia
- XL Gao
- Y Dowlati
- Y Hu
- Y Milaneschi
- Ü Görkem
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The inflammatory & neurodegenerative (I&ND) hypothesis of depression: leads for future research and new drug developments in depression
- Author
- A Banerjee
- A Bjornebekk
- A Bjørnebekk
- A Bjørnebekk
- A Contestabile
- A Lin
- A Sarandol
- A Steptoe
- A Wu
- AA Wadee
- AM Chavez
- AM Myint
- B Halliwell
- B Sakic
- B Sakic
- B Viviani
- Bernard Lerer
- BS Beltz
- BS Beltz
- C Rios
- C Sandi
- C Sandi
- C Song
- C Song
- C Song
- CA Stockmeier
- CA Turner
- CJ Carter
- CL Miller
- CM Pariante
- CT Ekdahl
- D Ehninger
- DC Mohr
- DF Horrobin
- DH Overstreet
- DL Musselman
- E Clark
- E Fuchs
- E Gould
- E Kawakita
- E Kwidzinski
- ES Brown
- ES Brown
- F Angelucci
- F Benazzi
- F Benazzi
- F Polleux
- FA Henn
- G Garthwaite
- G Kempermann
- G Kempermann
- G Kenis
- G Mamalakis
- Giulia Perini
- GJ Guillemin
- H Anisman
- H Anisman
- H Anisman
- H Praag van
- HC Patel
- HD Schmidt
- I Goshen
- I Ishikawa
- I Kirsch
- I Shapira-Lichter
- IP Lapin
- J Lestage
- J Noraberg
- J Noraberg
- J PlátenÃk
- JA Potashkin
- JC Walz
- JD Bremner
- JE Malberg
- Jens Noraberg
- JO Groves
- Joe Hibbeln
- JR Hibbeln
- JR Hibbeln
- JS Rao
- JW Pettit
- JY Wang
- JY Zou
- K Pong
- KK Chung
- KT Nguyen
- L Capuron
- L Khaspekov
- L Qian
- L Qin
- LA Pemberton
- LM Monteggia
- LY Ngai
- M Kubera
- M Kubera
- M Kubera
- M Kubera
- M Levivier
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Maes
- M Mancuso
- M Peet
- MA Smith
- Mario Maj
- Marta Kubera
- MC Wichers
- MC Wichers
- MC Wichers
- Michael Maes
- MJ Forlenza
- ML Monje
- MP Heyes
- MT Berlim
- N Castanon
- N Checa
- N Muller
- NG Bazan
- O Bukalo
- O Schulte-Herbruggen
- O Stork
- OJ Schiepers
- P Amodio
- P Coti Bertrand
- P Fitzgerald
- P Sobocki
- Petr Bob
- PJ Cowen
- PY Lin
- R Hand
- R Machado-Vieira
- R Machado-Vieira
- R Schwarcz
- R Yang
- R Yirmiya
- R Yirmiya
- R Yirmiya
- R Yirmiya
- Raz Yirmyia
- RD Beck Jr.
- RM Post
- RM Post
- RM Sapolsky
- RS Duman
- RS Duman
- RS Koo JW Duman
- S Anttila
- S Bonaccorso
- S Bonaccorso
- S Bonaccorso
- S Campbell
- S Kent
- S Lacosta
- S Moncada
- S Periyasamy
- S Sobczak
- S Ueda
- SJ Kerr
- SM Marcus
- SM O'Brien
- SR el-Defrawy
- Stefan Brene
- SW Zhu
- SY Huang
- T Dinan
- TA Babcock
- TW Stone
- VA Vaidya
- WJ Jonge de
- Y Xu
- YK Kim
- YK Kim
- Z Xia
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study