39 research outputs found

    Approximate controllability for some integrodifferential measure driven system with nonlocal conditions

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    In this work, we focus on a specific category of nonlocal integrodifferential equations. The development of a few new sufficient postulates that guarantee solvability and approxi- mative controllability is described here. We apply the theory of the resolvent operator in the sense of Grimmer, as well as the fixed point strategy and the theory of the Lebesgue-Stieljes integral, in the context of the space of regulated functions. In light of this, the prevalence of our findings is greater than that which is found in the literature. At last, and example is comprised that exhibits the significance of developed theory

    Neutral stochastic delay partial functional integro-differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion

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    This paper deals with the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions to neutral stochastic delay functional integro-di erential equations perturbed by a fractional Brownian motion BH, with Hurst parameter H 2 ( 1 2; 1). We use the theory of resolvent operators developed in R.Grimmer [5] to show the existence of mild solutions. An example is provided to illustrate the results of this work

    Asymptotic behavior of neutral stochastic partial functional integro-differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion

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    This paper deals with the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of mild solutions to neutral stochastic delay functional integro-di erential equations perturbed by a fractional Brownian motion BH, with Hurst parameter H 2 ( 1 2 ; 1). The main tools for the existence of solution is a xed point theorem and the theory of resolvent operators developed in Grimmer [R. Grimmer, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 273 (1982), 333{349.], while a Gronwall-type lemma plays the key role for the asymptotic behavior. An example is provided to illustrate the results of this work

    Exponential behavior of solutions to stochastic integrodifferential equations with distributed delays

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    In this work, we study the existence, uniqueness, and exponential asymptotic behavior of mild solutions to stochastic integrodifferential delay evolution equations. We assume that the non-delay part generates a C0-semigroup

    Fixed points and exponential stability for stochastic partial integro–differential equations with delays

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    In this paper, we study the existence and asymptotic stability in the pth-moment of mild solutions of nonlinear impulsive stochastic partial functional integro-differential equations with delays. We suppose that the linear part possesses a resolvent operator in the sense given by Grimmer in [9] , and the nonlinear terms are assumed to be Lipschitz continuous. A fixed point approach is used to achieve the required result. An example is provided to illustrate the abstract results in this work

    Asymptotic behaviour of mild solution of nonlinear stochastic partial functional equations

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    This paper presents conditions to assure existence, uniqueness and stability for impulsive neutral stochastic integrodifferential equations with delay driven by Rosenblatt process and Poisson jumps. The Banach fixed point theorem and the theory of resolvent operator developed by Grimmer [R.C. Grimmer, Resolvent operators for integral equations in a Banach space, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 273(1):333–349, 1982] are used. An example illustrates the potential benefits of these results

    Existence and exponential stability for neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with impulses driven by a Rosenblatt process

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    The existence and uniqueness of mild solution of an impulsive stochastic system driven by a Rosenblatt process is analyzed in this work by using the Banach fixed point theorem and the theory of resolvent operator developed by R. Grimmer in R. Grimmer, Resolvent operators for integral equations in a Banach space, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 273 (1982), 333–349. Furthermore, the exponential stability in mean square for the mild solution to neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with Rosenblatt process is obtained by establishing an integral inequality. Finally, an example is exhibited to illustrate the abstract theory

    Présentations inhabituelles d’un syndrome de Plummer-Vinson chez l’africain de race noire: à propos de deux observations

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    Le syndrome de Plummer Vinson (SPV) est une affection rare caractérisée par une dysphagie cervicale  associée à une anémie ferriprive et un anneau sur l’oesophage supérieur. Parfois, son mode de   présentation inhabituelle peut faire errer le diagnostic. Le rétrécissement annulaire peut être de découverte fortuite lors d’une endoscopie digestive haute. Nous rapportons deux observations de  syndrome de Plummer-Vinson chez des sujets de genre masculin et féminin. Celles-ci ont comme point  commun une découverte fortuite lors d’une endoscopie digestive haute. La première observation   concernait un garçon de 14 ans aux antécédents de brûlure caustique de l’oesophage dans l’enfance avec  dysphagie haute passagère ne l’inquiétant pas depuis lors. Il était reçu en urgence pour une endoscopie  digestive haute motivée par une dysphagie de survenue brutale secondaire à une prise d’aliment solide.  L’examen clinique avait objectivé une chéilite angulaire. La biologie montrait un abaissement de la  ferritinémie sans anémie. L’endoscopie avait mis en évidence un anneau circulaire franchi avec ressaut au niveau de la bouche de Killian. Elle avait également permis l’extraction d’un corps étranger à type de noyau de « pain de singe » mais la lumière de l’oesophage était infranchissable à partir du niveau d’arrêt. Le transit oesophagien montrait un ralentissement du produit de contraste au niveau de l’sophage cervical et thoracique sans lésions morphologiques. Dans la deuxième observation, il s’agissait d’une jeune femme de 35 ans adressée à l unité d’endoscopie digestive pour objectiver une gastrite atrophique sur une suspicion de la maladie de Biermer. La fibroscopie mettait alors en évidence, un rétrécissement annulaire infranchissable à 18 centimètres des arcades dentaires. La biologie montrait une anémie avec   augmentation de la ferritinémie. Dans les deux cas, le traitement martial était systématique associé à des séances de dilatation aux bougies de Savary-Gilliar. L’évolution à court terme était favorable avec une amélioration de la dysphagie et une correction des anomalies biologiques. La dysphagie passagère peut  faire errer le diagnostic d’un syndrome de Plummer-Vinson. Son association soit avec une sténose  caustique de l sophage soit avec une maladie de Biermer est possible. Le risque de dégénérescence accru devrait motiver une surveillance rapprochée.Key words: Plummer Vinson, dysphagie, brulure caustique, maladie de Bierme

    Existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions for neutral stochastic partial integrodifferential equations with infinite delays

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    In this work we study the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of mild solutions for neutral stochastic partial integrodifferential equations with infinite delays. To prove the results, we use the theory of resolvent operators as developed by R. Grimmer [12] R. Grimmer. Resolvent operators for integral equations in a banach space. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 273(1): 333-349, 1982, as well as a version of the fixed point principle. We establish sufficient conditions ensuring that the mild solutions are exponentially stable in pth-moment. An example is provided to illustrate the abstract results.Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadConsejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (Junta de Andalucía