623 research outputs found

    The Mudina

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    Honorable Mention Symbiosis of African traditional design and modern technology. What inspired you to enter this special competition to create a modern architectural language for Africa? I am a student, and so for me it was the opportunity to experiment. The process of creating this project was part of my training. I was interested in exploring the culture of African countries and the peoples of Africa, the nature Africa. What did you find most interesting or challenging during the research and development of your prototype? The most difficult part in the development of my prototype was to create home elements, that would reflect the essence of Africa and would be appropriate for the weather, combined with the landscapes. Why do you believe African homeowners will be interested in building a home such as the one you have submitted today? I believe African homeowners will be interested in building this home because my house looks modern, suitable for living in a climate of Africa, and reflective of the traditions and culture of Africa, it is a reflection of the essence of Africa. This house is suitable for large families. The local population but also people from other continents will choose this house

    Architecture and Architects of the Old and New St. Anna Church (Yekaterinburg)

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    На основе архивных документов реконструируется история строительства католического костела Святой Анны в Екатеринбурге. Атрибутируется авторство архитектора Р. И. Карвовского.There is a reconstruction of the history of the construction of St. Anna Roman Catholic Church in Yekaterinburg on the basis of archive documents. The authorship of the project is ascribed to R.I. Karvovsky

    Self-evaluation of the formation of common cultural competence

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    The article deals with the content of self-evaluation of common cultural competence and its resultsРассматриваются содержание самооценки сформированности общекультурных компетенций и ее результат

    Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach

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    Abstract. The article consists of two parts. Part I shows the possibility of quantum / soft computing optimizers of knowledge bases (QSCOptKB™) as the toolkit of quantum deep machine learning technology implementation in the solution’s search of intelligent cognitive control tasks applied the cognitive helmet as neurointerface. In particular, case, the aim of this part is to demonstrate the possibility of classifying the mental states of a human being operator in on line with knowledge extraction from electroencephalograms based on SCOptKB™ and QCOptKB™ sophisticated toolkit. Application of soft computing technologies to identify objective indicators of the psychophysiological state of an examined person described. The role and necessity of applying intelligent information technologies development based on computational intelligence toolkits in the task of objective estimation of a general psychophysical state of a human being operator shown. Developed information technology examined with special (difficult in diagnostic practice) examples emotion state estimation of autism children (ASD) and dementia and background of the knowledge bases design for intelligent robot of service use is it. Application of cognitive intelligent control in navigation of autonomous robot for avoidance of obstacles demonstrated.

    Voluntarios meteorológicos para los Juegos Olímpicos de Sochi de 2014

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    Belarusian intelligentia in propagandism activities of the german occupation authorities in 1941 -1944

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    Introduction. The article examines the phenomenon of the Belarusian intelligentsia in the conditions of the German occupation of the period 1941-1944. The author defines the types of interaction, motives, and political intentions of this social group in the conditions of war. Materials and methods. The territorial scope of the study is limited to the General District of Belarus, within which the head of the civil administration V. Kube pursued a policy of so-called "Belarusization", aimed, among other things, at attracting the local intellectual elite to interact with the occupation authorities. Representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia, who chose the path of collaboration, were guided by various motives. Its politically active part sought to implement the Belarusian national project under the Nazi protectorate, the embodiment of which would be the acquisition of sovereignty.Results. Representatives of this group actively participated in the activities of the German occupation authorities at various levels. And representatives of the Belarusian cultural elite saw in cooperation with the German authorities the possibility of creative self-realization in the national  language.Conclusion. In both cases, they were the main instrument of German propaganda in the district. Their ethnicity and fluency in the Belarusian language were an additional means of verifying the content of propaganda. For their part, representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia, who purposefully and consciously interacted with the German authorities, saw them as a means to achieve their own goals, hoping that in the conditions of the Nazi regime, the implementation of a national-state project is possible

    Method for phase boundary structure control of laminated materials; destruction process investigations of nanostructured coatings with predetermined phase boundary texture

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    New surface texturing method by means of microplasma coating deposition with the following etching of the coating was shown and described. The method of step by step microplasma texturing was proposed to control the phase boundary of laminated materials. Micrographs of nanostructured inorganic non-metallic coating surface were obtained and analyzed before and after mechanical deformation. The nature of cracks formation and growth was investigated

    Differences in global and standardized marketing campaigns

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    The impact of technogenesis and economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North Russia on the environmental status of the Yamal region

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    The article studies the issue of the protection of the land and the coastal part of the Kara Sea and the role of specially protected natural territories, trading posts of small indigenous peoples of the North (SIPN) located within the boundaries of the state biological reserve of regional importance Yamalskiy. It is shown that the consolidation of administrative and production resources and academic science in order to study the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the biogeocenosis of the Arctic and the sociogenesis of the peoples of the North will allow solving specific tasks of developing and using the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and preserving the ethnic and cultural development of the SIPN, protecting their original habitat and traditional lifestyle